The Banner
In this issue:
Video Message From Pastor Greg
NextGen Search Committee Notice of Candidate
Spring Business Meeting
Summer Children’s Ministry @ BSBC
Summer Youth Ministry @ BSBC
Seeking Youth Leaders for Summer Ministry
Church Family Celebrations (Wedding/Anniversary/New Grandchild)
Love Offering
Memory Book
This Sunday’s Services
June’s Bodcast
Summer Services
GHLC Staff
“Brunswick Street Cares!” Facebook Ministry
Wednesday Library Openings
This Week @ BSBC
1. Video Message from Pastor Greg
2. Calling BSBC's First Community Connections Pastor
The NextGen Search Committee (NGSC) is pleased to announce that at the Spring Business Meeting to be held on Wednesday, June 23 at 7 p.m., they will be putting forward the following motion:
Moved that Pastor Ross Watters of Gorebridge, Scotland, be called to fill the permanent position of Community Connections Pastor at Brunswick Street Baptist Church. Start date to be determined.
We are pleased to report that after meeting with Pastor Ross on Zoom, the Board of Deacons has unanimously voted in favour of this call. The NGSC is grateful to God for the privilege of seeking His candidate for this position and for the many expressions of the Holy Spirit's leading in this search. A full report of all aspects of the search process and complete details about the candidate can be obtained by (1) clicking the link below to download the document OR (2) by contacting the church office (458-8348/ to arrange for the document to be emailed to you or sent to you by Canada Post, OR (3) by stopping by the church office during business hours to pick up a printed copy.
Thank you for prayerfully reviewing the document and attending the Spring Business Meeting, at which time you will meet Pastor Ross via Zoom link.
Yours in Christ,
Deacon Sally Crawford, Chair
Pastor Greg Geldart (ex officio)
Deacon Lei Jin
Roger Kierstead
Julianne Moore
Deacon Graeme Powell
Deacon Adam Savard
Erin Tingley
3. Spring Business Meeting (Expanded Agenda)
The Moderator gives notice of the Spring Business Meeting to be held on Wednesday June 23, 2021 at 7 p.m. in-person in the sanctuary, with any overflow in the gym, and online via Zoom.
Expanded agenda
The meeting will receive reports from the Board of Deacons, the Board of Management, the Chinese Congregation and vote on the recommendation of the Search Committee to extend a pastoral call to Pastor Ross Watters to engage with us in the role of Community Connections Pastor at BSBC. Also there will be a motion to approve the 2020 Financial Review.
4. Summer Children's Ministry
Sunday KIDZTOWN For Kindergarten to Grade 5
As we move into July and August, parents are invited to consider having your K to Grade 5 children engage in our weekly KidzTown. From 10:15 a.m. through to the end of the morning worship services, our teaching team are able to welcome up to 15 children to engage in worship, learning and fellowship with specific COVID-19 protocols in place.
Click the link below to access the detailed COVID-19 plan for everyone’s safety. Reservations are required and can be made when you register for worship services by using the KidzTown box to register your child(ren).
Vacation Bible School
We, here at Brunswick Baptist Church, are so excited to let you know about our Vacation Bible School program for this year: Treasured: Discovering You Are Priceless to God!
Treasured is a wonderful program that will teach points of the bible through fun adventures. We'll have Sing and Play, Bible Adventures, KidVid Cinema and Imagination Station, where the children will create and make something new every week! We are planning five weeks of in person fun, games, snacks, great music and new adventures.
Please, register your children and bring them every week to join the fun at our Island of Treasures! The same COVID-19 protocols used in KidzTown will be applied to VBS.
VBS is offered on different days for different age groups:
K to Grade 2: Wednesdays from 9 a.m. to noon
Grade 3 to 5: Thursdays from 9 a.m. to noon
VBS will be offered the following weeks, attend any session or all sessions:
Session One: Wednesday, July 7 (K-Gr. 2)/Thursday, July 8 (Gr. 3-5)
Session Two: Wednesday, July 21 (K-Gr. 2)/Thursday, July 22 (Gr. 3-5)
Session Three: Wednesday, Aug. 4 (K-Gr. 2)/Thursday, Aug. 5 (Gr. 3-5)
Session Four: Wednesday, Aug. 18 (K-Gr. 2)/Thursday, Aug. 19 (Gr. 3-5)
Session Five: Wednesday, Sept. 1 (K-Gr. 2)/Thursday, Sept. 2 (Gr. 3-5)
5. Summer Youth Ministry
We’re looking forward to a great summer for Middle School (welcoming those going into Grade 6 in September) through to High School and for Young Adults.
Tuesday Night Youth Group (7 to 9 p.m. | Weekly in July & August)
We’re grateful to Emily Perrin-Colpitts and Isaac Colpitts for accepting our invitation to work this summer in youth ministry. Emily has great ideas and is planning something for everyone. We hope new Middle Schoolers (those going into grade 6 in September) will join in the fun and everyone should feel free to come with a friend!
