The Banner
Growing Faith, Friends & Families To Serve
In this issue:
1. Update from the Annual General Meeting
2. A Word of Thanks
3. Meet Our Newly Appointed Deacons
4. SWOT Analysis Part 1 of 6: Background
5. Recovery Roundtables
6. March’s BODcast is Ready
7. Praying for the Bereaved
8. 50 Can Join Us on Sunday Mornings for Services
9. Facebook Live Nightly Prayer Ministry
10. How To Watch the Traditional Service
11. Worship Services This Sunday, March 7
12. Children’s “Secret Mission” Packets
13. This Week @ BSBC
1. Update from the Annual General Meeting
Thanks to the 100 plus church members who, on Wednesday, Feb. 24, gathered in-person or on Zoom to conduct the “business” which undergirds the ministry life of BSBC. It was a very congenial evening and I’m sure we are all grateful to the many who agreed to hold positions in our church family, caring for the details that allow us to reach out beyond our walls.
I was privileged to lead those gathered to consider the challenge of Hebrews 12 for the Church to be characterized by perseverance. Pastor Steve led us in worship in song and Pastor Charles led a guided prayer time. And then, we continued into the matters before us.
Some of the items considered by those gathered included:
My presentation on the results of the fall SWOT analysis (which is being serialized for inclusion in our weekly newsletters – see below) and the introduction of our April “Recovery Roundtables” sessions
A review of our 2020 income and expenditures which revealed that, due to the faithful giving of the church family, we ended the year with a surplus of $123,000
The assembled members approved a motion presented by the Board of Management and Board of Deacons to divide that surplus equally for the following purposes: (1) direct payment on our mortgage, (2) for use in needed facility repairs, (3) improvements to our AV/IT infrastructure and (4) for ministry initiatives directed by the Board of Deacons
Those present also approved the detailed budget of expenditures and income for the year 2021 – a budget of $919,150 (which represented a decrease of over $25,000 from our anticipated expenditures and income for 2020)
We approved the recommendations from our Nominating Committee and Special Nominating Committee for Deacons which affirmed new appointments to Teams, Committees and Boards
Two changes to our constitution were approved – allowing for the possibility of church bill payment online and to change the regional name of our denomination to Canadian Baptists of Atlantic Canada
Consider joining us in the spring
Participation by the individual members of our church family is essential in the Baptist form of congregational government. While “business” may seem mundane, it is how our church family continues to minister in these days.
If you were not part of this meeting, please consider joining us at the spring business meeting to become informed on how BSBC works and offer your questions and thoughts as we seek God’s way forward for us as a Christ’s church on the corner of Brunswick and York Streets.
Pastor Greg
2. A Word of Thanks
As mentioned above, for BSBC to continue to minister, we require volunteers to populate our Teams, Committees and Boards. Thanks to Sarah Millette, in our office, for counting the number of positions represented by our Nominating Committee Report for 2021.
Did you know that there are nearly 250 positions to be filled on these Teams, Committees, Boards? I praise God for the fact that all positions for 2021 are filled, thanks to the work of our Nominating Committees. These additions mean that many people have ‘retired’ from service – making way for these new members. My thanks to all who have faithfully served, some for many years or by accepting second terms.
As Lead Pastor, I have the opportunity to work closely with many church leaders. In this, my first season as Lead Pastor, I want to say a special thank you to Kellie Brown (2020 Chair of the Board of Management), Paul Milburn (2020 Chair of the Board of Deacons) and Dennis Taylor (Moderator) for their service and support over the last year. Brunswick Street is blessed to have so many willing servants to work in building the Kingdom.
Pastor Greg
3. Meet Our Newly Appointed Deacons
Constance Ling
In 2014, my husband Jason, son Eric and I immigrated to Canada from China. In November of our second year, we were baptized at Brunswick Street Baptist Church.
Since then, we have been serving with the BSBC Chinese Congregation. When I look back over the past years of walking with God, I think of Psalm 65:11:
You crown the year with your bounty, and your carts overflow with abundance.
