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Growing Faith, Friends & Families to Serve
In this issue:
Christmas Thank You
Welcome to Level 2 Restrictions
Preschool Ministry for January
KidzTown Ministry Returns This Sunday
Combined Service for Sunday, January 2
Returning to Sermon Series on January 9
Financial Gifts for 2021
Call for Annual Reports for 2021
Your Offering Envelopes Are Ready
Household Items Needed
Muffin Support for Our Street Ministry
This Week @ BSBC
1. A Christmas Thank You
We have completed our Advent journey to Christmas. Yet, I hope you are still embracing the peace, love, joy and presence of God in your life and mine — which is the message of Christmas: Emmanuel, God with us.
I would very much like to provide you a list of those who deserve your thanks for their roles in bringing to life the services, ministries and ‘projects of love’ that were part of the month of Advent. But that would be a very long list and would include individual names into the hundreds.
Through this month, I have been amazed at the willingness of members of our faith family to serve in a myriad of ways. I believe the health of a congregation is seen in the willingness of its members to invest in the life of the fellowship. So, thank you to each one who served in the spotlight or behind the scenes. And if I may, the behind the scenes folks make it possible for a community beyond our walls to join with us.
To each servant of Jesus let me share words from the book of Ruth: "May the Lord, the God of Israel, under whose wings you have come to take refuge, reward you fully for what you have done.” (Ruth 2:12, NLT)
And a message for all of us: Christmas might be over, but He never changes.
In closing, I'd like to share with you the words of Debbie McDaniel from her online devotion, “A Prayer for Hope When Christmas is Over.”
The manger is empty and so is the tomb. Jesus didn't stay there, He's alive today, our Emmanuel, "God with us." Whatever you might be facing, don't ever doubt His great love for you. He sees you and He cares. He made a way for us to be free. And that truth puts all the joy and "Merry" in Christmas and the New Year too. We still have such reason to celebrate, we still have great reason for joy, today, and every day. For He is with us.
With a heart of thankfulness,
Pastor Greg
2. Welcome to Level 2 Restrictions at BSBC
Since 11:59 p.m. on Monday, Dec. 27, our province has moved to new restrictions. As far as life at BSBC is concerned, at this point I will only comment on our plans for the combined service on Sunday, Jan. 2 as I anticipate that church leadership will be meeting to make decisions about how we will be offering worship gatherings in the gym and sanctuary — beginning on Jan. 9. Also, I’m sure we will receive helpful information from our denomination as they work with Public Health on our behalf.
So, for the combined service on Sunday, Jan. 2, you can anticipate:
being masked at all times (it is not permissible to be seated and lower your mask below your nose, masking requires your mouth and nose to be covered at all times — thank you)
no congregational singing
no choirs or vocal ensembles
as is permissible, we will make use of one singer at a time, to be distanced 4 meters from the congregation
we are back to social-distancing at 2m which will require re-taping the sanctuary to allow 2 empty pews between available pews
maximum seating in the sanctuary on Jan. 2 will be 150 persons
for this coming Sunday, we will not go back to the reservation system but will check people off the current list of those fully vaccinated as they enter/numbering each name to ensure we do not go over the limit
proof of double vaccination continues to be required for entry
Thank you for anticipating these approaches as we gather. If we struggle in any one area, it would be people taking personal responsibility for social-distancing between those NOT in their “Steady 10.” Please don’t anticipate that others are not concerned about this precaution if it not something particularly important to you. Please offer your consideration to those you meet coming into the sanctuary and leaving. Thank you.
As you wrestle with the question of attending in-person services, let me remind you that you should consider your personal vulnerabilities when making that decision. It is certainly wonderful to see faces in the pews — but, thanks to our wonderful technical team, there is an online offering for every service.
Finally, each day, please make the Covid situation a matter of prayer, as it relates to BSBC, our province, country and world. In our congregation we continue to have a lot of people in education, healthcare, first responders and other essential services who are on the ‘front-line’ of the pandemic. Prayer for wisdom and divine protection is something each of us can do to address the current reality. We’ve just finished a season focus on “Hope Rekindled” and I trust that standing on Jesus we can look into 2022 with holy hope.
