Practical Ways We Can Support Ukraine

Practical Ways We Can Support Those On The Ground in Ukraine

Dear Church Family,

Our brother, Sergiy Polyachenko, is working with other Fredericton Ukrainians who are working through groups “on the ground in Ukraine” to hear about practical needs and to arrange collection and shipment of them to Ukraine. They have arranged for plane shipments to go to Poland on a weekly basis. Journey Wesleyan Church (131 Duncan Ln, Fredericton | 458-9232) has agreed to be the drop-off location for practical donations (Monday to Saturday from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.).

If 20 years at BSBC has taught me anything, it’s that this church family gives. So, please take a look at the lists that Sergiy’s group has put together. Prayerfully consider what you can do. And if you can, deliver your gifts to Journey Wesleyan Church.

Please also note that Wednesday’s online newsletter (item #4) gives details on how you can give, financially, to the relief effort. One option channels money through our national office, Canadian Baptist Ministries (CBM). CBM is working directly with Baptist Associations in Poland and Ukraine.

I commend this opportunity to you. But above all else, pray for Ukraine, especially for the ministry of our brothers and sisters in Christ living through this horror.

Pastor Greg

Over-the-counter products

1. Advil (Ibuprofen)
2. Tylenol (Paracetamol)
3. Painkillers
4. Antipyretics
5. Imodium, Pepto-Bismol, Diarrhea medicines
6. Bandages
7. Elastic bandages
8. Alcohol wipes
9. Disinfectants and antiseptics
11. Insulin, insulin pens
12. Glucose
13. Glucose meters and test strips
14. Cuero Hemostatic bandage
15. SAM Pelvic Sling II
16. Ambu Perfit Ace Collar
17. Droppers
18. Disposable gloves
19. Mobic (Meloxicam)

Gear & Humanitarian Supports

1. Tactical or ballistic glasses
2. Headlamp (red light, non-rechargeable / no lithium AA and AAA only)
3. Sleeping pad
4. Sleeping bags
5. Medical backpacks, ampoule holders etc.
6. Thermal underwear
7. Hygiene products (women’s products, diapers, etc.)
8. Emergency Blankets
9. Candles
10. Non-perishable food (preference to light and dry)
11. MREs (meal ready to eat, dry ration)

Medical Supplies

1. Splint for limbs (ex: Sam Splint)
2. Sodium Chloride Intravenous Infusion, Ringer, HES in software pack (glass is not suitable for medical bags)
3. Drip systems
4. Intravenous catheters G18 or around that size.
5. Intraosseous catheters (priority - chest)
6. IGel size 4, 5, 6 (adult)
7. Nasopharyngeal Airway Tubes (middle and large size)
8. Cricothyrotomy kits ( ex CricKey)
9. Eyeshields
10. Decompression needles
11. Laryngeal tube
12. Catheters
13. Field Blood Transfusion Kit
14. Medical backpacks
15. Ampoule holders, etc.

Priority Need - Hemostatics

1. Tourniquet for critical bleeding

2. Tourniquet for pelvis injury with inflatable cuffs

3. The Emergency Bandage (aka The Israeli Bandage) size 4", 6", 12"

4. Hemostatic bandage with radiopaque lines (ex: Combat Gauze or Quikclot)

5. Hemostatic sponge

6. Chest seal with and without valve

7. Burn dressing of various sizes, face, and body (ex: Burnshell)


Giving Financially to Support Ukraine


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