Meet Our New Members

Meet the Akalusi Family

Matthew came to Canada from Nigeria to study for a PhD in Forestry, at the University of New Brunswick (UNB), in 2013 and started attending BSBC in the same year. His Family joined him in 2014. He completed his programme in the summer of 2021 and is currently searching for a job based on his new qualification. He has served as a Sunday School Teacher at BSBC.

Yewande is a trained Veterinarian. She has worked in personal support since 2014. She has recently started a graduate programme in Business Administration/Management at UNB. She has served as a Sunday School Teacher and is currently involved in activities at KidzTown at BSBC.

Tega is in the final year of the Electrical Engineering programme at UNB. He has participated in the Youth Fellowship and College and Career programmes at BSBC, and currently attends the Fresh Start Fellowship of the Church.

Ufuoma is in the third year of the Philosophy programme at UNB and intends to study Law, thereafter. She has participated in the Youth Fellowship at BSBC, and currently attends the Fresh Start Fellowship of the Church.

Rukeme is in Grade 12 at Fredericton High School (FHS) and intends to study Accountancy at the University. She has participated in GAK at BSBC and currently attends Youth programmes of the Church.

Rotimi is in Grade 11 at FHS. He has participated in the Timberwolves and Woodsmen programmes at BSBC and currently attends Youth programmes of the Church.

Meet Krista Burlock

Krista has been connected to BSBC since her teen years when she attended youth group. She says she has always enjoyed visiting the church on occasion over the years, but she started attending more a few years ago when AJ (her ‘now’ husband) and her were dating. AJ and Krista were married at BSBC in June 2020. 

She grew up as a PK (pastor's kid) in Baptist churches mostly in New Brunswick. When she was still quite young, there were a few years when her family lived in Kenya, Africa, as missionaries. For those of you who may know them, her parents are Rev. Aubrey & Diane Trail. Currently she works as an Early Childhood Educator at a childcare in New Maryland.

Her husband, AJ, Krista and the three boys (all now of youth group age themselves) reside in a nice quiet area in Waasis.  “I look forward to our family becoming more connected to BSBC and growing in our faith.”

Meet Naomi Phillips

Naomi was born and raised in NB and moved to Ontario in 1990. She is a mom to three beautiful girls and one angel son. She has worked in many office environments and as School Bus Driver. She returned to NB in 2013 and completed a Community Food Mentor Course through Greener Village and has had stints as a short order cook, baker, and barista.

She started working in the office at BSBC on Oct. 24, 2019. And the rest, as they say, is history. She is happy to be here, to greet, to help, to see, to grow, and to spread God's love all around. She says “and it has felt like family since day one.”

Interested in learning more about membership?

If you would like to know more about what it means to be a member of BSBC, please email Pastor Greg or express this to one of the other pastors and we’ll have a ‘no pressure’ meeting with you to share the ‘scoop’!


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