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Growing Faith, Friends & Family to Serve
In this issue:
Update: Harvest for the Hungry
Thank You: Thanksgiving Offering Goal for 2021
Financial Stewardship Report to the End of September
How Can You Help Our New Pastors?
NEW: In-Person Study with Pastor Ross
Wedding Bells
Trunk AND Treat
Update: The Housing First Proposal
Recruiting ‘CSI’ Inspectors for BSBC
This Week’s Worship Services
Rummage Sale
This Week @ BSBC
1. Update: Harvest for the Hungry 2021
From Your Social Action Team
Thank you, Thank You, THANK YOU! We just needed to print an update.
As of Tuesday, Oct. 18, financial giving to the Harvest for the Hungry campaign has reached $2,615! These funds to be divided between our New Life Ministry and the Greener Village Food Bank. Your heart for those in need, we’re sure, blesses the heart of God.
Your Social Action Team
From Your New Life Leadership
The New Life leaders would like to thank you for your generous donations of food and money for Harvest for the Hungry 2021. It is very much appreciated, and will certainly help the ladies with day to day needs in the coming months ahead.
Rosa McEwing
2. Thank You: Thanksgiving Offering Goal
Church family, thank you for rising to the challenge and exceeding our $7,000 goal for the 2021 Thanksgiving Offering by giving, as of Tuesday, Oct. 18, $7,850. Certainly we can be grateful for such thankful giving.
3. Financial Giving Report: Jan. 1 to Sept. 30
Current Yr Prev Year Budget
General $606,083 $621,736 $679,118
Building $103,803 $85,905 $101,250
Our General Fund giving is $73,035 below our budget target, which is low for this time of year. We are hoping for increased giving this fall to close the gap before year-end.
Our Building Fund giving is above our budget target and is significantly greater than this point last year. Any amounts above the budget will be applied to reduce the mortgage principle.
God bless each of you for your faithful giving, even during the tumultuous times we are experiencing.
Ken Reimer, Treasurer
4. How You Can Help Our New Pastors
The obvious answer is to pray regularly for them. Another way is to introduce yourself, repeatedly. There’s one of them and hundreds of us. I can assure you, they won’t be offended if you take the initiative to introduce yourself more than once!
There is another way. It will take a little initiative on your part but will be invaluable to them.
5. NEW: In-Person Study with Pastor Ross
Greetings Church Family,
As I settle into ministry at THE STREET, I’m looking forward to hosting a 6-week, in-person study beginning, Wednesday, Nov. 3, 6:30 to 8 p.m. in the Family Room. In our time together we’ll be engaging in the study DREAM BIG by Bob Goff.
"In this video study, bestselling author Bob Goff dares to ask the questions: What would you do if opinion, reason, or probability were no objects? What do you deeply desire to do even if it scares you to the marrow of your bones? What were you meant to do even if no other person thinks you should?
He shares stories from the Bible that show how God called certain individuals to follow him — regardless of their lack of "qualifications" — and how those people changed the world when they dared to follow God's dreams for their lives. In the same way, God is calling us to step into the version of our lives that he intended for us before others told us it was impossible and once again dream big."
If this sounds like an interesting exploration, I’d be pleased to have you sign on for the journey. Simply click the link below and let me know to reserve a study guide for your use (and so I can figure out if we need a bigger room). This is an exciting step into ministry — please join me if you can.
Pastor Ross
6. Wedding Bells
As a church family we offer our heartiest congratulations and prayers of blessing on our own Pascale Beaulieu as, this Saturday, Oct. 23, she marries her groom, Glen Butt. In 2017, the happy couple met at Fredericton’s Running Room and a friendship grew into a relationship which calls for wedding ceremony and a new chapter of life together.
Please pray for Pascale and Glen as they approach the holy moments they will share on Saturday. And, in the weeks ahead, when you read about a sanctuary vocalist named Pascale Butt, remember this article and look forward to a beautiful offering of song from our Pascale.
Pastor Greg
7. Trunk or Treat
Mark the date on your calendar because all children and youth are invited to attend the Trunk or Treat event on Oct 31, from 4 to 5 p.m. outside, in the church parking lot.
Families will be able to Trunk or Treat — visiting a series of cars decorated in Bible story themes which will be in the enclosed parking lot area. ‘Treats’ will be offered from the trunks of these cars.
Masks are mandatory but vaccination checks will not be carried out as we are outside (as per provincial protocols). So, kids and youth, get your costume ready, gather up your treat bags and visit Trunk OR Treat which is less than two weeks away!
Can you help us by donating some treats? We're looking for individual wrapped fruit snacks, goldfish, hard candies, and chocolate products. Please drop your donations off at the Church Office by Friday, Oct. 29. Note that we’ll add to these some non-edible ‘treats.’
We are also seeking volunteers to help hand out candy from their cars that night. We can help with the decorating of your car in a Bible story theme if that’s a help. If you can help by offering the trunk of your car, please click the link below so we can contact you with details.
Please email for more information about the event.
Thank you!
Pastor Nikki and Emily Perrin-Colpitts
8. Update: The Housing First Proposal
In February 2020, we introduced a proposal for you to consider partnering with the Fredericton Housing First Fund to have Barnabas Centre renovated to provide supportive housing units for the homeless population of our city. However, in March 2020, discussion was paused due to the Covid-19 pandemic.
