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Our Mission
Experience the love of Jesus. Live it out everywhere.

In this issue

Check out what's coming up at BSBC from Sept. 21 to 28.

  1. This Coming Sunday’s Guest Preacher

  2. What’s a ‘motto’ with you?

  3. Pray

  4. Email Scam

  5. News From Our Social Action Team

  6. Fresh Start Young Adults Group

  7. Third Sunday Supper: Can You Help in December?

  8. A New Bible Study Opportunity

  9. Suggested Fall Study

  10. Lifemark – The Movie

  11. An Update from Our Partner in Mission

  12. Adult Sunday School Classes

  13. Ministry Opportunity – Providing Support to a Newcomer to Canada

  14. NextGen Ministries @ BSBC

  15. Financial Stewardship Update

  16. GriefShare

  17. DivorceCare

  18. Roast Beef Dinner

  19. This Week @ BSBC

1. This Coming Sunday's Guest Preacher

Sunday, Sept. 25, we’ll welcome a guest preacher in both services. Rev. Adrian Gardner is the Director of Canadian Partnerships at our national office — Canadian Baptist Ministries. If the work of “CBM” is new to you, visit their website to learn more about how Canadian Baptists are engaging the world. Their work happens under the slogan: Embracing a Broken World Through Word and Deed.

To this end, over the years, Adrian has been an invaluable partner to our Missions Committee by helping BSBC invest in the work of ministry partners worldwide, allowing us to embrace our broken world in word AND deed.

At the end of March 2022, Adrian found himself at the Tulcea border between Romania and Ukraine. At the time, he wrote: Even as we’re here, many Ukrainians are crossing the border, fleeing home, searching for safety. I’ve been travelling for the past nine days in Romania, and it’s been a privilege to see God’s people respond in practical ways. To care for hurting people in practical ways and bring hope and healing to a hurting world. It’s a privilege today to invite you to pray.

You as the Canadian church, to pray for peace in this region. Pray that we would see an end to this conflict. Pray for Ukrainians who are fleeing home and are searching for safety. Pray that they would be received well and find hope and safety through God’s people. Pray for the church throughout Eastern Europe – that they would continue to be beacons of light as they proclaim and demonstrate the good news of Christ. Thank you for your prayers and your partnership. May God be with you.

It's this kind of first-hand engagement that Adrian brings to our pulpit and our hearts. Please pray for Adrian as he prepares to minister with us, seeking the Spirit’s work to reveal individual and corporate ways we can, today, live out Jesus’ love around the world.

Pastor Greg

2. What's a 'Motto' With You?

A motto is defined as a short sentence or two chosen as encapsulating the beliefs or ideals guiding an individual, family, or institution. 

A mission statement is understood to mean an action-based statement that declares the purpose of an organization and how they serve their customers.

A new chapter

This fall, we'll celebrate two one-year anniversaries. A year doesn’t seem like much, but when I consider the impact of Pastor Nikki and Pastor Ross and his family, there is certainly cause for celebration. Their coming marked the end of our lengthy “interim chapter” and the beginning of the next chapter in the witness and ministry of BSBC. It’s certainly easy for me to echo Paul when I say that I give thanks every time I think of them AND the other members of our full-time and part-time ministry team.
This is a new chapter that we pray will take shape under a new mission statement to guide us as Christ-followers. In these past months, your pastors, including Dr. Keith, have been working on a defining statement. Something simple and clear but with great ramifications. This was no quick trip…it took a great deal of time and prayer. Then the Deacons and members of your Education Committee met separately in retreat to further refine this work. This fall, we invite you to refocus your engagement around two key action statements.
“Experience the love of Jesus.” This is where it all starts. This is the reason we exist. In Ephesians 3:18-19, we read: “I ask that you’ll have the power to grasp love’s width and length, height and depth, together with all believers. I ask that you’ll know the love of Christ that is beyond knowledge so that you will be filled entirely with the fullness of God.”
“Live it our everywhere.” A statement that makes clear that experiencing the love of Jesus is not simply for personal gain. We believe that the recipient of such love in all its forms, having been extended to us even when at a distance from God, motivates us to follow God’s example of love in the relationships which populate our lives. 

The first statement is vertical — between God and each one of us. The second is horizontal — between us and others. But, it’s all about love!

