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Our Mission
Experience the love of Jesus. Live it out everywhere.

In this issue:

Check out what's coming up at BSBC from Sept. 7 to 14.

  1. This Week’s Re-Union SUPER Sunday

  2. An Invitation for BSBC Women

  3. An Invitation From Our Choral Director

  4. GriefShare

  5. DivorceCare

  6. Solo Parent Society

  7. Next Gen Ministries @ BSBC (Opportunities for Children & Youth)

  8. You Got Mail

  9. Muffin Makers: We've Added New Dates

  10. Your Church Library

  11. This Week @ BSBC

1. This Week's Re-Union Super Sunday

Hey, here we are…3 days to RE-UNION Sunday! I hope you are planning to come in person or, where able, online. We want to celebrate being a family under God and God’s people on mission. So, that’ll be the theme we’ll embrace. Here’s what’s in store for you!

9:30 a.m. – Re-Union Sunday School Opening

All ages gather in the church sanctuary. Parents of preschoolers and elementary age should plan to come 10 minutes early in order to register your children at the Connections Center check-in station.

At 9:30, all ages will engage in some singing…a game…a skit…and a visit from one of our puppets who has a message for us to help start our Sunday School year together. Adults, you’ll get to hear a brief highlight from our two adult class teachers.

Then, starting with High School, we’ll introduce the class teachers and invite their students to go with them to their classroom for a brief ‘meet and greet’. Then, the adults remaining, and parents who might have been needed to settle younger children in classes, will gather in the adult classrooms to hear more about these classes.

10:30 a.m. – Re-Union Worship Celebrations   

This Sunday’s worship gatherings will introduce you to our new Mission Statement…as we refocus on our purpose as God’s people in this place. Recognizing that our effectiveness depends on prayer…you’ll have the opportunity to join the BSBC Re-Union Prayer Team.

In the gym worship service, Pastor Ross will be preaching, and Julianne Moore and team will lead worship. Of his sermon, Pastor Ross writes: We’ll be looking at what it means to 'Celebrate and Experience the Love of Jesus' through the lens of the Great Commission. Even knowing that Jesus has risen we can doubt, BUT with his promise of authority and presence with us we can choose to celebrate and experience His love each day on our walk with Him.

In the sanctuary, Dr. Keith will be preaching, and music ministry will include a solo by Margaret Geldart, a choral ensemble and trumpeter, Ken Brophy. Of his sermon, “Experience the Love of Jesus”, he writes: A key element articulated in the new BSBC mission statement is experience the love of Jesus. Today we will explore what this looks like in practical terms, for our times in light of recent global turmoil and cultural unrest. We start this week with a reading from Psalm 103:2-13, one of the compositions in Book Four of the Psalter that invites God’s recently restored people to keep certain truths in the forefront of their minds: “Praise the LORD, my soul, and forget not all his benefits—who forgives all your sins and heals all your diseases, who redeems your life from the pit and crowns you with love and compassion.”

The danger of forgetting is dramatically illustrated in the parable of the unmerciful servant in Matthew 18, and our attention will also be directed to this episode that demonstrates the depth and power of the Lord’s forgiveness in our lives. It would be expected that in light of such forgiveness, we will live differently, but this parable indicates the necessity of always remembering the Lord’s goodness and ongoing compassion toward us. We will further emphasize that to experience the love of Jesus is to receive the gift of immeasurable mercy; and if we’ve been shown mercy, it should be much easier to extend mercy—and allow others to experience the love of Jesus—all around us.

11:45 a.m. – Re-Union BBQ

Stay and join us in the parking lot for a hot dog, chips, veggies and other treats. Special seating and service for seniors. Bouncer for the children along with face painting and games. A great opportunity to mix and mingle and celebrate the possibilities of a new season of walking together under God and for His glory.

Please consider joining us in-person for this Re-Union Sunday! However, we continue to remind you that you are the expert of what kinds of interaction are best for you in these days. 

2. An Invitation to Lunch

An invitation to all our WMS members and others who may be interested in joining our group to attend our first meeting of the fall on Monday, Sept. 12, 1:30 p.m. in the gym. This will be a Pot Luck lunch followed by John Stewart speaking to us about OASIS (our denominations ‘convention’ recently held in Wolfville, NS). All are welcome.

A personal invitation to consider joining our WMS Group: 

In support of our (WMS) Women’s Missionary Society I personally invite interested women in our congregation to join us on Mon. Sept 12th for our opening meeting. Our WMS supports the work of women missionaries. We learn about our missionaries, pray for them, and invite them to a meeting when they are in the area. Tidings is a monthly magazine that we share and usually pick a project that is suggested. The past spring, we did a project with the Pregnancy Center in Saint John.

Our meetings are held on the 2nd Monday of the month at 1:30 in the afternoon. Meetings are very relaxed we have fun and close with a cup of tea and a cookie.

