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Growing Faith, Friends & Families to Serve
In this issue:
1 – A Summary of Your Amazing Generosity in 2021
2 – Recovery Round Tables – Part 2
3 – News of the Millette Family and Summer Y/YA Ministry
4 – Stewardship Report
5 – “Mums for Mom” Gifts
6 – Introducing “Brunswick Street Cares!” Facebook Ministry
7 – Letters of Appreciation
8 – “40 Hours in the Wilderness” Movie
9 – GHLC Fundraiser Supper – Saturday, May 15
10 – Paid Summer Ministry Positions for Students
11 – This Sunday’s Services
12 – On Leave
13 – Celebrating Our University Grads
14 – Wednesday Library Openings
15 – This Week @ BSBC
1. A Summary of Your Amazing Generosity Thus Far in 2021
Dear Church Family,
I begin by quoting the Apostle Paul, writing in II Corinthians 9:7:
Each of you must give as you have made up your mind, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.
As your pastors, we are constantly amazed at the “cheerful giving” of this church family. And, in the first part of 2021, we have given you lots of opportunities for you to give and you have responded. In the interest of transparency and thankfulness I offer the following recap:
Providing hand/foot warmers, emergency warming blankets, propane heaters, etc. to Fredericton’s homeless population:
As of Monday, May 10 Total Giving: $6,532.00
Expenses: $2,243.69
Balance: $4,288.31
The balance is under the direction of the Social Action Team to continue in ministry to the homeless.
Providing funds for to purchase breakfast supplies (juice, fresh fruit, etc.) for those eating breakfast at the Pheonix Learning Center.
As of Monday, May 10 Total Giving: $1,620.00
Expenses: $715.56
Balance: $904.44
The balance is under the direction of the Social Action Team to continue in ministry to the homeless.
Providing scholarship funds so that children who require such support will be able to attend Green Hill Lake Camp in the summer of 2021.
As of Monday, May 10 Total Giving: $7,749.65
Providing financial support that will allow New Life leadership to purchase specific needed groceries and supplies.
As of Monday, May 10 Total Giving: $1,670.00
Providing gift cards to students/families in Covid-19 lockdown in two UNB residences. With funding so profound, we were also able to provide financial support to BSBC families also affected.
As of Monday, May 10 Total Giving: $10,290.00
Gift Cards for UNB Students/Families: $6,400.00
Financial Assistance for BSBC Families: $1,500.00
Balance: $3,390.00
The balance has been forwarded to the UNB fund that supports students/families negatively impacted by Covid-19.
Please join me in praying that each of these funds have been/will be a practical blessing in lives of members of our community AND that the Spirit of God would use them to bring glory to and a personal relationship with the Triune God.
Pastor Greg
2. Recovery Roundtables: Part Two
Church family, we are about to launch the May portion of the Recovery Roundtable sessions to be led by our deacons. Some deacons are leading the discussion in a number of our small groups and the deacon’s listed below look forward to hosting open groups — anyone can join.
Here are the first two options for your consideration. To register for either, please click the button below.
Saturday, May 15, 10 am, Third Floor Assemble Area (Led by Deacon Charlie Ritchie)
Wednesday, May 19, 7 pm, ZOOM (Led by Deacon Mary Tingley)
Thursday, May 27, 7 pm, Third Floor Assembly Area (Led by Cheryl Gibson)
The Deacons will be holding a retreat in early June to consider the input from these sessions. We need your input as we plan for Fall 2021.
3. News of the Millette Family + Summer Youth & Young Adult Ministry
In the fall, back to my primary ministry:
Equipping churches to make disciples of Jesus Christ through sports!
Since March of 2020, God has forced us all to enter into the School of Contentment with or without our permission. Regardless of our willingness to attend this school, I am sure we can all say that we have learned a great deal. We have learned to navigate unchartered waters, to balance wisdom and boldness on a day-to-day basis, to deal with fear and concerns and most importantly, to live and lead through adversity.
I have found contentment in a ministry position I never thought I would ever do. It is now hard to believe that my time as the Youth Ministries Coordinator is coming to a close at the end of June. It has been an honor and a privilege for me to serve the youth over the past 8 months and also a tremendous treat for our family to be much nearer to BSBC than in the past. Directly serving here has given us much life and consistency in the midst of a demanding season of transition and uncertainty for all.
