Ministry Opportunity: Preschool Coordinator

We are grateful for the growing number of preschoolers who join us on Sunday mornings during the worship hour. As our numbers are growing, we need an individual to fill the role of Preschool Coordinator. This position of 7-10 hours per week includes the following opportunities for ministry:

Position Responsibilities:

  • Secure/Schedule Volunteers to Staff Two Preschool Rooms Each Sunday Morning (assisted by the Children’s Team of the Education Committee)

  • Prepare Weekly Curriculum (Stories and Colouring Pages, etc.) (Purchase Curriculum Resources Funded by the Church Budget)

  • Weekly Washing of Cups and Pitchers and Laundry from the Nursery

  • Weekly Sanitization of Preschool Toys

  • Maintain Stock in the Snack Cupboard

  • Change Seasonal Decorations for Preschool Check-in Area

  • Resource Crafts and Craft Supplies for Special Occasions (ie. Christmas, Easter, etc.)

  • Attend Monthly Education Committee Meeting (Second Monday Evening of the Month)

  • Be Present in the Preschool Area One Sunday a Month and In Worship “On Call” the Remaining Sundays (Using Pager System)

We would like to fill this position as soon as possible. Given the current Covid situation, we would contract with the successful candidate to the end of the summer. We would review the position in August as we prepare for what the fall will have to offer. For more information, contact Pastor Greg (

How to apply

To apply, by Friday, March 25, please email a resume with cover letter to In the cover letter, please include the reasons you are interested in the position and why you think you are uniquely suited for it. Interviews will be scheduled for the afternoon of Sunday, March 27.

Congregation, please pray for God to raise up a leader to fill this position.

Your Children’s Education Team
Shelley Pronk, Sarah Phillips-Millette, Elizabeth Kearns


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