Giving Financially to Support Ukraine

I’m sure that you are up to date on the news coming out of Ukraine. As a church family, we continue to pray for Sergiy Polyachenko's parents and brother’s family as well as his wife Julia's mother and the family members of Roz Thompson who all live in Ukraine. Please don’t forget to pray for believers in Ukraine and it’s surrounding countries. The Church in this area is suffering and we can stand with them.

It may feel that you wish you could do more

Let me share with you the latest posts from our national office, Canadian Baptist Ministries (CBM):

On February 24th, 2022, Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered troops to invade Ukraine. This has been widely condemned by the international community as an illegal invasion of a sovereign nation. As part of the Baptist Forum for Aid and Development (BFAD), CBM is immediately releasing funds to support the response of the European Baptist Federation (EBF) and the Ukrainian Baptists. CBM is receiving your financial support and is actively engaged through our partnerships to respond. We are closely monitoring the escalating and fluid situation and will update this page with further details as they become available.

The refugee migration is huge, with 6-7 km lines of people heading towards the Polish border. Both the Polish and Hungarian borders are currently open for Ukrainians to leave, and for goods to go enter Ukraine. The situation on the ground is rapidly evolving, but our implementing partner, the All-Ukrainian of Associations of Evangelical Christian-Baptists has robust plans in place to respond and a lot of capacity to care for internally displaced persons. Polish and Hungarian Baptists are already organized to house refugees and bring goods into Ukraine.

We continue to speak with our partners who have been providing aid and shelter. One Ukrainian pastor, Pastor Igor, thanked all those praying for peace, adding: “Almost from the very beginning we have received prayers and support during this terrible time.”

To enable CBM to do more with our Ukrainian partners, you can donate here.

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I think we all understand that as the old maxim goes, “every penny counts.”

Thank you for considering helping in this way.

Pastor Greg


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Practical Ways We Can Support Ukraine