The Banner
Growing Faith, Friends & Families to Serve
In this issue:
1 – UNB Gift Card Ministry – You’re Amazing
2 – Recovery Round Tables – Part 2
3 – Praying in These Days
4 – Another Opportunity to Support GHLC
5 – May’s BODcast
6 – Introducing “Brunswick Street Cares!” Facebook Ministry
7 – Mums for Mom
8 – “40 Hours in the Wilderness” Fundraiser - UPDATE
9 – Dear Muffin Makers - Update
10 – Hello From the West Coast
11 – Celebrating Our University Grads
12 – This Sunday’s Services
13 – Wednesday Library Openings
14 – This Week @ BSBC
1. UNB Gift Card Ministry — You're Amazing
Dear Church Family,
Thank you, thank you, thank you! Your generosity is amazing. Last week we sent out the request for support of this UNB Covid project at 8:30 p.m. and by noon the next day, over $3,000 had come in. By Wednesday afternoon, our “office faithfuls,” Janet and Naomi, had prepared enclosure cards with an encouraging message from BSBC — and they signed each card with “Thinking of you” and their name.
However, the donations kept coming, requiring us to purchase gift cards in higher denominations ($40 for singles and $60 for families) — which required Janet and Naomi to repeat Wednesdays work by producing new, signed, enclosure cards indicating the increased amount. I know we’re grateful to them for engaging in the project a second time and doing it with a smile and thankfulness for your amazing giving!
Our fundraising goal was $3,500. By Monday, May 3, over $9,000 has come in. This allowed us to bless other families connected with BSBC, families in isolation with parent’s losing out on hours of employment. We are considering other Covid needs to bless others.
Here are a few notes we’ve received from our recipients:
I'm currently self-isolating in the Elizabeth Parr-Johnston Residence at UNB. I wanted to thank you all *very* much for the Walmart gift card you sent! This gift was so generous and very, very unexpected. I've lost a bit of money this month (car rental cancellations, airfare cancellations, etc.), so this really helped me out. Again, thank you so much - this meant a lot to me. :)
On behalf of my family, I'd like to express my sincere appreciation for your support. We are grateful for your prayers and for your generous gifts at this difficult time. May God Almighty continually bless and reward you. (Amen)
My name is _____, and I am a student who is in self isolation in EPJ residence on the UNB campus. I am emailing to thank you for the gift card I received from your organisation. This has meant a lot to me, and I greatly appreciate your kindness during these difficult times. Thank you for your generosity! 😊
Stay tuned for further details on the distribution of funds.
Joining God in our neighbourhoods
Finally, please join me in thanking Ken Reimer for leading us to consider engaging in such a practical way with our community. This was an idea God put on his heart and he did all he could to get this from conception to completion. This is one example of how an individual vision can empower us to love in Jesus’ name. This is what it means to be “joining God in our neighbourhoods.”
Every blessing,
Pastor Greg
2. Recovery Roundtables: Part Two
Church family, we are about to launch the May portion of the Recovery Roundtable sessions to be led by our deacons. Some deacons are leading the discussion in a number of our small groups and the deacon’s listed below look forward to hosting open groups — anyone can join.
Here are the first two options for your consideration. To register for either, please click the button below.
Saturday, May 15, 10 am, Third Floor Assemble Area (Led by Deacon Charlie Ritchie)
Wednesday, May 19, 7 pm, ZOOM (Led by Deacon Mary Tingley)
The Deacons will be holding a retreat in early June to consider the input from these sessions. We need your input as we plan for Fall 2021.
3. A Message from Pastor Greg: Praying in These Days
Encountering the Third Wave in Fredericton
At April's Deacon’s meeting, one of our deacons needed to be excused from our meeting as his family had just received the call informing them that all students, staff and teachers at George Street Middle School needed to isolate…and with them, their family members.
In one moment, a large cohort of those on the “front line” of contact, in this case, the ‘inhabitants’ of George Street Middle School, grew exponentially as their families became part of the equation. These residents of our fair city had their lives changed in the blink of an eye. It seems, that Frederictonians are experiencing what has been a constant reality for many in our country and around the world.
The first time I addressed the BSBC congregation, in that first recorded sermon of the initial ‘lockdown’ in March, 2020, I reminded us to embrace the truth shared a year before by Dr. Steve McMullin – GOD IS NOT IN CHAOS. The world may, no, IS in chaos but God is not in chaos. This is the bedrock of our confidence as we live into this pandemic, and specifically, this third wave. God is NOT in chaos and so, in the midst of the chaos, it would behoove us to turn to him.
Many in our church family are feeling the fear, frustration and fractiousness of these days — we need to pray for them. Many in our church family and our city are on the front lines in a myriad of ways, serving our community in the midst of the Third Wave — we need to pray for them. Brothers and sisters in Christ, around the globe, are suffering and, at the same time, seeking to be salt and light — we can’t forget them. Just outside our doors, and maybe inside our homes, there are those who don’t know Christ, and they, too, need our prayers. In these days, we need to fight the human temptation of hopelessness and despair and do what God’s people have done through the centuries, we need to pray.
