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Our Mission for 2022
Sing to the Lord; praise his name.
Each day proclaim the good news that he saves.
Publish his glorious deeds among the nations.
Tell everyone about the amazing things he does.
Psalm 96:2-3

In this issue:

Check out what's coming up at BSBC from May 25 to June 1.

  1. Invitations from Your Social Action Team

  2. The Polyachenkos Offer Ways to Support Ukraine

  3. Spring Business Meeting: Thursday, June 2, 7 p.m.

  4. Sponsoring Children to Attend Green Hill Lake Camp

  5. KidzTown Children’s Mission

  6. Bereavements

  7. Pastoral Staff Vacations Summer 2022

  8. Keys to Our Exterior Doors Changed to “Fobs”

  9. Summer Office Hours

  10. Children’s Half-Day Summer Camp

  11. Next Gen Ministries @ BSBC (Latest Opportunities for Children and Youth)

  12. Upcoming Memorial Service

  13. Sunday Morning, May 29

  14. This Week @ BSBC

1. Invitations from Your Social Action Team

Looking for a way you can help your community? Your Social Action Team has many opportunities for you to get involved!

2. The Polyachenkos Offer Ways to Support Ukraine

I contacted Sergiy and Julia to ask for an update on their family in Ukraine and for ways we might support the work they're doing for their homeland. Click the link below to learn more about how you can support them in their efforts.

In Partnership,
Pastor Greg

3. Spring Business Meeting

Our Church Moderator, Calvin Smith, is calling for the church family to gather for the Spring Business Meeting on Thursday, June 2, at 7 p.m. in the Sanctuary (or on Zoom).

There will be presentations from your Boards of Deacons and Management, Social Action Team and pastors. The Accountant Reviewed Financial Statements for 2022 — which require congregational approval — will also be presented. Copies of the Reviewed Financial Statements for 2021 will be available one week in advance by contacting the church office.

Thank you for registering in advance to help us ensure a quorum or to receive the Zoom link for the meeting.

And thank you for making the Spring Business Meeting part of your early June.

4. Sponsoring Children to Attend Green Hill Lake Camp

Each year, we have the privilege of raising funds to facilitate children having a summer Christian camping experience at Green Hill Lake Camp. The costs for a week of camp have, like everything else, increased. The price is approximately $500 per week. Many families find it impossible to afford such an experience for their children.

This year, the children we seek to sponsor come from our New Life Ministry, which provides spiritual support for moms living in challenging situations. In addition, there are children connected with the BSBC family who are seeking support. At this point, our goal for 2022 is $2,500. If you can partner with us in this way, please mark your gift “GHLC Sponsorship.” We’ll keep you posted on the giving to the fund.

If you know of a family seeking sponsorship, please contact Pastor Greg at, and we’ll consider each request.

Pastor Greg

Giving as of Tuesday, May 24: $370.00
Funds Raised by Youth Ministry: $690.00
Total Thus Far: $1,060.00

5. KidzTown Children's Mission

Whether God calls us to the ends of the world or the house down the street, we are all called to share the love of Christ with others.

In a culture that continuously strives for “bigger and better” and encourages (even demands) self-centeredness, our role in teaching children about the love of Jesus and possessing a global view is increasingly essential.

“Missions” may be a broad term that encompasses much more than we might realize. Still, our children understand the very core of the concept and willingly want to make a difference in the lives of some East African and Ukrainian children.

It all started a couple of months ago after welcoming Carol Bray at KidzTown. Carol talked to the children about Missions and mentioned how sad it was that some East African children could not go to school because they did not have uniforms and had only one set of clothes to wear (sometimes not even that). After the visit, we brainstormed for a while, and we could see how touched the children were.

That is when they came up with the idea to raise some money to fund uniforms for some of the children in that particular situation. The ideas just poured in, and, together, we started to write an action plan so we could submit it to our church leaders. We praise the Lord that the idea was well accepted, and every week, portions of their allowance, small change given by parents and lots of ideas were brought to our time together at church. So far, we have raised close to $80.00.

