The Banner
Growing Faith, Friends & Family to Serve
In this issue:
Response to Continued Indigenous Suffering in Canada
NextGen Search Committee Notice of Candidate
Spring Business Meeting
Love Offering
Memory Book
June’s Bodcast
Financial Giving Update
This Sunday’s Services
Summer Services
A “Model” Sanctuary
GHLC Staff
Student Summer Job @ St. Andrew’s Presbyterian
“Brunswick Street Cares!” Facebook Ministry
Wednesday Library Openings
This Week @ BSBC
1. Response to Continued Indigenous Suffering in Canada
On May 27, 2021, the Tk'emlups te Secwépemc First Nation released news of the discovery of the remains of 215 children on the site of the former Kamloops Residential School. I’m sure you, too, experienced the accompanying shock and horror followed by an overwhelming feeling of helplessness in terms of addressing such a reality.
In our sanctuary service on Sunday, May 30, we prayed for the Indigenous people of Canada as they experienced what might be described as a mountain of grief and, sadly, affirmation of long held belief. The following Sunday in the gym, a moment of silence was offered and then, again, our church family prayed.
Early this week, I sent a letter of condolence to the members of the St. Mary’s First Nation in care of Chief Allan Polchies Jr. I wrote to affirm our recognition of the impact of such devastating news and offering the assurance that we had prayed and will pray for comfort in the midst of their grief.
Last week, our denomination, Canadian Baptists of Atlantic Canada, issued a statement written by the Indigenous Relations Working Group which also included recommended reading and resources. Dr. Peter Reid, our Executive Minister, added a brief statement. I commend to your reading this serious engagement with this latest heartbreak for our Indigenous brothers and sisters. The article offers ways in which we, as Baptists in Atlantic Canada, can be part of building a better future for all those living in Canada.
As the days move forward, I invite you to continue to pray for healing in our national life. We know that issues of this magnitude can only be healed through the power, love and grace of our Lord Jesus as expressed by His people, loving and serving in His name.
He has shown you, O mortal, what is good.
And what does the LORD require of you?
To act justly and to love mercy
and to walk humbly with your God.
Micah 6:8
Pastor Greg
2. Calling BSBC's First Community Connections Pastor
The NextGen Search Committee (NGSC) is pleased to announce that at the Spring Business Meeting to be held on Wednesday, June 23 at 7 p.m., they will be putting forward the following motion:
Moved that Pastor Ross Watters of Gorebridge, Scotland, be called to fill the permanent position of Community Connections Pastor at Brunswick Street Baptist Church. Start date to be determined.
We are pleased to report that after meeting with Pastor Ross on Zoom, the Board of Deacons has unanimously voted in favour of this call.
The NGSC is grateful to God for the privilege of seeking His candidate for this position and for the many expressions of the Holy Spirit's leading in this search. A full report of all aspects of the search process and complete details about the candidate can be obtained by (1) clicking the link below to download the document OR (2) by contacting the church office (458-8348/ to arrange for the document to be emailed to you or sent to you by Canada Post, OR (3) by stopping by the church office during business hours to pick up a printed copy.
Thank you for prayerfully reviewing the document and attending the Spring Business Meeting, at which time you will meet Pastor Ross via Zoom link.
Yours in Christ,
Deacon Sally Crawford, Chair
Pastor Greg Geldart (ex officio)
Deacon Lei Jin
Roger Kierstead
Julianne Moore
Deacon Graeme Powell
Deacon Adam Savard
Erin Tingley
3. Spring Business Meeting (Expanded Agenda)
The Moderator gives notice of the Spring Business Meeting to be held on Wednesday June 23, 2021 at 7 p.m. in the sanctuary with any in-person overflow (due to COVID-19 protocols) in the gym. It will also be possible to attend the meeting on Zoom. The meeting date is subject to change if public health notifies us of a change in public meeting restrictions.
Expanded agenda
The meeting will receive reports from the Board of Deacons, the Board of Management, the Chinese Congregation and vote on the recommendation of the Search Committee to extend a pastoral call to Pastor Ross Watters to engage with us in the role of Community Connections Pastor at BSBC. Also there will be a motion to approve the 2020 Financial Review.
The details
The congregation is asked to note that the constitution requires a quorum of 40 members for a Special/Spring Business Meeting, that votes on pastoral calls are conducted by secret ballot and that a majority of at least 75% of votes cast must be in favour of the motion before the call can be extended to the candidate.