Therefore, I’m asking each of you to join me in making a commitment to pray, twice a day, at least 15 minutes each time, for God’s Spirit to move in a mighty way, through this pandemic:
To refine and renew his people,
To make all heart’s sensitive to his love and power,
To restore to believers the “joy of our salvation” though an increased confidence in His power to redeem all things,
To foster in us a zeal to sacrificially love others with our words, actions and resources,
For grace to persevere when the going is tough and
To empower us to share our stories of God’s faithfulness as a way to encourage trust in Him, even in challenging times.
Will you pray protection over those who serve in any way on the front lines, but really, in these days, it appears we are all, in one who or another, are on the front line, BUT NOT ALONE.
Prayer changes things. And we, God’s people, have a radical opportunity to be the ‘things’ that are spiritually changed in this specific “crucible of challenge.” Will you pray, twice a day, for at least 15 minutes, that in “these days” we will find grace to live as those who believe that God is not in chaos and that his will would be done on earth, as it is in heaven, starting in you and me?
Will you join me? Will you be part of the BSBC Covid Prayer Team? 30 minutes a day coveting radical spiritual growth in the Church as a result of this pandemic? If you will, please let me know by clicking the link below and filling in your name — your response will only be known to me — and will be an encouragement that the BSBC family is praying expecting spiritual growth as we make our way through this Third Wave.
For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline.
II Timothy 1:7
Pastor Greg
4. Another Opportunity to Support GHLC
Parsley plants for a toonie. Available after church on May 9 in the church parking lot. This is a WMS Home Mission Project for 2021. The proceeds will go to the support of Green Hill Lake Camp.
Carol Bray,
President Brunswick Street WM
5. May's BODcast is Live
Our focus on this month's BODcast is "Psalm 51." After a Communion Sunday and talking together about the New Covenant, this great penitential prayer of the ages is a powerful meditation on God's grace despite our failures and frailties.
And for those of you who enjoy a special challenge, see if you can explore the resonance of John 19:28-30 ("After this, Jesus, knowing that all was now finished, said — to fulfill the Scripture — 'I thirst.' A jar full of sour wine stood there, so they put a sponge full of the sour wine on a hyssop branch and held it to his mouth. When Jesus had received the sour wine, he said, 'It is finished,' and he bowed his head and gave up his spirit") and its connections with Psalm 51.
Blessings as you study God's Word!
Keith Bodner
6. Introducing "Brunswick Street Cares!" Facebook Ministry
Brunswick Street Cares!
Life is meant to be shared and we are excited to introduce a new way to experience prayer and fellowship together! This Sunday evening, May 9 at 8 p.m., we will host our first "Brunswick Street Cares!" gathering through Facebook Live.
Much like the Lenten series, you are invited to 'gather' from the comfort of your home for a half hour of sharing, giving thanks to God, lifting one another in prayer and praying for the needs around us. It is our goal to offer "Brunswick Street Cares!" on Sunday and Wednesday evenings.
Your prayers are welcome as we launch this new digital ministry. We desire that this initiative be pleasing to God, beneficial to the church family and a way to show love in our community.
In Acts 2:42, God’s people are encouraged to devote themselves to the apostles’ teaching, to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and prayer.
Please join us this Sunday evening for "Brunswick Street Cares!" You’ll find us on our Brunswick Street Facebook page or by going to
Denise Mersereau, Host
7. Mums for Mom
One of our Mother’s Day (May 9) traditions is to decorate our worship spaces with mum plants placed in honour or in loving memory of mothers.
How to purchase a mum plant
Please contact the church office at or 458-8348 to provide the details of your dedication and indicate how you will make your $15 donation (e-transfer, through your offering envelope, or paying at the office).
How will dedications be acknowledged?
This year, dedications will be acknowledged in two ways: (1) in the pre-service announcement loop so those in the service and online can see the dedications AND (2) in the e-newsletter on Wednesday, May 12.
What happens to my mum plant after the service?
After the services on Mother’s Day morning, you can (1) pick up a plant and take it home, (2) leave it to be used another Sunday, (3) come in during the week and pick it up OR (4) let us know where you would like to have it delivered on Monday, May 10.
Thanks for celebrating your favourite mother!
8. 40 Hours in the Wilderness Recap
What a joyful and humbling experience it has been to hear about the church generosity as the amount of money collected just keeps on increasing every time I ask our tally people. It is still too early to announce the final amount just yet but it is certainly not too early to say: Thanks a million! Merci beaucoup! Muchas gracias! Muito obrigado! to all of you who have donated since this fundraiser kicked off a few weeks ago!
Stay tuned for a special word from Stephen Alward, GHLC director later this week, the grand total in next week's newsletter along with a summary video put together by Neil Livingstone.
May God be glorified and continue to make us a church that gives sacrificially when needs arise!
