Government Mandate Changes

Dear Church Family,

I’m sure you are aware of the changes to Covid mandates that were announced by the provincial government. The requirement for proof of vaccination has been retracted and the Mandatory Order lifted — meaning that there will no longer be legally binding requirements for masks, distancing, limited seating or limited numbers at gatherings.

On Monday evening, February 28, your deacons and pastors met to prayerfully consider BSBC’s response to these changes.  Throughout the pandemic our decisions were guided by the directives of Public Health.  And so, we agreed that we would continue that pattern, embracing these directives of the government.

Therefore, as of Tuesday, March 1, we discontinued screening for proof of vaccination for all church activities. We recognize that months ago, when we polled the congregation as to vaccination status, we learned that well over 90% of those in attendance on that Sunday were vaccinated.

HOWEVER, there will one exception, we will require that all workers in our Children’s Ministries need, for the immediate future, to be fully vaccinated.  We expect that parents of infants through to grade 5 will find comfort in knowing that their children’s caregivers are vaccinated.  This will continue to be the policy until the deacons deem it appropriate to retract it.  Notice of such a change will be given prior to the change.

FURTHER, as of March 14, we will no longer REQUIRE any Covid measures for participation in any church activity.  YET, in keeping with Public Health guidelines:

·      masking, distancing and sanitizing hands remain good preventative measures

·      everyone should feel free to continue to mask – it is your choice

·      I would go so far as to ask you to consider continuing to mask for a few weeks as a means of supporting those who find these changes a challenge

·      parents should instruct their children/youth and children’s/youth ministry leaders if they wish their child to continue to mask in ministry gatherings

·      in both the sanctuary and gym there will continue to be the provision of distanced seating available for those who find this helpful

·      please consider sanitizing your hands when you enter the building – a good practice anytime

As has been the case throughout the pandemic, we encourage you to consider your personal vulnerabilities when deciding on in-person participation.  Our hearts’ desire is that we all come together again – and to that end, we’ll be thrilled to see you in-person.  However, be prayerfully wise.  Online services are with us to stay.  But when you can come back, please do so.

From a spiritual perspective, Hebrews 10:24-25 reminds us that gathering with our brothers and sisters is one way we “stir up” our faith.

24 And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, 25 not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near.

We anticipate that such changes will be exciting for some and, perhaps, fearful for others.  Let’s prayerfully support each other as we move forward into 2022.

Pastor Greg


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Ministry Opportunity: Preschool Coordinator