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Our Mission for 2022
Sing to the Lord; praise his name.
Each day proclaim the good news that he saves.
Publish his glorious deeds among the nations.
Tell everyone about the amazing things he does.
Psalm 96:2-3

In this issue:

Check out what's coming up at BSBC from April 20 to 27.

  1. Easter Thanks!

  2. May 1 Special Guests/Can You Provide a Helpful Item?

  3. Floral Gifts for Resurrection Sunday

  4. Sunday Morning, April 24

  5. Greetings from Fredericton’s L’Arche Community

  6. Updates from Anne Passmore – Sign Up for Her Blog

  7. NextGen Ministries @ BSBC (Children & Youth)

  8. Bereavement

  9. Choir Rehearsals Return @ BSBC

  10. New Bible Study Offering

  11. Financial Report from Our Treasurer

  12. This Week @ BSBC

1. Easter Thanks

The very first Easter taught us this: that life never ends and love never dies.

Kate McGahan

My sincere thanks to all for sharing their varied gifts with us, especially between Palm Sunday morning’s service and Easter Sunday’s morning worship service.  My thanks is, perhaps, a bit self-motivated because I found the services and events of Holy Week 2022 to be such a personal blessing to my life.  I hope that when you were able to plug into these offerings, that you found them spiritually invigorating. 

Following the Good Friday service, I received a very encouraging email from Dr. Peter Reid, the Executive Minister of our denomination.  He and his wife joined us online for Good Friday and wrote to thank that day’s leadership team for their offerings and affirmed the blessing they received.  We have worship leaders (technical team, musicians, spoken word leaders and preachers) who love the Lord, this church family and those outside our walls.  I know this because of the sacrifices they make to prioritize time to prepare and lead week by week.  So, together, let us give thanks for those who faithfully bring worship to life at BSBC.

My sincere thanks and prayer for rich blessing in your lives!  This of course includes my exceptionally gifted and committed teammates, Dr. Keith, Pastor Nikki and Pastor Ross.

Philippians 1:3
Pastor Greg

2. Introducing Our May 1 Special Guests

On Sunday morning, May 1, both services will feature guests from The Village of Hope in Tracy, New Brunswick.  The Village of Hope is a drug and alcohol regeneration facility and ten-month Christian-based program dedicated to helping men of all ages overcome life-controlling drug and alcohol problems.  It was founded in 2008 by Pastors Andrew and Märt Vähi.  

The facility is located in an inspiring wilderness setting in Upper Tracy, on the North Branch of the Oromocto River in picturesque Central New Brunswick.  The program is funded by donations and accepts students from throughout Canada.  Please take a few minutes and tour their website.  

As mentioned above, the Village of Hope operates on donations.  On Sunday, May 1, please consider coming prepared to purchase a bottle of Village of Hope Maple Syrup.  Otherwise, if you would like to support this work you may do so by visiting the website or marking “Village of Hope” on your offering. 

I asked our friends at Village of Hope if there are practical things that they need that people might purchase to support the work.  Below is a list of helpful items that they would be grateful to receive.  A box marked Village of Hope can be found in the Connection Center where you may leave your gifts.  We’ll deliver what we gather to Village of Hope after the long weekend in May.

Helpful items (new or gently used) include:

  • Work gloves

  • Safety glasses

  • Rubber gloves for cleaning

  • Gardening gloves (men and women)

  • Food prep gloves

  • Aprons

  • Dish clothes and towels

  • Bath towels

3. Floral Gifts for Resurrection Sunday

We give thanks for those who, on Easter Sunday, helped beautify our worship spaces with floral gifts.

In celebration of the resurrection and in tribute a plant was placed:

  • In loving memory of our parents by Ron and Sandra McMullin

  • In loving memory of Verna Crandlemire with love from her family

  • In loving memory of Mary Farris by Mary McMulkin

  • In loving memory of Stanley and Marguerite Pierce by Margaret, Greg and Claire

  • In loving memory of Clifford and Rowena Geldart by Greg, Margaret and Claire

  • In loving memory of C. Eric Topple by Wilberta Topple

  • In loving memory of Olive Graves by Ralph, Shirley and Chris Graves

  • In loving memory of Barbara Peterson by Shirley, Ralph and Chris

  • In loving memory of Blanche and Hugh Somers by Shirley Bulman

  • In loving memory of John Passmore by Ann Passmore

  • In loving memory of Connor Murphy by Amanda, Brishen, Nora and Naomi

  • In loving memory of Dale Hathaway by daughter, Rebecca Keezer

  • In honour of Brenda Tingley by Samuel, Micah and Nicholas Tingley

  • In honour of Nana, Bampa and Aunt Martha (Sheila, Mike and Martha Ross) by John and Sarah Kearns

In celebration of the resurrection and in loving memory of Virginia and Robert Bayley a floral tribute was placed on the sanctuary communion table by Jonathan and Janet Bayley.