How to participate via Zoom
Please note that due to the secret ballot requirement of the constitution, those attending on Zoom will be invited to make an appointment to come to the church building the following day to cast their ballots and the counting of all ballots will take place that afternoon with the results being circulated by email to all who attended by early evening, Thursday, June 24.
Reservations for in-person or Zoom attendance can be made by clicking the link below.
Dr. Calvin Smith, Moderator
4. Love Offerings
As is our tradition, the church family is invited to contribute to a Love Offering for Pastor Steve and a Love Offering for Pastor Charles. This allows individual members of the congregation to have the opportunity to give a financial gift as an expression of thanks for faithful service and as a sign of love. Each gives as he/her/they feel led.
How to give
In the weeks ahead you can use any means to give (drop off/mail your gift at the church office, put it in the Sunday offering box or make an e-transfer. In this case, it will be very important to clearly label your gift “Pastor Steve Love Offering” or “Pastor Charles Love Offering” to ensure that your gift gets to the correct account. Any gifts that come in after Wednesday, May 26, marked “Love Offering” will be divided between these pastoral accounts. Thank you for seeking to make your donation by the last Sunday in June.
Please note that the Canada Revenue Agency will not allow us to give a charitable gift receipt for gifts that are designated to specific individuals. Thank you for your understanding.
In the case of Pastor Charles, if you make a gift to him through the existing Millette support account with SIM Canada, a tax receipt can be given. This information just became available Tuesday, June 8. To use this method, click the following link:
5. Please Sign Our Memory Books for Pastor Steve & Pastor Charles
In the time of COVID-19, our celebrations of the ministries of Pastor Steve and Pastor Charles can’t have the personal touch that we like. Therefore, we encourage you to click on the link below so you can include your thanks, memories, prayers, well-wishes, whatever you’d like, to these two wonderful pastors.
Early in July, we’ll be putting these memories in a book that will be printed for each Pastor. Thank you for sharing your encouragement with Pastors Steve and Charles — creating a memento that will be a permanent reminder of your love.
6. June's BODcast
Psalm 107 is an incredible anthem of 'regathering,' as God's people that are scattered far and wide across the four quarters of the earth are able to return and worship the living God.
Not only does this psalm commence Book Five of the Psalter, but it also foreshadows the arrival of Jesus, who comes to seek and save the lost!
Dr. Keith
7. Financial Giving Update
Financial Giving Update, Jan. 1 to May 31
Current Yr Prev Year Budget
General $346,756 $359,516 $381,458
Building $59,443 $52,114 $56,250
General fund giving is below target, $34,701 below budget, which is a bit low for this time of year, and $12,760 behind giving at this point last year.
Building fund giving is actually $3,193 above our budget target, and is significantly greater than this point last year. Any amounts above the budget will be applied to reduce the mortgage principle.
Ken Reimer, Treasurer
8. This Sunday's Service
“The Director” (Acts 23) - Dr. Keith Bodner
The script of Acts 23 is better than a big budget Hollywood movie, with plenty of action, interesting characters, suspense, and the remarkable preservation of the hero in the story.
There are three episodes in the chapter that we will explore in this message, and we will notice the overarching theme of divine providence—including a personal appearance of the Lord Jesus—at every step. First, at a meeting of Sanhedrin Paul is able to survive by cleverly turning the Pharisees and the Sadducees against each other. A key discussion point at this meeting concerns the resurrection of the dead, and we will comment on the relevance of this truth for our lives today.
Second, there is a conspiracy to kill Paul, but through an unexpected sequence of events, a nephew reveals the plot to the Roman officer. Did this happen by chance, or can we have confidence that our steps are “ordered of God”?
Third, when Paul is secretly transferred by night to Caesarea sixty-five miles away, a massive detachment of soldiers are commandeered for the job. Why the excessive amount, and is there a powerful point for our lives right now?
Our study will close with an encouragement: I can live differently when I believe that Jesus is with me in every circumstance, guiding my steps and keeping me in the center of his will for my life!
Worship leaders
In the gym service, Pastor Steve will be leading the worship in song. In the sanctuary, Scott and Tara Kennedy share their gifts (violin/piano), one of our ensembles will sing and an unusual soloist will be included. This Sunday, in both services, Denise Mersereau leads another “His Name is Power” interview, this week with guest, Katherine Lutes. For the month of June, our children’s time is courtesy of our own “Friends Are Us” Puppet Team.
9. Summer Services at BSBC
I’m sure we are all looking forward to the coming of Summer, especially with the possibility of lessening public safety restrictions.
