The Banner
Growing Faith, Friends & Families to Serve
In this issue:
1 – “40 Hours in the Wilderness” Fundraiser
2 – Winter Warming Ministry Report
3 – Expressions of Gratitude
4 – Prayers of Comfort for the Grieving
5 – Recovery Roundtables
6 – Celebrating University Grads
7 – This Sunday’s Services
8 – This Day Forward Parenting Conference
9 – Registrations for Sunday Services
10 – KidzTown Opening
11 – Wednesday Library Openings
12 – This Week @ BSBC
1. 40 Hours in the Wilderness Fundraiser
40 Hours in the Wilderness: Sending Campers to Where Christ Is Made Known
Last week, you read right here that we are working and walking to raise funds to allow for more kids and teens to be able to enjoy camp this summer at Green Hill Lake Camp. In reality, these funds open the door for children who, due to financial challenges, would not be able to attend GHLC.
Here are some more details:
It all starts on Friday evening, April 23, with a 7 p.m. youth event that will send the group "out of Egypt" and through the “Red” Saint John “Sea” to enjoy frozen “manna” (read DQ blizzard) — and great outdoor fellowship.
Then, on Saturday morning, all those interested, can join our own “Moses” and “Aaron” for a hike from Currie Mountain to Burtts' Corner or, should we say, from “Mount Sinai” further into the “wilderness!” Meet us at Currie Mountain at 9 a.m. for a great time. Rain or shine!
Finally, on Sunday the 25, students and parents and anyone at all, are invited to come to GHLC just before noon to cheer on “Moses” and “Aaron” as they enter the “Promised Land!” There will be a BBQ lunch for all who come and this will be followed by our “Greenhouse Service” and a hike up Vulture's Bluff to admire the “Promised Land” from above.
How you can help
We are excited to see how God will provide, through you, for this opportunity to help families send their kids to camp so they can be exposed to the Gospel.
To donate, mark your offering “GHLC EXODUS” and it will be designated to the scholarship fund for summer camping.
Thank you for your partnership and support of Green Hill Lake Camp!
See you walking,
Moses & Aaron
(aka Pastor Charles & Neil Livingstone)
2. Winter Warming Ministry Report
Dear Church Family,
It gives me great pleasure to write this note to give thanks to you as the Lord has prompted generous giving to our warming ministry to help the homeless. So much in fact, that we'll be able to minister in new ways as the spring and summer months unfold! We're so grateful for each and every donation and were quite blessed with single donations of $3,000 and $750 to reach a total amount of $5,992 to date!! Again, each and every contribution is a blessing.
In our most recent Social Action Team meeting, we agreed to collectively oversee the funds that remain as we proceed with this ministry. Thus far, we've purchased items that include propane heaters and accessories, small propane tanks, hand warmers, first aid materials and several other miscellaneous items that amount to $2,018.38. Therefore the remaining amount from the giving is currently at $3,973.62.
This ministry has evolved since early February. We placed a call out to the congregation that we needed handwarmers so that Pastor Charles and I, along with many from our church could consistently go out in the evenings between 9 p.m. and 12 a.m. to serve hot chocolate, muffins and other goodies, and of course the hand warmers!
During our visits we were able to discern other personal need items such as flashlights, batteries, first aid care items, and other necessities that without the help of those in the mission field, simply would not have been received. Nearly every person who has participated with us has returned and continue to serve in this ministry.
In our nightly ministry travels, we found other church groups who were also out there serving and so we decided to meet to see if we could better organize to spread the evenings between the churches. So we went from seven nights per week and are now down to three!
In the process we have made very good inroads with those who are living rough and have gained their trust and friendship. There are many who are very open to prayer and discussing God. We're excited to continue to build and foster these relationships.
The group of churches who we met, and who are affiliated to the King’s Way Mission, like to empower and invite our friends to help with community projects. Over 40 full-size garbage bags have been hauled away from the First Nations grounds beside the Lieutenant Governor’s House on Woodstock Road, and from along the river banks, with the help of volunteers from the homeless population chipping in with the clean up.
I believe bending our backs together is a powerful way to be the hands and feet of our Lord, to be a light for these folks who have lived a hard existence, and also for our community to see the big “C” church in a good positive way. With the purchase of handy little propane heaters and with the King’s Way Mission’s folks securing free propane from RV World, several tent households were able to stay warm in the extreme cold.
And so we continue to work together to find ways to “spend ourselves on behalf of the hungry and satisfy the needs of the oppressed” (Isaiah 58:10).
We are thankful to be able to serve this population who for many have never experienced being loved by complete strangers, and who now look forward to seeing us as friends and supporters.
Praise God for His goodness!
Warmly, (no pun intended!)