In the weeks ahead, Sunday sermons will seek to unpack this mission statement. You’ll hear practical ways we envision this taking shape. By the time of the Fall Business Meeting, we hope that the congregation will be willing to affirm this as a worthy summation of our ‘reason for being' in this place at this time to God’s glory.
Pastor Greg

3. Pray

If you were in the gym or sanctuary services, you might have noticed the poster board on the walls of the worship spaces, each one with the word PRAY at the top.

As your Lead Pastor, I’m excited about the fall and anticipate that God has much for us as we seek deeper experiences of Jesus’ love and seek, in return, to live out of that love in the spaces where we each live and move and have our being.

Mixed with this excitement is an irrevocable “still small voice” that is affirming for me that both of the above goals (experiencing Jesus' love at new levels/sharing that love in our lives) requires a renewed commitment within our church family in each one of us, to connect with God in prayer.

What’s your relationship with prayer? I evaluate mine and recognize that there is room for improvement. But, left on my own, “moving the needle” on personal prayer has been disappointing. So, I selfishly want you to join me on a prayer journey. And I want you to engage in this journey online.

My vision is a weekly blog where your pastors will post our own beliefs, experiences and understanding of prayer, along with a testimony from a member of our church family. You can engage in this “class” at your leisure. In this way, we can form a prayer community at BSBC. On this blog, you’ll be able to (1) leave comments and (2) have access to your pastors to ask confidential questions.

If you have a sense of inadequacy in the area of prayer or you just don’t have a clue how to start – please sign up to join PRAY. If you are a mature believer who enjoys a rich prayer life – please sign up to join PRAY. Let’s create a new place for community – online.  Let’s give this initiative to God and trust in the Spirit to lead us to new places. I have complete confidence that God will use PRAY to align us with his will and lead us as a church family.

I realize this might sound like a very namby-pamby (def: lacking in character or substance) approach and that the idea of a community online might seem strange. But let’s do it. Let’s not tell God what he will do for us through this…let’s find out what he has for us in this!

How to sign up

So, this Sunday and next, please be so bold as to sign your name on one of the prayer poster boards and leave your email address. We’ll get in touch with you before the October launch of PRAY. Why am I asking you to take this step? Well, I hope we’ll see many names added to those poster boards – helping to express that we are a church family who want to PRAY. I hope this will build some excitement within our congregation as you add your name to others.

Remember, PRAY doesn’t require you to engage in more than reading weekly posts. No one will put you on the spot! I think (HOPE!) this is the perfect way for people to put their toes in the water and…PRAY!

Pastor Greg

P.S. If you can’t come to the church to write your name on the poster board, you can signup for PRAY by clicking here and leaving your name and email. Each week you’ll get an email to let you know the newest edition of PRAY is available!

4. Email Scam

I’m sure that we’ve all heard stories about email scams. Recently, some members of our church family received an email from Pastor Greg saying that he needed their help, but couldn't be reached because he was in a meeting. The scammer goes on, in Pastor Greg’s name, to ask the recipient to purchase gift cards for the purpose of supporting the ministry of BSBC.

If YOU receive an email with such a message we want you to know:

  • No one on staff will ever send you an email asking YOU to purchase anything in support of our ministry.

  • If YOU receive such an email from anyone on staff, check the email address. Your staff only use email addresses that end “” — if the email does not use this suffix, it is not from staff and not a ministry email, even if it includes a photo of the staff member.

  • If you have any questions/doubts about the authenticity of an email call the church office at 458-8348.

Finally, let us assure you that such emails do not indicate a break in the security of our systems. Your information is safe.

5. News from Your Social Action Team

Update on Street Level Ministry

Your Social Action Team wishes to thank you for your ongoing and generous support of Street Level Ministry! Since our special gatherings about this area of outreach on May 29 and June 1, you have responded without delay to several calls for supplies for those who are experiencing homelessness, including batteries, socks, and muffins. We have seen the engagement of new volunteers at Third Sunday Supper. In addition, a new member has been added to the Sunday Night Outreach Team that extends friendship and offers basic provisions to our neighbours who are living rough.

Ways to volunteer

We invite anyone who is feeling a call to get involved with Street Level Ministry to consider joining the Third Sunday Supper team to welcome and serve our guests. Also, keep an eye out for requests to replenish our stock of basic necessities in this Newsletter or through the Sunday morning announcements.

