The Banner
Growing Faith, Friends & Families to Serve
In this issue:
From Now Until Midnight Dec. 27
Covid Exposure @ BSBC
Preschool Ministry for January
Christmas Eve Services
Combined Boxing Day Service
Children’s Ministry, Sunday, Dec. 26
Hogmanay New Year’s Eve Event - CANCELLED
Starting Local/Going Global Christmas Project Update
102nd Birthday
Financial Report Weekly Countdown
Call for Annual Reports for 2021
Your Offering Envelopes Are Ready
Household Items Needed
Muffin Support for Our Street Ministry
January Birthdays
This Week @ BSBC
1. A Message From Pastor Greg: From Now Until Dec. 27
Dear Church Family,
Many of you are aware of the Tuesday, Dec. 21, Government of New Brunswick press conference which alerted us to tightening restrictions as of midnight, Monday, Dec. 27. As of the time of writing, the full implications for how we will be worshipping on Sunday, Jan. 2 remain unclear. In the newsletter that will be published online on Wednesday, Dec. 29, you’ll get the full details of our new reality. However, what is clear is what may do between now and Sunday, Dec. 26.
Before I get into those details, I need to make one thing perfectly clear: there is no shame in members of our church family making decisions to withdraw from in-person activities. Your leadership are encouraging YOU to make wise decisions for yourself as you are best situated to understand the intricacies of your life. No one should feel pressure to attend services just because the church doors are open. Going forward, online services will continue to be offered so that you may continue your connection with the worship life of BSBC for your own spiritual growth and encouragement.
Now, that said, I’m writing to tell you that both Christmas Eve Services (6 p.m. & 8 p.m.) will go forward as planned, as will the combined service in the sanctuary on Boxing Day, Dec. 26. I have written to our tech team and musicians to encourage anyone who feels a lack of peace about leading in-person offerings to contact me and adjustments will be made. Both Pastor Ross and I are committed to provide in-person services for those who want and/or need them. Again, to be clear, no one should feel pressured to come. But, we can clearly identify those who DO want to continue in-person. The choice is yours and neither choice is wrong.
As the next three services are held in the sanctuary, the pews are already taped to allow for social distancing. Masks must be worn at all times — fully covering the nose and mouth — it is not acceptable to pull your mask down to reveal your nose. Proof of vaccination continues to be required.
Thank you for prayerfully considering your approach to engagement on Christmas Eve and Boxing Day. Be assured that I will be supportive of whichever option you choose! And thank you for praying that we all choose faith over fear — recognizing that will express itself in different ways for different folks.
Yours in Christ,
Pastor Greg
2. COVID-19 Exposure at BSBC
By now you might be aware the Government of New Brunswick website identifies BSBC as a location of COVID-19 exposure on Sunday, Dec. 12 between 10:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. Here are the facts:
the potential exposure was in the preschool room on that Sunday
a child was diagnosed with COVID-19 on Wednesday, Dec. 15 and Public Health identified the possibility of the child being contagious when present in the preschool room the previous Sunday
both the Mandarin and English congregations have taken steps to follow the Public Health directives for such a situation
this means that those adults and children present (beyond the infected child) must self-monitor for symptoms, may take rapid COVID-19 tests at home and, should any symptoms be identified, immediately withdraw to isolation, book and take a PCR test and remain isolated until the results indicate that they are negative and may re-engage with normal activities or, if positive, continue to isolate
all the households present in that room on that day have been contacted and as of Tuesday, Dec. 21, neither the adult leaders nor the preschool children have shown any symptoms — please pray that this continues
Saturday, Dec. 25, will mark 14 days since the exposure, following which Public Health considers the issue resolved for those potentially exposed
I have had direct conversations with Public Health officials to make sure that we have followed their directives to the letter. Please continue to pray for all involved — especially the infected child.
Thank you,
Pastor Greg
3. Sunday Preschool Takes a January Hiatus
Dear Parents,
In light of (1) a recent exposure in our Sunday preschool ministry, (2) the current Covid situation in the province, (3) the fact that all preschoolers are not able to receive vaccination at this time, and that (4) our preschool caregivers from the Education Committee, for a variety of reasons, are not able to adequately staff the ministry in January, the plan is to suspend Sunday preschool classes through the month of January.
However, this will be revisited by the Education Committee at their first meeting of 2022, Monday, Jan. 10 and an update will be issued in the Wednesday, Jan. 12 newsletter.
In the meantime, if you are a parent or a former member of our children’s ministry team and are willing to volunteer for preschool ministry in January, please use the link below to let the Ed Committee know of your willingness as this will be a part of their decision making on Jan. 10.