For more information, please feel free to contact me:


Harriett McNeill

3. An Invitation From Our Choral Director 

Here at Brunswick Street, choral singing has been a significant part of our traditional worship services. This September we are excited to begin the Sanctuary Choir ministry after a two-year break. Former members and NEW singers (youth aged 12 to adult)  are encouraged to join us in strengthening this ministry once again.

Weekly rehearsals begin Wednesday, Sept. 14 at 6:30 p.m. in the Choir Room. Plan to come out and give it a try!  Please contact David Steeves, at if you have further questions. We look forward to a great year together in uplifting praise in song!
The Vocal Ensemble ministry will also continue on a periodic basis. If you would like to be put on the list of singers to be engaged in these smaller singing groups, please contact David Steeves at

4. GriefShare 

Beginning Thursday, Sept. 8, 2022 at 7 p.m., in the Family Room in the Family Life Center, on the first floor, Brunswick Street Baptist Church is pleased to offer Grief Share, a 13-week video series by Christian experts on grief and recovery, combined with support group discussions for those who have experienced the loss of a loved one.

Please call 458-8348 if you would like more information and to register.

5. DivorceCare 

If you know someone who is going through marital separation or divorce, invite them to consider joining our 13-week DivorceCare program, a ministry which will begin on Tuesday, Sept. 13, at 6:30 p.m. in the Family Room of Brunswick Street Baptist Church.

About the program

Each evening includes the presentation of videos with expert counsellors sharing insights on how to move from hurting to healing. In addition, supportive conversation provides encouragement to participants led by Gloria Tranquilla, Pauline Harvey and Bryan McWilliam. Each session stands on its own so participants can join any week.

More information

For more information, please contact facilitator, Glor​ia Tranquilla at or call the church office at 458-8348. You can also register online using the button below.

6. Solo Parent Society

Greetings Church!

Last week I received a contact from one of our former DivorceCare leaders about a new ministry starting in Fredericton – The Solo Parent Society. This ministry has been on her heart since she left the DivorceCare ministry.

I can vouch for the integrity and spiritual maturity of this leadership team. Here are a few details:

We are Solo Parents committed to the restoration of ourselves and our children by growing together in spiritual, emotional, mental, and physical health.

While our individual stories are unique, ultimately, we are here because of one common bond: we are parenting alone. Whether divorced, widowed, or never married, we all belong here, no matter how we got here.

Since this is a co-ed group, we want to emphasize that we are here for individual growth and healing. We encourage friendships but this is not a forum to seek out other single parents for dating or romantic connection.

Perhaps you know someone who could benefit from such a supportive group.

Pastor Greg

7. NextGen Events

Sunday School Begins September 11th at 9:30am

Children are invited to join us at 9:30am to dive deeper into the word, and parents are welcome to join their own Sunday school class as well! Sunday School is a great time for the whole family to dive deeper into your faith! For more information email

NEW Children's Instagram Account

Brunswick Street has officially started an Instagram account for our Kids. Parents are encouraged to follow the account for news on all of the upcoming events. We've kept it private, but please request to follow Kidz.bsbc for events and updates!

Big Change for Parents: New Sign-In Location for Sunday mornings!

We ask that when you come into the church with your children (infants to grade 5), please come through the Connection Centre doors to check in your children for KidzTown or preschool. A friendly face at the Connection Centre will help with this new sign-in process! Thank you, parents. We appreciate your cooperation!

Children at BSBC

Boy’s Scouting Registration: Sept. 14th

BSBC offers a scouting program for boys from kindergarten to high school. Outdoor adventures, fun activities, and community service projects are used to teach boys how to live the great commission, to love God and our neighbours. Meetings will be held weekly in the church gym. This week, registration for all ages will be held on Wednesday, September 14. Following registration week, the kindergarten to Grade 5 group will meet on Wednesday evening and the Middle/High School group will meet on Thursday evenings. For more information, please contact the church office at 458-8348 or

Girls “Hands- In” Ministry on Saturday September 17th 10am – 12pm

BSBC offers this ‘newer’ ministry for elementary girls which is held in KidzTown one Saturday morning a month. “Hands-In” creates a place for girls to come together and strengthen their relationship with each other and with God. We want our young girls to come and be encouraged to bring friends. If you would like further information, please email

Youth at BSBC

Youth Bible Study Kick-off: Sept. 14th

Wednesday at 6:30pm – 8:00 pm youth are invited to join Pastor Nikki and Kari Dunfield on the third floor for a time of fellowship and bible study! This is the first one of the school year, and we would love to see you out!

Fall Youth Group Kick-off: Sept. 16th

We as a youth group will be coming together at Anna Marie and Bruce Colpitts' house for a night of boating/canoeing, water games, lawn games, BBQ, and S'mores! This is a night jam-packed with a bunch of activities! You will not want to miss it, mark your calendars! The event will be from 6:30 – 9 p.m. on Sept. 16th!

High School Youth Group Kick-off: Sept. 18th, 7 – 9 p.m.