Future volunteer opportunities will develop through the 12 Neighbours Tiny Home Community, and all are encouraged to watch for updates via their Facebook page at

Anyone who has questions may contact Susan Howey directly or at

Harvest for the Hungry

“Harvest for the Hungry” invites our church family to bring non-perishable food and household items to the church.

Are you able to support our food drive?

These items will be divided between our New Life Ministry (supporting families who struggle to ‘make ends meet’) and the Greener Village Fredericton Food Bank. The food collected makes a positive impact on families with great need and is a sign, we pray, of God’s love and His provision through His Church.

Here are the specific requests from our New Life Ministry:

  • Spaghetti sauce

  • Spaghetti noodles

  • Soup

  • Canned vegetables

  • Canned meat

  • Kraft dinner

  • Packaged items for kid's lunches

We invite you to do a little shopping and then bring your ‘harvest’ to the Connections Centre (on or before Thanksgiving Sunday) where it will be collected and ultimately distributed. Or, you can make a financial donation to the project by simply designating your gift to “Harvest for the Hungry." Following Thanksgiving, we’ll divide these gifts between New Life and Greener Village.

Thank you for making Christ’s love known through your thankful giving and may God use our ‘harvest’ for His glory!

6. Fresh Start Young Adults

Come and join us for our Young Adults group called Fresh Start!

We meet from 7 - 9 p.m. Tuesday nights on the third floor. For the first hour, we catch up, socialize, play games and have fun. Everything from snacks and board games to pool and spike ball and even basketball and soccer in the gym on occasion.

This fall is an exciting time for this ministry with growth in numbers straight after our first year of running through the summer. With new faces joining us and ideas for service projects, we will have deep conversations and pray as we work to understand how the words of Jesus shape and change our lives even today.

Anyone in the young adult age range (18 - 35) can join us and we would love to have you along.

If you would like any more information, please email Pastor Ross at and come and join us as we learn what it is to “Experience the love of Jesus and live it out everywhere”.

7. Third Sunday Supper: Can You Help in December? 

Hello Church Family!

Third Sunday Supper has been a staple for many of our downtown friends for several years now. Many depend on it, and they all really look forward to it.

In 2021, when things began to open back up again because of Covid, we limited our numbers to 30 guests. As time has gone on and more restrictions have been eased, our numbers are slowly rising again. Last month we were up to 40, with several new faces.

We have had wonderful leadership with Pastor Ross, whom the guests love. We have a team of dedicated servers, who faithfully show up monthly to set up, take down and serve our guests at their tables. Last but not least, we have been blessed with people who are willing to prepare a beautiful meal. Whether it is meatloaf, soup, noodle dishes or authentic Chinese cuisine, our guests enjoy every morsel!

Every month this year has been booked except December. So, I am appealing to you and your family/friends/small group — would you please consider preparing a meal for Third Sunday Supper on Dec. 18? Please know that funds are available to cover food costs. If you have any questions at all, please contact Judy Thompson at 238-9903 or

I am also looking to fill in the calendar for 2023, so if that is something you would be interested in, please contact me.

Judy Thompson,
Meal Coordinator

8. A New Bible Study 

A Bible Study covering the Gospel of John is being led by Mary McMullkin on Thursdays at 1:30 p.m. on the third floor of the Family Life Centre. 

Anyone interested is welcome to come as we learn more about the reasons for the differences between the 4 Gospels. John’s gospel is unique in its purpose for writing which is found toward the end of the book. John 20:31, "These are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in His Name." 

Come, listen, learn, share and be drawn closer to an eternal God, Son and Holy Spirit. Be transformed by the Light and Life of Jesus, our Savior.

9. Suggested Fall Study 

I'm late, I'm late for                                                       
A very important date.
No time to say hello, good-bye,
I’m late, I'm late, I'm late.
“Alice in Wonderland” – Lewis Carroll

Would you say that you often find yourself channelling the words of Lewis Carroll’s “White Rabbit” as you make your way through the world? Well, have we got a fall study for you and your existing or newly started small group.
"Who am I becoming?"

That was the question nagging pastor and author John Mark Comer. Outwardly, he appeared successful. But inwardly, things weren't pretty. So, he turned to a trusted mentor for guidance and heard these words:

"Ruthlessly eliminate hurry from your life. Hurry is the great enemy of the spiritual life."

