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Our Mission for 2022
Sing to the Lord; praise his name.
Each day proclaim the good news that he saves.
Publish his glorious deeds among the nations.
Tell everyone about the amazing things he does.
Psalm 96:2-3

In this issue:

Check out what's coming up at BSBC from April 13 to 20.

  1. Covid Continues to Be Part of Our Narrative

  2. Holy Week/Easter @ BSBC

  3. Easter Flowers

  4. Sunday Morning, April 17 – Alleluia!

  5. Updates from Ann Passmore: Sign Up for Her Blog

  6. Join Us for Coffee & Tea After the Services

  7. NextGen Ministries @ BSBC

  8. Choir Rehearsals Return @ BSBC

  9. New Bible Study: Walking With Jesus

  10. Financial Report from Our Treasurer

  11. This Week @ BSBC

1. Covid Continues To Be Part Of Our Narrative

As we listen to the news media AND news from family and friends, we recognize that Covid continues to be part of the New Brunswick narrative. On Tuesday, April 5, in our full staff meeting, we discussed how we, as a staff, would position ourselves if one of us tested positive for Covid.

This took me back to the province of New Brunswick website, specifically the news release from March 10 dealing with dropping Covid protocols. Regarding the response to a positive test for Covid, the release states: Isolation will no longer be required among the general public. However, people are encouraged to stay home if they are sick. Within vulnerable sectors, a five-day isolation period for anyone who tests positive for COVID-19 is still recommended by Public Health.

Our ask of you

Your church staff ask you to embrace the same protocol we have adopted. If you test positive for Covid, please take at least five additional days abstaining from attendance at any engagements at BSBC. Following that, I’d ask that you please mask for any visit over the next five days.

Once again, if you are feeling at all unwell, please sacrifice your engagement at in-person activities until symptoms have abated or you have a negative Covid test. Please remember that Public Health encourages continued masking as a preventative measure, but the choice is yours.

Let's continue to pray

Have you been praying over the pandemic? I confess that I have needed a bit of a refocus in praying during this time. A helpful resource I stumbled upon just this week comes from World Vision. If you are in need of words to inform your praying, you might find this January 2022 article renewing.

Peace and grace,
Pastor Greg

2. Holy Week/Easter

Holy Week is here, and I encourage you to consider joining us as we follow Jesus through the journey to resurrection.

I realize that not everyone will be able or choose to attend all the Holy Week offerings, but please consider adding something new to your 2022 Holy Week journey.

Pastor Greg

3. Easter Flowers

As we prepare for the coming of Easter Sunday, we welcome donations toward defraying the cost of our Easter displays in both services. If you would like to place a plant in memory or honour of someone, we welcome you to do it through the link below.

Plants range from $15 to $20 each and can be picked up after the services and taken home or passed on, by you, to someone deserving of an Easter surprise. Use the link below to provide us with your information, and then mark your donation “Easter Flowers.” Donations will be acknowledged in the newsletter on Wednesday, April 20 and on the screens in the services on Easter Sunday.

4. Palm Sunday Morning: April 17


Alleluia is a word used in songs of praise, particularly on Easter Sunday. Alleluia (sometimes written "Hallelujah") is rooted in a Hebrew expression that means "praise the Lord." We find it used in the glorious celebration of victory that comes to us through John’s vision in Revelation:

4 And the twenty-four elders and the four living creatures fell down and worshiped God who sat on the throne, saying, “Amen! Alleluia!” 5 Then a voice came from the throne, saying, “Praise our God, all you His servants and those who fear Him, both small and great!”

So, on Easter morning we are reflecting the language of heaven as we celebrate the victory of Christ over sin and death and hell. Oh, and if you ever want a short prayer of praise, “Alleluia!” says it all!

