The Banner
Growing Faith, Friends & Families to Serve
In this issue:
Last Sunday AND This Sunday @ BSBC – We’re Back!
The Watters ARE Coming – Wednesday, Sept. 29
Introducing Our Candidate for Next Gen Pastor
Special Business Meeting – Thursday, Sept. 23, 7 p.m.
Youth Bible Study
Hello Parents of Our Grade 6 Youth
Harvest for the Hungry 2021
“Not Your Usual Prayer Meeting” Prayer Meeting
Prayer Ministry During Sunday Worship
“Walking With Jesus” Bible Study
GriefShare Ministry
DivorceCare Ministry
This Sunday’s Services – Sept. 19
Wednesday Library Openings
This Week @ BSBC
1. Last Sunday and This Sunday at BSBC
What an amazing morning we had last Sunday, Sept. 12. This was our highest attendance Sunday since we opened again in the pandemic:
Contemporary Service 84
Mandarin Service 52
Traditional Service 115
Preschool 10
KidzTown 14
And, I’m happy to say, we still have room for more. Thanks to our decorators, greeter teams, technical teams, worship leaders, children’s leaders and tellers for providing for our needs. We look forward to another great Sunday this week. Remember reservations are no longer required for services, BUT we really do appreciate reservations for children’s ministry — we want to make sure we are prepared to welcome our children into a safe environment.
2. The Watters Will (Now) Arrive on Sept. 29
In case you haven’t heard, the Watters have had to delay their coming because Pastor Ross, Fi and little Eden have tested positive for Covid, along with the hostess at the home where they are staying.
I can assure you that when I FaceTimed with them on Sunday, they were in great spirits, which was a surprise to me given the news. BUT, they see a bright side in that, now having Covid, they simply need to wait 14 days and then there will be nothing to stand in the way of boarding the flight and coming to us!
At the time of our conversation on Sunday, Ross said he was experiencing a runny nose at night, Fi a foggy head now and then, Eden has not been slowed in the least and their hostess has lost her sense of smell. So, they were grateful for their state given the diagnosis.
Now, the Watters will depart Scotland WEDNESDAY, Sept. 29 to arrive in Fredericton on Air Canada at 11:39 p.m. Please continue to pray that the impact of Covid remains manageable for the Watters and their hosts and that healing will be speedy! Check next Wednesdays newsletter for further update.
Pastor Greg
P.S. We can also celebrate that on Tuesday, Sept. 14, the Canadian government issued the Watters' VISAS! Now, they just need to get on the plane!
3. Introducing Our Candidate For NextGen Pastor
Your Search Committee are very pleased to introduce you to Nikki Leftley, our candidate for the position of Next Gen Pastor at Brunswick Street Baptist Church. Nikki is a recent graduate of Redeemer University, Ancaster, Ontario, completing a Bachelor of Arts – Religion in Youth Ministry.
Let us introduce you to this program: How do we disciple the next generation in times of rapid technological and cultural change? Redeemer's Religion - Youth Ministry program focuses on discipleship, outreach, and cultural engagement as a way to serve God and the youth that make up the church. Develop the character and skills to mentor and influence youth through ministry.
We invite you to click below and our office will email you an electronic copy of our introduction packet so you can “get to know” Nikki and find out why we think she should be considered for the position of Next Gen Pastor at BSBC.
Please see the Moderator’s invitation to the Special Business Meeting on Thursday, Sept. 23, 7 p.m. where members will have opportunity to prayerfully consider having Nikki become a permanent member of our pastoral staff. Thank you for your prayerful consideration and know that we are praying for you as you engage in this process of discernment.
The Next Gen Search Committee
P.S. If you'd prefer a paper copy, please contact the church office and they will mail you a copy or you can stop in and pick one up at the office. Thanks!
4. Special Business Meeting: Thursday, Sept. 23, 7pm
Greetings Church Family,
As Moderator, at the request of the Next Gen Search Committee, I’m calling a Special Business Meeting to be held in the sanctuary on Thursday, Sept. 23 at 7 p.m. to consider a motion for the congregation to issue a call to Nikki Leftley to serve BSBC as Next Gen Pastor. The meeting may also hear updates from Boards, Committees and Team.
