The Banner

Our Mission
Experience the love of Jesus. Live it out everywhere.

In this issue:

Check out what's coming up at BSBC from Oct. 12 to 19.

  1. New to the Family Luncheon: You're Invited!

  2. The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry: Watch the Trailer & Sign Up

  3. PRAY: Online Community

  4. Hurricane Fiona Atlantic Relief

  5. Note From Our Recent Pulpit Guest

  6. Bereavements

  7. Your Post Office is Moving

  8. Advent Craft Afternoon

  9. Trunk OR Treat and You

  10. Junior/Children’s Choir Start-Up Details

  11. Sunday Morning Volunteers Needed

  12. NextGen Ministries @ BSBC

  13. New Bible Study

  14. Thanksgiving Offering

  15. Financial Stewardship to the End of September

  16. Tempting Treats from Our Library

  17. Survey for Seniors: Can You Be of Help to Yewande Akalusi?

  18. This Sunday’s Worship Gatherings

  19. Community Announcements (New Additions)

  20. This Week @ BSBC

1. New to the Family Luncheon: You're Invited!

When is something “new?”

Does it have to be just “off the lot?” Just “off the rack?”

On Sunday, Oct. 16, we’re hosting a “New to the Family Luncheon.” In this case, at BSBC, “new” means:

  • You haven’t met all the pastors

  • You haven’t met many of our coordinators

  • You haven’t met Deacon leaders

  • You haven’t had the opportunity to meet the many others who are “new” to BSBC

  • So, to be clear, “new” doesn’t have a thing to do with age or how long you’ve been coming.

What to expect

“A New to the Family Luncheon” is a simple event. After the services on Oct. 16, we invite you and those who attend with you to walk over to the Barnabas Center (facing George Street) to enjoy a stand-up lunch, informal conversation, and some introductions. We’ll provide lunch, and you’ll be on your way home within 45 minutes to an hour. We’ve made provision for children — so bring them along.

How to sign up

All we ask is that you let us know you are coming so we can plan for enough food for everyone! You can do this by:

  • Signing-up using the sheets on the welcome tables in the gym or sanctuary foyers

  • Emailing

  • calling the office at 458-8348

  • telling one of the pastors

  • OR clicking the link below to fill out a form

We haven’t hosted a “New to the Family Luncheon” since the pandemic. Please remember what it means to be “new” at BSBC (see above). We look forward to being with all of you who are “new” to the BSBC family!

Peace and grace,
Pastor Greg

2. Join a Group: The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry

Watch the trailer for our fall study.

Weekly Topics:

  • The Case for an Unhurried Life

  • Silence and Solitude

  • Sabbath

  • Simplicity

  • Slowing

NOW consider which group you will join!

Please note: After publishing last week we discovered a conflict which required changes of leadership in groups. Pastor Ross will now lead on Sunday night and Pastor Greg on Wednesday night – both in person.

If you’ve already registered, we’ll be in touch with you to sort out where you want to be. We're very sorry for the inconvenience and greatly appreciate your patience.

Join a Group

Please note we're postponing the start dates to give more time for registration.

Tuesdays, 6:30 – 8 pm, ONLINE
With Pastor Greg
Tuesdays: Oct. 18 and 25; Nov. 1, 8 and 15

Wednesdays, 6:30 – 8 pm, IN-PERSON
With Pastor Greg
Wednesdays: Oct. 19 and 26; Nov. 2, 9 and 16

Sundays, 6:30 – 8 pm, IN-PERSON
NOW With Pastor Ross
Sundays: Oct. 23 and 30; Nov. 6, 13 and 20

3. PRAY: Online Community

We’re just about ready to launch PRAY. 

Starting, Tuesday, Oct. 18 and each Tuesday following, a new edition of PRAY will be released. Each week will feature a message from a pastor and a testimony about praying from a member of our church family. You’ll have the opportunity to make comments and to contact any of the four pastors with a confidential message. 

Thanks to all who have been willing to join in this fall initiative. It’s my sincere prayer that PRAY will encourage us all to new experiences of fellowship with God the Father, through our intercessor, Jesus through the power of the Spirit.

