The Banner
Growing Faith, Friends & Families to Serve
In this issue:
Oasis Needs You
An Encouraging Update From Our Camp
A Noontime Concert
Great News From Charles Millette
Praying for the Watters Family
Pastoral Care During Pastor Greg’s Vacation
Financial Giving Update
Hospital Admissions
Youth: Don’t Miss the July “Greenhouse Service”
Thanks From the Olmsteads
This Sunday’s Services
Summer Fridays in July & August: Change in Office Hours
Summer VBS & KidzTown
Summer Youth Ministry
Wednesday Library Openings
This Week at BSBC
1. A Message from Pastor Greg: Oasis Needs You
Greetings Church Family,
Some of you may not know that BSBC is a member of a collective of Baptist churches, both in Atlantic Canada and across the country. On the Atlantic Canadian front, our collective is known as Canadian Baptists of Atlantic Canada (CBAC).
What is OASIS?
Each year, with the exception of 2020, the CBAC holds a corporate gathering called OASIS. OASIS offers great worship, inspiring teaching, helpful workshops, and "Family Business Sessions" — which deal with various business items that impact the work we do collectively.
OASIS 2021
This year, OASIS is back in a modified, online form. I invite you to visit the OASIS website and explore the offerings this year. Offerings that allow you to attend from any location of your choice. You can attend from the comfort of your home...the beach...the camp...well, anywhere. So, this may just be the year to attend!
How to get involved
As a member church, we are allowed and should send 10 voting delegates to OASIS. To be a delegate for BSBC, you must be a member of BSBC and have been baptized by immersion. If you are willing to be a delegate for our church, please (1) contact Janet in our church office so we can keep track of those serving in this way and (2) go to their website and register online.
The registration fee for delegates, as of Thursday, July 15, is $50. You would then submit your receipt to the church office for reimbursement. Please note that it is possible to attend as a non-delegate — so attendance is open to all, only delegates (who will vote on business items) have to be members of BSBC.
This year, one business item involves large scale changes to the process for ordination. Some wonderful changes that will streamline the process.
Please take in as much of OASIS as you are able. You won't be sorry.
Every blessing,
Pastor Greg
2. An Encouraging Update From Our Camp
Green Hill Lake Camp is up and running and Sonja Card, the GHLC Board Chair, sent out this encouraging report with an opportunity for those of us with spare time on our hands to provide practical aid to our camp.
Good Morning!
We are finishing up the second week of summer camp tonight and there are a few things we are delighted to share — with full camps this week we needed a couple of terrific young men to assist and Oromocto Baptist and Douglas Baptist Church graciously shared their terrific summer interns to meet the need, THANKS!
How to help: Prayer
Please remember to keep your camp in your prayers — for safety, for our staff and most importantly for changed lives for our campers as they hear — maybe for the first time — how much they are loved by God and how Jesus can become their Lord and Saviour
How to help: Painting
If you are looking for ways to help out and enjoy painting we would welcome you for a few hours or a day — we can promise snacks. You will be uplifted just hearing the happy laughter and sounds of camp life while you help us keep GHLC looking great.
Thank you for your ongoing prayers and financial support — we appreciate you. Wishing you, your families and congregations a time of refreshment this summer.
GHLC Board Chair
3. A Noontime Concert
Our own Vivian Ni will be presenting a musical concert on Wednesday, July 28 from 12:10 to 12:50 p.m. at Christ Church Parish Church on the corner of Westmorland and Charlotte Streets.
Admission is free and all are welcome.
Here's a note from Vivian:
Got an hour during your lunch break on Wednesday, July 28? Why not come enjoy the final concert of Christ Church Parish Church's Summer Concert Series provided by Anne Marie Murphy and myself? This music series invites musicians to give a 40 minute concert every Wednesday at 12:10 p.m. during the month of July. It's a great way to discover and to appreciate different types of music, pieces, songs, composers, and instruments!
This last concert includes pieces by Grieg and Tchaikovsky and features piano, violin, and hulusi (chinese woodwind instrument). I bet you've never heard of a hulusi before! Of course you can Google it, but if you want to hear it live, be sure to be there on the 28th! Admission is by free-will donation and all proceeds go to Christ Church Parish Church. Hope to see you there! - Vivian
Please note: While admission is by free-will donation, please call 455-3295 to reserve your seat so that COVID-19 protocols can be followed.
4. Great News From Charles Millette
Dear BSBC family,
How have you been?
I heard you have received your fair share of rain this summer, unlike here in BC. Please send buckets full over here! (and pray for rain!)
It's always a joy and a privilege to be asked to share a few words about ministry and missionary life with you all, knowing that as a family, we joyfully and willingly support each other in prayer!