A new approach to summer ministry
In early 2020, the Board of Deacons and Pastors developed a plan for a new approach to summer ministry. Sadly, this was preempted by the coming of Covid. Yet, for a number of reasons, we look forward to launching this plan for July, August and the first Sunday in September.
10. A Model Sanctuary
Our children explore their faith in a variety of ways. Catherine Brodie has been busy working on her “Religion and Life” badge for the scouting program of which she is a member.
Her mentor in the process has been her neighbor, Gloria Tranquilla.
One of the requirements was to explore the meaning and use of various furnishings in our worship space.
Then, the next step was to draw a picture of it.
BUT, Catherine took things one step further and created a clay model of the BSBC sanctuary. And what a wonderful job she did – including pulpit and pastor, pulpit chairs, communion table with people serving, the piano with Gloria seated, the organ, seats in the choir loft, pews for the congregation.
Congratulations, Catherine! What a wonderful job you’ve done.
11. Our GHLC Youth
Even in the midst of a pandemic, Green Hill Lake Camp prepares to welcome children and youth to the potentially eternity changing experience of Christian camping. And, once again, some our brightest and best youth are taking up the challenge to minister to those who come to experience God’s love in so many ways...
12. Summer Job at St. Andrews Presbyterian
Summer Internship — Technical Support and Video Editing
Saint Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, 512 Charlotte Street, Fredericton, NB
Start date: June 21 (9 week position, 30 hours/week @ $16.50 per/hr)
We are a not-for-profit looking to hire someone to help update and maintain our webpage. Additionally, every week, we produce an approximately 30-minute video. For an example of the videos we have been producing see YouTube SAPC Fredericton NB. Working with our staff, this individual will help create the visuals, assemble, and edit the final product.
Knowledge of iMovie or Final Cut Pro would be helpful. This job offer is in conjunction with a grant through Service Canada Summer Jobs. Applicant must be between 18 and 30 years old. Some on-site work is necessary. Office space and parking is available.
Please respond to with resume no later than June 15 but we will continue offering this position if the job remains vacant. Thank you for your interest; we look forward to hearing from you.
13. "Brunswick Street Cares!" Facebook Ministry
Visit the BSBC Facebook page on Sunday and Wednesday evenings at 8 pm for Brunswick Street Cares!
Life is meant to be shared and we are excited to introduce a new way to experience prayer and fellowship together! In Acts 2:42, God’s people are encouraged to devote themselves to the apostles’ teaching, to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and prayer.
Denise Mersereau, Host
14. Wednesday Library Openings
Your librarians invite you to visit the library the second and fourth Wednesdays of each month from 10 a.m. until noon. Come and engage with our huge collection of books – there’s something for everyone!
NEXT OPENING: Wednesday, June 23
15. This Week at BSBC: June 9 to 16
Wednesday, June 9
10:00 Library Open
6:00 Vocal Ensemble (Sanctuary)
6:30 Youth Bible Study CM (3rd Floor Assembly/Zoom)
7:00 James Bible Study (Teams)
8:00 BSBC Cares! FBL
Thursday, June 10
1:30 Ladies Bible Study with Carol Bray (Family Room)
1:30 Bible Study with Mary McMulkin (3rd Floor Boardroom)
7:00 Chinese Hymn Practice (Choir Room)
Friday, June 11
7:00 Youth Groups (Full Church Games)
Saturday, June 12
12:00 Sports Friends (CM’s Office)
1:00 Worship Team Practice (Gym)
6:00 University Graduation Party (3rd Floor Assembly)
Sunday, June 13
10:15 KidzTown (2nd Floor, Family Life Centre)
10:30 Traditional Worship Service (Sanctuary/
10:30 Contemporary Worship Service (Gym/Facebook Live)
12:00 Fresh Start Lunch (3rd Floor Assembly)
2:00 Chinese Worship Service (Sanctuary)
6:00 Kingsway Mission Meeting (3rd Floor Assembly)
8:00 BSBC Cares! (FBL)
Monday, June 14
6:30 Education Committee (Zoom)
6:00 BSBC WMS (Final) (Gym)
7:00 Chinese Bible Study (3rd Floor Assembly)
Tuesday, June 15
12:00 Chinese Prayer Meeting (2nd Floor Boardroom)
1:30 Quilters for Missions (Quilting Room)
Wednesday, June 16
6:00 Vocal Ensemble (Sanctuary)
6:30 Youth Bible Study CM (Final) (3rd Floor Assembly/Zoom)
7:00 James Bible Study (Final) (Teams)
8:00 BSBC Cares! (FBL)