I want to express my thankfulness to you, dear brothers and sisters, of all ages, who have welcomed me with kindness and grace. Whether we have collaborated from up close week after week, encouraged one another to pray unceasingly or worshiped our God together on Sunday mornings, thank you! I have joyfully come into this church with a smile day after day, mainly due to your support and your prayers. Merci! Along the way, I have learned a great deal about what caring and serving for others really means and I'm convinced that it will impact the work He wants me to do on His behalf in the future.
What's next after the end of June?
Lord willing, our family will be travelling to Surrey, BC, in order to participate in an evangelistic project that has been taken shape for the past two years, in collaboration with SIM Canada and many local churches who are partnering to reach the Sikh community of southern BC, where more than 70,000 live. We will spend the summer in BC, to train new Christian coaches, help prepare and run Christian sports camps, and work at building trust and friendship with Sikh families. It is an exciting faith-filled adventure to become part of as this ethnic group represents the least reached with the Gospel of all of Canada. We are thrilled to see how God will use sports to connect individuals and allow for words of truth to be shared.
And when comes September?
A new season will give me a chance to go back to my primary ministry, Sports Friends, whose mission is to equip churches to make disciples of Jesus Christ through sports among young people, their families and their communities. At the present moment, God is bringing to many Canadian pastors' attention, the efficiency sports has to connect their congregation with their neighboring community. From coast to coast, many churches are impatiently waiting for some help in starting such simple yet powerful disciple-making ministries. Therefore, this new awareness and contagious excitement are opening the doors to ministry for Sports Friends, SIM Canada and myself. As a family, we rejoice in the fact that Fredericton will remain our home-base and that Brunswick Street Baptist Church is ready to become our anchor church for this effervescent time of collaborating with the God of the Harvest and seeing new disciples of all nations begin their walk with Christ as their leader and coach!
May God continue to work powerfully in and through us!
In Him, by His Grace and for His Glory!
Charles, Sarah, Lucie, Victoria & Joseph Millette
Plans for Summer Youth & Young Adult Ministry
What a joy it has been to have Pastor Charles as part of our pastoral team and his family as part of our fellowship. A wise man once said, “The only person who likes change is a wet baby!” I would add, “…and Charles Millette” who transitions so easily and beautifully. And so, we celebrated his transition into the core of our ministry life and now, celebrate his transition back to his primary calling. He certainly leaves us with a legacy of blessing that will continue to bear fruit in the months and years ahead.
What does the summer look like?
At this point, we are pleased to announce that Emily Perrin-Colpitts and her husband, Isaac Colpitts, have accepted our invitation to facilitate weekly youth ministry events through July and August. In addition, we are planning for the weekly Youth Bible Study to continue. Monthly Greenhouse Youth Services will be planned and we’re grateful to Dr. Keith for his willingness to host the Refresh Young Adult Luncheons each Sunday in July and August.
I know we are grateful to those stepping up to ministry leadership for the summer. News about fall plans will be released mid-summer.
Commissioning service & love offering
Let me encourage you to be here on Sunday, June 20, when we hold a Commissioning Service for the Millette family, as they prepare to leave for their summer ministry in BC. And, I invite you to express your appreciation for Pastor Charles ministry by making a donation to the LOVE OFFERING for Pastor Charles (please note, due to CRA regulations, we are unable to issue tax receipts for such gifts). Just mark your gift “Millette Love Offering”.
Throughout the five year journey since pastoral transitions began, God has been completely faithful in providing for our needs, as we have experienced in the form of Pastor Charles. Please pray for the Search Committee as they continue their work of discerning God’s provision for a full time pastor for Next Gen Ministries.
Pastor Greg
4. Stewardship Report to the End of April
Financial Giving Update, Jan. 1 to April 30:
Current Yr Prev Year Budget
General $276,581 $294,524 $307,168
Building $44,955 $34,130 $45,000
Giving to the General Fund is below budget by $30,587, quite healthy for this time of year but approximately $18,000 behind giving to this point last year. Giving to the Building Fund is meeting our budget target, and is significantly greater than this point last year.