No reservations are required to attend the in-person meeting.
If you wish to ‘attend’ the meeting on Zoom, please contact the church office (458-8348 or by Tuesday, Sept. 21, 5 p.m., to provide your name and email address so you can be sent the Zoom link.
Members and adherents of BSBC may attend the meeting and ask questions, however, only members are eligible to vote. Voting on the motion will be by secret ballot. Only those who attended the meeting on Zoom can visit the church office on Friday, Sept. 24 from 8 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. to cast your secret ballot.
Ballots will be counted at the end of voting and once the result has been calculated, all in the church email address book will receive the result. In addition, the result will be posted on the church website.
Thank you for your prayerful consideration of this Special Business Meeting.
Calvin Smith
5. Youth Bible Study is About to Lift Off
Middle and High School youth are invited to join leader, Kari Dunfield, next Wednesday, Sept. 22 for the launch of our weekly Youth Bible Study. Kari looks forward to meeting with all interested youth so she can share some ideas she has for this fall’s study and get input from our youth.
Reservations are not required but we ask that you sanitize your hands when you enter the building, remain masked at all times and keep a good distance from those not in your “bubble” — you remember “bubbles,” right?
For more information youth or parents can contact Kari at and we all can pray for Kari and our youth as they dig in to the Word of God.
6. Hello Parents of Grade 6 Youth
Attention parents of children entering middle school!! We are updating our middle school list for events and programming this fall and would love to include your middle schoolers!
Please contact the church office via email ( if you have a child in your house entering middle school (grade 6) this fall. Thank you!
7. Bereavement
Jacqui and Manuel Brayley are giving thanks for the home-going of Jacqui’s mother, Gloria, on Tuesday night, Sept. 7 in Cincinnati, Ohio. Of her mom Jacqui gives thanks for her rock-solid faith and her joyous spontaneity, suddenly breaking into song or prayer. In God’s providence, Jacqui and Manuel’s son, Eli, and family, now living in Chicago (where he is studying), took a trip to Cinncinnati the Sunday before Gloria’s death and had a wonderful time of worship and love with her.
I Thessalonians 4:13 - But we do not want you to be uninformed, brothers and sisters, about those who have died, so that you may not grieve as others do who have no hope.
8. Harvest for the Hungry
If it feels like Thanksgiving is coming quickly, you're right! This means that we need to get you in gear for our annual “Harvest for the Hungry.”
What is Harvest for the Hungry?
“Harvest for the Hungry” invites members of our church family to bring non-perishable food and household items to the church. These items will be divided between our New Life Ministry (supporting families who struggle to ‘make ends meet’) and the Greener Village Fredericton Food Bank. The food collected makes a positive impact on families with great need and is a sign, we pray, of God’s love and His provision through His Church.
Currently, the Greener Village website lists the following items as helpful to their ministry:
Food Hamper Items
Canned Meats (tuna, chicken)
Canned Pasta/Stew
Dried legumes (beans, lentils, chickpeas)
Choice Items
Cooking Oil
Pancake Mix/Syrup
Dish Soap
Baby Items
Pull Ups
Similac (blue can)
Hygiene Items
Miscellaneous Items
Plastic Bags
Next week we’ll share a list from our New Life Ministry.
How to participate
We invite you to do a little shopping and then on EITHER Sunday, Oct. 3 OR Thanksgiving Sunday, Oct. 10, bring your ‘harvest’ to the Connections Centre where it will be collected and ultimately distributed.
Or, at this unusual time in our nation, you can make a financial donation to the project by simply designating your gift to “Harvest for the Hungry.” In the middle of October we’ll divide these gifts between New Life and Greener Village.
Thank you for making Christ’s love known through your thankful giving and may God use our ‘harvest’ for His glory!
Social Action Team
9. Not Your Usual Prayer Meeting
I’m very excited to announce a new ministry opportunity at BSBC, the “Not Your Usual Prayer Meeting” Prayer Meeting starting on Wednesday, Sept. 22 at 6:30 p.m. in the Family Room. What a blessing to have Deacon Charlie Ritchie embrace a vision for a new iteration of a weekly gathering for prayer.