The children also thought of having a “Mission Sale,” and we believe that our church family picnic next month would be the ideal time and spot. The children will produce, with their parents, baking goods, new-to-you books and toys, and their own drawings and paintings for sale by donation.

Children play a crucial role in spreading the gospel, and to be effective witnesses for Christ, they have to be given the opportunity to serve the best way they can. A “mission project” such as this teaches fundamental gospel truths to them, and it teaches all of us that we must rejoice with every opportunity to serve the Lord.

For Our Elementary Children,
Tina Franca, Elementary Coordinator

6. Bereavement

We pray for Paul and Bernita Milburn on the sudden passing of Bernita’s brother, Alvin O’Brien at the Cape Breton Regional Hospital on May 17, 2022. Born in New Waterford on November 22, 1954, he was the son of the late John and Maurina (Gillis) O’Brien. Alvin was a proud millwright with a long and successful career. Alvin is survived by his loving wife Beverly (MacCormick), son Jonathan (Jaunni), daughter Darlene (Paul) Noble, grandsons Quinlin and Aven; sisters Bernita (Paul) Milburn, Sheila O’Brien; brothers Leroy (Liz), Aubrey (Maureen), Mervin (Wanda). Visitation, service and interment took place on Tuesday, May 24. It’s our privilege to support Bernita and her family in the face of this sudden loss. Full obituary.

We pray for Dean Annis and family in the homegoing of his dear wife, Joan, in the early hours of Friday, May 20. Here is a touching section from her obituary, “Always alongside her husband, she was a handmaid of the Lord as they served in pastoral church ministries and in missionary outreach with Northern Canada Evangelical Mission, Transport for Christ, and Champlain Christian Centre Seafarers’ Mission. Joan was always ready to go anywhere (and we moved a lot), live in whatever was provided, and do whatever it took to carry out the Lord’s will. She could make "home" anyplace, as long as we were together.” God entrusted to Dean and Joan six children (five by birth and one by adoption), Heather Dow (Howard), Betsy McGuigan (Lawrence), Jon Annis (Debbie), Wayne Annis (Angela), Fred Annis (Carolyn), and Karen Annis (Tony). They have 23 grandchildren, 22 great-grandchildren, and one great-great-granddaughter. A celebration of Joan’s life and faith took place yesterday, Tuesday, May 24 at the Burtts Corner Baptist Church with Pastor Greg bringing the message. Thank you for praying for the Annis family as they journey through the loss of Joan. Full obituary.

We pray for Wilberta Topple and family on the passing of her cherished sister, Jean Patterson, on Saturday, May 21, Wauklehegan Manor, McAdam. Jean is survived by her husband of 64 years, Roy; son R. Tim (Elizabeth Anderson), and grandchildren Malcolm, Calder and Heather; son Jonathan (Christina Racozzi) and grandchildren Alexander and Christian; foster son Joey Follis (Colleen Manto), and grandchildren James and Moira; sister Wilberta Topple; sister-in law Irene Findlay; brother-in-law Waldron Sabine; and a large clan of nieces and nephews. She will always be remembered for her delicious cooking, especially her world-famous potato salad, a mainstay of innumerable family get-togethers. She enjoyed all manner of crafts. Her quilts, afghans and tole paintings are treasured possessions in her children’s households. She enjoyed travel.” Her funeral will take place at Knox Presbyterian Church, 2412 Route 3, Harvey, NB on Saturday May 28, 2022, at 2 PM. Please remember Wilberta who will miss this very special sister. Full obituary.

7. Upcoming Pastoral Staff Vacations

Pastor Ross

Please be in prayer for Pastor Ross, Fi, Eden, Arial and Zion as they enjoy a week of vacation, starting on Monday, May 30. Pastor Ross will return to ministry on Monday, June 6. Please also pray for Pastor Ross’ parents, the Watters Senior, who are coming from Scotland to Fredericton on their first visit during this time. Please pray for safe travel and great family time. I’m sure we’re all looking forward to welcoming them to Fredericton. Pastor Ross will take a second week of vacation from Monday, July 18, returning to ministry on Monday, July 25.