Since that time, Fredericton Housing First has moved ahead with other faith and community partners. As a result, there are no remaining funds that would allow BSBC to consider the Housing First proposal for Barnabas Centre and so this proposal is now defunct.
The problem of homelessness continues to be with us and we're confident that the church family wants us to find other ways and partnerships to meet these needs. We look forward to engaging in such work and will keep you informed.
Your Social Action Team
9. Recruiting CSI Inspectors
Maintaining a church building as large as BSBC, is not a small task. Sometimes staff can miss things like a burned out light. They can't be everywhere all the time.
If you notice something that requires fixing or is not working properly such as a heater or a toilet that is constantly running, it would be a great help if you let the church office (Janet or Naomi) know. Not only will this help get the problem fixed quickly, but it will also save us money.
This can easily be done with a quick phone call (458-8348) or an email.
Thanks for your help in this.
Ron Smith, Chair
Board of Management
10. This Week's Services: Join us in-person or online
Contemporary service
In the gym, Julianne Moore and a number of our youth will be our musical worship leaders and Pastor Greg will have the privilege of a time of parental vows with Greg & Rebecca Keezer as they present their second son, Felix Dale Keezer, little brother of Theo.
Sermon notes
Dr. Keith will be offering the second in his three-week series entitled “Turning a New Leaf.” Here is what Dr. Keith offers about this Sunday’s message entitled “Switching Gears” — a study of Psalm 73:
The Psalms are organized as a five book symphony that speak across the history of God’s people into every season of our lives. At roughly the halfway point of the book, Psalm 73 tells a story of a poet who was in the grip of envy, and struggling because he looked around at others living a carefree life and was deeply discouraged, because such people who were succeeding evidently had little interest in living for God. Such thoughts take the poet to the edge of despair, but in the nick of time, the poet has a transforming experience that literally proved to be a life-saver.
What happened? In this message we will explore Psalm 73, and discover some practical resources for discipleship in our present age that is saturated with social media and other distractions. But we will be encouraged to allow our hearts to be changed, and our vision radically altered as we come into the presence of our Lord.
Traditional service
In the sanctuary, our musicians include David Steeves, organ and Gloria Tranquilla, piano with ministry from one of our faithful ensembles and Peter & Maureen Steeves.
Sermon notes
Deacon Charlie Ritchie will offering the second sermon in the series Unleashing the Church. This series is an ongoing study in Ephesians. This Sunday, we’ll be looking at Ephesians 1:15-23, a key verse being – that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in his holy people, and his incomparably great power for us who believe.
One key element in the church’s vitality and impact is a realization that God has gifted the church with spiritual blessings that orient it for powerful ministry.
11. Rummage Sale at Wilmot United
On Friday, Oct. 22 from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. and Saturday, Oct. 23 from 9 a.m. to noon, Wilmot United Church is holding their annual fall rummage sale. Dozens of tables will be stacked high with used fall and winter clothing, footwear, kitchen ware, bedding, Christmas decorations, books, toys and more! All priced to sell! Corner of King and Carleton Streets, downtown Fredericton. Please wear community mask and bring proof of full vaccination.
12. This Week at BSBC: Oct. 20 - 27, 2021
Please note: FLC stands for Family Life Center
Wednesday, Oct. 20
9:30 Seniors Exercise (Gym)
6:00 Vocal Ensemble (Sanctuary)
6:30 Youth Bible Study (Zoom)
6:30 “Not Your Usual Prayer Meeting” Prayer Meeting (Zoom)
Thursday, Oct. 21
9:30 New Life (3rd Floor, FLC)
1:30 Ladies Bible Study (Family Room)
7:00 Mandarin Choir Practice (Choir Room)
7:00 GriefShare (Family Room, FLC)
Friday, Oct. 22
9:30 Seniors Exercise (Gym)
6:00 “Friends Are Us” Puppet Team (Puppet Room, KidzTown, FLC)
7:00 Youth Groups (Third Floor, FLC)
Saturday, Oct. 23
1:00 Worship Team Practice
Sunday, Oct. 24
06:00 Mandarin Prayer Meeting (Boardroom Over the Main Kitchen)
9:00 Asian Class (Boardroom Over the Main Kitchen)
10:15 Preschool Classes (1st Floor, FLC)
10:15 KidzTown (2nd Floor, FLC)
10:30 Contemporary Service (Gym/Facebook Live)
10:30 Mandarin Worship Service (3rd Floor Assembly Area, FLC)
10:30 Traditional Service (Sanctuary/Youtube)
Noon Fresh Start Young Adult Luncheon (Barnabas Center)
Monday, Oct. 25
9:30 Seniors Exercise (Gym)
7:00 Board of Deacons (Zoom)
Tuesday, Oct. 26
12:00 Mandarin Prayer Meeting (Boardroom over Main Kitchen)
1:30 Pastoral Staff Meeting (Family Room, FLC)
1:30 Quilters for Missions (Quilting Room, 2nd Floor)
2:15 Full Staff Meeting (Family Room, FLC)
6:30 DivorceCare (Family Room, FLC)
Wednesday, Oct. 27
9:30 Seniors Exercise (Gym)
10:00 Library Opens
6:00 Vocal Ensemble (Sanctuary)
6:30 Not Your Usual Bible Study (Zoom)
6:30 Youth Bible Study (In-Person/Third Floor, FLC)