Every blessing,
Pastor Greg
3. Sunday Preschool Takes a January Hiatus
Dear Parents,
In light of (1) a recent exposure in our Sunday preschool ministry, (2) the current Covid situation in the province, (3) the fact that all preschoolers are not able to receive vaccination at this time, and that (4) our preschool caregivers from the Education Committee, for a variety of reasons, are not able to adequately staff the ministry in January, the plan is to suspend Sunday preschool classes through the month of January.
However, this will be revisited by the Education Committee at their first meeting of 2022, Monday, Jan. 10 and an update will be issued in the Wednesday, Jan. 12 newsletter.
In the meantime, if you are a parent or a former member of our children’s ministry team and are willing to volunteer for preschool ministry in January, please use the link below to let the Ed Committee know of your willingness as this will be a part of their decision making on Jan. 10.
Thank you for your understanding and prayerful consideration of preschool ministry at BSBC.
Your Education Committee & Greg Geldart, Lead Pastor
4. KidzTown Ministry Continues
Through the faithfulness of our KidzTown Team (Tina Franca, Yewande Akalusi, Sarah Williams), we will continue to offer Sunday KidzTown ministry for children Kindergarten to Grade 5 starting at 10:15 a.m. and running through worship time.
Children will remain masked and be socially-distanced between groups of children who are part of a “Steady 10” family group. Our team will be vigilant in following all the established protocols.
Please pray for this ministry as it continues, beginning again this Sunday, Jan. 9.
5. Worship Details for Sunday, Jan. 2, 2022
Our 208th anniversary will be celebrated in a Combined Service in the Sanctuary at 10:30 a.m. on Jan. 2. As we step into God’s 2022, we’ll gather at the Lord’s Table where Pastor Greg will share a devotional on consecration as we seek to consecrate ourselves to living for Jesus in this new year of His grace. Musical gifts for this service will be led by Alexandra & Erik Dunfield and Ufuoma, Rukeme and Rotimi Akalusi – following all COVID-19 guidelines.
Please note: This article originally mentioned a baptism. This has been moved to a later date due COVID-19 restrictions.
6. Returning to Ongoing Sermon Series
After the Christmas break, starting on Jan. 9, we’ll be re-engaging with our ongoing sermon series. In the gym, Dr. Keith will offer another 3 week installment of his Turning a New Leaf Series. In the sanctuary, Pastor Greg (9th), Deacon Charlie (16th) and Pastor Ross (23rd) will continue the Unleashing the Church series with messages from the book of Ephesians. On Jan. 30, our guests will be a team from Teen Challenge. That’s the plan. Thank you for engaging with us in consideration of God’s Word.
7. Bereavement
David Peterson
Please be in prayer for Shirley Graves and family on the death of her brother, David Peterson of Fredericton. Dave passed away at the DECH on Friday, Dec. 24. In addition to Shirley, Ralph and Chris Graves, Dave was a cousin to Nancy Hughey. Please pray for his wife, France, and Dave’s adult children David, Kirsta, Bradley, Sebastian, Victoria and their families as, together, they journey through the ‘valley of the shadow’.
Betty Haines
We are also sad to learn of the passing of long-time BSBC member, Betty Haines, who passed away on Monday, Dec. 27 at Hospice Fredericton. In addition to being a member of Brunswick St. Baptist Church, Betty was also a Life Member of Atlantic Baptist Women.
There will be no visitation or service, burial will take place at a later date. Please consider the needs of Betty’s family in prayer. This includes her three sons: Edward Haines (Thelma Dunfield), Randy Haines (Cathy) and Harry Haines. The full obituary can be found here.
Jesus said, “Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.”
Matthew 5:4
8. Financial Gifts for 2021
In order for your giving to be counted as a 2021 donation, please note the following deadlines:
In-person (Church Office): THIS Friday Dec. 31 at noon
eTransfer: THIS Friday, Dec. 31 at midnight
Please consider your part to reach our 2021 budget targets. I am hopeful we can end the year in a surplus position that will provide a strong financial base for the exciting ministries planned for 2022.
Ken Reimer, Treasurer
P.S. Due to Sunday the 26th falling in the midst of Christmas, we are unable to provide a financial report for that Sunday. We’ll update you in next week’s newsletter. Thank you.
