The Banner
Growing Faith, Friends & Families to Serve
In this issue:
The Pandemic Continues
Christmas Cookie Challenge – Need 6 Dozen More
Atlantic Brass Concert
Annual Candlelight Service
Service of Comfort and Hope
Christmas Eve Services
Need For Screening Volunteers
Combined Boxing Day Service
Hogmanay New Year’s Eve Event
Starting Local/Going Global Christmas Project Update
Financial Report Weekly Countdown
Myles on a Mission
Call for Annual Reports for 2021
Practical Support for Our Street Ministry
This Week’s Worship Services
Staff Vacations
Housing Need
This Week @ BSBC
1. A Message From Pastor Greg: The Pandemic Continues
Dear Church Family,
I’m sure that you, like me, wonder what’s ahead for New Brunswickers. I wasn’t surprised when this week, in light of the continued high number of cases in the province and with the omicron variant on the move, the provincial government took steps to ‘raise the bar’ on precautions.
Yet, as of writing, we are unclear about the implications for the faith community as we are not overtly addressed in the updated regulations. We anticipate that clarification will be coming before the end of the week. With that in mind, today’s newsletter offers details of events that are planned and will take place if government guidelines allow. Please expect another email communication if we find that changes to our plans are required.
What we know right now is that (1) proof of double-vaccination will continue to be required for entry, (2) masks will be required at all times and (3) we implore you to take responsibility for personal distancing on the way in, inside and then, on the way out.
The downstairs of the sanctuary has returned to being fully taped to ensure distancing between rows (the balcony remains untapped). In the gym, we will be taking greater care to distance the seating.
All of this to say, we are committed to following Public Health guidelines, but will offer whatever can be offered as allowed. Certainly, this is a time for wise engagement. You should consider your personal vulnerabilities as you determine your personal level of engagement in events and services. We remain grateful to our dedicated tech teams for providing online applications of in-person services.
In these days, I encourage you to remember that fear is optional, but faith is essential. My prayer for you in these days is best expressed in the words of Romans 15:13: May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. I myself am convinced, my brothers, that you yourselves are full of goodness, complete in knowledge and competent to instruct one another.
Together With You in Christ,
Pastor Greg
2. We Need Your Help: Christmas Cookie Challenge
We are still in need of 6 dozen homemade cookies for Sunday. Can you help?
We are looking for bakers to contribute 3 dozen homemade cookies to add a delicious and personal touch to the Christmas care packages we will be giving our Third Sunday Supper guests this month. You can sign up for this ministry by clicking the "sign up" button below or by phoning the church office at 458-8348.
Please indicate "Third Sunday Supper" on the bag or package of cookies and drop them at the Church Office or leave them in the FAMILY ROOM on the morning of Dec. 19. We'll make up mixed bags of cookies for our guests. Thank you for loving in this practical and tasty way!
3. East Coast Brass Christmas Concert
You're invited to join the dynamic ensemble, The East Coast Brass, in concert on Saturday, Dec. 18, 2 p.m. at Brunswick Street Baptist Church. The concert entitled, "Christmas Is Here" will feature the well-loved melodies of Christmas arranged in dynamic settings for brass. From the gentle carols of the manger to blasts and flourishes of joy that bring classical melodies and Christmas standards to life. Also, included in the concert will be the church's Vocal Chorale offering four Christmas carols, directed by Pastor Greg.
This is a concert for all ages, guaranteed to raise your seasonal temperature and will be hosted by Jim Tranquilla! There is no admission charge, but a retiring offering will be received in support of these fantastic musicians, with anything above expenses divided between the group and Fredericton Community Kitchen. Please note that as is required by the province of New Brunswick, proof of double vaccination will be required for entry.
Gather your family and friends and come enjoy of feast of seasonal music that will certainly affirm, "Christmas Time is Here!"
4. Annual Candlelight Service
If you are looking for an oasis of beauty and peace during the rush of Christmas, plan on attending this BSBC Christmas tradition – the Annual Candlelight Service. Offered on Sunday, Dec. 19 at 6:30 p.m. we’ll engage in reading the Scriptures and in musical reflections which have been chosen to help us understand the marvelous mystery of God’s love expressed in sending Jesus to redeem humankind.
The service will feature:
Vocal Ensembles & The Adult Handbell Choir
Vocalists Giselle Tranquilla & Claire Geldart, Greg & Rebecca Keezer, Beth Snow and The Steve Patterson Family Trio
Flautists Yvonne Kershaw & Yunlia Hu
Violinists Scott Kennedy & Vivian Ni
Pianists Gloria Tranquilla, Tara Kennedy, Julie Maston
Organist David Steeves
This is an excellent service to share with family and friends. In addition to the in-person offering the service will be live streamed on YouTube and you can connect to that by visiting our website A retiring offering will be taken in support of the Fredericton Community Shelters.