Pastor Steve
3. Expressions of Gratitude
To Sarah Millette
On behalf of the church family, I want to express our thanks to Sarah Millette for her ministry in our office during Janet Mitchell’s medical leave. Sarah fit in from day one and brought a lot of joy to our team.
Here, Sarah is pictured by the new key cabinets in the Receptionist’s Office. For many weeks, Sarah worked to organize our keys, many times, not unlike Prince Charming with the famous shoe, taking unmarked keys around the building to try them in doors in order to label them correctly. This is not a job which would bring me joy – but, Sarah embraced this and many other challenges with grace and a smile.
Thank you, Sarah, for engaging with us and thank you, God, for the servant hearts of your people.
Pastor Greg
From Janet Mitchell
Thank you to the BSBC church family and staff for your support during my surgery and recovery. I don't have the words to fully express how much your visits, phone calls, texts and food deliveries have meant to me.
I foolishly thought I could go through this experience "on my own" but the reality of my situation soon became very clear. You are a very caring and thoughtful community of people and I thank you from the bottom of my heart. I am truly humbled by your generosity.
4. Prayers of Comfort
As a church family, it’s our privilege to pray for those who have lost loved ones. Over the last week, two of our members have lost parents.
Hilda Mersereau
On Saturday, April 10, Colin Mersereau’s mother, Hilda, went to be with her Lord and Saviour. Hilda was employed by the Royal Bank of Canada at the Fredericton Junction branch from 1946 to 1955. She ended up working part time for Royal Bank in the 1970’s. In 1954, she married Gerald Arthur Mersereau. Shortly after, Hilda took on the proud role and title of Mum and excelled at being a wonderful homemaker.
Hilda involved herself in many organizations. A few places she was a member of are the Fredericton Junction United Baptist Church, Gladstone Blissville Senior Citizens Club, Sunbury West Historical Society and Womens’ Missionary Society, of which she was a life member.
Hilda’s celebration of life and faith was held today, Wednesday, April 14, 11 am at the Fredericton Junction Baptist Church. She is survived by her daughter Deanna Carruthers (James); sons Terrance (Cindy), Alan, Benton, Colin Mersereau (Denise); 6 grandchildren; 2 step grandchildren; 7 great grandchildren; 2 step great grandchildren and her sister, Theda Saunders.
Colin and Denise are grateful for the support and caring of their church family in these days.
Dale Hatheway
Also, Saturday, April 10, after a courageous battle with cancer, Rebecca Keezer’s father, Dale Hatheway, was released to heaven at the age of 59. Dale, having grown up in a family business that included a garage, store and gas bar, developed a love for anything with a motor. Dale loved racing. He especially liked NASCAR and was known for watching the races while taping it at the same time.
A proud dad, Dale was an involved father, who thoroughly enjoyed snowmobile rallies with Rebecca, or encouraging Ethan’s own growing enthusiasm for anything with a motor. One of Dale’s proudest moments was sitting on the bench of both kids’ basketball teams, and winning a provincial championship in 2008 for Carleton North.
Dale’s love for his children extended and expanded to his grandsons. "Papa" was always willing to read a story or give a cuddle. Dale loved making people laugh. He had a mischievous sense of humor and never shied from an opportunity to try and get a chuckle out of someone. Even in his darkest days, Dale tried to make visitors feel at peace with a witty comment and a hearty laugh.
He entered his final lap with a difficult cancer diagnosis, yet, trusted God to be the real driver of his life’s race, and he continued to keep his focus on Him. "I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith" 2 Timothy 4:7.
Dale’s celebration of life and faith will be held today, Wednesday, April 14, 2 p.m. at the Jacksonville Baptist Church. We pray for Rebecca’s mom, Marlene, Rebecca & Greg (Theo and Felix) and Ethan & Hannah as well as the extended family.
5. Recovery Roundtables
Can I count on you? Will you contribute to the future of BSBC? Your thoughts are important and I look forward to hearing them!
Please join me for these two “Recovery Roundtable” group meetings I’ll be hosting in the weeks ahead. Here are the dates:
TONIGHT, April 14, 6:30 pm, At the Church In-Person
Wednesday, April 21, 6:30 pm, Zoom
What can you expect?
We’ll take 90 minutes to consider three areas:
Specific Review of the Opportunity and Threat Responses from the SWOT Analysis
BSBC’s Role as a Mission Edge Church – How Do We Join God in Our Neighbourhood
Your Thoughts on Key Areas We Need to Address in Order to Recover from the Pandemic
In next week’s newsletter you’ll see other times and places to engage (sorry for the further delay, Easter proved a bit demanding).
Small Groups
We are inviting each small group to gather and take part in this review, sometime over the month of April. Please click below to register your small group for participation and we’ll forward the material to the contact.
