Invitations from the Social Action Committee

Could you provide a meal?

Through a phone call, Charles Millette discovered a need in our community. We’ll let him tell you about it.

Hello dear family!

Over the past couple of weeks, I have gotten to know a couple from Fredericton who are courageously navigating a storm for 3 years now, caused by a degenerative illness that affects the wife. Out of love and tender care for his dear spouse, Richard, the husband, has kept her in their home and together they are reaping the benefits of his decision as she was initially given 6 months to live. With the help of some workers, they provide care 24/7, which ultimately falls on Richard's lap to coordinate and lead the way. Needless to say, it is a heavy burden to carry, yet he is encouraged by the whole situation and wouldn't trade it for anything.

You might be asking: "What can BSBC do for them?" Let me give you a simple answer to this question: providing comfort through home-cooked meals! Together as a church, for the next 6 weeks, we have an opportunity to offer respite and love to a brave man in Jesus’ name.

Anyone wishing to participate is invited to sign up by clicking the link below. You may also contact the church office at 458-8348 to have your information added to the schedule. Please note there is a dietary restriction of no hazelnuts. Meals will be for Richard only as he prepares specific items for his wife. Food can be delivered directly to the couple's home (address to be provided following sign-up).

Thank you for considering this way to be a blessing. This would involve cooking another “good” portion of whatever you are having so that there might be enough for a dinner and leftovers for the next day. You can take it to Richard (or we can deliver it for you). We’ll be booking two weeks at a time.

Come share your heart for ministry to the homeless

Your Social Action Team is inviting all those who have a heart for Street Level Ministry to join the conversation about what our church can be doing in our community. We will be offering a time of coffee, muffins and discussion on two dates:

  • Sunday, May 29, after church

  • Wednesday, June 1, at 6:30 p.m. 

Join us to share your ideas about how we can reach out to those in need, and how you might like to be involved. There is a part for everyone to play in this ministry! Watch for more details in upcoming newsletters and Sunday services.

Raising support for our refugee family

Dear BSBC family,

Your Social Action Team thanks you for your ongoing support for the initiatives that we brought forward at our Annual Business Meeting, including the sponsorship of another refugee family. We would like to provide you with an update on the progress of the refugee funding for the family that we expect to submit the sponsorship application for in 2023. As a reminder, this family of six are originally from Syria and currently living as refugees in Lebanon. Rachel Nesbitt, a member of our congregation has befriended their relatives here in Fredericton which is how we connected with them. 

We are pleased to share that since January over $1,450 has been generously given to the Refugee Fund. There was a correction to the balance of money available following our previous newsletter article, which means that currently our balance stands at $8,005 available in the refugee fund. The correction was required when the balances were more closely examined, and it was recognized that we were holding funds in our Refugee Fund for a previously approved co-sponsorship from several years ago. The reserve funds were supplied by the co-sponsor, but due to COVID and other delays, that refugee couple have not yet had their application approved to come to Fredericton. The treasurer has now moved these designated funds to their own account to avoid future confusion with the Refugee Fund for this family of six. We encourage you, as able, to make a regular contribution to support this family of six by designating your gift “Refugee Fund” or “Refugees”.

We will look forward to continuing to share updates on the Refugee Fund and our sponsorship progress in the coming months. If you have any questions about this, please contact Martina Verboom at

Thank you!


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