Worship leaders

In the gym, we’re grateful for the musical leadership of Jon and Alyse Wilton and friends. In the sanctuary, we look forward to the ministry of a vocal ensemble, a brass trio (Trumpet, French Horn and Trombone) and the keyboard ministries of our pianist, Gloria Tranquilla and our organist, David Steeves. Pastor Greg will be preaching in the sanctuary and Pastor Ross in the gym. These will be services steeped in praise and Easter joy.

For kids

This special Sunday we look forward to your children worshipping with you in the gym (there will not be KidzTown this Sunday). Don’t be concerned, we’ve got lots of plans to include them in the service — it will be a time they will enjoy. Then, during the sermon time, they will go with Pastor Nikki and friends to learn about the symbolism of the Easter Egg and an Easter Egg hunt before returning to rejoin you for the spectacular end of the service (did this get your attention)?

Worship online

Again, this Sunday, join us in-person OR online. The Contemporary Service will be available in the gym OR join on Facebook Live. The Traditional Service will be available in the sanctuary OR join on YouTube. Attending on-line? Simply visit and click “Worship Online” and then choose your service.

Online or in person, we hope you’ll take time to connect with us this week!

5. Supporting Ann Passmore: Sign Up For Her Blog

Many in our church family personally know Ann and Jack Passmore. And you may be aware that Ann is in hospital as she awaits the start of chemotherapy, radiation and then surgery necessitated by a diagnosis of cancer. Friends of the Passmores have agreed to create a blog which will be regularly updated on Ann’s progress, specific prayer requests and where questions can be asked.

You are invited to sign-up for the blog by clicking below and submitting your name and email address which will be forwarded to the blog host so you can be added to the distribution list. Consider this engagement as a way to keep up with Ann’s progress and to focus your prayer for Ann and Jack, and to release them from having to answer the same questions on a repeated basis. Ann and Jack believe in prayer and are grateful for the partnership of all who intercede for them and for their son, David.

Thank you for considering this engagement in love.

Pastor Greg

6. Join Us For Coffee & Tea After the Services

We’re grateful to our Helping Hands Auxiliary Coordinator, Andrea Bragdon and team, for the return of post worship coffee and camaraderie.

Starting this Sunday, April 3, coffee, tea and juice will be served from the kitchen window open to the gym. Chairs and tables are available, or you can remain standing and move around the room.

While we recognize that Covid is not behind us, we anticipate that some are ready to engage in this way. You are invited to wait until the “time is right” for you.

7. NextGen Ministry Opportunities

Coming up there are many opportunities for both our youth and children to get involved! 

Children’s Easter Party 

To all of our kids and families: Thank you for coming out to the Easter Party this past Saturday! It was such a blessing to see around 50 children plus parents in-person and more online! For some, this was a first-time ‘connection’ with BSBC. Thank you for joining us!

Children & Youth @ the SonRise Service, April 17 @ 7:30 a.m.

This Sunday, 7:30 a.m., at Odell Park, families, youth and adults are encouraged to come out for a 25-minute outdoor event. This is planned as a multi-generational time, and we would love to have all ages out and sharing together in an Easter activity that we hope will leave a trace of resurrection joy for those who come to the park that day! Has this piqued your interest? Hot Cross Buns and drinks will be supplied to complete our time together! We look forward to seeing you!

Children’s Engagement Easter Sunday, April 17 @ 10:30 a.m.

This Easter Sunday we welcome all our families to join us in the Contemporary Service so that our children can be with us for the first part of the service. During the service we will all be dancing along to “My Lighthouse,” Pastor Nikki will have an Eggceptional time with the children and then, during the sermon, our kids will join Pastor Nikki, Yewende, and Tina for an egg hunt and craft before coming back to wave their banners at the end of the service! Easter Sunday will be a wonderful celebration of Christ’s resurrection, you do not want to miss it!