Please note: If you have already been screened for double vaccination, please enter through the Connections Center so that guests who need to be screened can be greeted at the main church doors on York Street.
5. Service of Comfort & Hope
Each year, the week before Christmas, we offer a special service designed to minister to those who are entering the celebration of Christmas while feeling the loss of someone they hold dear. Our annual Service of Comfort and Hope will be offered on Tuesday, Dec. 21, 6:30 p.m. in the sanctuary. This is a gentle service of carols, Scripture and reflection. It is meant to offer comfort and hope to those who attend — no matter how long ago the loss was experienced.
A special part of the service is reading The Roll of Honour and lighting a candle for each name that is read. This reminds us of the light our loved ones brought and continue to bring to our lives AND that faith in Jesus brings light to the darkness of loss. To have your loved one’s name added to The Role of Honour, simply click the link below or contact the church office (458-8348/ by 5 p.m. on the day of the service.
This is a service for the community, as well. So, please feel free to share this opportunity with anyone who might find blessing in such a time in God’s house.
6. Christmas Eve Services
Once again this year, we offer two uniquely styled services on Christmas Eve, Friday, Dec. 24.
Family Christmas Eve Service
The service at 6 p.m. is designed to be child-friendly and 50 minutes. We’ll sing carols, consider the story of the coming of the greatest Gift ever given — the Gift that keeps on giving, a special time for the children, a puppet or two and Pastor Ross will bring a devotional thought. David Steeves will be at the organ and offer “O Holy Night”, Leah Steeves and Mark McAllister minister at the piano and we look forward to vocal selections from Ufuoma and Rukeme Akalusi. We hope you’ll come and experience the joy of Jesus!
Please note: If you have been previously screened for vaccination at BSBC, plan to enter through the Connections Center – that will allow space for those who are with us for the first time at the main entrance.
Reflective Christmas Eve Service
At 8 p.m., the service is more reflective as we consider the sights at the manger. We’ll relight the Advent Candles and finish with lighting the Christ Candle. Musical offerings from Julie Maston, piano; Yvonne Kershaw, flute; Vivian Ni, violin; soloists Beth Snow and Chris Graves, and vocal ensembles. Pastor Greg will bring the devotional message and we’ll, by candlelight, sing about a silent night that brought us face to face with our God.
Please note: Only the Main Doors will be open for this service. All should enter there.
7. We Need Your Help: Screening Volunteers
For many, many months, each Sunday morning, you’ve been greeted by a dedicated team of volunteers who have welcomed you and, lately, asked for your proof of vaccination on your first visit to BSBC since this requirement was in place.
We're looking for:
2 screening volunteers for the 6 p.m. Christmas Eve Service
1 volunteer for the 8 p.m. Christmas Eve Service
How to get involved
It’s all quite simple and we’ll prep you for the duty. If you can help, please contact the church office at (458-8348). If you would be willing to join this team during other weeks of the year, please let us know!
8. Combined Christmas Service: Sunday, Dec. 26
As you plan for Boxing Day worship, please note that we’ll be one big, happy family in the sanctuary. This relaxed 50 minute service will include a time for the children and the sharing of testimonies as those gathered finish this sentence: “The greatest gift Jesus gives me is…”
We’ll be grateful to Jon and Alyse Wilton for their musical contributions as well those from Veronique Dumais, flute and Vivian Ni, violin (one might even say, fiddle!). We look forward to being with you on this last Sunday in 2021.
Children's ministry
Parents, please note that on Sunday, Dec. 26, our faithful preschool and KidzTown volunteers will be taking this Sunday off, so your children will be present with you in the sanctuary. As you enter, each child will be given a bag of activities for quiet work in the pew.
Please note: Entrance for this service will be through the Main Doors on York Street.
9. Hogmany New Year's Eve Event
OK, we’re exposing the Watters to a lot of Canadian culture, it’s time to turn the tables! So, you may consider attending BSBC’s first “Hogmanay.”
That bastion of truth, Wikipedia, says: Hogmanay (Scots: [ˌhɔɡməˈneː]; English: /ˌhɒɡməˈneɪ/ HOG-mə-NAY) is the Scots word for the last day of the old year and is synonymous with the celebration of the New Year in the Scottish manner.
This event is being headed up by Fi Watters (Expert in Residence), Deacon Anna Marie Colpitts, Carol Reimer and Catherine Powell (we’re in good hands). The event has been submitted to the Covid Committee who have provided guidelines for a night of games, treats, folk dancing and fun – ending with worship and devotional taking us into 2022.