Pastor Nikki

At this point, Pastor Nikki is planning a short trip home to Ontario to spend Father’s Day weekend with family. She will be gone from June 17 to June 20. She is still considering 2 weeks she might take off over the summer. Stay tuned!

Dr. Keith

Given the parameters of his contract, Dr. Bodner will be preaching up to and including Sunday, July 10 and then will be back with us for the first Sunday in September. Pray for the Bodners as they plan summer travels to the west coast to visit with family.

Pastor Greg

Your Board of Deacons want to offer a special update on Pastor Greg’s time off for summer 2022. Given the extraordinary interim period and celebrating the arrival of Pastors Nikki and Ross to fill permanent pastoral positions, the Board is granting Pastor Greg’s request for an extended time off. Pastor Greg will begin a month of vacation on Monday, June 6, returning to ministry on Monday, July 4. Then, he will have a second month of leave from Monday, July 25 returning to ministry on Monday, August 22.

We are confident that the congregation will be supportive of the added time off for summer 2022. During both times off, Pastor Ross will be providing pastoral leadership/care as will Pastor Nikki, excepting her yet to be determined time of vacation. Given the newness of Pastors Nikki and Ross to BSBC, Pastor Greg will be available for funerals during times off. This has been the pattern since the beginning of the interim period. Please pray that these months of break will be renewing and invigorating for Pastor Greg.

Your Board of Deacons

8. Keys To Our Facility

Your Board of Management has upgraded our building security with a new “key-fob” system. Exterior door keys will no longer unlock the (1) gym kitchen door, (2) the gym foyer door or (3) the Connections Centre doors. The key that would unlock 1 and 2 will still open the Barnabas Center.

This electronic entrance system will allow us to monitor building use as each ‘fob’ has a unique code for each owner. If you need your exterior door key replaced with a ‘fob’ please contact the church office and your request will be passed on to the Board of Management and you will be contacted.

9. Summer Office Hours

From Tuesday, May 24, through the Tuesday after Labour Day, the church office will be open from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. (instead of the usual 5 p.m.) This change in office hours helps facilitate vacation time for our administrative staff. Thank you for noting this change.

10. Children's Half-Day Summer Camp

This summer, the week of July 4 to 8, from 9 a.m. to Noon, our children will learn that God’s creativity didn’t stop in Genesis. The Master Artist is working to redeem, reclaim, and transform us — His creation — to the design He planned for us. Our children will see the beautiful truth that they are God’s creation as they learn to use their talents to bring glory to Him.

Join our team

We hope you will prayerfully consider being a part of BSBC’s 2022 Children’s Half-Day Summer Camp team! When you complete the volunteer registration, you’ll have the opportunity to tell us where and how you’re available to serve. If you have any questions about what a particular role will look like, we’ll be happy to help explain them so you can make an informed decision about your role before making a commitment.

Children’s Half-Day Summer Camp Theme Bible Verse: For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared ahead of time for us to do. Ephesians 2:10

11. NextGen Ministry at BSBC

We have some great events coming up for our children and youth!

Children’s Events At BSBC 

Brunswick Street Baptist Church Half-Day Summer Camp (K to Grade 5)

This summer, the week of July 4 to 8, our children will learn that God’s creativity didn’t stop in Genesis. The Master Artist is working to redeem, reclaim, and transform us–His creation–to the design, He planned for us. Our children will see the beautiful truth that they are God’s creation as they learn to use their talents to bring glory to Him.

Join our team

We hope you will prayerfully consider being a part of BSBC’s 2022 Children’s Half-Day Summer Camp team! When you complete the volunteer registration, you’ll have the opportunity to tell us where and how you’re available to serve. If you have any questions about what a particular role will look like, we’ll be happy to help explain to them so you can make an informed decision about your role before committing

If you would like further information please reach out to Pastor Nikki at! We would love for people of all ages to come and serve our children in this wonderful opportunity!