If you would like to receive weekly notice of the latest edition of PRAY, please click below to leave your name and email.

Every blessing,
Pastor Greg

4. Hurricane Fiona Relief

We’ve received the following correspondence from our national office, Canadian Baptist Ministries.

We invite churches to encourage congregation members to consider a special gift for the Hurricane Fiona Relief Fund which will be distributed to support the help that Canadian Baptists of Atlantic Canada (our denomination) are providing to neighbourhoods hit hard by the storm.

We know you have continued to pray for God to move in this situation. We can also support our CBAC churches that are working to address needs in these communities.

Here’s how you can contribute to the effort:

Give Online
Click the link and select “Hurricane Fiona Relief Fund” from the list of options before submitting donation.

Email E-Transfer
Please direct this to Debbie Barriault, CBAC Finance Officer at
Please send a separate email with confirmation of the donation along with contact details for receipting,

By Cheque
Please specify it is for this fund.
Mail: PO Box 6003, Moncton, NB E1C0V7

We will be working closely with CBAC churches and leaders in the affected neighbourhoods to evaluate the situation and distribute these funds to support the churches' relief. 100% of funds towards this initiative will be forwarded on.

5. Note From Our Recent Pulpit Guest

On Sunday, Sept. 25, we had the privilege of having Rev. Adrian Gardner as our guest preacher. Adrian’s consideration of Matthew 25 on the topic of talents was well received – based on the many positive comments heard in the week following. The following is a note for you from Adrian.

Dear BSBC Brothers and Sisters,
Thank you for the opportunity to worship with you on September 25th.  It is always great to spend time with our partner churches who work together to proclaim and demonstrate the gospel around the world.  At Canadian Baptist Ministries we are grateful for all the ways you at Brunswick Street Baptist Church join with us in our shared mission.   Everything we do at CBM seeks to embrace a broken world in word and deed.  With partners in over 17 countries, we work through local churches to build the church, combat poverty, promote justice, care for kids-at-risk, and respond to crisis.  The best way to keep up to date with CBM is to follow us on social media, visit our website ( and sign up for our e-newsletter here -
Rev. Adrian Gardner
Director, Canadian Partnerships

6. Bereavement

Simone McGarvey

Our love and sympathy to Kellie and Anthony Brown and family on the loss of Kellie’s mom, Simone McGarvey who passed away at the DECH on Thursday, Oct. 6. Kellie shares that her mom loved the fall colors, lobster, country living, her dogs, country music, and her family. She worked hard all her life, notably at Chippin Brothers, and later at the UNB Physical Plant, and is much loved and missed.

A Memorial Gathering was held on Monday, Oct. 10 with Pastor Greg leading. Please pray for comfort for Kellie, her sister Angela, brother Chris and Simone’s husband of 25 years, Tim. Full obituary can be found:

Ann Passmore

After a valiant battle with cancer, Ann Passmore realized her desire to leave behind this world for the promised rest she confidently anticipated through her relationship with Jesus. Ann died on Friday, October 7, at Hospice House in Fredericton. She was a faithful member of our BSBC family who shared her wisdom and love, especially with those she discerned were standing in the background. She had a great sensitivity to the needs of others – certainly a spiritual gift.

Please be in prayer for Ann’s husband, Jack, children David Passmore and Jenny (Terry) Hunter; grandchildren Jenny (Rowan) Hampton, Megan Hunter and Alex Hunter, great-grandchildren Theo and Stella Hampton as well as three siblings, Winifred, John and Barry.

Ann grew up in Bristol, England where she trained as a nurse. She met Jack, married, and moved to British Columbia, Canada. Jack’s work brought them to Burlington, Ontario, where she gave birth to John and David. They later moved to Fredericton, NB. Ann and Jack dedicated their lives to caring for the complex needs of their sons.

Ann worked to establish and improve the quality of services for the mentally handicapped in Fredericton. She fought to have her sons fully included in the community. When services did not exist to adequately support David and John, she was determined to develop them. She fought many levels of government to have her son John taken out of a nursing home to live fully funded in his own apartment.