Thank you for your understanding and prayerful consideration of preschool ministry at BSBC.
Your Education Committee & Greg Geldart, Lead Pastor
4. Christmas Eve Services
Once again this year, we offer two uniquely styled services on Christmas Eve, Friday, Dec. 24.
Family Christmas Eve Service
The service at 6 p.m. is designed to be child-friendly and 50 minutes. We’ll sing carols, consider the story of the coming of the greatest Gift ever given — the Gift that keeps on giving, a special time for the children, a puppet or two and Pastor Ross will bring a devotional thought. David Steeves will be at the organ and offer “O Holy Night”, Leah Steeves and Mark McAllister minister at the piano and we look forward to vocal selections from Ufuoma and Rukeme Akalusi. We hope you’ll come and experience the joy of Jesus!
Please note: If you have been previously screened for vaccination at BSBC, plan to enter through the Connections Center – that will allow space for those who are with us for the first time at the main entrance.
Reflective Christmas Eve Service
At 8 p.m., the service is more reflective as we consider the sights at the manger. We’ll relight the Advent Candles and finish with lighting the Christ Candle. Musical offerings from Julie Maston, piano; Yvonne Kershaw, flute; Vivian Ni, violin; soloists Beth Snow and Chris Graves, and vocal ensembles.
Pastor Greg will bring the devotional message and we’ll, by candlelight, sing about a silent night that brought us face to face with our God.
Please note: Only the Main Doors will be open for this service. All should enter there.
5. Combined Christmas Service: Sunday, Dec. 26
As you plan for Boxing Day worship, please note that we’ll be one big, happy family in the sanctuary. This relaxed 50 minute service will include a time for the children and the sharing of testimonies as those gathered finish this sentence: “The greatest gift Jesus gives me is…”
We’ll be grateful to Jon and Alyse Wilton for their musical contributions as well those from Veronique Dumais, flute and Vivian Ni, violin (one might even say, fiddle!). We look forward to being with you on this last Sunday in 2021.
Children's ministry
Parents, please note that on Sunday, Dec. 26, our faithful preschool and KidzTown volunteers will be taking this Sunday off, so your children will be present with you in the sanctuary. As you enter, each child will be given a bag of activities for quiet work in the pew.
Please note: Entrance for this service will be through the Main Doors on York Street.
6. Hogmany New Year's Eve Event
Thank you for noting that we’ll look forward to this event taking place on New Year’s Eve, 2022.
7. 19th Annual Starting Local, Going Global Campaign
Thank you for your faithfulness to this year’s Christmas project. We’ll be accepting donations right up until Dec. 31 but as of Sunday, Dec. 19 you have given:
Starting Local - $9,181.00 (Goal Achieved!)
Going Global - $10,075.08
You have touched and will change lives in Jesus’ name! May God bless you for it.
Your Social Action Team and Missions Committee
8. Bereavement
Over the past number of weeks several families have experienced the loss of a loved one. Please keep these families close to your heart as Christmas can heighten the sense of loss.
Please be in prayer for Rosa McEwing and family on the death of her brother, Art Morgan of Edmonton. Art's death was a few weeks back and I'm sure Rosa will be grateful for our specific prayers for her other brother — Alison — also of Edmonton who has lost a close brother and is navigating the tasks that need to be done in the complicating time of Covid. May the Spirit of God go ahead of Alison in all that he needs to do. May Jesus promise that those who mourn will be comforted be realized in the life of this family.
Please be in prayer for Verna Kinsman, on the passing of her brother, Barrie Nickerson, of Kentville, Nova Scotia. Barrie passed away at home on Thursday morning, December 9. Verna will not be able to attend the funeral, but she asks for prayer for her niece, Barrie's only daughter, Nichole, who is having a difficult time with the loss and all the responsibilities that at now fall on her shoulders. Verna hopes to be a blessing to her and an encouragement to her faith.
Please be in prayer for Syd Woodside on the very sudden passing of his sister, Reida Woodside, on Friday, Dec. 17, 2021. Reida was a faithful member of BSBC, sharing her caring ways, behind the scenes, with many people. A graveside service will be held in the spring. Here is the link to her obituary:
Thank you for your prayer ministry.
9. 102nd Birthday
Dr. Harold Mitton, former pastor of Brunswick Street Baptist Church, celebrated his 102nd birthday on Dec. 20. Ron and Sandra McMullin called Dr. Mitton and had a wonderful conversation with him. He remains an avid reader and confirms that he is “ready for glory” and that his “faith is strong.” Dr. Mitton is now a resident of Wickwire Place Assisted Living Residence (30 Wickwire Av, Wolfville, NS B4P 1W2). Since my coming, anytime Dr. Mitton’s name is mentioned, it is always with the greatest respect and gratitude. I consider him to be a Senior Statesman of our denomination. Every blessing, Dr. Mitton.