It wasn't the response he expected, but it was--and continues to be--the answer he needs. Too often we treat the symptoms of toxicity in our modern world instead of trying to pinpoint the cause. A growing number of voices are pointing at hurry, or busyness, as a root of much evil.  In Comer’s study, The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry, you'll find a fascinating roadmap to staying emotionally healthy and spiritually alive in the chaos of the modern world. Believing that a rich spiritual life is not characterized by hurry, your pastors are hoping that your investment in five weekly sessions will help orient us to a new experience of spiritual fullness. And for those who feel led, follow-up studies will be provided.

Just after Thanksgiving, we’re inviting the church family to join in this video study available on Right Now Media (RNM), a free Christian streaming service available to all households in our church family. RNM includes brilliant children’s programming, youth titles and an unbelievable variety of offerings for spiritual growth and just plain fun. WE HIGHLY RECOMMEND IT.  Gaining personal access is as easy as emailing and we’ll get you set up…once again…for free!

Now’s the time to start discussing this with your friends and making plans to gather weekly to engage in the study. But to be clear, there’s no HURRY!

10. Lifemark the Movie 

How do you describe a story, a movie or a book that touches you to the core? Last week, I viewed a movie based on a true-life story that did just that. I was held by so many emotions that came about because of the intense content. LIFEMARK is a must see for anyone connected with or interested in adoption. I strongly encourage parents and Youth Group leaders to take their children/youth to view this positive story of love and sacrifice. We so often see and hear about the evils of abortion but not the miracles and blessings of adoption.
Many of you know that I am adopted and have had a wonderful life...I am so thankful for my birth Mother who carried me in her womb but made the right choice for me and for the overwhelming love of my Adopted Mother and Father. I believe God had and has a plan for my life including the adoption into a new earthly family and more importantly accepting me into His Heavenly family.
Go, see this amazing story, share it with everyone. It could change a life!...yours, a friend or a relative!!!
Mary McMulkin
LIFEMARK – David's comfortable world is turned upside down when his birthmother unexpectedly reaches out to him, longing to meet the 18-year-old son she's only held once.

Showing at Fredericton Cineplex Wednesday, September 21, 6:45 pm AND Thursday, September 22, 6:45 pm.

11. An Update From Our Partner in Mission 

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

I am pleased to forward you this Dropbox link to update you on the Canadian Baptist Ministries Africa work that you have been generously and faithfully supporting, both financially and in prayers.

"On behalf of the Africa Churches and the underprivileged people to whom you served and ministered through your support, we thank you!

As your Partner in Mission, I am sharing this with a sense of gratefulness. I am gladly keeping inviting you to support me, so that I can be able to reach out to the Africa local churches that serves on the frontlines. May God bless the work of your hands as you serve the Kingdom this way.


Canadian Baptist Ministries"

12. Adult Sunday School Classes: Not Too Late To Join 

Please consider engaging in either of these adult gatherings offered on Sundays, 9:30 a.m. at BSBC.

12 Curious Verses

Led by David Clark
Meets in the Family Room (First Floor, Family Life Center)
This interactive class will be looking at Biblical verses that may look puzzling, awkward or unclear or seem hard to understand or incorporate into daily life. Join me on this voyage of discovery.

The End of the Age According to Jesus

Led by Manuel Brayley
Meets in the “Under the Sea” Room in the Preschool Area (First Floor, Family Life Center)
The end of this age as narrated by Jesus is fascinating, authoritative, instructive, and conclusive. I invite you to come to share your understanding as we look into what Jesus has given us. Looking forward to seeing you.

13. A Ministry Opportunity: Providing Support to a Newcomer in Canada 

BSBC has received a request from our denominational office asking if someone from our congregation would be able to help. 

Here’s the note: I received an email from the Fredericton Multicultural Association. They have a single African gentleman that arrived in Fredericton in July and he is requiring some help. MCAF is helping to get some additional supports. He has a caseworker at Social Development.  He has a settlement worker at MCAF. MCAF is wondering if there might be a church and/or a couple of people that would commit to giving him some additional support for the next 12 – 24 months. I’m wondering if you might have anyone in your church that would be willing to assist him. 

Further research by members of our Social Action Team revealed some specifics on the needs of this individual.