He writes, “The purpose of this prayer group is to pray for the ministry of the church, for the pastors and for the congregation using various forms of prayer. So, as we are praying, we will also broaden the ways in which we pray. Let’s depart from what can become a gathering to offer God a ‘grocery list’ of concerns. I hope we will worship in prayer, practice thanksgiving, pray for healing, pray for the world scene, pray for the lost, pray for our nation, pray for our leaders and more. This will be a time for us to seek the presence of God…together."
Thank you for considering attending this Wednesday evening time of worship and intercession. Pray for Deacon Charlie as he seeks the Spirit’s leading in his leading.
Pastor Greg
10. Resuming Our Prayer Ministry During Sunday Worship
Sunday service prayer ministry sees brothers and sisters in Christ taking turns gathering together on alternate Sundays to pray as the services take place. This ministry kicks off this Sunday, Sept. 12.
People led by the Spirit to be part of this ministry are welcome to join. Simply use the whiteboard on the wall in the gym hallway to write your name by the date you will participate. Note: People who would prefer to attend when they can be there without a set week can simply join the prayer team on any Sunday.
Each Sunday at 10:25 a.m., starting on Sunday, Sept. 12.
Starting this Sunday, we’ll be meeting in the Counseling Centre, just down from the main boardroom on the 2nd floor of the Gym building.
Please contact Daniel Savard at (506) 452-0319; Text at (506) 999-5765; email at .
"Our prayers may be awkward. Our attempts may be feeble. But since the power of prayer is in the one who hears it and not in the one who says it, our prayers do make a difference." - Max Lucado
11. Walking With Jesus Bible Study
A fall Bible study for all. Walking With Jesus is an 8-part video journey through the land of Israel with Pastor Matt Reagan of Southeast Christian Church. In the series we will visit the places where Jesus lived, walked, and ministered with His disciples. As the land of the Bible comes alive before your eyes, you’ll gain fresh perspective on the life-changing power of Christ’s love and His church’s calling to make disciples who follow Him.
Daniel Savard
Starting Thursday, Sept. 30 from 6:30 to 8 p.m. The Bible study will take place every Thursday evening for 8 weeks, from Sept. 30 until Nov. 18, 2021.
Tentatively, the group will meet in the Boardroom on the third floor. People who register for this Bible study will have the location confirmed.
Anyone interested in the topic can attend the Bible study. You do not need to be a member of BSBC, or to be a Christian to attend this Bible Study.
You can register for this Bible study by clicking the link below.
For more information feel free to contact Daniel Savard at
12. GriefShare Ministry
If you are suffering the loss of a loved one, GriefShare, a Christian-based video-discussion support group, is being offered in the Family Room in the Family Life Center at Brunswick Street Baptist Church starting Thursday, Sept. 9 from 7 to 9 p.m. for 13 weeks.
More information
Please call 458-8348 for information and to register. There will be limits on group size due to Covid-19.
13. DivorceCare Ministry
If you know someone who is going through marital separation or divorce, invite them to consider joining our 13-week DivorceCare program, a ministry which will begin on Tuesday, Sept. 14, at 6:30 p.m. in the Family Room of Brunswick Street Baptist Church.
About the program
Each evening includes the presentation of videos with expert counsellors sharing insights on how to move from hurting to healing. In addition, supportive conversation provides encouragement to participants led by Gloria Tranquilla, Pauline Harvey and Bryan McWilliam. Each session stands on its own so participants can join any week.
More information
For more information, please contact facilitator, Gloria Tranquilla or call the church office at 458-8348. You can also register online.
14. This Sunday's Services: Sept. 19, 2021
Contemporary Service
This coming Sunday morning Jon Wilton will again be leading the worship in song time. Pastor Greg will be offering the “second half of the first instalment” of a three-week sermon series “Unleashing the Church” a study in the book of Ephesians. Then, on Sept. 26, Deacon Charlie Ritchie will preach followed, we trust, by Pastor Ross preaching the first Sunday in October.
This week we’ll focus on Ephesians 1:1-14 and explore how we, as the Church, realize our potential in Christ as believers and recognize the implications of being ‘sealed’ in the Spirit.
