The Banner
Growing Faith, Friends & Families to Serve
In this issue:
1 – A Word from the Frontline
2 – “40 Hours in the Wilderness” Fundraiser
3 – Registrations for Sunday Services
4 – April’s Bodcast
5 – FHS Fundraiser – Saturday, April 10
5 – Communion Sunday @ BSBC
7 – Recovery Roundtables
8 – SWOT Analysis Part 6 of 6: Next Steps
9 – Third Sunday Supper (A New Way to Be Involved)
10 – This Day Forward Parenting Conference
11 – KidzTown Opening
12 – Wednesday Library Openings
13 – This Week @ BSBC
1. A Word From the Frontline
Sunday, I received an email from one of our healthcare workers, sharing some heartfelt thoughts about the challenges that continue to exist on the frontline. I asked permission to share these thoughts and, I do so in the spirit of helping us find a renewed prayerfulness for those who CONTINUE to serve in these days.
I’m clinging to the message of Joy that we can depend on through Christ’s resurrection and the knowledge that anything we’re going through is nothing compared to what Jesus had to endure and He triumphed. It’s been really busy for me at work (nothing new there). It’s also been my choice to stay with the virtual services and even more so lately it’s been a decision I’ve made for my own self-health to stay home and limit my interactions with others.
People are tired with the restrictions and although we’ve been very fortunate in NB and Atlantic Canada the situation is very critical for many of my colleagues across the country and closer to home, our workers in Edmundston. The majority of folks are really trying to follow the directives from public health but it’s hard as they keep changing and I can’t help but try to correct misinformation or misinterpretation – sometimes to my detriment – as it’s annoying to the recipient who’s trying to do their best and interpreting as best they can. I have the luxury of training and understanding to weed out the wrong information from the real, but most don’t. Pray I’ll remember that and not get so distraught that I forget I also don’t know everything and can’t know everything and that everyone sees the world through their own lens not mine.
It’s been a rough couple of weeks with all the work we’re doing with rolling out the vaccines and keeping the business of the hospital going. Our acuity has been high (on average our occupancy in Horizon has been 95% - which means we have some sites higher than 100%, some in the lower 90%). Please continue to keep all of the healthcare workers in your prayers as everyone is tired and discouragement is easier to feel than ever before. Pray that the vaccine rollout continues well and give us patience when people complain about the pace being too slow or confusing. It’s a monumental task that we have undertaken and even though in my mind I know that the majority are supporting us, those few that lash out (because they’re also scared and tired) hit harder now and deeper. It’s unnaturally amplified I know in my mind – a great tactic for the devil to undermine us.
I’ve been blessed to already receive my first dose of vaccine three weeks ago since I’m working in the hospital system. I know that with the increased supply coming in, if all goes as planned everyone will have the opportunity to get their first dose before end of June. Please encourage everyone to go when they are called for their time to get vaccinated so we can build that community immunity as quickly as possible.
Lord, protect the bodies, minds and spirits of our frontline workers who are providing essential services in the midst of a population weary from the challenges of the pandemic. We pray that in ways practical and deeply spiritual that their resilience and stamina will be renewed. Allow them, with ease, to rise above the annoyances life brings their way. And, give us hearts that are sensitive to the needs of others. Empower your Church to be a means of blessing and encouragement as we engage with our communities in day-to-day interactions that have the potential for making your love real in the lives of others. This we pray in Jesus’ name. AMEN!
2. 40 Hours in the Wilderness Fundraiser
Now that winter is 99% behind us, time has come to let our imagination drift towards green grass, canoeing, mosquitoes and C-A-M-P! Whether this 4-letter word means quiet cottage life or crazy summer fun with friends to you, most of us have fond memories of camp don't we?
For kids and teenagers, camp is the place where they escape the daily routine, meet new friends and hear about God's love in a distinct way. For some campers, it's also one of the rare moments of the year where Jesus is presented clearly and simply to them.
Fun fact: Do you know how far Green Hill Lake Camp is from the corner of York and Brunswick?