  1. He needs someone to fill out paperwork for him so he can get the benefits available to him.

  2. He needs emotional support anywhere from daily to weekly as he is quite isolated. It could take the form of helping him pay bills and other forms of companionship.

  3. It was suggested that if someone from the church would consider this, a meeting can be arranged with the Multi-Cultural Association to discuss specifics.

If this is something you’d like to explore, please get in touch with the church office for a non-binding discussion about the possibility.
Pastor Greg

14. NextGen Ministries 

Children at BSBC

Junior Choir Opportunity 

This fall, Junior Choir will run for an 8-week block with the purpose of singing in worship services in December. Practices will be Wednesday evenings from 6 to 6:30 p.m. We are looking for children from kindergarten to grade 5 who love to sing! Starting date and ministering date coming soon. Please email to register your child(ren) or with any questions.

Scouting Boy’s K- Grade 5: Sept. 21

BSBC offers a scouting program for boys from kindergarten to high school. Outdoor adventures, fun activities, and community service projects are used to teach boys how to live the great commission, and to love God and our neighbours. Meetings will be held weekly in the church gym on Wednesday evenings for those in kindergarten to Grade 5. For more information, please contact the church office at 458-8348 or

Sunday School  9:30 a.m.

Children are invited to join us at 9:30 a.m. to dive deeper into the Word, and parents are welcome to join their own Sunday school class as well! Sunday School is a great time for the whole family to dive deeper into your faith! For more information email

Youth at BSBC


Youth Choir: Wednesday, 6 – 6:30 p.m. 

Youth Choir is back on! We would love for our youth to come out and join this opportunity to grow in the gifts/ talents that God has given them. For more information on this, don't hesitate to get in touch with Julianne Moore at  

Bible Study Kick-Off: Wednesday 6:30 – 8 p.m.

Youth are encouraged to come out tomorrow for our first Bible study of the year. This will be a great time of connection, diving into the Word, and snacks! Kari Dunfield and Pastor Nikki will be leading the Bible study, going through a RightNow Media series. We can’t wait to see you!


Middle and High School Scouts

The Scouting program is also available for middle school and high school boys at 6:30 p.m. Scouts is packed full of outdoor adventures, fun activities, and community service projects that are used to teach boys how to live the great commission and to love God and our neighbours. Meetings will be held weekly in the church gym at 6:30 p.m. For more information contact the church office at 458-8348 or


Youth Group Tie Dye Night, 7 – 9 p.m. 

Friday we will be having a fun night of tie-dye! Youth are invited to come out, bring a white shirt to tie dye, and a friend. This will be a great time to hang out, have fun, and connect. Make sure your youth come out to this event so we can all wear our tie-dyed shirts to our first Greenhouse Service on Oct. 30!


High School Youth Group, 7 – 9 p.m.   

Those in high school are welcome to come to BSBC Sunday, for high school youth group from 7 – 9 p.m. This will be a great night of connection, fun, and games. Tell your friends! We are very excited to have our high schoolers back together, spread the word to those who might not know already about this Sunday night group! 

Please do not hesitate to ask if you have any questions regarding our upcoming events. You can email Pastor Nikki at

15. Financial Stewardship Update 

At BSBC the summer months are not noted for robust financial stewardship. And the summer of 2022 proves that this is true. 

I thank those whose giving has allowed us to be as financially strong as we are. And I encourage each member of our church family to prayerfully consider what you can do as we move toward the last quarter of the year. 

We’re living in a time where the cost of living cannot be discounted as we make our financial decisions. So, be assured that I am made as uncomfortable as you might be by what the great Christian writer of a previous generation, C. S. Lewis says about stewardship: I do not believe one can settle how much we ought to give. I am afraid the only safe rule is to give more than we can spare. Ouch.

Thank you for your prayerful consideration.

Pastor Greg

16. GriefShare 

Beginning Thursday, Sept. 8, 2022 at 7 p.m., in the Family Room in the Family Life Center, on the first floor, Brunswick Street Baptist Church is pleased to offer GriefShare, a 13-week video series by Christian experts on grief and recovery, combined with support group discussions for those who have experienced the loss of a loved one.

Please call 458-8348 if you would like more information and to register.

17. DivorceCare 

If you know someone who is going through marital separation or divorce, invite them to consider joining our 13-week DivorceCare program, a ministry which will begin on Tuesday, Sept. 13, at 6:30 p.m. in the Family Room of Brunswick Street Baptist Church.