She took leadership roles in organizations like Fredericton Association for Community Living (FACL), New Brunswick Association for Community Living (NBACL) and Jobs Unlimited. She was a founding member of Opal III. Ann was both an amazing volunteer and strong community leader. She was given many awards and honors for her volunteer work in Fredericton. Ann volunteered for years for Meals on Wheels, Red Cross, Heart and Stroke, the Salvation Army and the Third Age Center. She was a founding member of Stepping Stones Seniors Center.

Visitation with Ann’s family will be held on Friday, October 14, 7-9 pm in the sanctuary of BSBC (please enter through the main sanctuary doors on York Street). Her funeral service will be held at BSBC on Saturday, October 15 at 11 am. A reception will follow.

Ann’s full obituary can be found:

Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord,
and let perpetual light shine upon them.
May the souls of all the faithful departed,
through the mercy of God, rest in peace.

7. Your Post Office is Moving

After nearly 20 years of service, we find that the mailboxes in the gym foyer are being used less and less. Because individual boxes are there, people leave mail that is not picked up. Further, to enhance the gym foyer as the first step toward the contemporary service, we will be moving a portion of the mailboxes to the Connections Center.
Here’s how those mailboxes will be offered:

  • Each church ministry will now have a mailbox so that communication between ministry leaders can take place (you can leave something in the box for your fellow team member and let them know that it is there for pick-up)

  • We will be creating “alphabetical range” mailboxes (ie. A-C) so that you can leave something for someone and let them know that can pick up in their last name alphabetical box.

  • However, if you wish to maintain an individual box for your household, we will do our best to accommodate this request. Please note that you must use the link below to indicate that you wish to maintain a household box. Without submitting this request your individual household box will be removed. Also, please note that we require applications for household boxes to be submitted by Friday, Oct. 28.

Thank you for helping us in this reorganization of our church post office. We are most grateful for your engagement.

8. Advent Craft Afternoon

When we arrived here in the fall of 2002, as Advent approached, we were introduced to a wonderful experience called Advent Craft Night. The premise was simple – people of all ages were invited to sign up to do a Christmas craft, enjoy inter-generational time with others making the same craft. 

I think it’s time to bring back this wonderful tradition. So, we are planning ADVENT CRAFT AFTERNOON for Saturday, Dec. 3, from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. We’ll gather to craft and to enjoy a treat. This is an event for elementary through to senior adult. A children’s program for preschoolers will be offered at the same time.

For this to become a reality we need volunteers who will choose and lead a craft for elementary children, youth and/or adults. If you would be willing to explore leading a craft, please click the link below and leave your information and we’ll get in touch with you to answer your questions. 

Starting the middle of November, we’ll preview the craft offerings in this newsletter so you can register all in your household who are wanting to participate. Then come to the church on Dec. 3 and experience a great time being together as a church family.

Thanks so much for considering being part of this Church Family Life event to launch our Advent season.

Pastor Greg

9. Trunk or Treat and You

Trunk or Treat is coming up, and you can get involved in a few ways!

Volunteer to decorate your car

We're looking for volunteers who would like to decorate their cars. Please let Pastor Nikki know if you and your family would like and are willing to decorate and have your car in this event! If you need ideas for how to decorate your vehicle, Pastor Nikki would be happy to send some your way! Please RSVP your car for this event ASAP.

Donate candy and chips 

We are also in need of candy, chips, and other items to hand out on the day of the event. If you're able to donate food, please bring it to the main office.


Lastly, you can support this event by praying. Trunk or Treat is an event we welcome our community to participate in. Please be praying for this event, those who will be serving in it, and those attending.

If you have any questions or would like to serve in either of those areas, please email pastor Nikki at She would love to hear from you!

10. Junior Choir Start-Up Details

We’re excited about the start-up of our Children’s Choir which, for eight weeks, will meet on Wednesdays from 6 – 6:30 p.m. starting October 19. The children meet in the choir room, on the second floor above the Connections Center. 

Naomi Robert would be glad for more children to join — it’s not too late, just click the link below. The choir will sing in both services on Sunday, December 11.

