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For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. Jeremiah 29:11-13

In this issue:

Check out what's coming up at BSBC from Jan. 12 to 19.

  1. A Return to Reservations — Thank You!

  2. Sunday Mornings @ BSBC

  3. Return to Preschool Church Time Program

  4. Youth Events For This Week

  5. Combined Service on Jan. 30 — Teen Challenge

  6. Pastoral Review for Pastor Greg Geldart

  7. Third Sunday Supper

  8. Bereavements

  9. Services for Jan. 16

  10. New Members of the BSBC Family

  11. Financial Stewardship for 2021

  12. Vacation

  13. Muffin Support for Our Street Ministry

  14. This Week @ BSBC

1. A Return to Reservations — Thank you!

As we move forward with new seating limitations due to physical-distancing, we’re once again asking for your help in planning for each Sunday. Please click the button below to make your reservation to attend the service of your choice and/or KidzTown or Preschool (starting Jan. 23). Thank you for your help!

2. A Message from Pastor Greg

Sunday Mornings at BSBC

We plan to continue to offer both the Traditional Sanctuary and Contemporary Gym services each Sunday.

Many things remain the same:

  • proof of vaccination is required for entry.

  • masks must be worn fully on the face (covering nose and mouth at all times) at all times,

  • seating has been adapted to ensure physically-distancing,

  • there will be no congregational singing, and

  • you are asked to maintain 2m distance while you enter and leave the worship space.

New in the Gym

In the gym we’re reverting to our summer ‘café format’ for seating (individual tables and chairs). This will provide space for any accompanying children to have a place to enjoy quiet activities (packets can be picked up on entry) at the tables.


Each Sunday morning, KidzTown is offered for Kindergarten to Grade 5 on the 2nd floor — following all regulations for masking, physical-distancing, etc.


Our Preschool Suite, will reopen Sunday, Jan. 23. Please click the link below if you are willing to provide childcare in the preschool suite on Sunday morning. Thank you.

Online services

As you consider the question of attending in-person services, let me encourage you to consider your personal vulnerabilities when making that decision. It is certainly wonderful to see faces in the pews — but, thanks to our wonderful technical team, there is an online offering for every service.

Let's pray

Finally, each day, please make the COVID-19 situation a matter of prayer, as it relates to BSBC, our province, country and world. In our congregation we continue to have a lot of people in education, health care, first responders and other essential services who are on the ‘front-line’ of the pandemic.

Prayer for wisdom and divine protection is something each of us can do to address the current reality. We’ve just finished a season focus on “Hope Rekindled” and I trust that standing on Jesus we can look into 2022 with holy hope.

Every blessing,
Pastor Greg

3. Preschool Ministry Returns Jan. 23

Parents, we are pleased to open the preschool suite again. Starting on Sunday, Jan. 23 members of our Education Committee will be providing care and we invite parents to consider taking a turn in that room on the occasional Sunday. If you are willing to help in this way, please click the link below and let us know. Thank you.

4. This Week's Youth Events

This week three youth activities are going on!

Youth Bible Study

First up we have our Youth Bible Study on Zoom led by Kari Dunfield, Wednesday, Jan. 12 from 6:30 to 8 p.m. We will be completing the last couple of weeks of our current series.

Midweek Zoom Chat Time

Secondly, we have a different event this week on Zoom. We invite all our youth to join us Thursday from 4:30 to 5:15 p.m. for a time of community together over Zoom with your favourite beverage! The Zoom link has been sent to parents on our email list for both of these events, if you are not on the email list please email for the Zoom link! 

Youth Group

Last but not least! Youth Group will be on Friday, Jan. 14 from 7 to 8:30 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall. Last week due to weather we were unable to have youth group. This week's theme is Table Olympics, it will be a fun night of competitive mini-challenges! We look forward to having youth out to this event. The event will be socially distanced, and both masks and proof of vaccination are mandatory. 

Please be praying for our youth, and young people! 

Pastor Nikki Leftley 

5. Combined Service on Jan. 30: Teen Challenge

On Sunday morning, Jan. 30, we will welcome a team from “Teen Challenge” to share stories of victory through faith in Christ. In past years, when teams have visited, I know many of us have been encouraged in our faith and level of trust in God. These are always powerful mornings and I encourage you to consider who you should invite to tune in or come in-person.

