About Brunswick Street Baptist Church

Our Mission Statement: “Experience the love of Jesus. Live it out everywhere”


Why we’re here

TO HONOUR GOD by connecting with Him in worship.

TO EQUIP PEOPLE TO SERVE by connecting them to God’s mission through diverse avenues of discipleship.

TO BUILD CARING RELATIONSHIPS by connecting to each other in the fellowship of Christ’s body.

TO POINT PEOPLE TO CHRIST by connecting with them through evangelism.

Church Covenant

Having been led, as we believe, to accept Jesus Christ as our Saviour, and on a profession of our faith, having been baptized in the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, we do now solemnly and joyfully covenant with one another: That, aided by the Holy Spirit, we will walk together in brotherly love, with Christian sympathy and kindness; exercise a Christian care and watchfulness over one another, and tenderly and faithfully admonish and help as may be needful; walk circumspectly in the world; be just in our dealings; faithful in our engagements; cultivate Christian sympathy in feeling and courtesy in speech; participate in one another’s joys;

bear one another’s burdens and sorrows; be slow to take offence and always ready for reconciliation; That we will not neglect the services of the Church, and will habitually observe secret prayer and the reading of the Scriptures, earnestly seeking therein the help of the Holy Spirit. That we will strive for the advancement of this Church in all its spiritual and temporal interests, and will sustain its worship, ordinances, discipline, and doctrines; that according to our ability, we will contribute regularly to its support and ministries, particularly in the spread of the Gospel at home and abroad;

and that we will endeavor to lead to Christ our friends and acquaintances. That we will co-operate with other Churches and Christian agencies in the fight against all organized and unorganized evils. That in case of removal from this place we will, as soon as possible, unite with some other Church where we can carry out the spirit of this Covenant; And through life, amidst evil report and good report, we will seek to live to the Glory of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Visit Us

161 York Street
Fredericton, NB E3B 3N8

8:30 am - 4:00 pm

(506) 458-8348


Meet Our Team

Rev. Ross Watters, Lead Pastor


Rev. Ross Watters

Ross became our Lead Pastor in October 2024, after serving as our Community Connection Pastor since October 2021. He is originally from Edinburgh, Scotland. He completed his degree at the International Christian College in Glasgow, Scotland and served in many youth ministry roles, with the longest of these being Gorebridge Parish Church, just outside Edinburgh, where he served as Youth Pastor for 13 years.

Ross is married to Fiona and they have three beautiful daughters, Eden, Ariel, and Zion, as well as a miniature English Bull Terrier called Cav. Ross’s hobbies are listening to music, most sports but predominantly soccer, basketball, running and playing pool.

Ross is passionate about relationships, he desires to see people discipled and then released to live the way Jesus calls them to in their current life circumstances, wherever they are and whatever they are doing, to learn what it means to love Jesus and live for Him today!

Dr. Keith Bodner, Preaching Pastor

Dr. Keith Bodner, Preaching Pastor

Dr. Keith Bodner

Keith Bodner first preached at BSBC in 2005, and is honored by the opportunity to join the leadership team. He serves as Professor of Religious Studies at Crandall University, and among his recent books are After the Invasion: A Reading of Jeremiah 40-44 (Oxford University Press, 2015) and The Theology of the Book of Kings (Cambridge University Press, 2019).

His first date with Coreen was a Vancouver Canucks vs. New York Rangers hockey game…the Canucks lost the game, but he won the girl, and they will be celebrating their 30th wedding anniversary at some point down the road. He would like to acquire a "Cybertruck" with unbreakable windows, but figures it is wise to celebrate the anniversary first...!

Rev. Kevin Culberson, BSBC Sanctuary Ministry Coordinator


Rev. Kevin Culberson

Kevin has been a member of BSBC since 2010. During his pastoral ministry years (1979-2009), he served churches in Saint John, NB, Murray Harbour, PE and Fredericton. His later ministry years were focused on counselling in the Greater Fredericton area. In his retirement, he currently serves as the Sanctuary Ministry Coordinator on a part-time basis to assist with planning Sanctuary Worship Services and providing pastoral care. He works closely with the pastoral team to support the needs presented by the congregation. As well, he provides pastoral care to those who are in hospital.

He is married to Ruth (Webber) and they have three living children residing within the province. Their seven grandchildren are a delightful addition to the family.