About the program

Each evening includes the presentation of videos with expert counsellors sharing insights on how to move from hurting to healing. In addition, supportive conversation provides encouragement to participants led by Gloria Tranquilla, Pauline Harvey and Bryan McWilliam. Each session stands on its own so participants can join any week.

More information

For more information, please contact facilitator, Glor​ia Tranquilla at or call the church office at 458-8348. You can also register online using the button below.

18. Roast Beef Fundraising Dinner

New Brunswick Right to Life invite you to enjoy a Roast Beef Fundraising Dinner to be held on Monday, Sept. 26, 2022 at BSBC at 6 p.m. Doors open at 5:30 p.m.

Learn about the new vision of NBrtL and hear updates on the Women’s Care Center! For tickets call Doris Ashfield at 472-7519 or 270-2124.

19. This Week at BSBC: Sept. 21 to 28

Please note: FLC stands for Family Life Centre.

Wednesday, September 21
10:00 Seniors Exercise (Gym)
12:00 Men’s Basketball (Gym)
1:00 Mandarin Bible Study (Barnabas Center)
6:00 Youth Choir Practice (Sanctuary)
6:30 Sanctuary Choir Rehearsal (Choir Room)
6:30 Scouts Boys Ministry (Kindergarten-Grade 5)(Gym)
6:30 Youth Bible Study (Third Floor Assembly, FLC)

Thursday, September 22
9:00 Benevolent Ministry (By Appointment)
9:30 New Life Ministry (Third Floor Assembly, FLC)
1:30 Bible Study “Gospel of John” with Mary McMulkin (Third Floor Boardroom, FLC)
1:30 Ladies Bible Study with Carol Bray (Family Room, FLC)
6:30 Scouts Boys Ministry (Middle/High School) (Gym)
7:00 Handbells (Sanctuary)
7:00 GriefShare (Family Room, FLC)
7:00 Mandarin Choir Practice (Choir Room)

Friday, September 23
10:00 Seniors Exercise (Gym)
12:00 Men’s Basketball (Gym)
6:00 Friends Are Us Puppets (KidzTown, Second Floor, FLC)
7:00 Mandarin Fellowship (Barnabas Center And KidzTown)
7.00 Youth Group (Third Floor Assembly, FLC)

Saturday, September 24
1:00 Worship Team Practice (Gym)

Sunday, September 25
6:00 Mandarin Prayer Meeting (Boardroom Over Main Kitchen)
9:00 Asian Sunday School Class (Boardroom Over Main Kitchen)
9:30 12 Curious Verses Bible Study (Family Room, FLC)
9:30 Biblical Prophesy Bible Study (Under the Sea Classroom, First Floor, FLC)
9:30 Sunday School Classes (FLC)
10:15 Preschool/KidzTown (First Floor And KidzTown, FLC)
10:30 Contemporary Worship Service (Gym)
10:30 Mandarin Worship Service (Third Floor Assembly, FLC)
10:30 Traditional Worship Service (Sanctuary)
7:00 High School Youth Group (Third Floor Assembly, FLC)

Monday, September 26
9:00 Right To Life Prep/Set-up for Fund Raiser Dinner (Kitchen, Gym)
6:00 Right To Life Dinner (Kitchen/Gym)
7:00 Board of Deacons (Third Floor Assembly, FLC)

Tuesday, September 27
10:00 Library Open
12:00 Mandarin Prayer Meeting (Boardroom Over Main Kitchen)
1:00 Pastoral Staff Meeting (Family Room)
1:30 Quilters for Missions (Quilting Room)
2:15 Full Staff Meeting (Family Room)
6:00 DivorceCare (Family Room, FLC)
7:00 Fresh Start (Gym And Third Floor Assembly, FLC)

Wednesday, September 28
10:00 Seniors Exercise (Gym)
12:00 Men’s Basketball (Gym)
1:00 Mandarin Bible Study (Barnabas Center)
6:00 Youth Choir Practice (Sanctuary)
6:30 Sanctuary Choir Practice (Choir Room)
6:30 Scouts Boys Ministry (Kindergarten-Grade 5) (Gym)
6:30 Youth Bible Study (Third Floor Assembly, FLC)


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The Banner