Youth Bible Study

Today, Wednesday, April 13, from 6:30 – 8 p.m. we are continuing our series focusing on the Israelites' journey to Jericho with the walls of Jericho coming down! Neil Livingstone will be leading this series, which connects to an upcoming fundraising event on April 30. Our youth will walk to “Jericho”, having collected sponsors for their walk. This is a way our youth group can fundraise to provide “camperships” for Green Hill Lake Camp. Youth are welcomed online and in-person. Contact Pastor Nikki ( for more information.

No Youth Group on Good Friday, April 15

There will be no youth group this Friday, as it is Good Friday. Brunswick Street Baptist Church is having a Good Friday service at 10:30 a.m. in the Sanctuary. A service where the whole family is welcome!

Youth Ministry Opportunity Easter Sunday, April 17

This Sunday at 10:30 a.m. we are needing youth volunteers to help hide the Eggs for our kids' egg hunt. If your youth would like to help in this way, please email me and let me know and I’ll send the details (!

Youth Fundraising Event Saturday, April 30

On Saturday, April 30 we're partnering with Bridge Church (formally Marysville Baptist) and having a “Jericho” trail walk from Brunswick Street Baptist Church to Bridge Church in Marysville! This event will be fundraising for “Camper-ships” for those wanting to attend Green Hill Lake Camp but unable to afford the full price. Please read on as “Aaron” (Neil Livingstone) and “Moses” (Charles Millette) fill you in on the details:

Dear BSBC Church Family,

We’re writing to tell you about the exciting Walls of Jericho Fundraiser!

When winter gives way for the spring, we know summer isn't too far away and when we think of summer, many words instantly pop up: BBQ, golf, sandals, cottage, etc. For many others, the idea of going to camp comes to mind right away!

Indeed, these days spent away from home, in a totally different environment, surrounded by nature, and fun, camp counselors represent the ultimate summer memories for numerous kids and teenagers. Unfortunately, the cost of a week of camp isn't affordable to all.

Again, this year, as a church family we will link arms to raise funds and help kids and teens make it to camp this summer! We are inviting you to take part in the raising of these funds!

You might remember that back in the spring of 2021, Moses and Aaron, along with many youths, leaders, and BSBC hikers, walked from the church to Green Hill Lake Camp. 42 kilometers of pure joy and blisters, 40 memorable hours in the wilderness! Most importantly, through this initiative, nearly 8,000$ was raised in support of “Camper-ships!”

In 2022, Moses and Aaron will pass the baton to Joshua and Caleb, who will venture out from the Jordan River and make their way to Jericho. An 8 km walk that will happen on Saturday, April 30th, will lead them, along with many other journeyers, from this church to Marysville Baptist Church, now known as The Bridge Church.

Stay tuned for more info and make sure you pay attention to the videos and skits that will soon be part of our Sunday services!

May God use our generosity to make Christ known to many campers this summer again!
Moses & Aaron

We have some great events coming up, so keep a lookout in the banner! If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me (Pastor Nikki) at I look forward to seeing our Next Generation at these events!

Please be praying for those leading in these ministries, and those participating in these ministries!

8. Choir Rehearsals Return to BSBC

On Wednesday, April 20, 2022, from 6:30 - 7:30 p.m. there will be a Choir Rehearsal in the church Sanctuary. Young people aged 13 through adult, who enjoy singing for the Lord, are encouraged to attend.

It has been two full years since a choir has been possible due to the pandemic. We're going to start to rebuild this ministry in our church by offering one-hour rehearsals in the Sanctuary — socially distanced. David Steeves will serve as director and Gloria Tranquilla as accompanist. If you have been feeling called to take part in this music ministry and would like to learn more about singing in harmony — this is a great time to begin.

Instruction will be included as to how to read choral music and discover whether you should be a Soprano, Alto, Tenor or Bass. Upon arriving on Wednesday, we will create a list of names and email addresses as weekly updates and announcements are sent out. Please contact David Steeves ( if you have further questions.

