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Growing Faith, Friends & Families to Serve
In this issue:
Going Green @ BSBC
Oasis Needs You
CBM Africa Summer Ministry Update
Praying for the Watters Family
Anniversary Congratulations
This Sunday’s Service
Financial Giving Update
Hospital Admissions
Summer Fridays in July/August – Change in Office Hours
Summer Children's & Youth programs
Wednesday Library Openings
August Birthdays
This Week @ BSBC
1. A Message From Pastor Greg: Going Green at BSBC
I believe it was Kermit the Frog who once said, “It’s not easy being green.” And, for some members of our church family, this may be true come Friday. As New Brunswick goes “Green” and the Mandatory Order is lifted, New Brunswickers are able to embrace new freedoms, borrowed from the ‘old days’ of ‘normal’.
In reviewing the New Brunswick government brochure on ‘Green,’ I noted that we are invited to consider that while the restrictions are lifting, Public Health encourages us to remember that some considerations (masking, distancing, sanitizing, etc.) are practices that promote good health and might still be wise for some with vulnerabilities OR for New Brunswickers who want to take things slow. With this in mind, I hope you’ll join me in embracing a measured response to ‘Green.’ We’ll take some things slow and support one another’s sensitivities moving from now to Labour Day Sunday.
And just what does that mean?
From now until Labour Day Sunday, we’d appreciate you continuing to make reservations for Sunday services. Obviously, if you come without a reservation, we’ll just add you to the list but it seems prudent to continue this practice as the information provided will help us with plans for September. Thank you so much.
Entering the Building
To maintain some aspect of physical distancing, please continue to use the main doors for entrance to the sanctuary and the gym ‘ramp’ door for entering the café.
Self Screening
You will no longer be verbally ‘screened’ at the doors, but please take note of the new screening signs posted and take personal responsibility for considering if it is wise for you to be joining your church family for worship on that particular Sunday. Let’s keep each other healthy.
From now, up to and including Labour Day Sunday, we invite you to continue to place your offering in the offering boxes that we have been using.
We invite you to continue this practice whenever you enter the buildings for any purpose, at any time.
As of Friday, this will become a matter of personal choice. Masks will continue to be available at the entrances, if you come without one and decide you’d feel better if you were masked. You are no longer required to be masked when singing but may do so if you wish.
Physically distanced seating
In the sanctuary, those who would appreciate continuing to sit at 2 meter distance, are invited to do so in the middle section downstairs. This section will remain taped to indicate seats that are physically distanced. If physical distancing is not a concern for you, please don’t take one of those centre section seats but choose anywhere you would like in the side sections and the balcony.
For August and September, Communion will continue to be offered as it has during the pandemic. We look forward to reviewing this in September as to plans for October communion.
Leaving the service
From now, up to and including Labour Day Sunday, we’ll continue the practice of “instructed departure.”
The COVID-19 operating procedures that began when KidzTown opened will be continued through to Labour Day Sunday. This includes all children and leaders masking. Thank you, parents, for your cooperation.
Please remember that even if you are ready to jump back in, others may not be as comfortable, and so we defer so that everyone is comfortable in our gatherings. I think that Romans 12:16 makes a good theme for the weeks ahead: Be sensitive to each other's needs — don't think yourselves better than others…
Let’s give thanks for the reality that is ours in New Brunswick and pray that this trend continues in the weeks and months ahead. Decisions we make in these days will help to bring that prayer to reality.
Yours in “Green,”
Pastor Greg
2. Oasis Needs You
Greetings Church Family,
Some of you may not know that BSBC is a member of a collective of Baptist churches, both in Atlantic Canada and across the country. On the Atlantic Canadian front, our collective is known as Canadian Baptists of Atlantic Canada (CBAC).
What is OASIS?
Each year, with the exception of 2020, the CBAC holds a corporate gathering called OASIS. OASIS offers great worship, inspiring teaching, helpful workshops, and "Family Business Sessions" — which deal with various business items that impact the work we do collectively.
OASIS 2021
This year, OASIS is back in a modified, online form. I invite you to visit the OASIS website and explore the offerings this year. Offerings that allow you to attend from any location of your choice. You can attend from the comfort of your home...the beach...the camp...well, anywhere. So, this may just be the year to attend!
3. Canadian Baptist Ministries: Africa Update
We’re pleased to share this update on what our Africa partners in the gospel have provided. This update is provided by Rev. Andre Sibomana, BSBC’s own Partner in Mission.
Andre ended his email with these words: May you find this update as sign of our deep gratitude to you for your continuous prayer and financial support. May God keep you all safe and bless the work of your hands, as you humbly serve the Kingdom.
4. Praying for the Watters Family
Be sure to include the Watters family in your prayers as they/we enter into the immigration process with the Canadian government. Please pray for:
Spiritual, physical and emotional vitality during all the aspects of this transition
Clear paths for the immigration paperwork
Ease of packing and shipping belongings
Meaningful time with family and friends
Family and friends being left behind
Some restful summer activities
God’s provision for the leadership needs of Gorebridge Parish Church
Pastor Ross and Fi have been grateful for the warm welcome they’ve received through email and Facebook. They can’t wait to touchdown in Fredericton at the end of August!