Those in high school are welcome to come to BSBC Sunday, Sept. 18 for our official first high school youth group of the year! This will be a great night of connection, fun, and games! Tell your friends!

Young Adults at BSBC

Fresh Start Young Adults (Starting September 13)

Fresh Start is a young adult program geared towards those 18-30 years old and is a place where we welcome those who are a regular part of our church family, college students new to town, those you know who would benefit from an engaging time of ‘being’ together. At 7 pm, this is where you’ll find Pastor Ross in the Gym for sports and games, or you can head right up to the third floor of the Family Life Center for activities and games up there! At 8:00 pm, everyone comes together to make some friends and talk about life. For more information, contact Pastor Ross at

If you have any questions regarding our upcoming events, please contact Pastor Nikki at

8. You've Got Mail

Over the summer Green Hill Lake Camp has ministered to hundreds of children, and our own young adults, Dylan Wightman and Nathan Holmes were part of the faithful crew of workers ministering to these children. At the beginning of the summer, you were invited to support our youth through the GHLC “Share-a-Wage” program. In response to your giving, we received the following note of thanks from Dylan Wightman. So, for those of you who gave….YOU GOT MAIL!

9. Muffin Drive: We've Added New Dates 

Muffins are distributed every Sunday night by our Street Ministry team. Thank you for your continued generosity, keeping our stock plentiful.

We are seeking to re-stock our muffin supply for the fall with three dozen muffins for each week’s ministry. 

Here are the details:

  • To avoid an over-stocking of the freezer we're looking for just 3 dozen muffins delivered to the standing freezer in the main kitchen by Sunday of each week

  • Please wrap each muffin individually in clingwrap or placed it in a baggie before bringing them to the church (it’s so much easier to access the frozen muffins and more sanitary to serve them when individually wrapped)

  • Please put (1) your name, (2) the date and (3) STREET MINISTRY on the bag in which you put the wrapped muffins to bring them to the freezer

To ensure that we get a fresh supply each week, you are invited to click the link below and sign up for the week or weeks in which you will provide a dozen muffins. OR, for that person-to-person interaction, feel free to call the church office at 458-8348 and your information will be taken and added to the plan.

10. Church Library 

Our church is blessed with a great library! It has everything from children's books, Bible studies, all types of fiction, and large print. Stop in and take a look! We're open every Sunday after the services.

Please check for overdue books at home if you have used the library. Books can be returned to the locked box outside the library whenever the church is open. If you've borrowed books and cannot return them, please call Sharon at 450-7878.

11. This Week at BSBC: Sept. 7 to 14

Church Office Summer Hours: 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Please note: FLC stands for Family Life Centre.

Wednesday, September 7
12:00 Men’s Basketball (Gym)

Thursday, September 8
9:00 Benevolent Ministry (By Appointment)
9:30 New Life Program (3 rd Floor, FLC)
1:30 Bible Study “Gospel of John” with Mary McMulkin, 3 rd Floor Boardroom, FLC)
7:00 GriefShare (Family Room, FLC)

Friday, September 9
12:00 Men’s Basketball (Gym)
7:00 Mandarin Fellowship (Barnabas Center And KidzTown)

Saturday, September 10
1:00 Worship Team Practice (Gym)

Sunday, September 11
6:00 Mandarin Prayer Meeting (Boardroom Over Main Kitchen)
9:00 Asian Sunday School Class (Boardroom Over Main Kitchen)
9:30 Re-Union Sunday School Launch (Sanctuary)
10:15 Preschool/KidzTown (1 st Floor And KidzTown, FLC)
10:30 Contemporary Service (Gym)
10:30 Mandarin Worship Service (Third Floor Assembly, FLC)
10:30 Traditional Service (Sanctuary)
11:30 Re-Union BBQ (Parking Lot)

Monday, September 12
10:00 Senior Exercise (Gym)
1:30 Right to Life Meeting (3 rd Floor Board Room, FLC)
1:30 WMS Potluck/Meeting (Gym)
6:30 Education Committee (3 rd Floor Assembly Area, FLC)

Tuesday, September 13
10:00 Library Open (Main Floor, FLC)
12:00 Mandarin Prayer Meeting (Boardroom Over Main Kitchen)
1:00 Pastoral Staff Meeting (Family Room)
1:30 Quilters for Missions (Quilting Room)
2:15 Full Staff Meeting (Family Room)
6:30 DivorceCare (Family Room, FLC)
7:00 Fresh Start (Gym And 3 rd Floor Assembly Area, FLC)
7:00 Missions Committee Meeting (3 rd Floor Board Room, FLC)

Wednesday, September 14
10:00 Seniors Exercise (Gym)
12:00 Men’s Basketball (Gym)
6:30 Scouts Registration: Kindergarten-Grade 5 (Gym)
6:30 Sanctuary Choir Rehearsal (Choir Room)
6:30 Youth Bible Study (3 rd Floor Assembly Area, FLC)


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