Only 42km! Who would have thought?!
42km, the classic distance for a marathon and a beautiful spring walk!
41+ reasons to donate generously.
40 hours in the Wilderness for those who will make their way from BSBC to GHLC at the end of April!
Stay tuned for more details as to how you can participate actively and send more kids to where Christ is made known!
3. Registrations for Sunday Services
Dear Church Family, thank you for your engagement in our new reservation system. We are grateful for the way you are helping us prepare for each Sunday morning. Here are a few points that would help to enrich how we prepare for Sunday worship:
For the Gym Service: It would be so helpful if you could make your reservations by NOON on Saturday. The reason for this is that set up of chairs for the Sunday gym service is done early on Saturday afternoon. Knowing how the “bubbles” are composed allows for the room to be prepared for Sunday morning. Thank you for considering helping us in this way.
For the Sanctuary Service: It would be helpful if you could complete your reservation by early evening on Saturday. For both the services, the screening lists for Sunday mornings are printed late Saturday evening to be ready for Sunday morning. Thank you for considering helping us in this way.
When you are creating your reservation for a group of 2 or more, please be sure to list, individually, all the people in your “bubble.” If you just include the same name each time, we have to guess who might be coming with you so that the screening sheets can be prepared for each Sunday morning. We are required by the province to have a complete list of all the individuals who have attended a service. Providing this information in advance is a gift to your fellow worshippers as it doesn’t slow down the screening process on Sunday morning by the screener having to write in the individual names. Thank you for considering helping us in this way.
What if you don’t make a reservation? You can certainly come to the church and if we have room for you we’ll welcome you to come into the worship space. However, we are required by the province to ensure that there is 2m distancing between bubbles — and so we’d ask for your understanding if we are not able to seat you due to a lack of bubbles left in the sanctuary (which are a fixed number because of the unmovable pews) or in the gym, because we can’t add additional seats due to the current spacing.
We are so grateful for the way you are engaging with us as we seek to be true to provincial guidelines and accommodate those who are ready to attend in-person worship. We’re doing our best to make this “work” for everyone, so, thank you for your sensitivity to those who are screening each Sunday morning. If you have any questions, or, EVEN BETTER, suggestions, please send them along to me. We’ll be grateful for your input.
Pastor Greg
4. April's BODcast
He’s back! Doctor B offers us another freewheeling trip through the Scriptures with April’s BODcast, the 14th in the series, focusing on Psalm 42.
Sit back, relax and be inspired by the truth of God’s word for us in these days. Such a stunning portrait of spiritual renewal.
5. FHS Fundraiser
Six years ago, Fredericton High School staff and students identified a great need at our school — we had many students attending our classes who were not receiving adequate nutrition. They mobilized teachers and students and Kats' Kitchen was created. Teachers and students donate countless hours — fundraising, purchasing and distributing nutritious options for lunch and breakfast.
Each week, students and a teacher volunteer go to the Community Kitchen to make sandwiches and pack lunches for all of the school lunch programs in the City. There is no budget provided for this endeavour — they must raise all of the funds necessary to support this program. They are currently providing 150 students each morning with nutritious options for breakfast and they are serving 125 students at lunch (including Halal).
Traditionally, they hold two events during the school year — a breakfast at the New Maryland Community Center and a city-wide breakfast, supported by local restaurants. Covid has been a challenge — but has not diminished the need for food support programs.
How you can help
So, on Saturday, April 10, from 3 to 6 p.m., they will be holding a Drive Thru “Chili/Cornbread/Cookie” meal pick up at the New Maryland Rec Center.
The New Maryland Lions Club are providing the food so ALL MONEY RAISED will go directly to supporting the food support programs at Bliss Carmen Middle School, New Maryland Elementary School and Fredericton High School.
Many volunteers are stepping up to make this event a success — FHS students of the Future Chefs Cafe program will be making the chili, cornbread and cookies, students in the Kats' Kitchen club will be serving and New Maryland Fire Dept. will be helping to promote with the fire truck on site. Your meal will be given to you for a freewill donation.