11. Sunday Morning Volunteers Needed

We’re celebrating our new Sunday morning Children’s Ministry routine — where parents now come in and stop at the Connections Centre desk to sign their children into preschool or elementary ministry. This is all done on an iPad to print the required labels and a note in the binder for Children’s Ministry leaders. Easy-peasy! 

We’re in need of teams of two to welcome children and parents and complete the registration process. WE PROVIDE TRAINING! We’re hoping that teams will take 2 weeks in a row and that the frequency will be every 2+ months. If you would like to see how it all works before making a commitment, we’d love to introduce you to this important ministry from 9:15 until 10:40 a.m. on Sunday mornings. Click below to express your interest. Thank you!

12. NextGen Ministries 

Children at BSBC

Scouting Boys K - Grade 5: Wednesday, Oct. 12

BSBC offers a scouting program for boys from kindergarten to high school. Outdoor adventures, fun activities, and community service projects are used to teach boys how to live the great commission, and to love God and our neighbours. Meetings will be held weekly in the church gym on Wednesday evenings for those in Kindergarten to Grade 5. For more information, please contact the church office at 458-8348 or

Hands-In Girls Ministry: Saturday, Oct. 15

Hands–In Girls Ministry is happening again this month, on Saturday, Oct. 15 up in KidzTown from 10 a.m. to noon! All girls from Kindergarten to Grade 5 are encouraged to join Allie Dunfield and her team for this time of friends, faith, and fun! 

Sign Up for Hands-In Girls Ministry

Youth at BSBC


Youth Choir: Wednesday, 6 – 6:30 p.m.

We would love for our youth to come out and join this opportunity to grow in the gifts/ talents that God has given them. For more information on this, don't hesitate to get in touch with Julianne Moore at

Bible Study: Wednesday 6:30 – 8 p.m.

Youth are welcome and encouraged to come as we continue to go through the series Outpouring: Unleashed with Holy Spirit Power. Even if your youth has not been out yet this year to Bible study, youth are welcome. Join Kari Dunfield and Pastor Nikki Wednesday 6:30-8 p.m.


Scouting Boys Middle & High School: Next Thursday, Oct. 20 at 6:30 p.m.

The Scouting program is also available for middle school and high school boys at 6:30 p.m. Scouts is packed full of outdoor adventures, fun activities, and community service projects that are used to teach boys how to live the great commission and to love God and our neighbours. Meetings are held biweekly at the church gym. For more information contact the church office at 458-8348 or


Youth Rally: Friday, Oct. 14

This Friday at 5:40 p.m. at Journey church the youth group will be meeting together to attend the Fredericton Youth Rally! We will be meeting all together at the far right corner of the parking lot at Journey Church. Please let Pastor Nikki know by Thursday if your youth will be coming with us for this event, and we encourage your youth to bring a friend, all are welcome to this event! If a ride is needed please let Pastor Nikki know, and we can arrange a ride.

Come out on Oct. 14, 6 - 9 p.m. for this Fredericton-wide youth rally that will be a great evening of worship, fun, games, connection, and Jesus! This will be a fun night, with a pre-rally of games, and snacky food, then a rally with worship, games, Bradford speaking, and an electric scooter giveaway for the rally! We would love for all of our youth to attend together as one youth group. So parents, if you would like to volunteer to help with driving or set up at the event please reach out to me ASAP so we can get those details together! If you would like any further information please reach out to me, Pastor Nikki.


Greenhouse Service: Sunday, Oct. 30, 10:30 a.m.

We will be having our first Greenhouse Service of the fall on Oct. 30. If your youth would like to be involved in this please get them to contact me so we can get them serving and using their gifts!

TRUNK OR TREAT: Sunday, Oct. 30

Coming up we have our annual Trunk or Treat event. We're asking for volunteers who would like to decorate their cars. If you and your family would like and are willing to decorate and have your car in this event, please let me know! If you need ideas for how to decorate, I would be happy to send some your way! Please email me at to RSVP your car for this event ASAP.