Ken Reimer, Treasurer
5. Mums for Mom
Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.
Thank you for the gift of Chrysanthemum plants, which decorated our worship spaces on May 9, in celebration of mothers.
Given in Loving Memory of:
Gertrude Balmain by J. A. Sears, “With love from the family.”
Joyce Lawrence and Muriel McGuire by John and Ruth McGuire
Dorothy Harwood by Beth Snow
Jennie Beers and Maude Warren by Wayne and Lera Beers
Verna Crandlemire “with love from your family”
Madeline Gibson by Cheryl and Marilynne
Kaye Dingee by Mary Dingee
Obumneke Evangeline Igwe by Chidi and Zammie
Diana Read by Robert, Her Children and Grandchildren
Alice Farris by Mary McMulkin
Barbara Peterson and Olive Graves by Shirley, Ralph and Chris Graves
Dorothy Tingley and Jean Robison by Richard and Brenda Tingley and Family
Elizabeth McMullin and Margaret Godfrey by Ron and Sandra McMullin
Marguerite Pierce and Rowena Geldart by Pastor Greg and Margaret
Given in Honour of:
Julianne Moore by Matthew Moore
Marie Wilton by Her Children and Grandchildren
Eleanor Wilton by Jon and Alyse Wilton
Margaret Geldart by Claire, Dan and Levon
Carol Reimer by Alyse and John Reimer
Cynthia Lutes by Katherine Lutes and Joshua Saunders
Chrissy Saunders by Joshua Saunders and Katherine Lutes
Ruth McGuire by George and Laura McGuire
Her children arise and call her blessed…
Proverbs 31:28a
6. Introducing "Brunswick Street Cares!" Facebook Ministry
Brunswick Street Cares!
Life is meant to be shared and we are excited to introduce a new way to experience prayer and fellowship together! Last Sunday evening, May 9 at 8 p.m., we hosted our first "Brunswick Street Cares!" gathering through Facebook Live.
Much like the Lenten series, you are invited to 'gather' from the comfort of your home for a half hour of sharing, giving thanks to God, lifting one another in prayer and praying for the needs around us.
It is our goal to offer "Brunswick Street Cares!" on Sunday and Wednesday evenings.
Your prayers are welcome as we launch this new digital ministry. We desire that this initiative be pleasing to God, beneficial to the church family and a way to show love in our community.
In Acts 2:42, God’s people are encouraged to devote themselves to the apostles’ teaching, to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and prayer.
Please join us for "Brunswick Street Cares!" You’ll find us on our Brunswick Street Facebook page.
Denise Mersereau, Host
7. Letters of Appreciation
From Matthew Akalusi
The Pastors and Congregation of Brunswick Street Baptist Church,
Greetings, in the name of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. I and my Family sincerely thank the Church for the outpouring of love in prayers, kind words, food and grocery items brought over, and funds made available to us while we were in Isolation, as a result of the recent cases of COVID at UNB.
We pray that the Lord will abundantly bless every member of our Church Family and remember each one of you in your time of need.
Yours in Christ, Matthew Akalusi
From Lillian Laapar
Whose Husband, Tedd, Passed Away on Jan. 8, 2020
Dear Friends,
This is overdue but, I want you to know that you have been in my thoughts. The kindness and support you and others have expressed tome during this time have been most appreciated and treasured.
As I reflect on Ted, I realize how very blessed I’ve been to have shared 44 years with Ted, who has given me so much more than I could ever imagine. I, and many, will miss Ted deeply, but if we listen to our hearts we can take comfort knowing Ted is at peace with God.
Heartfelt thanks to Bill and Karen Sorenson and our dear Pastor Greg, who came to Saint John to be with our family at the time of Ted’s passing. For Denise Mersereau who called once a week and brought me to a point where I could remember all the positive time with Ted and our joy in travel and collecting friends.
A special thanks to those who worked so diligently in the kitchen to prepare the funeral reception.
With my deepest gratitude, I thank all of you.