4. Sunday Morning: April 24, 2022

“I need to worship because without it I can forget that I have a big God beside me and live in fear. I need to worship because without it I can forget his calling and begin to live in a spirit of self-preoccupation. I need to worship because without it I lose a sense of wonder and gratitude and plod through life with blinders on. I need worship because my natural tendency is toward self-reliance and stubborn independence.” - John Ortberg

Online or in person, we hope you’ll take time to connect with us this week!

In the gym, Dr. Keith will be offering the second part of his series, “The Prodigal Brothers”, looking into Luke 15. Of the sermon he writes: A popular pastor recently noted in a blog post, “selfish people ultimately end up alone. The same is true for selfish churches.” This is potentially an uncomfortable comment, as we all would like to believe that most churches are not selfish. However, given the massive decline in numbers for the North American church and the infrequency of any kind of real visitors, maybe this uncomfortable question needs to be asked: what does selfishness look like? As we study God’s Word this Easter season, it could be that a picture of selfishness can be found in the second half of the Parable of the Prodigal Brothers. As we recall, in the first half of this parable, the rebellious younger son—who has squandered everything—returns home to the father’s embrace and a lavish celebration. Yet in the second half, the older brother refuses to join the party, and instead cowers alone in rage. What’s his problem, and how does he give us insight into living more fruitfully? Is the older brother angry because the father did not do exactly what he wanted, and so he remains in selfish isolation because someone undeserving is given what he thinks is his exclusive property? Even in the midst of such challenging questions, we will draw attention to the abundance of God’s grace that is available for all of us.

In the Sanctuary, Pastor Ross will be considering the events of Palm Sunday as they continue to impact Christian living at any time of the year.

In both services, we’ll welcome Dr. Alan Sears who will introduce us to the work of L’Arche (see article).

5. Greeting's From Fredericton's L'Arche Community

Before Christmas, your Social Action Team got to meet virtually with Alan and Mary from Fredericton’s L’arche Community. It seemed to the SAT that we could be of help to this important agency for valuing and supporting Frederictonians with intellectual disabilities. We discerned this as a way for us to fulfill our denominational mandate to “join God in our community.” The actions of the L’Arche community express many Christian values. This Sunday morning, we’ll be pleased to welcome Dr. Alan Sears to both our services. Alan serves on the Board of L’Arche. He will take 5 minutes to introduce you to L’Arche and offer ways you can consider aiding L’Arche in its work. I commend the following letter from Alan as you prepare for our worship gatherings on Sunday morning.

Pastor Greg

An introduction to Fredericton L'Arche

L’Arche Fredericton is part of a global network of L’Arche communities and projects dedicated to creating community by sharing all aspects of life with people with intellectual disabilities. We have been a registered charity since 2013 and an official project of L’Arche Canada since 2018. As one of our members said recently, we do not exist to offer programs (although we do) or to solve problems (although we sometimes do that as well), but we are, or hope to be, a sign that all people are valuable, all have gifts to offer and needs to be met, and that it is in diverse communities where gifts flourish, and people find grace to meet their needs.

We currently run several day programs, including cooking with Chef Yves at Greener Village, visual and performing arts at Charlotte St. Arts Centre, and other events at church halls and local parks and green spaces. BSBC had recently partnered with us to offer a monthly celebration meeting for our members.

I have several purposes for this short note:

  1. To Thank BSBC for joining us in partnership. We are deeply grateful.

  2. To put L’Arche Fredericton on your radar for prayer and possible financial support.

  3. To ask if you would like to receive our newsletter and other updates about our work.

  4. To ask if you would consider volunteering with us. You might consider:

    • Joining the group offering the monthly celebration time at the church and get to know our members.

    • Volunteering with one or more of our other activities.

    • Joining our board for a two-year term. We particularly need people with expertise and experience in fund raising and in communications but are most interested in expanding our circle to include people from across the community.

If any of this interests you please click the button below to provide us with some information. You can also contact Alan Sears at amsears54@gmail.comor 292-3879 or L’Arche Fredericton at

You can find out more about L’Arche Frederictonon our websiteorby watching an introductory videoabout our work.

I look forward to being with you this Sunday morning.

Alan Sears

One Last Thing

To express your interest in L’Arche, click here to submit your contact details and the organization will follow up with you. Also, on Sunday morning, after the service you can visit with Alan and Mary during “Coffee Camaraderie” in the gym.

