The Banner
Growing Faith, Friends & Families to Serve
In this issue:
1 – The Cupboards Could Use Your Help
2 – Mums for Mom
3 – “40 Hours in the Wilderness” Fundraiser
4 – Do You Have a Spare DVD Player
5 – Financial Update
6 – Celebrating University Grads
7 – This Sunday’s Services
8 – KidzTown Opening
9 – Sympathy
10 – Time Away
11 – Wednesday Library Openings
12 – This Week @ BSBC
1. Can You Help Fill Up the Cupboards?
The New Life program is ministering to 10-15 women on a weekly basis. As part of our ministry, we gift the ladies a grocery bag at the end of the meeting. However, we are getting short of some supplies.
How you can help
If you would like to contribute to this ministry, please refer to the list below as to what can be donated.
Your donations can be dropped off in the Care and Share barrels in the Gym and Sanctuary foyers during office hours during the week OR on Sundays.
Another way to help, make a donation and we’ll do the shopping for you. Please be sure to mark your donation “New Life Groceries”.
What's needed
canned tuna, salmon, ham, chicken, turkey
granola bars
canned beans
canned vegetables
apple sauce
juice boxes
fruit cups
muffin/cookie mixes
canned tomatoes - crushed, whole, diced
pasta sauce* (Please no pasta as we have overstock)
toilet paper
dish detergent
laundry detergent
2. Mums for Mom
One of our Mother’s Day (May 9) traditions is to decorate our worship spaces with mum plants placed in honour or in loving memory of mothers.
How to purchase a mum plant
Please contact the church office at or 458-8348 to provide the details of your dedication and indicate how you will make your $15 donation (e-transfer, through your offering envelope, or paying at the office).
How will dedications be acknowledged?
This year, dedications will be acknowledged in two ways: (1) in the pre-service announcement loop so those in the service and online can see the dedications AND (2) in the e-newsletter on Wednesday, May 12.
What happens to my mum plant after the service?
After the services on Mother’s Day morning, you can (1) pick up a plant and take it home, (2) leave it to be used another Sunday, (3) come in during the week and pick it up OR (4) let us know where you would like to have it delivered on Monday, May 10.
Thanks for celebrating your favourite mother!
3. "40 Hours in the Wilderness" GHLC Fundraiser
Sending Campers to Where Christ Is Made Known
This past Sunday morning, “Moses” and “Aaron” made a memorable appearance in both services. Have you seen them? With their big backpacks and staff in hand, they seemed really ready to go on a big adventure. No? Well, indeed, a big adventure is coming for them, the BSBC youth, their families and really, all of us! By showing up on Sunday, their main goal was to remind everyone of this weekend’s fundraiser which aims to collect donations for scholarships that will help kids and teens, who, due to financial challenges, would otherwise not be able to attend Green Hill Lake Camp (GHLC) this summer.
GHLC is a long-time BSBC ministry partner of BSBC. Through the generosity of the BSBC family, many kids and youth will go to camp to hear about true Hope, solid Faith, unconditional Love and most importantly, Jesus Christ. Thank you in advance for your participation.
This dynamic duo thank you for listening to their message and they want to make sure you have all the right information in order to join in on the walk and/or contribute generously to this fundraising effort.
It all starts with the Friday evening, April 23, 7 p.m., youth event that will see the group walk from the church, "out of Egypt" and over the “Red” (Saint John River) “Sea” to enjoy frozen “manna” (read DQ blizzard) — and great outdoor fellowship on the north side. Students are to be dropped off at church between 6:45 p.m. and 7p.m. and picked up at church around 9 p.m., as usual.
Then, on Saturday morning, all the youth and relatives are invited to join our own “Moses” and “Aaron” for a hike from Currie Mountain to Burtts Corner or, should we say, from “Mount Sinai” further into the “wilderness!” Meet us at 9 a.m. at the Currie Mountain Trailhead, located on route 105, on the Northside, just 1.9km past Douglas Baptist church for a refreshing time outdoors. There is parking space on the main road near Currie Mountain. We will meet you on route 105, at the entrance of the trail that leads up the mountain and we’ll take a 15-20 min beginners' hike up the mountain to Burtts Corner. Please be advised that you are responsible for your own transportation to and from Currie Mountain/Burtts Corner. We go, rain or shine!
Finally, on Sunday the 25, students and relatives are invited to come to GHLC around 1 p.m. to cheer on “Moses” and “Aaron” as they enter the “Promised Land!” There will be a BBQ lunch for all who come. This will be followed by a chapel time and a hike up Vulture's Bluff to admire the Promised Land from above. Hey, if you are able to come, and we hope that you and your family will, please email me at, by Friday 1 p.m., so we can know how many hungry stomachs to feed which will be really helpful to our hosts!