Sadly, this will be limited, this year, to 80 participants. Next Wednesday, in this newsletter, you will be able to make reservations through Eventbrite – as we used to do for services. This will ensure we don’t over register. If you do not have internet access, starting at noon on Dec. 22, you can make a reservation by calling the church office (458-8348) and the office staff will try to make an online reservation for you. First come, first served.
How wonderful that we get a taste of Scotland (no haggis, I believe!). So, get out your kilt and consider coming.
Pastor Greg
10. 19th Annual Starting Local, Going Global Campaign
Thank you for your faithfulness to this year’s Christmas project. We’ll be accepting donations right up until Dec. 31.
Starting Local
The members of our New Life ministry are grateful for your giving — they received their requested gift cards on Thursday of last week. In terms of completing this part of the project, this week we will be buying Superstore Gift Cards to go in Christmas cards that will be given to those who attend this coming Sunday evening’s Third Sunday Supper. Each person attending will receive a gift bag with the card/gift card, a package of homemade cookies and a handmade toque, lovingly knit by a member of our church family. We trust that this will be a sign to our Third Sunday Supper congregation that we love them and, more importantly, God loves them.
Giving as of Tuesday, Dec. 7: $6,486
Going Global
Your giving to Going Global touches lives in Rwanda. This Rwandan project provides women an opportunity to empower themselves and the whole family. Many Rwandan women experience several problems including low self-concepts, poverty, illiteracy, and gender discrimination. Also, many women who rely on their husbands and/or traditional farming methods often have trouble in meeting their daily needs.
The key to helping Rwandan women improve their self-worth and the well-being of their families involves fostering personal growth and acquiring vocational skills. Through education and personal support, women can change their mindsets about themselves, poverty, their lack of basic literacy skills and gender discrimination. Improving their personal confidence levels enable them to have the courage to start new ventures, which in turn leads to improving the well-being of their family.
Giving as of Tuesday, Dec. 7: $6,320.08
11. Weekly End-of-Year Financial Report: 2 Sundays Left
As we move closer to the end of 2021, we’ll be providing you with a weekly financial COUNTDOWN. Thank you for doing what you can to help us meet our target for this year’s budget.
Financial Countdown
(Final 2 Sundays in 2021)
General Fund
Budget Target for 2021 $920,000
Giving to Nov. Dec 12 -781539
Required by Dec. 31 to Meet Target $138,461
Building Fund
Budget Target for 2021 $135,000
Giving to Dec 12 -123,885
Required by Dec. 31 to Meet Target $11,114
12. Myles on a Mission
We’re happy to share with you a Christmas video greeting from Reuben and Leah Myles who are serving together in the Philippines.
In this video they reference a longer video with more details on their ministry. You can access that video here:
13. Call For Annual Reports
Don’t forget that all Annual Reports are due before Friday, Jan. 7! Please be considerate of this deadline. Report information can be emailed directly to the church office at or dropped off at the office in typewritten form, if possible. Thank you.
If you are the chairperson, secretary or leader in a specific ministry we count on you to make sure your submission is sent in. Now’s a good time to ‘talk among yourselves!’ Thanks so much!
14. Support The Street Ministry: Muffin Drive
Do you like to make muffins? Muffins are distributed every night and you can sign up to bake one of four dozen muffins that are needed each week. We are seeking three dozen muffins for each week’s ministry. Here are the details:
we’d like to avoid an over-stocking of the freezer by having just 4 dozen muffins delivered to the standing freezer in the main kitchen by SUNDAY of each week
we’d ask that ‘muffin makers’ wrap each muffin individually in clingwrap or placed it in a baggie before bringing them to the church (it’s so much easier to access the frozen muffins and more sanitary to serve them when individually wrapped)
please put (1) your name, (2) the date and (3) STREET MINISTRY on the bag in which you put the wrapped muffins to bring them to the freezer
To ensure that we get a fresh supply each week, you are invited to click the link below and fill your name in by the week or weeks in which you will provide a dozen muffins. OR, for that person-to-person interaction, feel free to call the church office at 458-8348 and your information will be taken and added to the plan.
If you have any questions about this ministry or ideas of other ways you might get involved, please contact Susan Howey at
Thank you for continuing to bless some of Fredericton’s most vulnerable population!
Your Social Action Team
15. This Week's Worship Services
Join us in-person or online as we gather around the Advent Wreath with a focus on Praise for the coming of Christ.
Contemporary Service
This week in the gym, Julianne Moore and friends will be leading the vocal aspects of worship, Pastor Ross will be guiding your worship and Dr. Keith will be bringing the message: Christmas in Chronicles.
