Sign up for Preschool Ministry

Sign up

In light of (1) a recent exposure in our Sunday preschool ministry, (2) the current Covid situation in the province, (3) the fact that all preschoolers are not able to receive vaccination at this time, and that (4) our preschool caregivers from the Education Committee, for a variety of reasons, are not able to adequately staff the ministry in January, the plan is to suspend Sunday preschool classes through the month of January.

However, this will be revisited by the Education Committee at their first meeting of 2022, Monday, Jan. 10 and an update will be issued in the Wednesday, Jan. 12 newsletter.

In the meantime, if you are a parent or a former member of our children’s ministry team and are willing to volunteer for preschool ministry in January, please sign up to let the Ed Committee know of your willingness as this will be a part of their decision making on Jan. 10.

Thank you for your understanding and prayerful consideration of preschool ministry at BSBC.


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