If you have any questions or would like to serve in either of those areas please email me, I would love to hear from you! Please encourage your youth to come out this week, and to bring a friend along!

13. New Bible Studies for You

Bible Study: The Case for Faith | Wednesdays at 6:30 p.m.

Doubt is familiar territory for Lee Strobel, the former atheist and award-winning author of books for skeptics and Christians alike. But he believes that faith and reason go hand in hand, and that Christianity is, in rational terms, a defensible religion. 

Description: In this six-session video Bible study, Strobel explores the most common emotional obstacles to faith in Christ, including: 

  • The natural inclination to wrestle with faith and doubt.

  • The troubling presence of evil and suffering in the world.

  • The exclusivity of the Christian gospel.

Behind each of these considerations is the question: Can I doubt and still be a Christian? 

When: Six Wednesdays — Starting Oct. 19, 6:30 until 8 p.m. 

Where: In person — The Board Room, Third Floor, Family Life Center OR Online — via Zoom 

Who: For all people who have questions regarding their faith. No need to attend Brunswick Street Baptist Church. Bring a friend. 

Facilitator: Daniel Savard 

Cost: Free  

For more information: Please contact Daniel Savard at 506-452-0319, or by email at

14. Thanksgiving Offering

Each year at our Annual Meeting the congregation sets a goal for each special seasonal offering. The goal for our Thanksgiving offering, over and above regular giving, is $7,000. You can give by (1) placing your gift in an offering box on the welcome tables in the gym or sanctuary foyers, (2) sending an e-transfer to, (3) contacting the church office (458-8348/ to set up a monthly automatic withdrawal from your account, (4) mailing or dropping off your offering at the church office (161 York St., Fredericton, NB, E3B 3N8). At this point in our fiscal year, we are running behind the budget the congregation set for church ministries. Thank you for considering what you could do to close this gap. 

15. Financial Stewardship to the End of September

16. Tempting Treats from the Church Library

Whatever your age, our library has something for you!  Have a look below and see if these might be a blessing to your children/youth or you!

17. Seniors Survey: Can You Help Yewande Akalusi?

We always want to be supportive of positive endeavours. This past week I received an email from Yewande Akalusi who is engaged in Masters work at UNB. To complete an important project she needs to hear from the “chronologically gifted” — and wondered about inviting our seniors to engage in her survey. So, here we are! 

Below you will read Yewande’s letter of introduction and then you can click on the survey if you would like to take part. Thank you for considering aiding our sister in her studies.

Pastor Greg

Dear BSBC Church Family,
Hello dear brethren! I am studying business administration at UNB and working in a class group research project with Patrick Bidlake. As part of our coursework, we were asked to validate a need, or a problem experienced by some people and to offer those people a solution. While brainstorming, we realized that there are many senior citizens who live alone in our community. It is our impression that they may have many needs, such as needs for regular human interaction and more opportunities for Christian fellowship. They may also occasionally need help with physical and/or technological tasks. We would like the opportunity to speak with members of BSBC church family to better understand the needs of our senior citizens who live alone.
Any information collected from members would be recorded separately from any personally identifying information to protect the anonymity of participants. Collated data would be shared with the leadership of BSBC and members of our management class for educational purposes. Data will not be published, or otherwise made publicly available. I confirm that articulation of need does not mean any related services can be provided by BSBC.
Please let me know if you have any concerns.
Yours in Christ,
Yewande Akalusi
For Team Yewande & Patrick
(Research group in New Venture Creation Class, Faculty of Management, UNB)

18. This Sunday's Worship Gatherings

The Witness of Believer’s Baptism

This Sunday we get to witness the Believer’s Baptism of Deborah VanSlyke as she gives testimony to her faith in Jesus. Because we think outside “the box,” the baptism will take place at the end of the sanctuary service and the gym congregation will take a “field trip” to the sanctuary so our whole church family can be together in Christ. In the gym, worship will be led by Julianne Moore.