6. Communion Sunday at BSBC
This Sunday, fresh from the celebration of Christ’s resurrection, we gather at the Lord’s Table to give thanks for this “unspeakable” gift.
Worship leaders
In the Sanctuary, one of our vocal ensembles will offer praise supported by pianist, Gloria Tranquilla and organist, David Steeves. In the gym, Sarah Hoyt and friends will be leading in worship. In both services, Denise Mersereau will be hosting another, “His Name is Power” testimony interview with Leo Hayes Vice-Principle, Dan Wilton.
Sermon notes
Pastor Steve will be leading/preaching in the sanctuary, sharing the message he offered last Sunday in the gym focused on the HOPE the resurrection brings. Pastor Greg will be in the gym to offer his sermon on Easter Joy, drawn from John 15.
7. Recovery Roundtables
Can I count on you? Will you contribute to the future of BSBC? Your thoughts are important and I look forward to hearing them!
Please join me for three “Recovery Roundtable” group meetings I’ll be hosting in the weeks ahead. Here are the dates:
Wednesday, April 7, 6:30 pm, Zoom
Wednesday, April 14, 6:30 pm, At the Church In Person
Wednesday, April 21, 6:30 pm, Zoom
What can you expect?
We’ll take 90 minutes to consider three areas:
Specific Review of the Opportunity and Threat Responses from the SWOT Analysis
BSBC’s Role as a Mission Edge Church – How Do We Join God in Our Neighbourhood
Your Thoughts on Key Areas We Need to Address in Order to Recover from the Pandemic
In next week’s newsletter you’ll see other times and places to engage.
Small Groups
We are inviting each small group to gather and take part in this review, sometime over the month of April. Please click below to register your small group for participation and we’ll forward the material to the contact.
Your church leadership are in need your wisdom and discernment as we plot our way forward into 2021 and beyond.
Every blessing,
Pastor Greg
8. SWOT Analysis Conclusion
Thank you to those of you who have been following this six-part series. There were a remarkable number of suggestions and options to explore.
We need your help
If you were not part of the SWOT endeavor, please ensure you attend a Recovery Roundtable so we can hear from you. Help us narrow our focus as we seek to engage in Kingdom work in these days.
One day the pandemic will be “nearly over” and then “really over” and we want to be ready for those days. Thank you for prayerfully engaging with us as we plot the course ahead under the guidance of our Loving God who assures us a future of his planning!
9. Third Sunday Supper
Third Sunday Supper is back!! It was a great blessing to all involved to get together this past Sunday, March 21. Following all the COVID-19 protocols, we served a lovely home cooked meal to 28 registered guests. As everything went well, we will do it again next month (Sunday, April 18) and the following months, as long as we remain in the yellow phase.
Can you help us?
Do you have a "bubble" that can work together to prepare a meal for 30 people for Third Sunday Supper? If so, please contact Judy Thompson at 457-0739 (
Maybe you don't feel comfortable coming to the church kitchen to prepare and serve a meal.
Think about gathering a group of friends to cook, in your own homes, the various parts of the meal you plan and either deliver it to the church or we will pick up and in both cases serve it for you. Remember, we’re limited to 30 guests, so home preparation might be a manageable and safe way for you and your family/friends to bless the members of our Third Sunday Supper congregation.
Thank you for your consideration.
Your Social Action Team
10. This Day Forward Parenting Conference
Parents, have we got an exciting opportunity for you! Family Life Canada writes:
In early January, we asked over 2000 parents from across Canada what topics they’d most want to learn about. With the survey results in mind, we found skilled presenters to teach workshops on the needs most commonly expressed. You’ll get on-demand access to watch these workshops ahead of time. That way, you can watch the ones you’re most interested in, or watch them all if you want!
Check out these topics:
Giving Your Kids the Security of a Healthy Marriage
How Joy Can Transform Your Home
Talking to Your Kids about Sex, Sexuality and Gender
Helping Your Anxious or Stressed Child
Brining Oppositional, Depressed, Violent, Depressed Kids Closer
Boundaries With Your Adult Children
Porn-Proofing Your Kids
Media. Faith. Culture.