How you can help?
We are excited to see how God will provide, through you, to make it possible for families to send their kids and youth to camp so they can be exposed to the Gospel. To donate, mark your offering “GHLC EXODUS” and it will be designated to the scholarship fund for summer camping.
Thank you for your partnership and support of Green Hill Lake Camp!
“Moses” (Pastor Charles) & “Aaron” (Neil Livingstone)
4. Do You Have a Spare DVD Player?
Hello church,
As we minister to our homeless friends we occasionally receive requests that would be helpful to them in various ways. This week, I have a couple who have enjoyed watching movies on a portable DVD/small screen player, like the ones we would use in the car or at home (regular electric plug) for our children. Unfortunately their DVD player broke recently, so they are hoping to find another.
If you have such a device that your kids have outgrown that might be collecting dust, please consider donating it to bring some joy to the lives of those who will gratefully put it to use.
Thank you for your consideration,
In His Grace,
Pastor Steve (
5. Our Financial Update
Thanks to Ken Reimer, our Treasurer, for this update of our financial stewardship to the end of March, 2021.
Financial Giving Update, Jan. 1 to March 31
Current Yr Previous Yr Budget to March 31, 2020
General $204,636 $209,634 $227,878
Building $34,387 $22,047 $33,750
General Fund giving is quite healthy for this time of year, just $23,242 behind budget, and nearly the same as this point last year. Building Fund giving is above our budget target, and significantly greater than this point last year.
Ken Reimer, Treasurer
6. Celebrating University Grads
It's that exciting time of the year again where we seek to honour and acknowledge the efforts of students who are soon graduating from University, College and High School. Undoubtedly, this academic year has been unique and will go down as a challenging one. These graduating students have pushed through and adapted as well as they could to online courses, dealing with limited peer and school staff interactions, grieving the loss of social events and having to create a whole life routine for themselves. We want to celebrate with all of them!
How you can help
In order for us not to forget any students connected to BSBC, please contact us ( with:
the full name of the student,
the school,
the field of study (College/University), and
a graduation photo, if possible.
Thank you in advance for your help!
Pastor Charles
Interim Youth Ministries Coordinator
7. This Sunday's Service
This Sunday morning, we welcome Dr. Bob Knowles to our pulpit. He will be inviting us to consider the theme: what if the church were dangerous.
Worship leaders
In the gym, Julianne Moore will be leading worship and in the sanctuary Gloria Tranquilla and Elaine Durling will be supported by soloist Laura McGuire and a Sanctuary Ensemble. The Millette children will be bringing the children’s moment and we’ll find blessing in a “His Name is Power” video testimony featuring Brian McEwing and Jana McAllister.
Sermon notes
This Sunday morning, Dr. Keith is back to take us through the Word of God as we continue in our study, “Acts: 30 Years That Changed the World”. This week, our focus is Acts 21: 1-15. Of our study Dr. Keith writes:
After the farewell on the beach with the members of the Ephesian community of believers—tearful, as they will not ever meet again—Acts 21:1-15 features a voyage from Miletus all the way to Jerusalem, with several stops in between: on more than one occasion after arriving on the coast, Paul is prophetically warned that danger and imprisonment await, and many people of faith are concerned and urge him not to keep going to Jerusalem!
A number of relevant questions for us arise in this section of God’s Word (How do we discern God’s will for our lives? Should we seek to avoid the way of suffering?). But we will especially focus on a particular issue that seems timely for all of us at BSBC in these days: how do we prepare ourselves for whatever lies ahead, and how do we fortify ourselves for times of uncertainty so that we can remain standing in any kind of adverse circumstance?
As we listen carefully, we will note some practical possibilities for application to our lives in this Mediterranean cruise that takes us all the way from Asia Minor to the city of Jerusalem itself. This section of Acts brings Paul’s “Third Missionary Journey” to an end, but another (more difficult) journey is just beginning.
8. KidzTown Reopening
We’re happy to announce that KidzTown is open to a maximum of 15 children from Kindergarten to Grade 5. Our Elementary Coordinator, Tina Franca and Sarah Williams will be there to greet children each Sunday morning.
There is a COVID protocol plan that will be used, seeking to ensure that safety for all. This plan explains how to access the KidzTown area, protocols during the children’s time together and how to leave KidzTown – so that everyone can be safe.
Over the month of March, KidzTown has been open to a number of families that regularly attend the gym service — a test run for opening wider. Capacity in March was 7 children — now we are opening to 15.
