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Our Mission for 2022
Sing to the Lord; praise his name.
Each day proclaim the good news that he saves.
Publish his glorious deeds among the nations.
Tell everyone about the amazing things he does.
Psalm 96:2-3

In this issue

Check out what's coming up at BSBC from Aug. 17-24.

  1. Registration for Fall Sunday School

  2. New Sunday Opportunities for Parents and Children

  3. NextGen Ministries @ BSBC (Opportunities for Children & Youth)

  4. Worship Sunday Morning, Aug. 21

  5. Home Care Need

  6. Upcoming Church Family Events

  7. Community News

  8. Your Church Library

  9. Pastoral Staff Vacations Summer 2022

  10. This Week @ BSBC

1. Register for Fall Sunday School

Fall is coming, and with it, the start of Sunday School for all ages — starting on Sunday, Sept. 11.

To help us plan for teaching staff, if you are planning on being involved in preschool, children, youth or adult Sunday School classes, we’d be grateful if you'd click below to register. Thank you so much!

2. New Sunday Morning Opportunities for Parents & Children

Dear Parents,

We’re excited to share some updates coming to Sunday Children’s Ministry at BSBC! These changes will start this Sunday (Aug. 7) and continue through the fall. We hope these updates will better serve you AND your child(ren).

New Check-In Station

On Sundays, we ask that you enter through the Connections Centre doors and stop at the Information Desk, where a Greeter will “check in” your child(ren) and print their labels.

After check-in, you can take your:

  • preschool child(ren) to their room on the first floor, and/or

  • K-Grade 5 children to KidzTown, or

  • with you to the start of the worship service

Children in Worship

On Sunday, you can take your K-Grade 5 child(ren) directly from the check-in station to the Gym for worship. During the service, your child(ren) will be invited to leave you and join the KidzTown workers at the gym door*, who will take them up to KidzTown.

*Please note: As we start out, we’ll be asking parents from the Sanctuary and the Mandarin Service to take their child(ren) to KidzTown until we can work out the system of transitioning to all the services. Thank you for your understanding and help.

Our Goal

These changes are designed to give parents the option to have their children in worship for part of the service. Children who go directly to KidzTown will enjoy activities designed to support that morning's theme. Still, the actual lesson and enrichment activities will happen when all children are together in KidzTown.

Thank You

Thank you for engaging with us in these new procedures. If you have any questions or comments, please reach out to the church office at 458-8348 or, and we'll share your message with the appropriate coordinator for a response.

We really appreciate your patience as we navigate these new updates. No doubt, we’ll be learning as we go.

Your Education Committee

3. NextGen Events

Children at BSBC

NEW Children's Instagram Account

Brunswick Street has officially started an Instagram account for our Kids. Parents are encouraged to follow the account for news on all of the upcoming events. We've kept it private, but please request to follow Kidz.bsbc for events and updates!

Hands–In Ministry

Coming up on Aug. 20, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., Hands–In Ministry will be having a daughter-parent event at Odell Park. Bring a picnic and join Allie Dunfield and her team for a great time of fellowship and connection! In the event of rain, the event will be moved to KidzTown (the second floor of the church) for an indoor picnic and fun! All girls K- grade 5 are welcome! If you have any questions, please email Allie at

Big Change for Parents: New Sign-In Location for Sunday mornings! 

We ask that when you come into the church with your children (infants to grade 5), please come through the Connection Centre doors to check in your children for KidzTown or preschool. A friendly face at the Connection Centre will help with this new sign-in process! Thank you, parents. We appreciate your cooperation! 

Youth at BSBC

Youth Group, Aug. 18: Mini Commonwealth Games 

Pastor Ross will be running this week's youth group! Come out for a Mini Commonwealth game's theme with multiple challenges to be done. It will be a great night of fun, connection, and fellowship. Come and get to know each other and Pastor Ross a bit more!

Youth Group, Aug. 25: Bowling with Pastor Greg

You're invited to come to Kingswood for a night of bowling, where Pastor Greg will be leading! We look forward to seeing all of our youth out! Lace up those bowling shoes, ‘spare’ some of your Thursday evening, and ‘aim’ to be out Thursday, Aug. 25 at 7 p.m. for a time of fun and connecting! This is our final summer youth event. We would love to see you out!

Fall Youth Group Kick-off: Sept. 16

Details will be released soon about the upcoming Fall kick-off! We're so excited to welcome back all of our youth who have been away for the Summer. Stay tuned!