Of his sermon, “Experience the Love of Jesus”, Dr. Keith writes: A key element articulated in the new BSBC mission statement is experience the love of Jesus. Today we will explore what this looks like in practical terms, for our times in light of recent global turmoil and cultural unrest. We start this week with a reading from Psalm 103:2-13, one of the compositions in Book Four of the Psalter that invites God’s recently restored people to keep certain truths in the forefront of their minds: “Praise the LORD, my soul, and forget not all his benefits—who forgives all your sins and heals all your diseases, who redeems your life from the pit and crowns you with love and compassion.” The danger of forgetting is dramatically illustrated in the parable of the unmerciful servant in Matthew 18, and our attention will also be directed to this episode that demonstrates the depth and power of the Lord’s forgiveness in our lives. It would be expected that in light of such forgiveness, we will live differently, but this parable indicates the necessity of always remembering the Lord’s goodness and ongoing compassion toward us. We will further emphasize that to experience the love of Jesus is to receive the gift of immeasurable mercy; and if we’ve been shown mercy, it should be much easier to extend mercy—and allow others to experience the love of Jesus—all around us.

In the sanctuary, Pastor Ross will be preaching. Of his sermon, Pastor Ross writes: We’ll be looking at what it means to 'Experience the Love of Jesus' through the lens of the Great Commission. Even knowing that Jesus has risen we can doubt, BUT with his promise of authority and presence with us we can choose to celebrate and experience His love each day on our walk with Him. Music ministry will include, Veronique Dumais, flute; the sanctuary choir and soloist, Claire Geldart accompanied on guitar by Deacon Greg Keezer.

It is going to be a remarkable day in the life of our church family! Don’t miss it in person or online!

19. Community Announcements

L’Arche Fall Dinner Fundraiser

L'Arche Fredericton has planned our Annual Fundraising Dinner for Nov. 5, 2022. The funds raised help support our weekly day program and community growth. The drive-through dinner for two consists of lasagna, garlic bread, Caesar salad, and cookies prepared by Chef Yves Dechaine of Greener Village. The beverage is Coburn's fresh apple cider. Pick-up for the dinner is at Greener Village between 5 p.m. and 6 p.m. on Nov. 5, 2022.

The dinner cost is $85.00 and includes a tax receipt of $35.00. Dinner tickets can be purchased online at any time until Oct. 22, 2022. A contact name, phone number and email are required for ticket purchase. Tickets can be reserved by emailing and paid by e-transfer at:

Cyber Security Challenge and Dinner

Over the past decade, our time on the internet has dramatically increased, whether it’s on a cell phone, laptop, desktop, or tablet. Statics published by Online Business Canada, indicates a whopping 83% of Canadian households have an internet connection (up from 79% in 2010). Every day, we hear warnings of scams. Losses reported in 2020 are roughly $71 million for just people 21 yrs. and younger, compared with $8.3 million in 2017. Scammers and predators have become very efficient and successful at using “lack of knowledge” of cybersecurity to take advantage of the most vulnerable, targeting finances and identity theft.

Take the challenge to see how secure and knowledgeable you are, by joining us on October 16th from 4-6:30 pm, as we host the Cyber Security Challenge & Dinner at Grace. This is a public event, and all are welcome. The purpose of this event is to:

  • Teach awareness and knowledge, of the dangers on the internet, looking at the tools and systems scammers use and how they “catch you”.

  • Teach technical skills on devices to protect families with a focus on children and seniors.

Grace Memorial Baptist Church is going to “feed our community” by bringing awareness and teaching new skills with the Cyber Security Challenge & Dinner. Please register on our website, (Outreach tab), or contact the office, at 458-8527.  For more information, please contact Emily Colpitts at or the office. We look forward to seeing you!

When: Sunday, October 16th from 4-6:30 PM
Where: Grace Memorial Baptist Church, 536 Northumberland St.
What: Cyber Security Challenge & Dinner
Register at (Outreach tab) or contact the office, at 458-8527.

Turkey Dinner

Gibson Memorial United Church, 183 Gibson St., will be hosting a "Turkey Dinner", Wednesday, Oct. 26, 4 - 6 p.m. Cost $15/adult and $5/child.  Please call 457-1951 to reserve your tickets.