9. New Bible Study Offering

Daniel Savard announces the launch of his online Bible Study: “Walking With Jesus” offered on Zoom. The study will start on Tuesday, April 26 and continue for eight weeks, concluding June 14. Each study will begin at 7 p.m. and conclude at 8:10 p.m. To register for the Bible Study, and be sent the Zoom invitation to participate, click below. For more information visit:

10. Financial Report From Our Treasurer

Thank you for reviewing our record of giving for the first three months of 2022. Thank you for your prayerful consideration.

Ken Reimer, Treasurer

General Building
Received to Mar 31 $177,084 $25,557
Required to Mar 31 $227,878 $33,750
Surplus/(Shortfall) ($50,793) ($8,193)

Last Year to Mar 31 $204,636 $34,387

11. This Week at BSBC: April 6 to 13

Please note: FLC stands for Family Life Centre.

Wednesday, April 13
10:00 Senior Exercise (Gym)
12:00 Men’s Basketball (Gym)
6:00 Vocal Ensemble Rehearsal (Sanctuary And Choir Room)
6:30 Youth Bible Study “Walls of Jericho” (Family Room, FLC, Online And In Person)
7:00 “All The Places To Go” Bible Study (Ross Watters) (3rd Floor Assembly Area, FLC)
7:00 Not Your Usual Prayer Meeting (Charles Millette) (Zoom)

Thursday, April 14
9:00 Benevolent Ministry (By Appointment)
9:30 New Life (3rd Floor Assembly Area, FLC)
1:30 Ladies Bible Study (Carol Bray) (Family Room, FLC)
1:30 Small Group Bible Study (Mary McMulkin) (3rd Floor Conference Room, FLC)
6:30 Maundy Thursday Communion/Foot Washing Service (Sanctuary)
7:00 Mandarin Choir Practice (Family Room And 3rd Floor Assembly Area, FLC)

Friday, April 15
Good Friday – Church Offices Closed
10:30 Good Friday Worship Service (Sanctuary)
7:00 Mandarin Service (3rd Floor Assembly Area, FLC)

Saturday, April 16
9:00 Gym Set-Up (Gym)
1:00 Worship Team Practice (Gym)
6:30 East Coast Brass Easter Celebration (Sanctuary)

Sunday, April 17
6:00 Mandarin Prayer Meeting (Boardroom Over Main Kitchen)
7:30 SonRise Service (Odell Park)
9:00 Asian Sunday School Class (Boardroom Over Main Kitchen)
10:15 Preschool (1st Floor, FLC)
10:30 Contemporary Worship Service (Gym)
10:30 Mandarin Worship Service (3rd Floor Assembly Area, FLC)
10:30 Traditional Worship Service (Sanctuary)
5:00 Third Sunday Supper (Gym)

Monday, April 18
Easter Monday - Church Office Closed
6:30 Camerata Singers (Choir Room)
7:00 Board of Management (In-Person/Gym)

Tuesday, April 19
12:00 Mandarin Prayer Meeting (Boardroom Over Main Kitchen)
1:00 CVITP - Community Volunteer Income Tax Program (Gym)
1:30 Quilters for Missions (Quilting Room)
2:15 Full Staff Meeting (Family Room)
5:30 Sports Friends (Charles Millette) (Gym)
6:30 DivorceCare (Family Room, FLC)
7:00 Fresh Start (Gym/3rd Floor Assembly Area, FLC)

Wednesday, April 20
10:00 Senior Exercise (Gym)
12:00 Men’s Basketball (Gym)
6:00 Vocal Ensemble (Sanctuary and Choir Room)
6:30 Choir Rehearsal (Sanctuary)
6:30 Youth Bible Study “Walls of Jericho” (Family Room, Online And In Person)
7:00 “All the Places to Go” Bible Study (Ross Watters) (3rd Floor Assembly Area, FLC)
7:00 Not Your Usual Prayer Meeting (Charles Millette) (Zoom)


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