In 2019, I had two visions during a combined service at BSBC. To the Lord’s question, did I want to serve him, I replied, “Yes, I Do.” It was a commitment. I had never dreamed that a future opportunity would be serving as a Deacon, but I do so with full joy and peace inside. I am extremely excited though I don’t know where God will lead me. I am eager to know Him more, to be closer to Him. Surely I know that this new chapter of service will bring me closer to Lord.
Cheryl Gibson
I grew up in a Christian home, where attending church and participating in church activities was important. Until I was 12, my family went to Union Street Baptist Church where my grandfather was the minister. However, once I entered Junior High, it was important to be a part of a church where my friends attended and where it was easier to be involved in church-related activities.
My parents were supportive of this change for the sake of my sister and me, so we started attending Brunswick Street Baptist Church. I was baptized here in 1967 and became a member at that time. As a youth and young adult, I always appreciated the sermons, activities, and people at BSBC.
As I grew older and pursued work and educational opportunities as a nurse elsewhere, my faith grew when I was challenged with being alone, being in an unknown place, and being stretched academically as I strove to be all I could be. I felt in those times all I had was God, and He had to be enough for me. I realized He was and learned that strength emerges from weakness. God has enabled me to do many things in my life that I could not have done on my own power.
It has always been important to me to live a meaningful and purposeful life and that comes from serving or helping others. This next step as a deacon is humbling but I do look forward to caring for my church family in a different way.
Jon Wilton
I am extremely humbled and excited to be introduced to Brunswick Street as a Deacon.
After attending Brunswick Street Baptist Church since my days in the nursery and serving for many years in a number of roles including Youth Volunteer, Worship Leader, and most recently Youth and Young Adult Ministries Coordinator, I am looking forward to following God's leading as I serves as a Deacon.
I feel that God is doing a new thing at BSBC as we seek to bring the good news and discipleship into a post-covid world. Jon is married to Alyse (Reimer) Wilton.
Charlie Ritchie
Betty and I came to faith at Acadia University through the ministry of the Navigators. I was baptized at Wolfville United Baptist Church and Betty at Brunswick St Baptist Church. We both came from non believing families so when we first came to know Jesus, we had no other models of
what it meant to be believers. Our involvement with the Navigators was formative in shaping the motto of our lives: "To know Christ and to make Him known."
Betty and I have shared our lives in ministry with the Navigators since being married in 1985. We have ministered at UNB, in China, Hong Kong, the US, and Vietnam.
Betty and I are very grateful to BSBC as our church family for your support while overseas and now while back in Canada. Your love, encouragement, and practical help has made our current difficult journey bearable. You truly help to bear our
burden. It is with excitement and expectation that I serve for a 2nd time as a deacon with you all. I look forward to working with Pastor Greg and the board of deacons.
One of the key topics of concern from the SWOT analysis exercise is to highlight the need for good leadership. My prayer is that each of the deacons may grow to be better shepherds of the congregation alongside the Pastors. Their job is to train and equip the congregation, our job is to do the work of the ministry. Eph 4:11-12.
4. SWOT Analysis Part 1 of 6
In late October 2020, I invited individuals, groups, teams, committee and boards to engage in a SWOT analysis of our current iteration of ministry at BSBC.
A SWOT analysis invites participants to consider an organizations Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats. Over the month of November, submissions came to the church office and this continued into early December.
Early in January, the Deacons gathered to consider the submissions and to draw together common themes that they saw emerging from the submissions.
In this introductory article, I’d like to give you some statistics on participants:
There were 21 submissions in total
These represent participation by approximately 95 individual members of our church family
There were 9 individual household submissions (representing 8 individuals and one couple)
There were 6 small groups that chose to offer submissions
There were 5 submissions from church groups which included the Boards of Management and Deacons, Education and Missions Committee, and from the Social Action Team
There was one anonymous submission
In reviewing participants, they were predominately submitted by those 40 years and up
Participants represent people who would be considered well-engaged in life at BSBC
At this time I’d like to personally thank all who took part in this evaluation of our ministry life. We will continue to make use of this material as we move forward into 2021. Next week, I’ll share the top identified strengths.
Pastor Greg
5. Recovery Roundtables
At the Annual Meeting and in the sermon I delivered on Sunday, Feb. 28, I invited you to consider joining one of our RECOVERY ROUNDTABLE meetings to be held through the month of April.