5. Praying for the Watters Family
Be sure to include the Watters family in your prayers as they/we enter into the immigration process with the Canadian government. Please pray for:
Spiritual, physical and emotional vitality during all the aspects of this transition
Clear paths for the immigration paperwork
Ease of packing and shipping belongings
Meaningful time with family and friends
Family and friends being left behind
Some restful summer activities
God’s provision for the leadership needs of Gorebridge Parish Church
Pastor Ross and Fi have been grateful for the warm welcome they’ve received through email and Facebook. They can’t wait to touchdown in Fredericton at the end of August!
6. Pastoral Care During Pastor Greg's Vacation
Pastor Greg will be taking two weeks of vacation during the month of July. Plans have changed a bit and with deacon encouragement, he left after the service on Sunday, July 11 and will return to the office on Tuesday, July 27. We want him to have an uninterrupted break.
During his time away, weekdays you can contact the church office with your pastoral care needs. At other times, you can contact the church office and listen to the phone message for the contact phone number of the ‘Deacon on Call’.
7. Financial Giving Update: Jan. 1 to June 30
Current Yr Prev Year Budget
General $404,728 $428,783 $456,248
Building $70,163 $60,783 $67,500
Please note the General Fund giving, which is significantly behind target, $51,520 below budget. In the month of June our giving fell $15,169 further behind budget.
Please consider how you can support the needs of God's work in this place, as we start to see increased expenses related to the calling of our new Community Connections Pastor, Ross Watters, as well as expenses for the fall programs.
Building Fund giving is meeting our budget target, actually just over budget and ahead of last year, praise God.
8. Hospital Admissions
The congregation is asked to note that the only way pastoral staff will be aware of hospital admissions is by a family member notifying the church office. Kevin Culberson will be happy to visit in Pastor Greg’s absence, so please don’t hesitate to let the church office know of any admissions in your family. Thank you.
9. Youth Greenhouse Service
Hey, parents of Middle and High School youth, make a reservation for your youth to engage in the July “Greenhouse Service” Sunday, July 25 at 10:30 a.m. in the third floor assembly area. We’re grateful to Jon and Alyse Wilton who will be coordinating this youth service where, as is typical, youth will be leading. To make a reservation for the July 25 “Greenhouse Service” please click on the link below.
10. Thank You From The Olmsteads
Thank you to all our friends who remembered David's 80th birthday and for all the good wishes sent to us on our move to Sackville. Please keep in touch! Our new contact information is:
David & Elizabeth Olmstead
Apt. 111-15 York Street
Sackville, NB E4L 4R3
(506) 536-1550
11. This Sunday's Service: July 25, 2021
This Sunday at BSBC you continue to have two choices for engagement with God’s word.
Sermon Café
In the gym, you are invited to our “Sermon Café” where you’ll be welcomed by our hosts and offered hot or cold beverages and baked goods. You and your guest(s) will enjoy background worship music, each other's company and conversation — check out the sermon prep question handout. Then, when the sermon starts in the sanctuary, you’ll be invited to watch it in the gym. Sundays in the gym are relaxed, personal and allow you to engage with God’s word and each other.
Blended Worship
In the sanctuary, you’re invited to engage with elements from both contemporary and traditional services as we seek to offer ourselves to God through various acts of worship and engage with Dr. Keith in the study of God’s word.
Worship leaders
On July 25, the service will be led by Deacon Ron and Sandra McMullin. We’re grateful to Greg & Rebecca Keezer, Gloria Tranquilla, Yvonne Kershaw, Laura McGuire will lead the musical elements. Ken and Carol Reimer will be leading us in prayer and we’ll be offering another great puppet video for the children.
Sermon notes: Greater Things (John 1:43-51)
Dr. Keith writes: A few weeks ago on Communion Sunday we dropped in—as uninvited guests—to a wedding in Cana of Galilee. This week we are going to hear about one of Cana’s most famous citizens, Nathanael, whose call takes place in John chapter 1 immediately prior to the wedding scene.
There are some intriguing movements in the story of Nathanael, and in order to respond to the call of Jesus he needs to get over some personal baggage, deal with his skepticism, and modify some of his preconceived ideas. Each of these obstacles are removed in the context of a powerful encounter with Jesus, and in this message we will apply insights from Nathanael’s call—as Jesus invites him on an adventure where he will see some of the greatest things ever—to our own journey of discipleship this summer.
Parents, remember that KidzTown is running for children K-Gr 5. And, there’s a preschool room on the gym hallway if you should need to use it.
Worship Online
Please note that for July and August the online service will be on YouTube only. You do not need a YouTube account to watch the service. The Contemporary Facebook Live Service Returns the second Sunday in September.
We look forward to seeing you Sunday! If you're attending in-person, please be sure to make your reservation by clicking the link below.
