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Our Mission for 2022

Sing to the Lord; praise his name.
Each day proclaim the good news that he saves.
Publish his glorious deeds among the nations.
Tell everyone about the amazing things he does.
Psalm 96:2-3

In this issue:

Check out what's coming up at BSBC from July 27 to Aug. 27.

  1. New Members

  2. Have You Thought About Becoming a Member of BSBC?

  3. Oasis & You

  4. Giving Update

  5. Social Action Team

  6. NextGen Ministries @ BSBC (Opportunities for Children & Youth)

  7. Worship Sunday Morning, July 31

  8. Anniversary Party

  9. Your Church Library

  10. Pastoral Staff Vacations Summer 2022

  11. Community News

  12. This Week @ BSBC

1. New Members

I’m so happy to introduce you to THREE new members of our church family. TWO of them should be familiar faces and the other, for many, may be someone new to get to know. Membership is something that we invite you to consider if have not taken the step to become a full member of the Brunswick Street family.

Pastor Greg

Meet Joel Trail

Who I Am

Child of God, Aubrey and Diane Trail
Brother of Krista Burlock/Brother-in-law of AJ Burlock
Graduate of Atlantic Baptist University (Communications Studies with a minor in Religious Studies)
Finished UNB Business Classes
Personal Support Worker (home care and small care homes)
Green Energy and Environmental Sustainability Consultant (owner of a fully electric vehicle)
I qualify as a….Pastor's, Missionary, and Third Culture Kid

Connection to BSBC

I’ve been attending for about 5 years, starting with intervarsity small groups. I’ve been part of various young adult groups and Bible studies which led to me becoming friends with Adam Savard and Jon & Alyse Wilton. I serve by running slides/screens, cameras and Facebook at the Contemporary Service. My sister recently became a member. I was aware of BSBC’s work in the region and through global service partners and reputation for solid Biblical teaching.

The Future

I want to advocate with the Board of Management for BSBC to become sustainable with 2050 net zero carbon goals. For example, a professional energy audit of building use, and set aside funds to create our own price and equivalent benefits for each committee to lower emissions.


In August I’ll be doing a 10-week business internship with a counselling center in Saint John. I’m open to moving for long term work as needed. I would like to set up a Men’s Ministry and a small group to discuss why and how everyone is affected by climate change and global warming, and how it is an essential part of every ministry.

“Meet” Pastor Nikki Leftley

I was born and raised in southern Ontario and came to New Brunswick in October of last year to begin working at Brunswick Street as your Next Generation Pastor.

I came to faith in my teen years. God worked through a couple of members of my family and a couple of members of the church I was later to attend. Through these interactions during a tough time in my teen years, I could feel the Holy Spirit working in these lives and through them as they spoke to me. Humility, grace, and love poured out of them. I later began to ask questions, joined a youth group, and became very involved in other ministries at this local church in Barrie, Ontario. People within this church also stepped up and took on a mentorship/discipleship role with me. Later on, knowing the impact that youth group and youth ministry had on me and my friends, I joined the youth leadership team. I also became involved in other areas at the church, working with the youth and children and serving on the worship team.

I am very excited to grow and lead the Next Generation at BSBC and to encourage growth in the strength of the church body. I am excited to share life with the congregation and encourage organic relationships to form within the congregation, especially with those in the Next Generation population. I am very excited about the friendliness of the East Coast, the welcoming nature that comes with it, and I see this as a wonderful foundational block in building up the church family and body of Christ.“Meet” Pastor Ross Watters

Hello Church Family!

Pastor Ross here, your Community Connections Pastor since October 2021. I was brought up in and around Edinburgh, Scotland and am married to Fiona (Fi) and have 3 daughters, Eden (8), Ariel (4) and Zion (1) and a dog named Cav.

At 15 years old my best friend tricked me into attending a Christian camp. For the first time, I heard about Jesus, His love for me and what that could mean. The Youth Pastor then prayed for me to be filled with the Holy Spirit and I have never been the same!

After some formative years at youth group and being discipled, I signed up for a sports ministry gap year with ‘Youth for Christ’. I enjoyed ministry so much and after much prayer and consideration, as a family we felt called to fulltime ministry. So I studied youth and community work with applied theology at the International Christian College, graduating in 2010. During my degree, I started as Youth Pastor at Gorebridge Parish Church on the outskirts of Edinburgh. Over 13 years we saw the ministry grow from under 5 young people to over 100 and the addition of 2 full time staff members, 2 student ministers and a partnership with a Bible college.

We made the move to Fredericton after numerous ‘God moments’ and are so excited to be serving and part of the family at BSBC.

As a family we always work to share life, grow relationships and love those around as Jesus calls us. Our hope for our ministry at BSBC is to see depth of relationship develop between you and your Saviour AND also between each other as brothers and sisters in Christ. We long to see us become a community of belonging and Christian love, see our communities around us invited in and changed, too, by the same Jesus that saved us.