What is a Recovery Roundtable?
These will be in-person and ZOOM small group gatherings which will ask you to consider the predominant themes from the SWOT, the characteristics of Mission Edge Churches and, most importantly, what you believe BSBC needs to be and do to recover from the pandemic years. More details to follow, however, here is your first assignment to prepare for those discussion groups.
Your first assignment
The concept of Mission Edge Churches is predicated on such churches serving beyond the walls of the church building and serving to meet neighbourhood needs in Jesus’ name. In fact, the theme of our denomination of Canadian Baptist of Atlantic Canada is “Joining God in our Neighbourhood”.
Therefore, I ask you to consider what you see God doing your neighbourhood and across all social strata. What is He doing and how can we join Him?
6. BODcast for March
March’s BODcast is ready for your edification.
Join Dr. Keith for his latest BODcast focused on the book of Numbers...ending with an Easter challenge! A message that is set against the wilderness that informs the "wilderness" of our wanderings...because of our own decisions or because of the decisions of others. The key, trusting God even when it's difficult.
Settle in for a period of edification from God's Word brought to us by our favourite Preaching Pastor.
7. Praying for the Bereaved
Please be in prayer for Lynn Their on the passing of her husband, Mike, at Hospice Fredericton on Feb. 21 at 50 years of age. During Pastor Terry’s tenure, Lynn and Mike were married and attended the Contemporary Service. A celebration of Mike’s life will be held at a later date, stated the obituary on the Chipman Funeral Home website.
Also, we pray for David Whyte on the recent passing of his youngest brother, Brian, due to complications from COVID-19. Dave writes:
Brian was born 10 years after me. My parents' positive acceptance of Brian's Downs Syndrome was a great example to their family and friends and to the congregation of Melville Presbyterian Church in Toronto, where Dad was a pastor for 28 years. Brian's condition led my parents to become involved in Christian Horizons, a non-profit organization for those who are developmentally challenged. Dad always found it humorous that the secular provincial government bureaucracy in Ontario often sought out staff members from Christian Horizons to run their group homes.
Due to the COVID-19 situation, Dave will not be going up to Ontario at this time. Please remember Dave, his 93 year old mother, 2 brothers and their families in this season of loss.
8. 50 Can Join Us This Sunday for In-Person Worship
We have reengaged with in-person services. However, the provincial government guidelines for in-person worship allow for a maximum congregation of 50 individuals.
In our case, this will allow us 50 individuals in the gym and 50 individuals in the sanctuary.
We should also point out that during the Orange Phase:
There will be no congregational singing
Masks must be worn at all times
2 metre distancing is required between bubbles as you enter, as you exit and as you are seated
As usual you will be screened on entrance
To make your reservation to attend, please click on the link below. This new reservation system will not allow you to make a reservation if there are no seats left to reserve. Thanks for persevering with us as we transition to the Eventbrite reservation platform.
9. Facebook Live Prayer Time
One of the greatest benefits of being adopted into God's family is to count on brothers and sisters to cheer us on and to support us in many ways. One of these ways is definitely through prayer. Indeed, praying for one another is a tremendous opportunity to express our compassion and our ‘brotherly’ love as we turn our eyes on God, our Father in Heaven, that knows all about us and holds infinite power in His Hands.
Each evening at 7 p.m., and until Saturday April 3, you are invited to join a 20-minute time of prayer, live on the church Facebook page. Tune in to share a praise item and/or a prayer request and most importantly to pause and hang out with God, in prayer. You will certainly be uplifted as verses and insights about Lent and Easter will be shared. Make sure to include us to your evening schedule!
You do not need a Facebook account to take part
Finally, note that you do not need to have a Facebook account to engage. Simply click this link and there you will find the LIVE prayer time.
Pastor Charles
10. How To Watch the Traditional Service
As we're exploring new methods of worshipping together (virtually) there will certainly be questions! Here are the answers to a few that we receive regularly.
How can I watch it live?
The easiest way to watch the Traditional Service live is to go to our website and click the "worship online button." This will take you to our Worship Online page where you'll find the livestreamed video.
How can I watch it later?
You can watch the service as described above for the full week after.