Wednesday Night Bible Study (6:30 to 8 p.m. | Weekly in July and August)
We’re also grateful to Alyse Wilton and her trusty sidekick, husband Jon, who will be leading the summer study of the Scriptures. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to continue to grow spiritually through the summer.
Sundays Summer Fresh Start (Bi-Weekly in July and August | Following Worship Services)
Dr. Keith and Pastor Greg will be hosting bi-weekly gatherings for young adults. They invite you to join them for lunch, a study/discussion and prayer time with group fellowship to follow.
Sundays July 4 & 18
Sundays August 1, 15 & 29
6. Seeking Summer Youth Leaders
Hey church!
I am reaching to ask for volunteers for the summer Youth Group.
Whether you’re a senior in high school, a senior citizen or somewhere in between, you could give your time to the youth group. Though before you can say yes, I should explain what we would need from you.
Youth group is meeting each Tuesday from 7 to 9 p.m. throughout the summer. You would be responsible for showing up 15-30 mins early and/or stay 15-30 mins afterwards for setup and takedown of games and activities. As a youth leader your role would be to spend some time with the youth, engaging in faith filled conversations as well as if physically capable, helping join/run games.
Something I believe in very deeply is allowing the youth to see people living their life for Christ at all different stages. The students benefit when they get to see people of all different ages, all different relationship statuses and all different cultures pursuing a life of faith. Youth leaders are often who the kids relate themselves to, we build strong connections of trust with them, giving them a safe space to figure out who they are and to ask questions about life and religion.
So, whether you have more energy than you know what to do with, or find yourself more on the introverted side, there is a place for you in this ministry.
Please email me at for more information, and how to connect.
Thank you,
Emily Perrin-Colpitts
7. Church Family Celebrations
On Saturday, June 19, Elizabeth Rioux, daughter of Dave and Jane Rioux will marry her beloved, Phil Pellerin.
The marriage will take place at the Island View Baptist Church with Pastor Greg officiating.
Please pray for Elizabeth and Phil as they exchange their vows before God and their family and friends.
We offer our congratulations to Larry and Lena Meade on the occasion of their 50th wedding anniversary which will be celebrated on Wednesday, June 23. Pastor Larry and Lena have lived a life of faithful Kingdom service and we’ve been pleased to have they worship with us in their retirement years.
Their only son, Andrew, and his family live in Pennsylvania are not able to be with them to celebrate in the way they would like. So, we invite you to send your personal congratulations to:
Lawrence & Lena Meade
82 Millridge Lane
Fredericton, NB
E3A 0S7
Well, if you see big smiles on the faces of Ron and Liz Smith….there’s a good reason! Their daughter, Nicki Smith Violette safely delivered Hugo William, 7lbs, 6oz on Thursday, June 10, in Fredericton.
Our congratulations to Nicki and Joel on this precious gift. Ron and Liz are pleased to have a grandchild that is a resident of Fredericton. Which in no way means that their western grandkids are not special…in fact they invite us to pray for their daughter, Katherine, who is flying on July 25, to do a locum at the DECH, and for her husband, Matt and their three children, who are booked to come on July 1st, if isolation regulations allow.
Rejoice with those who rejoice…
Romans 12:15a
8. Love Offerings
As is our tradition, the church family is invited to contribute to a Love Offering for Pastor Steve and a Love Offering for Pastor Charles. This allows individual members of the congregation to have the opportunity to give a financial gift as an expression of thanks for faithful service and as a sign of love. Each gives as he/her/they feel led.
How to give
In the weeks ahead you can use any means to give (drop off/mail your gift at the church office, put it in the Sunday offering box or make an e-transfer. In this case, it will be very important to clearly label your gift “Pastor Steve Love Offering” or “Pastor Charles Love Offering” to ensure that your gift gets to the correct account. Any gifts that come in after Wednesday, May 26, marked “Love Offering” will be divided between these pastoral accounts. Thank you for seeking to make your donation by the last Sunday in June.
Please note that the Canada Revenue Agency will not allow us to give a charitable gift receipt for gifts that are designated to specific individuals. Thank you for your understanding.
In the case of Pastor Charles, if you make a gift to him through the existing Millette support account with SIM Canada, a tax receipt can be given. This information just became available Tuesday, June 8. To use this method, click the following link:
9. Please Sign Our Memory Books for Pastor Steve & Pastor Charles
In the time of COVID-19, our celebrations of the ministries of Pastor Steve and Pastor Charles can’t have the personal touch that we like. Therefore, we encourage you to click on the link below so you can include your thanks, memories, prayers, well-wishes, whatever you’d like, to these two wonderful pastors.