You can learn more about “Teen Challenge” by visiting the Atlantic men’s site. We look forward to being together in the sanctuary so that members of each service get to hear the full presentation (rather than it be divided in two segments). There will be an overflow in the gym, café style, for those who prefer to watch the service on the big screen. You’ll be provided with information on how you can support “Teen Challenge” in their important work.

6. Pastoral Review of Pastor Greg

As per our Constitution, the Board of Deacons are conducting a review of the ministry of Pastor Greg Geldart. Part of this process is to invite confidential written submissions from the congregation at large. Your submissions may be shared with the Board but not with Pastor Geldart. 

How to submit your review

To make a submission, please present your signed remarks in a sealed envelope addressed to “Pastoral Review Committee for Greg Geldart” and drop them off at the church office before Monday, Jan. 25. If the office is not open, you can safely slip your envelope through the mail slot in the Receptionist’s office door in the gym foyer. 

Please be in prayer for the Board as we prayerfully conduct this regular review of pastoral ministry.

Your Board of Deacons   

7. Third Sunday Supper: How You Can Get Involved

There is nothing quite like a nice hot, home cooked meal, especially when you don’t have one very often!

We are making plans to have a meal prepared for each month in 2022, to be served to our less fortunate, downtown friends. All of our guests are low income, living in subsidized housing, shelters or on the street. Our monthly Third Sunday Supper, gives them an opportunity to have a nice meal, prepared by loving hands and served by loving hearts. It gives us an opportunity to be the hands and feet of Jesus in a very practical way.

Under the current COVID-19 situation, we require meals for 30 individuals. There is a $75 subsidy available to help with food costs. Some may want to prepare but not serve and this is also a helpful approach. You may prepare the food at the church or at home and bring it in. These folks enjoy basic meals so you don’t have to be fancy — ‘meat and potatoes’ or casseroles have gone over well.

If you, your family, or friends would like to help out by preparing a meal for TSS, please contact Judy Thompson at or 238-9903 for more information. I would be happy to address any questions or concerns you may have.

Thank you!

8. Bereavements

Once again, this week, we consider the losses experienced by members of our church family. Thank you for prayerfully supporting these brothers and sisters in their loss.

Pastor Greg


Our sympathies to Jane Hayward on the unexpected and sudden passing of her sister, Connie Doherty, of Fredericton at the Saint John Regional Hospital on Dec. 30, 2021. She is survived by her husband of 49 years, David Doherty, daughter Cary Norquay (Rodney) of New Maryland, sons Ryan Doherty and Denny Doherty of Charters Settlement. Beloved grandchildren, Sophie, Kate & Luke Norquay. Brother Gord Willett (Martha), sisters Jane Hayward and Dianne Thompson (Paul) and countless friends and family.

“Mom embodied the spirit of giving and was a dedicated volunteer in the community throughout her life. Most recently she spent time volunteering at the Soup Kitchen, Grandmothers Helping Grandmothers, and the Doris E. Sullivan IODE Chapter. She was always the first to offer help, and was a pillar both in the community, as well as to the lucky friends and family who were the recipients of this love and compassion. She was also an active member of St. Dunstan's Church, and had an unwavering faith in God, which helps us to know she is with him in her eternal resting place.“ Read the full obituary.


Eldon Maston, a long time member of our BSBC family passed away at the DECH on Friday, Jan. 7, 2022. He is survived by four children. Son Tom (spouse Julie, daughter Caitlin), daughter Janet, son Jeff (spouse Hope, and daughters Amanda and Melanie, grandchildren Tylor, Skarlett, Faith, Tom), daughter Linda (spouse Charles McEvoy, daughters Emma, Hannah, son Arran). He is also survived by a close uncle, Philip (Donna) Maston, of Saint John and several cousins and brothers and sisters in law.

“Eldon held several positions over a thirty-five-year career in the federal civil service, retiring in 1987 as the Townsite Manager at CFB Gagetown. After his retirement from the civil service, he served for a period as the Chief Electoral Returning Officer for the federal riding encompassing Fredericton. In his retirement he enjoyed many years as a volunteer driver for Fredericton Meals on Wheels and the relaxed, friendly pace of golf at Carmen Creek. Eldon had a strong commitment to his Christian faith and was an active and faithful member of Brunswick Street Baptist Church. He was an usher for over fifty years and served on various Boards and Committees.”