9. Call For Annual Reports
Don’t forget that all Annual Reports are due before Friday, Jan. 7! Please be considerate of this deadline. Report information can be emailed directly to the church office at or dropped off at the office in typewritten form, if possible. Thank you.
If you are the chairperson, secretary or leader in a specific ministry we count on you to make sure your submission is sent in. Now’s a good time to ‘talk among yourselves!’ Thanks so much!
10. Your Offering Envelopes Are Ready
The usual boxes of envelopes for systematic giving can be found in your mailbox in the gym foyer. If you would like us to mail these to you, please contact the church office (458-8348). If you have not had a box of envelopes, dated Sunday by Sunday, we’d be happy to get these to you. Again, simply contact the church office.
11. Household Items Are Needed
THANKS to those who have signed up to help this family move from being homeless to a new, secure and affordable location. SUN-Lite is a partnership between Smythe Street, Brunswick Street and Grace Memorial Churches to provide support for a year to those moving from homelessness. Doug McAllister and Heather Topple-McAllister are supporting one such person through this program.
The challenge with the family indicated below was finding a location that would meet their family needs and be affordable for the long haul. We praise God for his provision of the home. Now, comes the practical needs for living in their new location. With Christmas just past, it might be that you are updating some housing items with new things. Your current things may be just what we need. Please click on the link below and explore the list. You can bring your donation to the church office and we’ll get it passed on.
Pastor Greg
Merry Christmas Smythe Street Church, Brunswick Street Baptist, and Grace Memorial!!
Very exciting news! Our 3rd SUN-Lite family is transitioning from homelessness into their new home next week. There are many household starter items that they still need. This is a great way to show God's very present love to this young couple who are expecting a baby in the coming weeks.
Please review the available slots below and click on the button to sign up. For any bigger items, we will call and arrange pick up details. For smaller items, please bring to the main office of your home church.
Thank you!
Jill Kozak (Smythe Street Church)
12. Support The Street Ministry: Muffin Drive
Do you like to make muffins? Muffins are distributed every night and you can sign up to bake one of four dozen muffins that are needed each week. We are seeking three dozen muffins for each week’s ministry. Here are the details:
we’d like to avoid an over-stocking of the freezer by having just 3 dozen muffins delivered to the standing freezer in the main kitchen by SUNDAY of each week
we’d ask that ‘muffin makers’ wrap each muffin individually in clingwrap or placed it in a baggie before bringing them to the church (it’s so much easier to access the frozen muffins and more sanitary to serve them when individually wrapped)
please put (1) your name, (2) the date and (3) STREET MINISTRY on the bag in which you put the wrapped muffins to bring them to the freezer
To ensure that we get a fresh supply each week, you are invited to click the link below and fill your name in by the week or weeks in which you will provide a dozen muffins. OR, for that person-to-person interaction, feel free to call the church office at 458-8348 and your information will be taken and added to the plan.
If you have any questions about this ministry or ideas of other ways you might get involved, please contact Susan Howey at
Thank you for continuing to bless some of Fredericton’s most vulnerable population!
Your Social Action Team
13. This Week at BSBC: Dec. 29 to Jan. 5
Please note: FLC stands for Family Life Center & Z stands for Zoom Gathering
Wednesday, December 29
8:30 am – 5 pm Church Office is Open
Thursday, December 30
8:30 am – 5 pm Church Office is Open
Friday, December 31
8:30 am – 1 pm Church Office is Open
Saturday, January 1
Happy New Year
“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord…
Jeremiah 29:11a
Sunday, January 2
06:00 Mandarin Prayer Meeting (Boardroom Over Main Kitchen)
10:15 KidzTown Ministry (2nd Floor, FLC)
10:30 Combined Service in the Sanctuary (Preschoolers Attend with Their Parents)
10:30 Mandarin Service (Third Floor, FLC)
Monday, January 3
Church Office Closed
6:30 – Social Action Team (Zoom)
Tuesday, January 4
10:00 am – 3:30 pm Pastoral Staff Retreat
Wednesday January 5
8:30 am – 5 pm Church Office is Open