A Second Sponsorship Opportunity

Dear BSBC family,

The Social Action Team has another exciting opportunity to share with you prior to next week's annual business meeting. The Canadian Baptists of Atlantic Canada (CBAC) office has approached us regarding a family in Canada that is seeking sponsorship to bring another member from a refugee camp to Canada and their home in Fredericton.

Lama Al Krad and her husband have settled in Fredericton. Lama and her husband are able to fully fund sponsorship for her single sister but are in need of a local sponsoring group, like a local church in Fredericton, to be the link between them, Lama's sister and the Canadian government. Our denominational office has vetted this sponsorship request and is asking BSBC to consider acting as sponsor for Lama’s sister. 

On arrival, the sister would live Lama and her husband, removing the responsibility for major settlement arrangements from BSBC. In addition, in advance, Lama and her husband would provide BSBC with all the sponsorship funds, to be kept in trust, prior to BSBC submitting the refugee application. BSBC has had a recent positive experiences with offering such support to other refugees.

How you can help

Since this sponsorship would require very little settlement support and no financial responsibility, we will be asking you to consider approving this sponsorship at at the Annual Meeting. What approval will do, is allow BSBC to build a loving relationship with Lama and her family as we help them navigate the sponsorship process and await their family reunification. This is work the Social Action Team is prepared to do.

Thank you for your prayerful consideration - Your Social Action Team


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