When I first came to BSBC, Eldon could be found, each Sunday morning sitting in ‘his’ seat in the back corner of the sanctuary. I always enjoyed his many stories and his studied sense of humour. Certainly his is a life of service — a model for those of us who knew him. Please pray for Tom, Janet, Jeff, Linda and their families as they gather to celebrate Eldon’s life in a private service at BSBC on Saturday, Jan. 15. Read the full obituary.


On Saturday, Jan. 8, 2022, Marjorie Miller passed away, in her 95th year, at her home, the York Care Center in Fredericton. Those of us who knew Marjorie will celebrate her cheery disposition, solid faith and ability to have her finger on the pulse of the lives of our BSBC family, even when limited to her apartment — she showed the power of a caring call to bless the lives of others also shut-in.

“She married Rev. Kenneth Miller in 1990 and moved to London, Ontario for 7 years. While there, she was a member of the First Baptist Church and served as a deacon on the Deacon Board. She was Director for the Baptist Women for the Middlesex-Lambton Association for 3 years. She and her husband moved back to Fredericton in 1997. She was a member of the Brunswick St Baptist Church and a Dominion Life Member of the United Baptist Missionary Union.”

Marjorie is survived by brother Alton (Myrna) Henry, Fredericton, daughter Kathy (Bob) Curran, Saint John and many nieces, nephews, and cousins. She was predeceased by her husband in 2004, her parents, and brothers Lloyd (Avis), Leland (Gertrude), and sister, Helen (Sheldon). Due to Covid restrictions there will be no Visitation or Funeral Service. Interment will take place at a later date in Woodland Cemetery, London, Ontario. Read the full obituary.

9. Services for Sunday, Jan. 16, 2022

Our worship gatherings for this Sunday morning at 10:30 a.m. can be engaged in-person or online. The gym contemporary service continues on Facebook Live and the sanctuary traditional service on YouTube. BUT, just go to, click the “worship online” button and choose the service you'd like to ‘attend’. With one one click, you’re there!   

Sunday Morning’s Gym Café

A different ambiance with table and chair seating for those attending the service.  Children are welcome to stay in if that is the parent’s wish, and we’ll have activity packets that can be picked up on entry.  There will be worship music offered and many of the elements of worship – some with a twist which we hope you will find a blessing and refreshing.

Dr. Keith offers the second in his three week series – “Turning a New Leaf” series – this week with a message entitled “KEEP IN STEP” based on Galatians 5:13-26. Of this sermon he writes: Throughout God’s Word, the Holy Spirit is active and engaged. At the outset of the creation narrative in Genesis 1, the “Spirit of God” is hovering over the dark and turbulent waters, poised and ready to transform chaos into order, and bring forth the possibilities of life and flourishing.

In Judges 3, God’s Spirit alights upon Othniel, and he delivers the nation from the perilous threat of servitude and oppression. Strikingly, the Holy Spirit is grieved in Isaiah 63, as a response to miserable waywardness of God’s people. But on the Day of Pentecost there is an unrivalled outpouring of the Holy Spirit that is a fulcrum of history, and the spread of the gospel in the book of Acts is linked to the activity of the Holy Spirit.

In this message we will study some practical tips for “keeping in step” with the Spirit that Paul shares with the Galatian believers, and draw attention to intentional ways that we at TheStreet can allow the Holy Spirit to empower our lives and equip us to live in freedom as disciples of the risen Lord Jesus in our day. 
Click here to make your reservation for Sunday morning.

Sunday Morning’s Traditional Gathering

Again, a service with familiar elements with a bit of a twist. Our soloist this week is Beth Snow with Yvonne Kershaw on flute. David Steeves and Gloria Tranquilla are in their familiar places and we’ll have a ministry moment from Gloria Tranquilla on the important work of the Counselling Centre. Deacons Mary Tingley and Cheryl Gibson will be leading in Pastor Greg’s absence. Deacon Charlie Ritchie shares the Word that morning with a consideration of the opening of chapter 3 of the book of Ephesians.

Click here to make your reservation for Sunday morning.

10. Praise God for New Members of our BSBC Family

Praise God, we finished out 2021 by welcoming 8 new members to the our church family.  None of them strangers to BSBC, but those who have chosen to identify with this fellowship as members who now have the privilege and responsibility for voting on ministry directions and in serving in unique offices which require membership. 