Early in July, we’ll be putting these memories in a book that will be printed for each Pastor. Thank you for sharing your encouragement with Pastors Steve and Charles — creating a memento that will be a permanent reminder of your love.
10. This Sunday's Services: June 20
A Celebration of Youth Leaders
That title may be a bit misleading. We’re not celebrating those who lead our youth…although they are due our prayers and thanks for faithful leading. But, we’ll be celebrating our youth who are using their gifts to lead God’s people in various ways.
One of Pastor Charles new initiatives was the implementation of a bi-weekly “Greenhouse Service” for our youth. While the service was to provide a unique place for youth to worship…the greenhouse part provided a place for youth to use/refine their gifts and talents in worship leadership. In fact, in recent months, these services have been led by our youth, with support from their adult leaders. WHAT A BLESSING!
So, this Sunday, we welcome Rotimi Akalusi as our preacher in both services. Rotimi is a student at Fredericton High School and has shared sermons in the Greenhouse Services. This Sunday, Rotimi will be leading us to consider the truth of Psalm 27. Musical offerings in both services will come from our youth, some, in fact, will be travelling between services to share their gifts with everyone.
Please note that this Sunday, June 20, we will also be thanking Pastor Charles and Sarah for their ministry with us and praying over them as they prepare for summer ministry in BC. It was Pastor Charles idea to feature our youth leaders on this special Sunday for his family. And if that weren’t excitement enough, we’ll also be taking time to celebrate this year’s graduates AND to give a shout out to DADs on their special day.
Don’t miss this wonderful morning of inspiration and thanks!
11. June's BODcast
Psalm 107 is an incredible anthem of 'regathering,' as God's people that are scattered far and wide across the four quarters of the earth are able to return and worship the living God.
Not only does this psalm commence Book Five of the Psalter, but it also foreshadows the arrival of Jesus, who comes to seek and save the lost!
Dr. Keith
12. Summer Services at BSBC
I’m sure we are all looking forward to the coming of Summer, especially with the possibility of lessening public safety restrictions.
A new approach to summer ministry
In early 2020, the Board of Deacons and Pastors developed a plan for a new approach to summer ministry. Sadly, this was preempted by the coming of Covid. Yet, for a number of reasons, we look forward to launching this plan for July, August and the first Sunday in September.
13. Our GHLC Staff — Your Opportunity to Give
Even in the midst of a pandemic, Green Hill Lake Camp prepares to welcome children and youth to the potentially eternity changing experience of Christian camping. And, once again, some our brightest and best youth are taking up the challenge to minister to those who come to experience God’s love in so many ways.
14. "Brunswick Street Cares!" Facebook Ministry
Visit the BSBC Facebook page on Sunday and Wednesday evenings at 8 pm for Brunswick Street Cares!
Life is meant to be shared and we are excited to introduce a new way to experience prayer and fellowship together! In Acts 2:42, God’s people are encouraged to devote themselves to the apostles’ teaching, to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and prayer.
Denise Mersereau, Host
15. Wednesday Library Openings
Your librarians invite you to visit the library the second and fourth Wednesdays of each month from 10 a.m. until noon. Come and engage with our huge collection of books – there’s something for everyone!
NEXT OPENING: Wednesday, June 23
16. This Week at BSBC: June 16 to 23
Wednesday, June 16
6:00 Vocal Ensemble (Sanctuary)
6:30 Youth Bible Study (3rd Floor Assembly/Zoom)
7:00 James Bible Study (Final) (Teams)
8:00 BSBC Cares! FBL
Thursday, June 17
11:00 Counselling Centre (2nd Floor, Admin. Bldg.)
7:00 Chinese Hymn Practice (Choir Room)
Friday, June 18
7:00 Youth Groups (3rd Floor, FLC)
Saturday, June 19
12:00 Sports Friends (CM’s Office)
1:00 Worship Team Practice (Gym)
Sunday, June 20
10:15 KidzTown (2nd Floor, Family Life Centre)
10:30 Traditional Worship Service (Sanctuary/
10:30 Contemporary Worship Service (Gym/Facebook Live)
12:00 Fresh Start Lunch (3rd Floor Assembly)
2:00 Chinese Worship Service (Sanctuary)
4:30 Third Sunday Supper (Gym)
8:00 BSBC Cares! (FBL)
Monday, June 21
5:00 Counselling Centre (2nd Floor, Admin. Bldg.)
7:00 Board of Management (Zoom)
7:00 Chinese Bible Study (3rd Floor Assembly)
Tuesday, June 22
12:00 Chinese Prayer Meeting (2nd Floor Boardroom)
1:30 Quilters for Missions (Quilting Room)
Wednesday, June 23
10:00 Library Open
12:00 Staff Luncheon (Home of Pastor Greg & Margaret Geldart)
7:00 Spring Business Meeting (Sanctuary)
8:00 BSBC Cares! (FBL)