Example: You can watch the Sunday Feb. 21st service on our website until Saturday, Feb. 27 at 11:59 p.m.
If you want to go back and watch a service from a few weeks ago, you can access our archives in the Traditional Worship playlist on our Youtube Channel. We recommend bookmarking this link on your internet browser for easy access.
Any other questions?
We're happy to help! Feel free to reach out to the church office at 458-8348 or
11. This Sunday's Livestream
Join us this Sunday, March 7, for our ONLINE services. Tune in by 10:25 a.m. and you’ll be set for all we have to share.
Worship leaders
In the gym, Jon Wilton and friends will lead you in worship. In the sanctuary, David Steeves and Gloria Tranquilla are joined in musical worship leadership by soloist Margaret Geldart. This Sunday, our children will enjoy a lesson provided by the McAllister family.
Sermon notes
In the final sermon in our Life Together Series, Pastor Charles, will be giving us a challenge. Here’s what he writes:
With Easter being just around the corner, and a lasting trial that has impacted all of us in many different ways still upon us, I am blessed to have an opportunity to bring our attention upwards, to the ever-lasting hope that is found in God alone. Together we will examine a few verses that carry what needs to be heard in this complex season of Humanity and be shared with all. Plus, you will be presented with an opportunity to join in on our colourful Easter BSBC project called: "Into your Hands." I look forward to see how God will speak to each one of us next Sunday morning!
12. Children's Secret Mission Invite Packets
This week, while our schools enjoy March Break 2020, our office will be sending out a “Secret Mission” kit to our kids.
The purpose of this “Secret Mission” kit is to invite our kids to invite their friends to attend our Saturday, April 3, Easter Party (hopefully in-person and on Zoom). We want to get these “Secret Mission” packets out to get them to start thinking about who they will invite to join our party! So, look for a packet for your child coming in the mail the second week of March.
If you are new to BSBC OR you don’t think we have the information on your K – Grade 5 children, please use the link below to register your child so he/she can received a packet and join us on our “Secret Mission.”
Pastor Greg
This Week at BSBC: March 3 to 10
Wednesday, March 3
12:00 Prayer Time with Pastor Charles (Facebook Live)
4:30 Youth Bible Study Fun with Pastor Charles (Zoom)
6:30 Micah 6:8 Bible Study with Pastor Greg (Zoom)
7:00 Prayer Ministry for Lent (Facebook Live)
Thursday, March 4
1:30 Ladies Bible Study with Carol Bray (Family Room)
1:30 Small Group Bible Study with Mary McMulkin (3rd Floor Boardroom)
1:30 Youth Group – Snowshoe Hike (O’Dell Park)
7:00 Prayer Ministry for Lent (Facebook Live)
Friday, March 5
3:30 Youth Group – Rock Climbing (Fredericton Bouldering Co-op)
7:00 Prayer Ministry for Lent (Facebook Live)
Saturday, March 6
1:00 Worship Team Practice (Gym)
7:00 Prayer Ministry for Lent (Facebook Live)
Sunday, March 7
10:00 Chinese Worship Service (WeChat)
10:30 Traditional Worship Service (In-person OR at
10:30 Contemporary Worship Service (In-person OR on Facebook Live)
12:30 Young Adult Lunch (Zoom)
7:00 Prayer Ministry for Lent (Facebook Live)
Monday, March 8
1:30 Pastoral Staff Meeting (Family Room)
2:45 Full Staff Meeting (Family Room)
6:30 Education Committee Meeting (Zoom)
7:00 WMS (3rd Floor Assembly)
7:00 Prayer Ministry for Lent (Facebook Live)
Tuesday, March 9
1:00 CVITP (Gym)
1:30 Quilters for Missions (Quilting Room)
6:30 Bible Study with Pastor Steve (Zoom)
6:30 DivorceCare (3rd Floor)
7:00 Prayer Ministry for Lent (Facebook Live)
Wednesday, March 10
12:00 Prayer Time with Pastor Charles (Facebook Live)
6:30 Micah 6:8 Bible Study with Pastor Greg (Zoom)
6:30 Youth Bible Study with Pastor Charles (Zoom)
7:00 Prayer Ministry for Lent (Facebook Live)