Third Sunday Supper

There is nothing quite like a nice hot, home cooked meal, especially when you don’t have one very often!

We are making plans to have a meal prepared for each month in 2022, to be served to our less fortunate, downtown friends. All of our guests are low income, living in subsidized housing, shelters or on the street. Our monthly Third Sunday Supper, gives them an opportunity to have a nice meal, prepared by loving hands and served by loving hearts. It gives us an opportunity to be the hands and feet of Jesus in a very practical way.

How you can help

Under the current COVID-19 situation, we require meals for 30 individuals. There is a $75 subsidy available to help with food costs. Some may want to prepare but not serve and this is also a helpful approach. You may prepare the food at the church or at home and bring it in. These folks enjoy basic meals so you don’t have to be fancy — ‘meat and potatoes’ or casseroles have gone over well.

If you, your family, or friends would like to help out by preparing a meal for TSS, please contact Judy Thompson at or 238-9903 for more information. I would be happy to address any questions or concerns you may have.

Thank you!


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Cooking Together