Life is a “Journey” filled with many experiences, relationships and lessons. Walking with God has brought Kevin through many situations to discover the Truth of God. In all, knowing His presence has brought a peace that allows Him to continue the journey with calm reliance on God’s leadership. God is good!

Pastor Nikki Leftley, NextGen Pastor


Pastor Nikki Leftley

Nikki has been serving as our Next Generation Pastor at Brunswick Street since October 2021, where she has been working closely with our youth and children. She is deeply passionate about witnessing Jesus’ work in the lives of young people, guiding and encouraging them to live fully for Christ.

As a natural people person, Nikki loves connecting with others, so if you see her around, be sure to say hello and introduce yourself! She is always eager to meet new faces and is committed to serving and supporting our Next Generation.

Pastor Changbin Tian, Pastor to the Chinese Congregation | cbtian@gmail.com

Pastor Changbin Tian, Pastor to the Chinese Congregation


Pastor Changbin Tian

Changbin Tian is the first full-time pastor to our Chinese congregation, but he’s not new to BSBC. Hailing from a village in northern China, he attended university in Qingdao City which led him to work in international trade. While excelling in business, Changbin was given a Bible to read as a “mystical writing.” But this gift, coupled with a connection to a local Christian church, were part of his coming to faith in Jesus Christ.

In 2010, the family immigrated to New Brunswick and took up residence in Fredericton. The following years saw some traveling to China, connection with BSBC’s Chinese congregation AND Changbin’s discernment of a call to ministry.

In 2017, the family left for Toronto where Changbin entered The Chinese Canadian School of Theology, graduating in the spring of 2020 and accepting the call to pastor our Chinese congregation in July that same year.

We’re thrilled to have Changbin as part of our team with the added bonus of fellowship with his wife, Jian Zhang and children Elaine, Leon and Ryan. Changbin loves sharing his faith with others and looks forward to growing with the members of both the English and Chinese congregations at BSBC. 


Doug McAllister, Benevolent Co-odinator & Senior Visitation Pastor

Doug McAllister

Our church family is grateful for Doug’s willingness to engage in ministry in our community. Deacon Doug McAllister is a leader in our Benevolent and Senior Care Ministries.

Each week Doug meets with members of our downtown and wider community who require basic living necessities that many of us take for granted. He also leads our Seniors Visitation Ministry by visiting seniors, and overseeing church services at various Senior Residences and Special Care Homes in the city.

Doug has many years of experience serving our community and is pleased to be part of BSBC ministering to those in need.

Janet Mitchell

Janet Mitchell, Administrative Assistant | bsbc@bsbc.nb.ca

Janet Mitchell, Office Administrator


Janet has been serving at Brunswick Street Baptist Church since 2010. She began her journey here as our receptionist and currently serves as our Office Administrator. A passionate animal lover, Janet also contributes to her local community as the organist and choir director.

We are deeply grateful for her dedication and all that she does. Please feel free to stop by the office to say hello and engage with her—she’s always happy to help and answer any questions you may have.

Naomi Phillips

Naomi Phillips, Receptionist | receptionist@bsbc.nb.ca

Naomi Phillips, Ministry Administrator & Bookeeper


Naomi has been a dedicated member of the team at Brunswick Street Baptist Church since October 24, 2019, and you’ll often find her in one of our front offices.

She’s the go-to person for any questions—she almost always has the answer, and when she doesn’t, she’s quick to find a solution. Naomi is known for her friendly, approachable nature, strong drive, and infectious positivity.

If you're ever in the area, don’t hesitate to drop by and say hello!

Elizabeth Beaton

Ellie Beaton, Administrative and Social Media Assistant


Ellie has been serving with us at Brunswick Street Baptist Church since June 2024, as our Administrative and Social Media Assistant. She is currently in her fourth year of Kinesiology at UNB with aspirations to pursue a PhD in Chiropractic following graduation.

Ellie is passionate about physical fitness, faith, and exploring new experiences. She is welcoming and approachable so feel free to reach out and say hello!

Samuel Essel

Sam Essel, Children’s Ministry Coordinator


Sam has been attending Brunswick Street Baptist Church since 2021. In September of 2024, Sam joined our staff team as our Children’s Ministry Coordinator serving our elementary and preschool aged children.

Sam is a fourth-year Bachelor of Arts student at UNB. He is passionate about sports, especially football (Soccer). He is always up to date on the games and the score.

He has a heart for children’s ministry, and is excited about sharing his faith in Jesus Christ and witnessing our children growing in their own faith.