Lillian Laaper
8. 40 Hours in the Wilderness Video
A Note from Pastor Charles
Conclusion of 40 Hours in the Wilderness & A great opportunity to serve Green Hill Lake Camp
Sending campers where Christ is made known
What a blessing it has been to receive news of the total amount of money that was raised through this year's scholarship campaign that will benefit many families who will, thanks to your generosity, be able to send their child to camp this summer. Because of your faithfulness in giving, we can rejoice together as we envision this summer loads and loads of campers' smiles, goofy campfire moments and life-changing conversations centered around the hope one can find in Jesus Christ. As of Monday May 10, the sum of all the offerings tallies up to $6,499.65. Wow! We give God all the glory for having impressed on so many hearts, the necessity to give back in this way.
And now, for those who still have more to give to Green Hill Lake Camp, there is another opportunity to do so but this time it's not through your generous giving! Since May 1, many volunteers have made their way to GHLC to give a helping hand in the Spring Work Days in order to get the camp ready for another season! Therefore, we are calling everyone willing to help with this important task to an afternoon of kingdom-building work on Saturday May 15. Just head to GHLC, located at 40 Green Hill Lake Road. Register your presence by email to
See you there!
Pastor Charles
A Note from Pastor Greg
As we wind up the “40 Hours in the Wilderness” Green Hill Lake Camp Campaign, I want to express my thanks to Neil Livingstone and Pastor Charles for creatively engaging us to consider the needs of potential campers at GHLC and to help underwrite the costs of them hearing the good news of Jesus’ love while enjoying summer camping. Please enjoy this video, prepared by the Dynamic Duo of “Moses” and “Aaron” which gives a glimpse of events encapsulated in “40 Hours in the Wilderness.”
To God be the glory,
Pastor Greg
And, please enjoy this video thank you from Stephen Alward, Executive Director of GHLC.
9. GHLC Fundraising Supper
Greetings, Brunswick Street Church Family,
Just a short reminder that plans for a Fund Raising Dinner at GHLC on Saturday May 15, have an exciting new twist!
A few of you may remember the drive in restaurants of the past — I don’t think roller skates would work well on our roads at camp but we can promise smiling faces (under the masks of course) as we prepare to serve our first drive in/drive through fundraising supper.
How to participate
We are asking you to call and book your meal and then drive to GHLC on May 15 between 4 and 5 p.m. to pick it up. You can eat in your cars or we will have some picnic tables available if weather is good.
Come and wave at our summer staff who will be onsite for our first training session and stop and view the hard work done by some amazing volunteers in replacing some cabin roofs. We may even have a few surprises…Of course we will have a donation bucket to support ongoing camp ministry.
Look for more camp updates coming soon and THANK YOU for your prayers and financial support as we prepare for summer 2021. Contact me or camp if you have any questions — more details on our Facebook page as well.
Blessings to you, your families and your church community, hope you can join us for supper this Saturday!
Sonja Card, GHLC Board Chair
Phone: 506-463-CAMP (2267)
Fax: 506-463-0017
Mobile: 1-888-GHL-N-YOU (445-6968)
10. Paid Summer Ministry Positions for Students
Mactaquac Baptist Church, Bloomfield Baptist Church and Millville Baptist Church all have paid summer positions for a youth (ages 15-30) to help with summer programming and events. Under the direction of the Pastor these positions will entail planning and leading summer programming for children, families and youth.
The exact type of programs will vary by church and the gifting/interests of the leaders but can include VBS, youth events, family outings, cooking camps, and excursions. All these activities are also contingent on the Covid-19 situation this summer. Applicants should have regular access to a vehicle. For further information please inquire with Ragnar Oborn (
11. This Sunday's Service
“Call of Duty, Part 1: A Living Sacrifice” (Acts 21:15-26) - Dr. Keith Bodner
Despite well-meaning believers pleading with Paul to avoid going to Jerusalem where hardship awaits, the apostle is determined to personally deliver the substantial gift from the Gentile believers. In fact, he bravely announced to those assembled in Caesarea that he is prepared to suffer (and even die) for the name of the Lord Jesus. Matters do take a dangerous turn upon arrival in Jerusalem—as we will see—with a tense atmosphere and numerous hostilities lurking beneath the surface.
The central item in this passage is a long meeting with James (the half-brother of Jesus who was not converted to the Christian faith until after the resurrection) and the other leaders of the Jerusalem church, and these leaders are concerned that a precarious situation in the city will soon overflow into unrestrained violence with Paul’s arrival. Not only does Paul have to contend with rumors and fake news about his ministry, but he is being confronted by zealots on the right and on the left.