Your church leadership are in need your wisdom and discernment as we plot our way forward into 2021 and beyond.
Every blessing,
Pastor Greg
6. Celebrating Our Grads
It's that exciting time of the year again where we seek to honour and acknowledge the efforts of students who are soon graduating from University, College and High School. Undoubtedly, this academic year has been unique and will go down as a challenging one. These graduating students have pushed through and adapted as well as they could to online courses, dealing with limited peer and school staff interactions, grieving the loss of social events and having to create a whole life routine for themselves. We want to celebrate with all of them!
How you can help
In order for us not to forget any students connected to BSBC, please contact us ( with:
the full name of the student,
the school,
the field of study (College/University), and
a graduation photo, if possible.
Thank you in advance for your help!
Pastor Charles
Interim Youth Ministries Coordinator
7. This Sunday's Service
This Sunday morning, we welcome Dr. Bob Knowles to our pulpit. He will be inviting us to consider the theme: what if the church were dangerous.
Worship leaders
In the gym, Pastor Steve will be leading the worship in song and in the sanctuary Gloria Tranquilla and David Steeves will be supported by soloist Beth Snow and a Sanctuary Ensemble. Alyse Wilton will be bringing the children’s moment and Denise Mersereau will be leading another “His Name is Power” testimony time with Dan Wilton sharing.
About our pulpit guest
Dr. Robert Knowles and his wife Crystal
Dr. Robert Knowles was appointed as Vice-President for Advancement of Crandall University in 2012. He holds a Bachelor of Arts from Atlantic Baptist College (now Crandall University), a Master of Divinity from Acadia University, a Master of Arts from Providence Theological Seminary, and a Doctor of Ministry from Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary. He is also a graduate of the Arrow Leadership Program.
An ordained Canadian Baptist minister, Dr. Knowles served in student pastoral roles for 4 years (Central Norton Baptist Church, Pleasantville Baptist Church, Brentwood Baptist Church) before joining the staff at Highfield Baptist Church in Moncton in 1992, where he served first as an Associate and later as Senior Pastor for a total of 11 years. From 2003-2012 he served as Senior Pastor of New Minas Baptist Church. During his time at New Minas, Dr. Knowles served as the President of Canadian Baptists of Atlantic Canada (2010).
Dr. Knowles has served in a variety of roles in the Baptist and wider Christian community including the Board of Touchstone Counseling Group, Board of Governors and Senate of Crandall University, and the Board of Ministerial Standards and Education for Canadian Baptists of Atlantic Canada. He is a frequent guest preacher throughout Atlantic Canada.
In his spare time he enjoys fly tying and fly fishing for trout and Atlantic salmon. He and his wife Crystal are the proud parents of four children. AND, he was a compatriot of Pastor Greg during their student days at Atlantic Baptist College.
8. This Day Forward Parenting Conference
Parents, have we got an exciting opportunity for you! Family Life Canada writes:
In early January, we asked over 2000 parents from across Canada what topics they’d most want to learn about. With the survey results in mind, we found skilled presenters to teach workshops on the needs most commonly expressed. You’ll get on-demand access to watch these workshops ahead of time. That way, you can watch the ones you’re most interested in, or watch them all if you want!
Check out these topics:
Giving Your Kids the Security of a Healthy Marriage
How Joy Can Transform Your Home
Talking to Your Kids about Sex, Sexuality and Gender
Helping Your Anxious or Stressed Child
Brining Oppositional, Depressed, Violent, Depressed Kids Closer
Boundaries With Your Adult Children
Porn-Proofing Your Kids
Media. Faith. Culture.
Connection Based Parenting (An Alternative to Helicopter or Hands-Off Parenting)
Disciplining Your Children in a Sexualized World
Parenting in Blended Families
Building Connection With Your Kids
Help, I’m a Parent! Lessons We’ve Learned From Our Kids
How to Survive the Loss of a Child
Spiritual Disciplines for the Family
The details
April 12: Access to the on demand workshops starts
April 17: Live Q&A
9. Registrations for Sunday Services
Dear Church Family, thank you for your engagement in our new reservation system. We are grateful for the way you are helping us prepare for each Sunday morning. Here are a few points that would help to enrich how we prepare for Sunday worship:
For the Gym Service: It would be so helpful if you could make your reservations by NOON on Saturday. The reason for this is that set up of chairs for the Sunday gym service is done early on Saturday afternoon. Knowing how the “bubbles” are composed allows for the room to be prepared for Sunday morning. Thank you for considering helping us in this way.
For the Sanctuary Service: It would be helpful if you could complete your reservation by early evening on Saturday. For both the services, the screening lists for Sunday mornings are printed late Saturday evening to be ready for Sunday morning. Thank you for considering helping us in this way.