12. Summer Fridays at BSBC
Summer brings an opportunity for adjusted schedules and that includes our church office. Please note that on Friday afternoons for July and August, our office will be closing at 3 p.m. Thank you for noting this change in the routine.
Your Board of Management
13. Summer Children's Ministry
Vacation Bible School
We, here at Brunswick Baptist Church, are so excited to let you know about our Vacation Bible School program for this year: Treasured: Discovering You Are Priceless to God!
Treasured is a wonderful program that will teach points of the bible through fun adventures. We'll have Sing and Play, Bible Adventures, KidVid Cinema and Imagination Station, where the children will create and make something new every week! We are planning five weeks of in person fun, games, snacks, great music and new adventures.
Please, register your children and bring them every week to join the fun at our Island of Treasures! The same COVID-19 protocols used in KidzTown will be applied to VBS.
VBS is offered on different days for different age groups:
K to Grade 2: Wednesdays from 9 a.m. to noon
Grade 3 to 5: Thursdays from 9 a.m. to noon
VBS will be offered the following weeks, attend any session or all sessions:
Session Two: Wednesday, July 21 (K-Gr. 2)/Thursday, July 22 (Gr. 3-5)
Session Three: Wednesday, Aug. 4 (K-Gr. 2)/Thursday, Aug. 5 (Gr. 3-5)
Session Four: Wednesday, Aug. 18 (K-Gr. 2)/Thursday, Aug. 19 (Gr. 3-5)
Session Five: Wednesday, Sept. 1 (K-Gr. 2)/Thursday, Sept. 2 (Gr. 3-5)
Sunday KIDZTOWN For Kindergarten to Grade 5
As we move into July and August, parents are invited to consider having your K to Grade 5 children engage in our weekly KidzTown. From 10:15 a.m. through to the end of the morning worship services, our teaching team are able to welcome up to 15 children to engage in worship, learning and fellowship with specific COVID-19 protocols in place.
Click the link below to access the detailed COVID-19 plan for everyone’s safety. Reservations are required and can be made when you register for worship services by using the KidzTown box to register your child(ren).
14. Summer Youth Ministry
We’re looking forward to a great summer for Middle School (welcoming those going into Grade 6 in September) through to High School and for Young Adults.
Tuesday Night Youth Group (7 to 9 p.m. | Weekly in July & August)
We’re grateful to Emily Perrin-Colpitts and Isaac Colpitts for accepting our invitation to work this summer in youth ministry. Emily has great ideas and is planning something for everyone. We hope new Middle Schoolers (those going into grade 6 in September) will join in the fun and everyone should feel free to come with a friend!
Wednesday Night Bible Study (6:30 to 8 p.m. | Weekly in July and August)
We’re also grateful to Alyse Wilton and her trusty sidekick, husband Jon, who will be leading the summer study of the Scriptures. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to continue to grow spiritually through the summer.
Sundays Summer Fresh Start (Bi-Weekly in July and August | Following Worship Services)
Dr. Keith and Pastor Greg will be hosting bi-weekly gatherings for young adults. They invite you to join them for lunch, a study/discussion and prayer time with group fellowship to follow.
Sundays July 4 & 18
Sundays August 1, 15 & 29
15. Wednesday Library Openings
Your librarians invite you to visit the library the second and fourth Wednesdays of each month from 10 a.m. until noon. Come and engage with our huge collection of books – there’s something for everyone!
NEXT OPENING: Wednesday, July 28
16. This Week at BSBC: July 21 to 28
Wednesday, July 21
9:00 VBS (K-Gr 2)
6:00 Vocal Ensemble (Sanctuary)
6:30 Youth Bible Study (3rd Floor Assembly/Zoom)
Thursday, July 22
9:00 VBS (Gr 3-5)
6:00 Vocal Ensemble (Sanctuary)
7:00 Youth Event
7:00 Chinese Hymn Practice (Choir Room)
Friday, July 23
Office closed at 3 p.m.
No Scheduled Events
Saturday, July 24
No Scheduled Events
Sunday, July 25
06:00 Chinese Prayer Meeting (Boardroom Over the Main Kitchen)
10:15 KidzTown (2nd Floor, Family Life Centre)
10:30 Blended Service (Sanctuary)
10:30 Sermon Café (Gym)
10:30 Youth Greenhouse Service (3rd Floor Assembly)
2:00 Chinese Worship Service (Sanctuary)
Monday, July 26
7:00 Chinese Bible Study (3rd Floor Assembly)
Tuesday, July 27
12:00 Chinese Prayer Meeting (Boardroom over Main Kitchen)
1:30 Quilters for Missions (Quilting Room, 2nd Floor)
7:00 Youth Groups (3rd Floor Assembly)
Wednesday, July 28
10:00 Library Opens
6:00 Vocal Ensemble (Sanctuary)
6:30 Youth Bible Study (3rd Floor Assembly/Zoom)