The Chair of Deacons, Ron McMullin and I, along with our wives and the privilege of visiting at these homes to extend the ‘elbow of fellowship’ – what a treat to have outdoor fellowship and celebrate these sisters and brothers. We’re pleased to invite you to get to know them a bit. Please welcome them, yourselves, if the opportunity presents itself.

If you would like to know more about what it means to be a member of BSBC, please email me or express this to one of the other pastors and we’ll have a ‘no pressure’ meeting with you to share the ‘scoop’!

Pastor Greg

11. Financial Stewardship for 2021

Dear Church Family,

Again, this year, I write to thank you for your faithfulness to the financial needs of God’s work through the ministry of Brunswick Street Baptist Church. In these days it would be easy to pull back from engaging with the goals we set under God at our Annual Meeting in February 2021. 

It is certainly a joy to share with you this report of your financial faithfulness in 2021. We cannot give equally, but I believe this report reveals that you have considered financial sacrifice as a way to honour the Lord. Through your giving, we are well positioned to expand our engagements in 2022. 

Here is the encouraging report:

Budgeted Giving for 2021:        $920,000
Actual Giving for 2021:              $892,881
Percent of Goal Received:            97.1%
Budgeted for Building Fund:      $135,000
Actual for Building Fund:            $139,943
Exceeded Budgeted Giving:            3.7%

I’m sure we are all grateful to our Treasurer, Ken Reimer, who has faithfully encouraged us to remember this important part of discipleship and kept us meticulously up to date on the state of our finances. Thank you, Ken, for the countless hours (none of us will ever know) that you invest in your role as Treasurer.

Giving thanks to God for what He has done through you,

Pastor Greg  

12. Vacation

The congregation is asked to pray for Pastor Greg and Margaret as they engaged in two weeks of vacation. Pastor Greg will be leaving on vacation after the morning service this Sunday, Jan. 9 and will return to ministry on Sunday morning, Jan. 23. We are pleased that the Geldarts are taking a break and grateful to Pastor Ross and Pastor Nikki who will be available and eager to engage with the congregation during Pastor Greg’s absence.

Your Board of Deacons

13. Support The Street Ministry: Muffin Drive

Muffins are distributed every night and you can sign up to bake one of three dozen muffins that are needed each week. We ask “muffin makers” to individually wrap your muffins before bringing them to the church to place in the upright freezer in the main kitchen. On the bag of your muffins, please write your name, the date and STREET MINISTRY on the bag.

To ensure that we get a fresh supply each week, you are invited to click the link below and fill your name in by the week or weeks in which you will provide a dozen muffins. OR, for that person-to-person interaction, feel free to call the church office at 458-8348 and your information will be taken and added to the plan.

Your Social Action Team

14. This Week at BSBC: Jan. 12 to 19

Please note: FLC stands for Family Life Center & Z stands for Zoom Gathering

Wednesday January 12
10:00 Seniors Exercise (Gym)
6:30 Not Your Usual Prayer Meeting (Z)
6:30 Youth Bible Study (Z)

Thursday, January 13
9:00 Benevolent Ministry (By Appointment)
1:30 Bible Study Group (MM) (3rd Floor Boardroom, FLC)
4:30 Youth Connection Time (Z)

Friday, January 14
7:00 Mandarin Fellowship (Z)
7:00 Youth Group (Fellowship Hall)

Saturday, January 15
1:00 Worship Team Practice (Gym)

Sunday, January 16
06:00 Mandarin Prayer Meeting (Boardroom Over Main Kitchen)
9:00 Asian Sunday School Class (Boardroom Over Main Kitchen)
10:15 KidzTown (2nd Floor, FLC)
10:30 Traditional Worship Service (Sanctuary)
10:30 Contemporary Worship Service (Gym)
10:30 Mandarin Worship Service (3rd Floor Assembly Area, FLC)
12:00 Fresh Start Lunch (Barnabas Centre)

Monday, January 17
10:00 Seniors Exercise (Gym)
6:30 Board of Management Meeting (Z)

Tuesday, January 18
12:00 Mandarin Prayer Meeting (Boardroom Over Main Kitchen)
1:30 Quilters for Missions (Quilting Room, 2nd Floor Administration Building)

Wednesday, January 19
10:00 Seniors Exercise (Gym)
6:30 Not Your Usual Prayer Meeting (Z)
6:30 Youth Bible Study (Z)


Moving to Level 3


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