When you are creating your reservation for a group of 2 or more, please be sure to list, individually, all the people in your “bubble.” If you just include the same name each time, we have to guess who might be coming with you so that the screening sheets can be prepared for each Sunday morning. We are required by the province to have a complete list of all the individuals who have attended a service. Providing this information in advance is a gift to your fellow worshippers as it doesn’t slow down the screening process on Sunday morning by the screener having to write in the individual names. Thank you for considering helping us in this way.
What if you don’t make a reservation? You can certainly come to the church and if we have room for you we’ll welcome you to come into the worship space. However, we are required by the province to ensure that there is 2m distancing between bubbles — and so we’d ask for your understanding if we are not able to seat you due to a lack of bubbles left in the sanctuary (which are a fixed number because of the unmovable pews) or in the gym, because we can’t add additional seats due to the current spacing.
We are so grateful for the way you are engaging with us as we seek to be true to provincial guidelines and accommodate those who are ready to attend in-person worship. We’re doing our best to make this “work” for everyone, so, thank you for your sensitivity to those who are screening each Sunday morning. If you have any questions, or, EVEN BETTER, suggestions, please send them along to me. We’ll be grateful for your input.
Pastor Greg
10. KidzTown Reopening
We’re happy to announce that KidzTown is open to a maximum of 15 children from Kindergarten to Grade 5. Our Elementary Coordinator, Tina Franca and Sarah Williams will be there to greet children each Sunday morning.
There is a COVID protocol plan that will be used, seeking to ensure that safety for all. This plan explains how to access the KidzTown area, protocols during the children’s time together and how to leave KidzTown – so that everyone can be safe.
Over the month of March, KidzTown has been open to a number of families that regularly attend the gym service — a test run for opening wider. Capacity in March was 7 children — now we are opening to 15.
How to take part
You must make a reservation for your child(ren) using the online reservation system which will allow a total of 15 children to register. You’ll do this weekly. In addition, we are asking that one parent from each family taking part in the KidzTown ministry be willing to take a rotation of assisting in KidzTown. Our coordinator will be in touch to get you on the schedule every 5-6 weeks.
Please pray for our KidzTown ministry, another step in engagement in ministry to children.
11. Wednesday Library Openings
Your librarians invite you to visit the library the second and fourth Wednesdays of each month from 10 a.m. until noon.
Come and engage with our huge collection of books — there’s something for everyone!
12. This Week at BSBC: April 14 to 21
Wednesday, April 14
9:00 Senior Exercise (Gym)
10:00 Library Open
10:30 Senior Exercise (Gym)
12:00 Prayer Time with Pastor Charles (Sanctuary/Facebook Live)
6:00 Vocal Ensemble (Sanctuary)
6:30 Youth Bible Study (3rd Floor Assembly/Zoom)
6:30 Recovery Roundtable with Pastor Greg (Family Room)
6:30 Book of James Bible Study with Daniel Savard (Team Meetings)
Thursday, April 15
9:30 New Life (3rd Floor Board Room)
1:30 Ladies Bible Study with Carol Bray (Family Room)
1:30 Small Group Bible Study with Mary McMulkin (3rd Floor Boardroom)
6:30 Handbell Choir
7:00 Chinese Hymn Practice (Choir Room)
Friday, April 16
9:00 Senior Exercise (Gym)
10:30 Senior Exercise (Gym)
7:00 Youth Group (Various)
Saturday, April 17
1:00 Contemporary Worship Team Practice (Gym)
Sunday, April 18
10:30 Traditional Worship Service (Sanctuary/
10:30 Contemporary Worship Service (Gym/Facebook Live)
12:00 Young Adult Lunch (Third Floor)
2:00 Chinese Worship Service (Sanctuary)
4:30 Third Sunday Supper (Gym)
Monday, April 19
7:00 Board of Management (Zoom)
7:00 Chinese Bible Study (3rd Floor Assembly Area)
Tuesday, April 20
8:30 Solid Rock Café (3rd Floor Assembly)
12:00 Chinese Prayer Meeting (2nd Floor Boardroom)
1:00 Community Volunteer Income Tax Program (CVITP) (Gym)
1:30 Full Staff Meeting (Family Room)
1:30 Quilters for Missions (Quilting Room)
2:30 Pastoral Staff Meeting (Family Room)
6:30 DivorceCare (3rd Floor)
Wednesday, April 21
9:00 Senior Exercise (Gym)
10:30 Senior Exercise (Gym)
12:00 Prayer Time with Pastor Charles (Sanctuary/Facebook Live)
6:00 Vocal Ensemble (Sanctuary)
6:30 Youth Bible Study (3rd Floor Assembly/Zoom)
6:30 Book of James Bible Study with Daniel Savard (Team Meetings)
6:30 Recovery Roundtable with Pastor Greg (Zoom)