We look forward to seeing your youth out! If you have any questions, please reach out to Pastor Ross at while Pastor Nikki is on vacation.

4. Sunday Morning Worship: Aug. 21

Once again, this Sunday in both services, Pastor Ross will continue our study in Ephesians, chapter 6. In the sanctuary service, faithful servant Gloria Tranquilla will provide keyboard leadership, and this Sunday’s soloist is Beth Snow.

The service will open with the reading of Psalm 19, which ends with: May these words of my mouth and this meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer.

This will lead into a celebration of Jesus, “our rock” in song. Worship leaders will be Deacon Ron and Sandra McMullin. The worship leader in the contemporary service will be Jon Wilton. Online or in-person, we invite you to worship with us.

5. Home Care Needed

Jack Passmore sends the following request:

We need help caring for Ann Passmore when Janet returns to teaching in late August. This would involve about 20 hours a week, at $15/hr, between 10 a.m. and 5 p.m. Monday to Friday, the exact times to be negotiated.

The location is at 715 Montgomery St, Fredericton, N.B E3B 2X7. Ann is continent but frail and requires help moving from the bed to the wheelchair, walker, toilet, commode, toilet, etc. She needs joyful, but gentle, encouragement, support, and plenty of TLC.

Please send a short c.v. that includes references, past experiences and qualities that relate to the job, to Naomi Phillips,

6. Upcoming Church Family Events

50th Anniversary Party for Ralph & Shirley Graves

Saturday, Aug. 27 from 1-3 p.m. in the BSBC Gym
If you're unable to come, please feel free to send a memory, story or message to

7. Community News 

Family Fun Day

Family Fun Day, in support of the Women’s Care Center, will take place Sunday, Aug. 28, 2022 from 12:30 – 3 p.m. in the ball field behind Devon Park Baptist Church (145 Clark St., Fredericton). Bring your lawn chair and join us for a barbeque, a gospel concert, and games for all ages with prizes for the children. Please go to for more information.

8. Church Library 

Our church is blessed with a great library! It has everything from children's books, Bible studies, all types of fiction, and large print. Stop in and take a look! We're open every Sunday after the services.

Please check for overdue books at home if you have used the library. Books can be returned to the locked box outside the library whenever the church is open. If you've borrowed books and cannot return them, please call Sharon at 450-7878.

9. Upcoming Pastoral Staff Vacations

  • Pastor Greg: Returning to ministry on Monday, Aug. 22

  • Pastor Nikki: Returning to ministry on Sunday, Aug. 28

  • Dr. Keith: Returning to Ministry on Sunday, Sept. 4

10. This Week at BSBC: Aug. 17 to 24

Church Office Summer Hours: 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Please note: FLC stands for Family Life Centre.

Wednesday, Aug. 17
12:00 Men’s Basketball (Gym)
2:00 Membership Interview (Family Room, FLC)

Thursday, Aug. 18
9:00 Benevolent Ministry (By Appointment)
7:00 Summer Youth Commonwealth Games with Pastor Ross (Gym)

Friday, Aug. 19
12:00 Men's Basketball (Gym)
7:00 Mandarin Fellowship (Barnabas Center And KidzTown, FLC)

Saturday, Aug. 20
10:00 Worship Team Practice

Sunday, Aug. 21
6:00 Mandarin Prayer Meeting (Boardroom Over Main Kitchen)
9:00 Asian Sunday School Class (Boardroom Over Main Kitchen)
10:15 Preschool/KidzTown (1st Floor And KidzTown, FLC)
10:30 Contemporary Service (Gym)
10:30 Mandarin Worship Service (Third Floor Assembly, FLC)
10:30 Traditional Worship Service (Sanctuary)
5:00 Third Sunday Supper (Gym)

Monday, Aug. 22
12:00 Men’s Basketball (Gym)
7:00 Board of Deacon’s Meeting (Third Floor Assembly Area, FLC))

Tuesday, Aug. 23
10:00 Library Open
12:00 Mandarin Prayer Meeting (Boardroom Over Main Kitchen)
1:30 Quilters for Missions (Quilting Room, FLC)
6:30 Sports Friends (Wilmot Park)
7:00 Fresh Start (Gym And 3rd Floor Assembly Area, FLC)

Wednesday, Aug. 24
12:00 Men’s Basketball (Gym)


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