GHLC Share-a-Wage

Dylan Wightman

Hi, my name is Dylan Wightman, I have been working at camp for 3 years now and I am excited for my new position of housekeeping coordinator or “crew leader”.

This is a very new position for me, and I would appreciate prayer for the ability to go into this summer feeling ready and confident to lead and serve for the glory of God.

I can’t wait for this summer to begin and for all the kids to be on site again! And with this year's amazing staff I’m sure it will be an awesome and smooth sailing summer!

Nathan Holmes

Hello! My name is Nathan Holmes. This is my 3rd year working on staff at GHLC and I will be serving as a Sr. Cabin Leader this summer.

This is my first year in this position, so I am really looking forward to everything this summer has in store for me and my campers each week.

And for the opportunity to grow in my faith and help them learn about God.

About Share-A-Wage

GHLC needs a small army of excited staff every summer to make camp happen! Cabin Leaders, Life Guards, and experienced camp pros (like Dylan and Nathan) will oversee all the fun – every member of our Support Staff ensures that the Green Hill experience lives up to our top-notch reputation. These staff have experience with camp and kids, and it shows!

Many of these leaders work at GHLC, making less than they would in other summer jobs, foregoing this for the calling to serve as missionaries on the mission field at Green Hill Lake Camp. And that’s where we come in. Through the Green Hill Lake Camp SHARE-A-WAGE program, your donation can help provide additional financial support to camp staff and help position them for the post-secondary education they will begin in September.

There are two ways to give: (1) go to the camp website ( and select “Share-a-Wage” from the drop-down menu. In the donation note, be sure to say, “Thanks to Dylan and Nathan for letting me know about Share-a-Wage,” or (2) simply put your donation through the church offering and be sure to make it “Share-a-Wage.” If you mark it GHLC, your funds will not make it to the “Share-a-Wage” program. Either way, charitable giving receipts for your gift will be issued.

Thanks for considering this opportunity to invest in lives like Dylan and Nathan.

Pastor Greg


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