2. Have You Thought About Becoming a Member of BSBC?

The first step to membership is asking Jesus to be your Saviour and Lord. If this step seems unclear to you, please speak with one of the pastors or a mature friend who is a believer in Jesus, so that we can have the privilege of sharing with you how much Jesus loves you, how he died for you and how he has an amazing plan for your life. Becoming a ‘believer’ in Jesus is the first step toward church membership.

Baptism by immersion (being fully immersed under the water as we imagine Jesus was when he was baptized in the Jordan River) is the second step toward membership. If Jesus is your Saviour and Lord and you haven’t been baptized, consider following Jesus’ invitation to all believers to do so. Baptism by immersion is a way for you to let others know that you plan to live for Jesus. Because it’s a public event, some are reluctant to take this step. Before you rule it out, talk with one of the pastors about what baptism means and how it could be a great blessing in your life. We are planning services of baptism for the fall.

If Jesus is your Lord and Saviour and you’ve been baptized by immersion, please consider making a commitment to the BSBC church family by becoming a full member. This means, that you are making a formal commitment to being part of the family which allows you to serve in a variety of specific ways and to engage with other members in voting on how we do ministry in Jesus’ name. In return, those already members welcome you and promise to support you and encourage you in your faith. Reach out to the church office or one of the pastors to consider becoming a member and helping us discern where God is leading us in 2022!

Pastor Greg

3. Oasis & You

It’s that time of the year where we begin to invite members of our church family to considering attending as BSBC delegates, our denomination’s annual OASIS gathering, this year in Wolfville, Nova Scotia.

This is what we have to say about this year's Oasis

We’re thrilled to share that Oasis 2022 will be held at Acadia University on August 11-13, 2022. We’re also excited to announce that the price for regular registration (adults, kids, & youth) is FREE. This is supported in part by a generous grant from the Atlantic Baptist Foundation.

Our CBAC family can expect a joyous gathering—long overdue—as we celebrate our shared mission together as a denominational family. We’ll worship together, share updates, discuss and vote on family business, and enjoy fellowship. In addition to the main schedule of activities, we’ll be facilitating special events alongside our partner organizations, as well as fun and engaging programs for Oasis Kids and Oasis Youth.

What does a BSBC delegate do at Oasis?

The focus of Oasis is on joyful worship and personally encouraging opportunities to know more about who “we” as at Canadian Baptists of Atlantic Canada – the family to which BSBC belongs. You’ll hear from our leadership and be encouraged by what God is doing through our family of churches in Atlantic Canada and beyond. Business meetings are kept to a minimum but you would represent our church in decision-making for our family of churches by voting on issues from our corporate financial budget for 2022-2023 to managing our corporate ministries. You’ll be our ‘voice’ at these meetings. Please note that you have to be a member of BSBC to be a delegate at Oasis.


As has been stated there is no registration cost for Oasis 2022. To help with expenses, BSBC will provide a bursary to help cover your costs. It is possible to stay on the Acadia campus for lodging. Information on housing and meals can be found on the event website.

Want to know more?

Contact Pastor Greg ( or the church office.

We need you

It would be wonderful for you to serve in this way and act as a bridge between our denomination and BSBC. A bridge that goes both ways. We’d look forward to you sharing your experiences when you return. Thank you for prayerfully considering serving as a delegate.

Pastor Greg

4. Giving Update

Our Treasurer, Ken Reimer, provides this latest update on our financial stewardship. All members of our church family are encouraged to consider what we each can do to help us reach our financial goals. Did you know that you can give through a monthly direct deposit or e-transfer in addition to cheques and cash? We would be happy to provide you with a box of dated offering envelopes if you’d like to give with cash or cheque. Please contact the church office for details. To explore the options, please visit our website's ‘giving’ section.

5. The Muffin Drive Is Back

Muffins are distributed every Sunday night by our Street Ministry team. We are seeking to re-stock our muffin supply with three dozen muffins for each week’s ministry.

Here are the details:

  • To avoid an over-stocking of the freezer we're looking for just 3 dozen muffins delivered to the standing freezer in the main kitchen by Sunday of each week

  • Please wrap each muffin individually in clingwrap or place it in a baggie before bringing them to the church (it’s so much easier to access the frozen muffins and more sanitary to serve them when individually wrapped)

  • Please put (1) your name, (2) the date and (3) STREET MINISTRY on the bag in which you put the wrapped muffins to bring them to the freezer

To ensure that we get a fresh supply each week, you are invited to click the link below and fill your name in by the week or weeks in which you will provide a dozen muffins. OR, for that person-to-person interaction, feel free to call the church office at 458-8348 and your information will be taken and added to the plan.

6. NextGen Events

High School Youth Group Paintball, Tonight, 5 – 7 p.m.

We welcome our high schoolers to join us tomorrow! For the location, you are going to want to go south from Doak Road, right turn onto Flanigan, and drive until the road ends, and where you can park; if you would like more thorough directions or have any questions, please email pastor Nikki at

Youth Water Day, Thursday, 6:30 – 8:30 p.m. at Wilmot Park

We will be meeting just off of the splash pad! Youth are encouraged to wear something they do not mind getting wet and to bring a towel with them! We will be doing water challenges/games!