Traditional Service
Worship in song for this week includes soloist, Beth Snow, a vocal ensemble with keyboard support provided by Gloria Tranquilla (piano) and David Steeves (organ).
Dr. Keith will be offering the second in his three-week series entitled “Turning a New Leaf.” Here is what Dr. Keith offers about this Sunday’s message entitled “Switching Gears” — a study of Psalm 73:
The Psalms are organized as a five book symphony that speak across the history of God’s people into every season of our lives. At roughly the halfway point of the book, Psalm 73 tells a story of a poet who was in the grip of envy, and struggling because he looked around at others living a carefree life and was deeply discouraged, because such people who were succeeding evidently had little interest in living for God. Such thoughts take the poet to the edge of despair, but in the nick of time, the poet has a transforming experience that literally proved to be a life-saver.
What happened? In this message we will explore Psalm 73, and discover some practical resources for discipleship in our present age that is saturated with social media and other distractions. But we will be encouraged to allow our hearts to be changed, and our vision radically altered as we come into the presence of our Lord.
Reservations are no longer requested to attend services.
15. Wednesday Library Openings
Your librarians invite you to visit the library the second and fourth Wednesdays of each month from 10 am until noon. Come and engage with our huge collection of books — there’s something for everyone!
16. This Week at BSBC: Sept. 15 to 22
Please note, FLC stands for Family Life Centre.
Wednesday, September 15
9:30 Seniors Exercise (Gym)
6:00 Vocal Ensemble (Sanctuary)
Thursday, September 16
9:30 New Life (3rd Floor, FLC)
1:30 Ladies Bible Study (Family Room)
6:30 Scouts Leaders Meeting (3rd Floor Boardroom, FLC)
7:00 Mandarin Choir Practice (Choir Room)
7:00 GriefShare (3rd Floor Assembly Area, FLC)
Friday, September 17
9:30 Seniors Exercise (Gym)
4:00 Kajari/Ryan Wedding Rehearsal (Sanctuary)
7:00 Youth Group (3rd Floor, FLC)
7:00 Mandarin Fellowship (Family Room, FLC)
Saturday, September 18
1:00 Worship Team Practice
3:00 Kajari/Ryan Wedding (Sanctuary)
Sunday, September 19
06:00 Mandarin Prayer Meeting (Boardroom Over the Main Kitchen)
9:00 Adult Mandarin Sunday School (2nd Floor Boardroom Over the Main Kitchen)
10:15 Preschool Classes (1st Floor, FLC)
10:15 KidzTown (2nd Floor, FLC)
10:25 Sunday Prayer Ministry (2nd floor Counselling Centre Room across from the Boardroom)
10:30 Traditional Service (Sanctuary)
10:30 Contemporary Service (Gym)
10:30 Mandarin Worship Service (3rd Floor Assembly Area, FLC)
12:00 Fresh Start Lunch (3rd Floor Assembly Area, FLC)
5:00 Third Sunday Supper (Gym)
Monday, September 20
9:30 Seniors Exercise (Gym)
6:30 Camerata Singers (Choir Room/Sanctuary)
7:00 Mandarin Bible Study (3rd Floor Assembly Area, FLC)
7:00 Board of Management (2nd Floor Boardroom over Main Kitchen)
Tuesday, September 21
12:00 Mandarin Prayer Meeting (Boardroom over Main Kitchen)
1:30 Quilters for Missions (Quilting Room, 2nd Floor)
1:30 Staff Meeting (Family Room)
6:00 Fredericton Ladies Choir (Sanctuary)
6:30 DivorceCare (3rd Floor Assembly Area, FLC)
Wednesday, September 22
9:30 Seniors Exercise (Gym)
10:00 Library Opens
6:00 Vocal Ensemble (Sanctuary)
6:30 Youth Bible Study (3rd Floor Assembly Area, FLC)
6:30 “Not Your Usual Prayer Meeting” Prayer Meeting (Family Room, FLC)
6:30 Education Committee Meeting (Boardroom over Main Kitchen)
7:45 Reception with Nikki Leftley for Search Committee Members and Deacons (Gym)