Starting with the hospitality of an old disciple named Mnason at the beginning of Acts 21:15-26, this section of Scripture actually has a wealth of practical application for TheStreet at this present time, providing us with concrete wisdom for navigating extreme positions, being sensitive and supportive of fellow believers in times of crisis, and seeking to live exemplary lives in a society that is marked by polarization and a lack of civility.
Worship leaders
In the sanctuary, Denise Mersereau will offer another “His Name is Power” testimony time, this week with Chadwick Anderson (offered last Sunday in the gym). Musical leadership for the sanctuary will include David Steeves, Gloria Tranquilla, one of our wonderful vocal ensembles and soloist, Chris Graves.
12. Celebrating University Grads
It's that exciting time of the year again where we seek to honour and acknowledge the efforts of students who are soon graduating from University, College and High School. Undoubtedly, this academic year has been unique and will go down as a challenging one. These graduating students have pushed through and adapted as well as they could to online courses, dealing with limited peer and school staff interactions, grieving the loss of social events and having to create a whole life routine for themselves. We want to celebrate with all of them!
How you can help
In order for us not to forget any students connected to BSBC, please contact us ( with:
the full name of the student,
the school,
the field of study (College/University), and
a graduation photo, if possible.
Thank you in advance for your help!
Pastor Charles
Interim Youth Ministries Coordinator
13. On Leave
Please be in prayer for Pastor Charles, who will be engaging in two weeks of focus on preparations for his summer Sports Friends ministry in British Columbia. When Pastor Charles joined our team, we anticipated this need and provision was made for it.
He will be gone from Monday, May 17 and will return to ministry on Monday, May 31.
Please pray that this will be a renewing and engaging time.
14. Wednesday Library Openings
Your librarians invite you to visit the library the second and fourth Wednesdays of each month from 10 a.m. until noon.
Come and engage with our huge collection of books – there’s something for everyone!
15. This Week at BSBC: May 12 to 19
Wednesday, May 12
9:30 Senior Exercise (Gym)
10:00 Library Opens
12:00 Prayer Time with Pastor Charles (Sanctuary/Facebook Live)
6:00 Vocal Ensemble (Sanctuary)
6:30 Youth Bible Study (3rd Floor Assembly/Zoom)
7:00 James Bible Study (Teams)
8:00 BSBC Cares! (Facebook Live)
Thursday, May 13
9:30 New Life (3rd Floor Board Room)
1:30 Ladies Bible Study with Carol Bray (Family Room)
1:30 Bible Study with Mary McMulkin (3rd Floor Boardroom)
6:30 Handbell Choir (Sanctuary)
7:00 Chinese Hymn Practice (Choir Room)
Friday, May 14
9:30 Senior Exercise (Gym)
7:00 Youth Groups (3rd Floor Assembly)
Saturday, May 15
1:00 Contemporary Worship Team Practice (Gym)
Sunday, May 16
10:15 KidzTown
10:30 Traditional Worship Service (Sanctuary/
10:30 Contemporary Worship Service (Gym/Facebook Live)
12:00 Refresh Lunch (3rd Floor Assembly)
2:00 Chinese Worship Service (Sanctuary)
4:30 Third Sunday Supper (Gym)
8:00 BSBC Cares! (Facebook Live)
Monday, May 17
7:00 Board of Management (Zoom)
7:00 Chinese Bible Study (3rd Floor Assembly)
Tuesday, May 18
12:00 Chinese Prayer Meeting (2nd Floor Boardroom)
1:30 Full Staff Meeting (Family Room)
1:30 Quilters for Missions (Quilting Room)
2:45 Pastoral Staff Meeting (Family Room)
6:30 DivorceCare (Final) (3rd Floor Assembly))
Wednesday, May 19
9:30 Senior Exercise (Gym)
12:00 Prayer Time with Pastor Charles (Sanctuary/Facebook Live)
6:00 Vocal Ensemble (Sanctuary)
6:30 Youth Bible Study (3rd Floor Assembly/Zoom)
7:00 James Bible Study (Teams)
8:00 BSBC Cares! (Facebook Live)