Sermon Notes
The life and times of King David have some famous high and lows, but a key moment occurs when he is sitting in his house in Jerusalem: through the prophet Nathan, God announces that David will always have a descendant on the throne of Israel! This is a startling promise—no other king was ever given a promise of this magnitude—and some of the great prophetic texts celebrate and expand this astonishing word. Nonetheless, the promise is sorely tested during the tense days of the Israelite monarchy.
One of the most intense moments takes place in 2 Chronicles, as the wicked queen Athaliah seizes control of the throne and unleashes a cycle of violence that nearly extinguishes that promise. At the last moment, a little baby is hidden in the precincts of the temple; this baby boy is a descendant of David, and the promise is hanging on by a thread. But the child survives and in due course Athaliah is deposed and replaced by the rightful king. As we see later in the Bible, the elements of a cruel tyrant and a vulnerable infant are replayed in the in the gospel narrative. When the heavenly host announce “today in the city of David a Savior is born,” that promise—once hanging by the slimmest of margins—comes to fulfillment with the arrival the Christmas story!
Traditional Service
In the sanctuary, we’ll welcome the Kennedy Family to lead us in the lighting of the Advent candles. Music contributions will be from soloist Talia Kennedy, with Scott Kennedy, violin and Tara Kennedy, piano. We’ll enjoy the ministry of the Adult Handbell Choir and Christmas joy expressed by our Family Vocal Ensemble. We continue to appreciate the ministry of Gloria Tranquilla, piano and David Steeves, organ.
Pastor Greg will be our preacher focusing our attention on Philippians 2, asking the question, “What does it mean to us that Jesus is fully human and fully divine?”
Worship Online
To join our online congregation, check out Facebook Live for the Contemporary service and Youtube for the Traditional service. However, the easy-peasy way is to visit and on the homepage click WORSHIP ONLINE and you’ll be taken directly to the service of your choice.
16. Staff Vacations
Please be in prayer for members of our team who are either on or will be
taking vacation over Christmas:
Tina & Wellinton Franca
Janet Mitchell
Gloria Tranquilla
Pastor Nikki Leftley
Dr. Keith Bodner
17. Housing Needed
In January 2022, a Christian university student from Kenya will be starting at UNB in the Engineering Faculty. He is in need of housing and I’m asking the church family if you know of any opportunities that might be available to a Christian young man coming to Canada for the first time.
It is likely that he would benefit from a room in a home, not being able to afford an apartment of his own.
Please pray for this young man and let me know if you have any leads we can follow up.
With thanks, Pastor Greg
18. This Week at BSBC: Dec. 15 to 22
Please note: FLC stands for Family Life Center & Z stands for Zoom Gathering
Wednesday, December 15
9:30 Seniors Exercise (Gym)
5:00 Vocal Ensemble (Sanctuary/Choir Room)
6:30 Not Your Usual Prayer Meeting (2nd Floor Counselling Centre Room)
Thursday, December 16
6:30 Handbell Choir (Sanctuary)
7:00 Mandarin Choir Practice (Choir Room)
Friday, December 17
9:00 Benevolent Ministry (By Appointment)
9:30 Senior Exercise (Gym (Final for 2021)
6:00 Youth Christmas Banquet (3rd Floor Assembly, FLC/Gym)
7:00 Mandarin Fellowship (Zoom)
Saturday, December 18
1:00 Worship Team Practice (Gym)
2:00 Atlantic Brass Christmas Concert (Sanctuary)
Sunday, December 19
06:00 Mandarin Prayer Meeting (Boardroom Over Main Kitchen)
9:00 Asian Sunday School Class (Boardroom Over Main Kitchen)
10:15 Preschool Classes (1st Floor, FLC)
10:15 KidzTown (2nd Floor, FLC)
10:30 Traditional Worship Service (Sanctuary)
10:30 Contemporary Worship Service (Gym)
10:30 Mandarin Worship Service (3rd Floor Assembly Area, FLC)
5:00 Third Sunday Supper (Gym)
6:30 Candlelight Service (Sanctuary)
6:30 Mandarin Christmas Pageant Rehearsal (Gym)
Monday, December 20
No Scheduled Activities
Tuesday, December 21
12:00 Mandarin Prayer Meeting (Boardroom Over Main Kitchen)
12:00 Staff Christmas Luncheon (Geldart Residence)
6:30 Service of Comfort & Hope (Sanctuary)
Wednesday December 22
6:30 Not Your Usual Prayer Meeting (Final for 2021) (2nd Floor, Counselling Centre Room)