6. Supporting Ann Passmore: Sign Up For Her Blog

Many in our church family personally know Ann and Jack Passmore. And you may be aware that Ann is in hospital as she awaits the start of chemotherapy, radiation and then surgery necessitated by a diagnosis of cancer. Friends of the Passmores have agreed to create a blog which will be regularly updated on Ann’s progress, specific prayer requests and where questions can be asked.

You are invited to sign-up for the blog by clicking below and submitting your name and email address which will be forwarded to the blog host so you can be added to the distribution list. Consider this engagement as a way to keep up with Ann’s progress and to focus your prayer for Ann and Jack, and to release them from having to answer the same questions on a repeated basis. Ann and Jack believe in prayer and are grateful for the partnership of all who intercede for them and for their son, David.

Thank you for considering this engagement in love.

Pastor Greg

7. NextGen Ministry Opportunities

Youth Bible Study

Today, Wednesday, April 20, 6:30-8:00 pm in the Family Room. You can join in-person or online. Continuing our study in the journey to Jericho. Email Pastor Nikki ( to receive the zoom invite to join online.

Friday Youth Group

Middle and High School youth, join us on Friday from 7-9 p.m.

Greenhouse Youth Service

It’s the last Sunday of the month so, on Sunday morning at 10:30 am, our youth are invited to gather in the Barnabas Center for this month’s youth service – specifically for youth and led by youth.

Youth Fundraising Event April 30

On April 30 we will be partnering with Bridge Church (formally Marysville Baptist) and having a “Jericho” trail walk from Brunswick Street Baptist Church to Bridge Church in Marysville! This event will be fundraising for “Camper-ships” for those wanting to attend Greenhill Lake Camp but unable to afford the full price. Please read on as “Aaron” (Neil Livingstone) and “Moses” (Charles Millette) fill you in on the details:

Dear BSBC Church Family,

We’re writing to tell you about the exciting Walls of Jericho Fundraiser!

When winter gives way for the spring, we know summer isn't too far away and when we think of summer, many words instantly pop up: BBQ, golf, sandals, cottage, etc. For many others, the idea of going to camp comes to mind right away!

Indeed, these days spent away from home, in a totally different environment, surrounded by nature, and fun, camp counselors represent the ultimate summer memories for numerous kids and teenagers. Unfortunately, the cost of a week of camp isn't affordable to all.

Again, this year, as a church family we will link arms to raise funds and help kids and teens make it to camp this summer! We are inviting you to take part in the raising of these funds!

You might remember that back in the spring of 2021, Moses and Aaron, along with many youths, leaders, and BSBC hikers, walked from the church to Green Hill Lake Camp. 42 kilometers of pure joy and blisters, 40 memorable hours in the wilderness! Most importantly, through this initiative, nearly 8,000$ was raised in support of “Camper-ships”!

In 2022, Moses and Aaron will pass the baton to Joshua and Caleb, who will venture out from the Jordan River and make their way to Jericho. An 8 km walk that will happen on Saturday, April 30th, will lead them, along with many other journeyers, from this church to Marysville Baptist Church, now known as The Bridge Church.

Stay tuned for more info and make sure you pay attention to the videos and skits that will soon be part of our Sunday services!

May God use our generosity to make Christ known to many campers this summer again!

Moses & Aaron

Please be praying for those leading in these ministries, and those participating in these ministries!

8. Bereavement

As a church family, let us surround David and Elizabeth Olmstead in prayer as they journey through the tragic loss of their 27-year-old granddaughter, Sarah Jane Wilson of Sackville, NB. Sarah’s earthly journey ended in Amherst, Nova Scotia on Thursday, April, 14. Sarah’s obituary gives us a glimpse into the young woman she was:

Sarah was truly one of a kind. She was often the smallest person in any given room but always wore the biggest smile. Her infectious laugh and beautiful personality drew anyone and everyone to her, making it a near impossible feat to remain disgruntled. Sarah had the very rare gift of being able to single-handedly light up any atmosphere by simply being herself. An incredible soul inside and out, Sarah will be dearly missed.

Sarah will be so missed by her parents, Mary and John Wilson; her beautiful sister, Laura Wilson Andrews (Christopher Andrews); her favorite brother, Jason; her little baby niece, Quinn D’Arcy Andrews; her fiancé (her bud) Adam Archibald; her maternal grandparents, David and Elizabeth Olmstead, as well as by her five uncles, six aunts, eleven cousins and many friends.

Funeral arrangements have been entrusted to Erin Campbell and staff of Campbell’s Funeral Home, Sackville. Sarah’s funeral service will take place on Saturday, April 23, 2022 at 1 pm at the Middle Sackville Baptist Church with Rev. Mark Reece officiating. The funeral will be livestreamed on the Church’s YouTube Channel.