We look forward to having all of our youth out to this event. Friends are welcome and encouraged to come out!

AV-IT Volunteer Opportunity

Please contact me if any of our young people would like to volunteer with the AV-IT. We would love to have them serve in this area! Also, thinking forward to the fall, if there is an area in which your youth or you as a parent would like to get involved in the larger BSBC community, please contact me. We would love to see where you and your youth can use your gifts and talents within the larger church body to serve God!

Please be praying for our young people during the summer!

7. Sunday Morning Worship: July 31

Continuing with missionary guests, this Sunday, July 31, we look forward to Deacon Charlie Ritchie taking the pulpit to share what he witnessed of the Spirit’s work in the lives of believers in Vietnam. Charlie will be ministering in both services, and we know we’ll be inspired in terms of our faith to expect more of what God has for us in Fredericton.

In the gym, Jon Wilton and the team will be leading in worship, while in the sanctuary, Gloria Tranquilla will be accompanying the service, which will include a ladies’ vocal ensemble and soloist Alexandra Dunfield.

8. Anniversary Party

We're celebrating Ralph and Shirley's 50th Wedding Anniversary!

You are cordially invited to an open house planned for Saturday, Aug. 27 from 1 to 3 p.m. to help the Graves celebrate this wonderful golden anniversary. We would love to have you stop in and join us for some light refreshments and cake. Best wishes only, please.

Date: Saturday, Aug. 27
Time: 1 to 3 p.m.
Location: BSBC

In the event you are not able to attend we would still love for you to be a part of their day. Feel free to send a message, story, or favourite memory to

9. Church Library 

Our church is blessed with a great library! It has everything from children's books, Bible studies, all types of fiction, and large print. Stop in and take a look! We're open every Sunday after the services.

Please check for overdue books at home if you have used the library. Books can be returned to the locked box outside the library whenever the church is open. If you've borrowed books and cannot return them, please call Sharon at 450-7878.

10. Upcoming Pastoral Staff Vacations

Your Board of Deacons provides the following report about the vacation/leave plans of our pastoral team:

Pastor Greg has begun his second month of vacation as of Tuesday, July 26, returning to ministry on Monday, Aug. 22. 

Pastor Nikki will enjoy a further time of vacation starting on Sunday, Aug. 14 returning to ministry on Sunday, Aug. 28 

11. Community News

Summer Music Series at Christ Church Cathedral

The Summer Music Series at Christ Church Cathedral will present nine noontime concerts, held each Friday from 12:10 p.m. until August 26.

All welcome! Free admission, donations are welcome. Proceeds will support the Organ Renovation Fund. Details at

Fredericton Kiwanis Youth Choir

The Fredericton Kiwanis Youth Choir is an auditioned treble choir for all youth in the Fredericton region (grades 4 - 12). We aim to give young people the opportunity to perform beautiful choral music together under the direction of musical professionals. Our inaugural season will begin in September 2022. We will perform a full range of choral repertoire, including sacred and secular, classical and contemporary, Canadian and world music. All sopranos and altos (girls, as well as boys before their voices change) are invited to apply.

Tuition is $200 for the year, and scholarships are available on the basis of financial need. Applications are open at For more information, check us out on Facebook @frederictonyouthchoir or reach out with your questions to

12. This Week at BSBC: July 27 to Aug. 3

Church Office Summer Hours: 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Please note: FLC stands for Family Life Centre.

Wednesday, July 27
12:00 Men’s Basketball (Gym)
5:00 High School Youth Event (Paintball)
6:30 Vocal Ensemble (Sanctuary And Choir Room)

Thursday, July 28
9:00 Benevolent Ministry (By Appointment)
6:30 Summer Youth Group (Youth Water Day @ Wilmot Park)

Friday, July 29
12:00 Men’s Basketball (Gym)
7:00 Mandarin Fellowship (Barnabas Centre And KidzTown)

Saturday, July 30
9:00 Gym Set-Up (Gym)
1:00 Worship Team Practice (Gym)

Sunday, July 31
6:00 Mandarin Prayer Meeting (Boardroom Over Main Kitchen)
10:15 Preschool/KidzTown (First Floor And KidzTown, FLC)
10:30 Contemporary Service (Gym)
10:30 Mandarin Worship Service (Third Floor Assembly, FLC)
10:30 Traditional Worship Service (Sanctuary)

Monday, August 1
Church Offices Closed

Tuesday, August 2
12:00 Mandarin Prayer Meeting (Boardroom Over Main Kitchen)
1:30 Quilters for Missions (Quilting Room)
6:30 Sports Friends (Wilmot Park)
7:00 Fresh Start (Gym & Third Floor Assembly Area, FLC)

Wednesday, August 3
12:00 Men’s Basketball (Gym)


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