Pastor Greg
10. Weekly End-of-Year Financial Report: 1 Sunday Left
2021 Giving Deadline: Note that the 2021 deadline for in-person giving is Friday Dec. 31, 12:00 noon, to the church office. For eTransfer giving, you may give up to midnight Dec. 31, in order to be counted as a 2021 donation. Please consider your part to reach our 2021 budget targets. I am hopeful we can end the year in a surplus position that will provide a strong financial base for the exciting ministries planned for 2022.
Ken Reimer, Treasurer
Financial Countdown
(One More Sunday in 2021)
General Fund
Budget Target for 2021 $920,000
Giving to Nov. Dec 19 -810,046
Required by Dec. 31 to Meet Target $109,954
Building Fund
Budget Target for 2021 $135,000
Giving to Dec 19 -129,754
Required by Dec. 31 to Meet Target $5,246
11. Call For Annual Reports
Don’t forget that all Annual Reports are due before Friday, Jan. 7! Please be considerate of this deadline. Report information can be emailed directly to the church office at or dropped off at the office in typewritten form, if possible. Thank you.
If you are the chairperson, secretary or leader in a specific ministry we count on you to make sure your submission is sent in. Now’s a good time to ‘talk among yourselves!’ Thanks so much!
12. Your Offering Envelopes Are Ready
The usual boxes of envelopes for systematic giving can be found in your mailbox in the gym foyer. If you would like us to mail these to you, please contact the church office (458-8348). If you have not had a box of envelopes, dated Sunday by Sunday, we’d be happy to get these to you. Again, simply contact the church office.
13. Household Items Are Needed
Merry Christmas Smythe Street Church, Brunswick Street Baptist, and Grace Memorial!!
Very exciting news! Our 3rd SUN-Lite family is transitioning from homelessness into their new home next week. There are many household starter items that they still need. This is a great way to show God's very present love to this young couple who are expecting a baby in the coming weeks.
Please review the available slots below and click on the button to sign up. For any bigger items, we will call and arrange pick up details. For smaller items, please bring to the main office of your home church.
Thank you!
Jill Kozak (Smythe Street Church)
14. Support The Street Ministry: Muffin Drive
Do you like to make muffins? Muffins are distributed every night and you can sign up to bake one of four dozen muffins that are needed each week. We are seeking three dozen muffins for each week’s ministry. Here are the details:
we’d like to avoid an over-stocking of the freezer by having just 3 dozen muffins delivered to the standing freezer in the main kitchen by SUNDAY of each week
we’d ask that ‘muffin makers’ wrap each muffin individually in clingwrap or placed it in a baggie before bringing them to the church (it’s so much easier to access the frozen muffins and more sanitary to serve them when individually wrapped)
please put (1) your name, (2) the date and (3) STREET MINISTRY on the bag in which you put the wrapped muffins to bring them to the freezer
To ensure that we get a fresh supply each week, you are invited to click the link below and fill your name in by the week or weeks in which you will provide a dozen muffins. OR, for that person-to-person interaction, feel free to call the church office at 458-8348 and your information will be taken and added to the plan.
If you have any questions about this ministry or ideas of other ways you might get involved, please contact Susan Howey at
Thank you for continuing to bless some of Fredericton’s most vulnerable population!
Your Social Action Team
15. January Birthday
A whole new group from our church family are celebrating birthdays in January. And if your name is on the calendar….happy birthday to you!
16. This Week at BSBC: Dec. 22 to 29
Please note: FLC stands for Family Life Center & Z stands for Zoom Gathering
Wednesday, December 22
8:30 am – 5 pm Church Office is Open
Thursday, December 23
8:30 am – 5 pm Church Office is Open
Friday, December 24
8:30 am – Noon Church Office is Open
6:00 pm – Family Christmas Eve Service
8:00 pm – Reflective Christmas Eve Service
Saturday, December 25
“O come let us adore Him, Christ the Lord!”
Sunday, December 26
06:00 Mandarin Prayer Meeting (Boardroom Over Main Kitchen)
10:30 Combined Service in the Sanctuary (Children Attend With Their Parents)
10:30 Mandarin Service (Third Floor, FLC)
Monday, December 27
Church Office Closed
Tuesday, December 28
Church Office Closed
Wednesday December 29
8:30 am – 5 pm Church Office is Open