For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared ahead of time for us to do. Ephesians 2:10

Youth Events This Week at BSBC

Bible Study: Wednesday, May 25 from 6:30 to 8 p.m.

Tonight from 6:30 to 8 p.m. youth are welcome to come out, as Kari Dunfield leads our youth Bible study!

Youth Group: Friday, May 27 from 7 to 9 p.m.

Youth are encouraged to come out and bring a friend to join together for a time of fellowship and connection!

Greenhouse Service – May 29

We have our Greenhouse service at 10:30 a.m. in the Barnabas Centre on May 29! Mark your calendars. This is a service run by youth grades 6 through 12, for youth grades 6 through 12. It is a wonderful time of fellowship, community, and worship alongside one another! All are welcome to this event! If you have any questions, please email pastor Nikki (

High School Youth Group: Sunday, May 29 from 7 to 8:30 p.m.

Calling all our high schoolers! We would love for you to continue to join us on Sunday night for a time of fellowship, connection, food, and great conversation! We have been blessed with so many of our high schoolers coming out the last couple of weeks, we continue to encourage our high schoolers to come out and bring a friend!

Coming up

One Con: June 4

Youth are invited to go to our upcoming youth conference! Youth will not want to miss out on this awesome opportunity to come together with so many other churches! If your youth would like to be a part of this, please email Pastor Nikki at The event is from 1 to 4 p.m., and it will be located in Moncton! Youth must register by TOMORROW. If you would like more information, please reach out to pastor Nikki, and if you would like to be a volunteer driver for this event, please also reach out to Pastor Nikki!

Graduation Recognition Service: June 12

We welcome all of our graduates to come out on Sunday, June 12 during our service for a time of recognition and celebration! Afterwards, the church family will be having a BBQ. If you're interested in volunteering, please reach out to Pastor Nikki at!

12. Upcoming Memorial Service

The final Memorial Service for the month of May will be held on Saturday, May 28, 2 p.m. in the church sanctuary. This will be the memorial service for the Late Marie Roberts. Reception to follow.

13. Sunday Morning: May 29

“Worship is an incredible privilege, not a religious duty.” - Unknown

Online or in person, we hope you’ll connect with us this week!

In the sanctuary, Dr. Keith will offer the third installment of his three-week mini-series in Revelation. This week: “Route 66, Part 3: The Throne” based on Revelation, rooted in Revelation 4.

So far in our short series on the book of Revelation, we have noticed that there is no mention of words such as rapture, or being left behind, or any strategies for escapism. Instead, we are given the gift of a life-transforming vision of the risen Lord Jesus and all kinds of encouragement to persevere in our adventure of faith even when circumstances are difficult. The various letters to the seven churches—and the number seven indicates that these messages are relevant to every church in every age—features a performance review (much like we would get at work!), but also incredible promises that stir our imaginations and prompt our faithfulness. This week we open the door of chapter 4, where we travel with the author John to the very throne-room of God. Periodically we get a glimpse of the divine throne in Scriptures, such as the call of the prophet in Isaiah 6, the vast council chamber in Job 1-2, and the heavenly court of Psalm 82 where the powers of the universe are brought to trial. But the vision of Revelation chapter 4 is arguably the most resplendent, and this week we will emphasize how these images of God’s throne can captivate our hearts and influence the way we live, how we relate to everyone around us, and how we understand our Lord’s design for our discipleship in these days.

In the gym, Pastor Greg will complete this 3-part installment in our series on Ephesians, taking us through the final portion of Ephesians, chapter 5. Yes, he ‘gets’ to preach on marriage. You know, that remarkable passage about the roles of wives (involving the “s” word) and husbands (requiring a high standard of “l”). But better yet, if the opportunity to unpack a “great mystery”: 31 ‘For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two will become one flesh.’ 32 This is a great mystery, and I am applying it to Christ and the church.