How to take part
You must make a reservation for your child(ren) using the online reservation system which will allow a total of 15 children to register. You’ll do this weekly. In addition, we are asking that one parent from each family taking part in the KidzTown ministry be willing to take a rotation of assisting in KidzTown. Our coordinator will be in touch to get you on the schedule every 5-6 weeks.
Please pray for our KidzTown ministry, another step in engagement in ministry to children.
9. Sympathy
Please be in prayer for Frank and Shirley Bulman on the passing on April 19 of Frank's sister, Elizabeth "Betty" MacDonald of Moncton. Betty was a faithful servant of Jesus Christ. Her obituary offers:
In her early years she taught Sunday School at Hildegard and Hillside Baptist Churches where she was a member. She was well known for making chocolate fudge, some of the older children would put on a face mask at Halloween, just to sample her fudge. Betty made beautiful quilts and clothes for her children. She was a devoted caregiver to her Mother. Betty hosted the family picnic for many years. She was an active bowler up until just recently and was also known for her beautiful flower gardens. She was a kind caring compassionate woman and will be deeply missed.
Betty is survived by her children Barbara, Ken and Mark; 7 grandchildren, 13 great grandchildren, four great great grandchildren and 3 brothers and many nieces and nephews. Resting at Fair Haven Funeral Home, Salisbury Road, Moncton, with visitation being held from 1 p.m. to 1:45 p.m. on Thursday, April 22, 2021 followed by a celebration of Betty’s life in the chapel at 2 p.m. Let's remember Frank, Shirley and all of Betty's family as the gather to give thanks for the life of a woman who faith who is absent from the body and present with the Lord (II Corinthians 5:8).
10. Time Away
Please remember Pastor Greg and Margaret as they enjoy a few days of vacation beginning at noon on Wednesday, April 21.
Pastor Greg will return to ministry on Monday, April 26 at 7 p.m. for the meeting of the Board of Deacons.
11. Wednesday Library Openings
Your librarians invite you to visit the library the second and fourth Wednesdays of each month from 10 a.m. until noon.
Come and engage with our huge collection of books — there’s something for everyone!
12. This Week at BSBC: April 21 to 28
Wednesday, April 21
9:00 Senior Exercise (Gym)
10:30 Senior Exercise (Gym)
12:00 Prayer Time with Pastor Charles (Sanctuary/Facebook Live)
6:00 Vocal Ensemble (Sanctuary)
6:30 Youth Bible Study (3rd Floor Assembly/Zoom)
6:30 Recovery Roundtable with Pastor Greg (Zoom)
6:30 Book of James Bible Study with Daniel Savard (Teams Meetings)
Thursday, April 22
9:30 New Life (3rd Floor Board Room)
1:30 Ladies Bible Study with Carol Bray (Family Room)
1:30 Small Group Bible Study with Mary McMulkin (3rd Floor Boardroom)
6:30 Handbell Choir (Sanctuary)
7:00 Chinese Hymn Practice (Choir Room)
Friday, April 23
9:00 Senior Exercise (Gym)
10:30 Senior Exercise (Gym)
6:00 “Friends Are Us” Puppet Rehearsal (Puppet Room)
7:00 Youth Group GHLC Fundraising Walk
Saturday, April 24
9:00 GHLC Youth Group Fundraising Walk (Currie Mountain)
1:00 Contemporary Worship Team Practice (Gym)
Sunday, April 25
10:30 KidzTown
10:30 Traditional Worship Service (Sanctuary/
10:30 Contemporary Worship Service (Gym/Facebook Live)
1:00 GHLC Celebration Lunch (GHLC)
2:00 Chinese Worship Service (Sanctuary)
Monday, April 26
7:00 Board of Deacons (Zoom)
7:00 Chinese Bible Study (3rd Floor Assembly Area)
Tuesday, April 27
12:00 Chinese Prayer Meeting (2nd Floor Boardroom)
1:00 Community Volunteer Income Tax Program (CVITP) (Gym)
1:30 Full Staff Meeting (Family Room)
1:30 Quilters for Missions (Quilting Room)
2:30 Pastoral Staff Meeting (Family Room)
6:30 DivorceCare (3rd Floor)
Wednesday, April 28
9:00 Senior Exercise (Gym)
10:00 Library Open
10:30 Senior Exercise (Gym)
12:00 Prayer Time with Pastor Charles (Sanctuary/Facebook Live)
6:00 Vocal Ensemble (Sanctuary)
6:30 Youth Bible Study (3rd Floor Assembly/Zoom)
6:30 Book of James Bible Study with Daniel Savard (Teams Meetings)