Pastor Charles
9. Calling All Muffin Makers
Dear muffin making friends! Thank you to all who have digitally signed-up to provide muffins. We still require 5 dozens muffins for delivery to the church on Friday, May 14. If you can help, please click below to register. Thanks to all who have registered for this ministry to Fredericton’s homeless population.
10. Hello From the West Coast
For those who attended or tuned in to last Sunday’s Traditional service, you’ll remember that we began the service by saying hello to “Linda” who, the week before, had called the office from Vancouver to share encouraging words about that service. In response to the “Hello, Linda” (not Joanne as errantly began!), I received this note:
Good afternoon from Vancouver area! Thank you to Pastor Greg, (& yes, Pastor Charles !) & congregation, for your warm & cheerful HELLO yesterday at the beginning of the service.(*and how ironic, my middle name is Joanne!) As all our churches in BC continue to be closed during this time, also offering online services, it has truly been a blessing the past few months, to be able to join with you as well online from so far away, in your wonderful Brunswick Street Baptist Church. I lived in Fredericton from 1966-70 as a young girl and have very fond memories of childhood days there. Your church community seems to be very genuine, authentic, caring, engaged & relevant in this time, particularly during the pandemic. And what a tremendous music talent & other gifts are shared each week. God bless you all, stay well, continue strong & boldly as a Mission Edge church in Fredericton, across Canada and indeed, the world!
Sincerely, Linda
11. Celebrating University Grads
It's that exciting time of the year again where we seek to honour and acknowledge the efforts of students who are soon graduating from University, College and High School. Undoubtedly, this academic year has been unique and will go down as a challenging one. These graduating students have pushed through and adapted as well as they could to online courses, dealing with limited peer and school staff interactions, grieving the loss of social events and having to create a whole life routine for themselves. We want to celebrate with all of them!
How you can help
In order for us not to forget any students connected to BSBC, please contact us ( with:
the full name of the student,
the school,
the field of study (College/University), and
a graduation photo, if possible.
Thank you in advance for your help!
Pastor Charles
Interim Youth Ministries Coordinator
12. This Sunday's Worship Services
This Sunday morning we take some time to honour all who “mother” us in this life!
Worship leaders
We’ll be grateful to Pastor Steve and his daughter, Lauren, who will be leading in the gym. In the sanctuary, Gloria Tranquilla and David Steeves will be supported by two Sanctuary Ensembles, our Adult Handbell Choir and flautist, Veronique Dumais.
In both services, Denise Mersereau will be hosting a “His Name is Power” testimony time with special guest, Chadwick Anderson. And, we’ll welcome Deacon Charlie Ritchie to our pulpit with a message on servanthood for those who are called “a royal priesthood” to our God.
13. Wednesday Library Openings
Your librarians invite you to visit the library the second and fourth Wednesdays of each month from 10 a.m. until noon.
Come and engage with our huge collection of books – there’s something for everyone!
14. This Week at BSBC: May 5 to 12
Wednesday, May 5
9:30 Senior Exercise (Gym)
10:00 Library Opens
12:00 Prayer Time with Pastor Charles (Sanctuary/Facebook Live)
6:00 Vocal Ensemble (Sanctuary)
6:30 Youth Bible Study (3rd Floor Assembly/Zoom)
6:30 Book of James Bible Study with Daniel Savard (Team Meetings)
Thursday, May 6
9:30 New Life (3rd Floor Board Room)
1:30 Ladies Bible Study with Carol Bray (Family Room)
1:30 Bible Study with Mary McMulkin (3rd Floor Boardroom)
6:30 Handbell Choir (Sanctuary)
7:00 Chinese Hymn Practice (Choir Room)
Friday, May 7
9:30 Senior Exercise (Gym)
6:00 Friends Are Us Puppets (2nd Floor Kidztown)
7:00 Youth Group (3rd Floor Assembly)
Saturday, May 8
1:00 Contemporary Worship Team Practice (Gym)
Sunday, May 9
10:15 KidzTown
10:30 Traditional Worship Service (Sanctuary/
10:30 Contemporary Worship Service (Gym/Facebook Live)
2:00 Chinese Worship Service (Sanctuary)
Monday, May 10
7:00 Social Action Team (Zoom)
7:00 Chinese Bible Study (3rd Floor Assembly Area)
Tuesday, May 11
12:00 Chinese Prayer Meeting (2nd Floor Boardroom)
1:30 Full Staff Meeting (Family Room)
1:30 Quilters for Missions (Quilting Room)
2:45 Pastoral Staff Meeting (Family Room)
6:30 DivorceCare (3rd Floor)
Wednesday, May 12
9:30 Senior Exercise (Gym)
12:00 Prayer Time with Pastor Charles (Sanctuary/Facebook Live)
6:00 Vocal Ensemble (Sanctuary)
6:30 Youth Bible Study (3rd Floor Assembly/Zoom)
6:30 Book of James Bible Study with Daniel Savard (Team Meetings)