Sarah’s full obituary can be accessed here on the Campbell's Funeral Home website.

Psalm 34:18
“The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit.”

9. Choir Rehearsals Return to BSBC

On Wednesday, April 20, 2022, from 6:30 - 7:30 p.m. there will be a Choir Rehearsal in the church Sanctuary. Young people aged 13 through adult, who enjoy singing for the Lord, are encouraged to attend.

It has been two full years since a choir has been possible due to the pandemic. We're going to start to rebuild this ministry in our church by offering one-hour rehearsals in the Sanctuary — socially distanced. David Steeves will serve as director and Gloria Tranquilla as accompanist. If you have been feeling called to take part in this music ministry and would like to learn more about singing in harmony — this is a great time to begin.

Instruction will be included as to how to read choral music and discover whether you should be a Soprano, Alto, Tenor or Bass. Upon arriving on Wednesday, we will create a list of names and email addresses as weekly updates and announcements are sent out. Please contact David Steeves ( if you have further questions.

10. New Bible Study Offering

Daniel Savard announces the launch of his online Bible Study: “Walking With Jesus” offered on Zoom. The study will start on Tuesday, April 26 and continue for eight weeks, concluding June 14. Each study will begin at 7 p.m. and conclude at 8:10 p.m. To register for the Bible Study, and be sent the Zoom invitation to participate, click below. For more information visit:

11. Financial Report From Our Treasurer

Thank you for reviewing our record of giving for the first three months of 2022. Thank you for your prayerful consideration.

Ken Reimer, Treasurer

General Building
Received to Mar 31 $177,084 $25,557
Required to Mar 31 $227,878 $33,750
Surplus/(Shortfall) ($50,793) ($8,193)

Last Year to Mar 31 $204,636 $34,387

12. This Week at BSBC: April 20 to 27

Please note: FLC stands for Family Life Centre.

Wednesday, April 20
10:00 Senior Exercise (Gym)
12:00 Men’s Basketball (Gym)
6:00 Vocal Ensemble Rehearsal (Sanctuary and Choir Room)
6:30 Youth Bible Study “Walls of Jericho” (Family Room, FLC, Online and In Person)
7:00 “All the Places To Go” Bible Study (Ross Watters) (3rd Floor Assembly Area, FLC)
7:00 Not Your Usual Prayer Meeting (Charles Millette) (Zoom)

Thursday, April 21
9:00 Benevolent Ministry (By Appointment)
9:30 New Life (3rd Floor Assembly Area, FLC)
1:30 Ladies Bible Study (Carol Bray) (Family Room, FLC)
1:30 Small Group Bible Study (Mary McMulkin) (3rd Floor Conference Room, FLC)
7:00 Mandarin Choir Practice (Family Room And 3rd Floor Assembly Area, FLC)

Friday, April 22
10:00 Senior Exercise (Gym)
12:00 Men’s Basketball
7:00 Mandarin Fellowship (Zoom)
7:00 Youth Group

Saturday, April 23
9:00 Gym Set-Up (Gym)
1:00 Worship Team Practice (Gym)

Sunday, April 24
6:00 Mandarin Prayer Meeting (Boardroom Over Main Kitchen)
9:00 Asian Sunday School Class (Boardroom Over Main Kitchen)
10:15 Preschool (1st Floor, FLC)
10:15 KidzTown (2nd Floor, FLC)
10:30 Contemporary Worship Service (Gym)
10:30 Mandarin Worship Service (3rd Floor Assembly Area, FLC)
10:30 Traditional Worship Service (Sanctuary)

Monday, April 25
10:00 Senior Exercise (Gym)
12:00 Men’s Basketball
6:30 Camerata Singers (Choir Room)
7:00 Board of Deacons (3rd Floor Assembly Area)

Tuesday, April 26
12:00 Mandarin Prayer Meeting (Boardroom Over Main Kitchen)
1:00 CVITP - Community Volunteer Income Tax Program (Gym)
1:30 Quilters for Missions (Quilting Room)
1:00 Pastoral Staff Meeting (Family Room)
2:15 Full Staff Meeting (Family Room)
5:30 Sports Friends (Charles Millette) (Gym)
6:30 DivorceCare (Family Room, FLC)
7:00 Fresh Start (Gym/3rd Floor Assembly Area, FLC)

Wednesday, April 27
10:00 Senior Exercise (Gym)
12:00 Men’s Basketball (Gym)
6:00 Vocal Ensemble (Sanctuary and Choir Room)
6:30 Youth Bible Study “Walls of Jericho” (Family Room, Online and In-Person)
7:00 Not Your Usual Prayer Meeting (Charles Millette) (Zoom)


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