In the gym, Julianne Moore will be leading worship and for those of you online, Sarah Millette will be your Facebook Host. In the sanctuary, one of our ensembles will be singing, as well as Peter and Maureen Steeves. In both services, Deacon Denise Mersereau will be leading our monthly “His Name is Power” segment with this month’s special guests, Deborah and Stephen VanSlyke. It promises to be a time of blessing.

Please pray that the Spirit of God will bless the preparations being made for this week’s gatherings.

14. This Week at BSBC: May 25 to June 1

Please note: FLC stands for Family Life Centre.

Wednesday, May 25
10:00 Senior Exercise (Gym)
12:00 Men’s Basketball (Gym)
6:00 Vocal Ensemble (Sanctuary and Choir Room)
6:00 Youth Choir (Barnabas)
6:30 BSBC Choir – Rebuild Rehearsal (Sanctuary)
6:30 Youth Bible Study (Family Room, Online and In Person)

Thursday, May 26
9:00 Benevolent Ministry (By Appointment)
9:30 New Life (Third Floor Assembly Area, FLC)
9:30 Right to Life Prayer Meeting (Sanctuary)
12:00 Men’s Basketball (Gym)
1:30 Ladies Bible Study (Carol Bray) (Family Room, FLC)
1:30 Small Group Bible Study (Mary McMulkin) (Third Floor Conference Room, FLC)
7:00 Mandarin Choir Practice (Choir Room)
7:00 Youth Choir (Barnabas)

Friday, May 27
10:00 Senior Exercise (Gym)
12:00 Men’s Basketball (Gym)
7:00 Mandarin Fellowship (Barnabas Center and KidzTown)
7:00 Youth Group (Third Floor Assembly, FLC)

Saturday, May 28
9:00 Gym Set-Up (Gym)
1:00 Worship Team Practice (Gym)
2:00 Funeral and Reception for Marie Roberts (Sanctuary and Gym)
2:00 Montreal Mandarin Church (Third Floor Assembly, FLC)
7:00 Greenhouse Worship Practice (Barnabas)

Sunday, May 29
6:00 Mandarin Prayer Meeting (Boardroom Over Main Kitchen)
9:00 Asian Sunday School Class (Boardroom Over Main Kitchen)
10:15 Preschool/KidzTown (First Floor/Kidztown, FLC)
10:30 Contemporary Worship Service (Gym)
10:30 Mandarin Worship Service (Third Floor Assembly, FLC)
10:30 Traditional Worship Service (Sanctuary)
10:30 Greenhouse Youth Service (Barnabas)
12:00 Youth Choir (Barnabas)
12:00 Montreal Mandarin Church (Third Floor Assembly, FLC)
12:00 Social Action Team Introduction to Street Level Ministry (Family Room)
1:00 Pastoral Staff Meeting
7:00 High School Youth Group (Third Floor Assembly, FLC)

Monday, May 30
10:00 Senior Exercise (Gym)
12:00 Men’s Basketball (Gym)

Tuesday, May 31
12:00 Mandarin Prayer Meeting (Boardroom Over Main Kitchen)
12:00 Men’s Basketball
1:00 Pastoral Staff Meeting
1:30 Quilters for Missions (Quilting Room)
2:15 Full Staff Meeting
7:00 Fresh Start (Gym/Third Floor Assembly, FLC)
7:00 “Walking with Jesus” Bible Study with Daniel Savard (Zoom)

Wednesday, June 1
10:00 Senior Exercise (Gym)
12:00 Men’s Basketball (Gym)
6:00 Vocal Ensemble (Sanctuary and Choir Room)
6:00 Youth Choir (Barnabas)
6:30 BSBC Choir – Rebuild Rehearsal (Sanctuary)
6:30 Social Action Team Introduction to Street Level Ministry (Third Floor Assembly, FLC)
6:30 Youth Bible Study (Family Room, FLC)


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Invitations from the Social Action Committee