Floor Curling at Forest Hill United Church (FHUC)

Join us from 10 am to noon on Wednesdays at FHUC for floor curling.  Instead of ice, broom and flat stones, we use the floor and stones on 3 wheels. They can be thrown the regular way, or by using a stick which goes over the handle.  You can be upright or seated to play.

Curling provides gentle exercise in a friendly surrounding. Try it out for two weeks free of charge. The annual cost is 10.00 plus 2.00 each time you come.  For more information, please contact Mary or Margie at or leave your contact information at 455-0988.

Covid protocols require hand washing or sanitizing when entering the hall and masking when moving about in the building. FHUC is an accessible location. We’re located at 45 Kimble Court, around the corner from St. Margaret’s Anglican Church and beside the ball diamonds at Bliss Carmen Middle School.

20. This Week at BSBC: Oct. 12 to 19

Please note: FLC stands for Family Life Centre.

Wednesday, October 12
10:00 Seniors Exercise (Gym)
12:00 Men’s Basketball (Gym)
1:00 Mandarin Bible Study (Barnabas Center)
6:00 Youth Choir Practice (Sanctuary)
6:30 Sanctuary Choir Rehearsal (Choir Room)
6:30 Scouts Boys Ministry (K-Gr 5) (Gym)
6:30 Youth Bible Study (Third Floor Assembly Area, FLC)

Thursday, October 13
9:00 Benevolent (By Appointment)
9:30 New Life Ministry (Third Floor Assembly Area, FLC)
1:30 Bible Study “Gospel of John” (MM) (Third Floor Assembly Area, FLC)
1:30 Ladies Bible Study (CB) (Family Room, FLC)
5:00 Nominating Committee (Second Floor Boardroom, Gym Building)
7:00 GriefShare (Family Room)
7:00 Handbell Choir (Sanctuary)
7:00 Mandarin Choir Practice (Choir Room)

Friday, October 14
10:00 Seniors Exercise (Gym)
12:00 Men’s Basketball (Gym)
6:00 Friends Are Us Puppets (KidzTown, Second Floor, FLC)
5:40 Youth Group – Fredericton Youth Rally (Far Right Corner of Journey Church Parking Lot)
7:00 Mandarin Fellowship (Barnabas/KidzTown)
7:00 Ann Passmore Visitation (Sanctuary)

Saturday, October 15
10:00 Hands-In Girls Ministry (KidzTown, Second Floor, FLC)
11:00 Ann Passmore Funeral & Reception (Sanctuary/Gym)
6:00 Stage Set-Up (Gym)

Sunday, October 16
7:00 Mandarin Prayer Meeting (Second Floor Boardroom Over Main Kitchen)
9:00 Asian Sunday School (Second Floor Boardroom Over Main Kitchen)
9:30 12 Curious Verses Bible Study (Family Room, FLC)
9:30 Biblical Prophesy Bible Study (Under The Sea Room, FLC)
9:30 Sunday School For All Ages Classes (Family Life Center)
10:30 Contemporary Worship Service (Gym)
10:30 Mandarin Worship Service (Third Floor Assembly Area, FLC)
10:30 Traditional Worship Service (Sanctuary)
12:00 New To The Family Luncheon (Barnabas Center)
5:00 Third Sunday Supper (Gym)
7:00 High School Youth Group (Third Floor Assembly Area, FLC)

Monday, October 17
10:00 Seniors Exercise (Gym)
12:00 Men’s Basketball (Gym)
7:00 Board of Management (Gym)

Tuesday, October 18
12:00 Mandarin Prayer Meeting (Second Floor Boardroom Over Main Kitchen)
1:30 Pastoral Staff Meeting (Family Room, FLC)
1:30 Quilters for Missions (Second Floor, FLC)
2:15 Full Staff Meeting (Family Room, FLC)
6:00 Sports Friends (Gym)
6:30 DivorceCare (Family Room, FLC)
6:30 The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry (Online with Pastor Greg)
7:00 Fresh Start (Third Floor Assembly Area, FLC)


Refugee Sponsorship Update


The Banner