Connection Based Parenting (An Alternative to Helicopter or Hands-Off Parenting)
Disciplining Your Children in a Sexualized World
Parenting in Blended Families
Building Connection With Your Kids
Help, I’m a Parent! Lessons We’ve Learned From Our Kids
How to Survive the Loss of a Child
Spiritual Disciplines for the Family
The details
April 12: Access to the on demand workshops starts
April 17: Live Q&A
11. KidzTown Reopening
We’re happy to announce that KidzTown is open to a maximum of 15 children from Kindergarten to Grade 5. Our Elementary Coordinator, Tina Franca and Sarah Williams will be there to greet children each Sunday morning.
There is a COVID protocol plan that will be used, seeking to ensure that safety for all. This plan explains how to access the KidzTown area, protocols during the children’s time together and how to leave KidzTown – so that everyone can be safe.
Over the month of March, KidzTown has been open to a number of families that regularly attend the gym service — a test run for opening wider. Capacity in March was 7 children — now we are opening to 15.
How to take part
You must make a reservation for your child(ren) using the online reservation system which will allow a total of 15 children to register. You’ll do this weekly. In addition, we are asking that one parent from each family taking part in the KidzTown ministry be willing to take a rotation of assisting in KidzTown. Our coordinator will be in touch to get you on the schedule every 5-6 weeks.
Please pray for our KidzTown ministry, another step in engagement in ministry to children.
12. Wednesday Library Openings
Your librarians invite you to visit the library the second and fourth Wednesdays of each month from 10 a.m. until noon.
Come and engage with our huge collection of books — there’s something for everyone!
13. This Week at BSBC: April 7 to 14
Wednesday, April 7
12:00 Prayer Time with Pastor Charles (Sanctuary/Facebook Live)
6:00 Vocal Ensemble (Sanctuary)
6:30 Youth Bible Study (3rd Floor Assembly/Zoom)
Thursday, April 8
9:30 New Life (3rd Floor Board Room)
1:30 Ladies Bible Study with Carol Bray (Family Room)
1:30 Small Group Bible Study with Mary McMulkin (3rd Floor Boardroom)
6:30 Handbell Choir
6:30 Book of James Bible Study with Daniel Savard (Zoom)
7:00 Chinese Hymn Practice (Choir Room)
Friday, April 9
7:00 Youth Group (Various)
Saturday, April 10
1:00 Worship Team Practice (Gym/Contemporary Service)
1:00 Worship Team Practice (Third Floor/Greenhouse Service)
Sunday, April 11
10:30 Traditional Worship Service (Sanctuary/
10:30 Contemporary Worship Service (Gym/Facebook Live)
10:30 Youth Greenhouse Service (3rd Floor Assembly)
12:00 Young Adult Lunch (Gym)
2:00 Chinese Worship Service (Gym)
Monday, April 12
1:30 Right to Life (3rd Floor Assembly)
6:30 Education Committee (Zoom)
7:00 BSBC Women’s Missionary Society (3rd Floor Assembly)
7:00 Chinese Bible Study (Gym)
Tuesday, April 13
8:30 Solid Rock Café (3rd Floor Assembly)
12:00 Chinese Prayer Meeting (2nd Floor Boardroom)
1:00 Community Volunteer Income Tax Program (Gym)
1:30 Full Staff Meeting (Family Room)
2:45 Pastoral Staff Meeting (Family Room)
1:30 Quilters for Missions (Quilting Room)
6:30 Bible Study with Pastor Steve (Zoom)
6:30 DivorceCare (3rd Floor)
Wednesday, April 14
10:00 Library Open
2:00 Prayer Time with Pastor Charles (Sanctuary/Facebook Live)
6:00 Vocal Ensemble (Sanctuary)
6:30 Youth Bible Study with Pastor Charles (3rd Floor Assembly/Zoom)
6:30 Recovery Roundtable with Pastor Greg (Gym)