5. Anniversary Congratulations
Heartiest congratulations to Gordon and Shirley Thorne who will celebrate their 65th wedding anniversary on Wednesday, Aug. 11.
We celebrate your example of faithfulness and love!
Those who remain in love remain in God and God remains in them.
I John 4:16
6. This Sunday's Services: Aug. 1, 2021
This Sunday at BSBC you continue to have two choices for engagement with God’s word.
Sermon Café
In the gym, you are invited to our “Sermon Café” where you’ll be welcomed by our hosts and offered hot or cold beverages and baked goods. You and your guest(s) will enjoy background worship music, each other's company and conversation — check out the sermon prep question handout. Then, when the sermon starts in the sanctuary, you’ll be invited to watch it in the gym. Sundays in the gym are relaxed, personal and allow you to engage with God’s word and each other.
Blended Worship
In the sanctuary, you’re invited to engage with elements from both contemporary and traditional services as we seek to offer ourselves to God through various acts of worship and engage with Dr. Keith in the study of God’s word.
Worship leaders
This Sunday, we’re grateful to Jon & Alyse Wilton and Gloria Tranquilla, who will lead the musical elements.
Sermon notes: Summertime Blues (I Kings 19 & Matthew 11)
Dr. Keith writes: After several years of drought and famine during a bleak season for God’s people, the prophet Elijah confronts Ahab and the ministers of Baal on the slopes of Mount Carmel in northern Israel. Despite triumph and acclamation, Elijah soon receives a death threat from Jezebel, and these words apparently throw him into tailspin of depression (“I have had enough, LORD,” he said. “Take my life; I am no better than my ancestors”; 1 Kings 19:4 ). Elijah is not the only prophetic figure to suffer from a bout of depression, for something similar happens to John the Baptist in Matthew 11 as he is languishing in miserable circumstances: “Now when John heard in prison about the deeds Christ had done, he sent his disciples to ask a question: ‘Are you the one who is to come, or should we look for another?’” How does Jesus respond to John, and how does his response prepare our hearts to celebrate the Table on this Communion Sunday? In this message we will acknowledge both the reality of discouragement for believers, but also find resources of encouragement in the life and words of the Lord Jesus in this section of Matthew’s Gospel.
Parents, remember that KidzTown is running for children K-Gr 5. And, there’s a preschool room on the gym hallway if you should need to use it.
Worship Online
Please note that for July and August the online service will be on YouTube only. You do not need a YouTube account to watch the service. The Contemporary Facebook Live Service Returns the second Sunday in September.
We look forward to seeing you Sunday! If you're attending in-person, please be sure to make your reservation by clicking the link below.
7. Financial Giving Update: Jan. 1 to June 30
Current Yr Prev Year Budget
General $404,728 $428,783 $456,248
Building $70,163 $60,783 $67,500
Please note the General Fund giving, which is significantly behind target, $51,520 below budget. In the month of June our giving fell $15,169 further behind budget.
Please consider how you can support the needs of God's work in this place, as we start to see increased expenses related to the calling of our new Community Connections Pastor, Ross Watters, as well as expenses for the fall programs.
Building Fund giving is meeting our budget target, actually just over budget and ahead of last year, praise God.
8. Hospital Admissions
The congregation is asked to note that the only way pastoral staff will be aware of hospital admissions is by a family member notifying the church office. Kevin Culberson will be happy to visit in Pastor Greg’s absence, so please don’t hesitate to let the church office know of any admissions in your family. Thank you.
9. Summer Fridays at BSBC
Summer brings an opportunity for adjusted schedules and that includes our church office. Please note that on Friday afternoons for July and August, our office will be closing at 3 p.m. Thank you for noting this change in the routine.
Your Board of Management
10. Summer Children & Youth Programs
Children and Youth programs are still running strong this summer! Please note that all Covid procedures that have been in place will be continued through to Labour Day Sunday.
We have two programs for our kids K to Grade 5: Vacation Bible School and Sunday morning KidzTown. Learn more by clicking the link below.
Our youth are invited to join us Tuesdays & Wednesdays for Bible Study and Youth Group.
Young adults are invited to join Dr. Keith & Pastor Greg after the service every other Sunday.
11. Wednesday Library Openings
Your librarians invite you to visit the library the second and fourth Wednesdays of each month from 10 am until noon. Come and engage with our huge collection of books — there’s something for everyone!
12. August Birthdays
See the full list by clicking the link below.
15. This Week at BSBC: July 28 to Aug. 4
Wednesday, July 28
10:00 Library Opens
6:00 Vocal Ensemble (Sanctuary)
6:30 Youth Bible Study (3rd Floor Assembly/Zoom)
Thursday, July 29
7:00 Chinese Hymn Practice (Choir Room)
Friday, July 30
Office closed at 3 p.m.
No Scheduled Events
Saturday, July 31
2:00 Chinese Youth Group (3rd Floor Assembly)
Sunday, August 1
6:00 Chinese Prayer Meeting (Boardroom Over the Main Kitchen)
10:15 KidzTown (2nd Floor, Family Life Centre)
10:30 Blended Service (Sanctuary)
10:30 Sermon Café (Gym)
12:00 Fresh Start Lunch (3rd Floor Assembly)
2:00 Chinese Worship Service (Sanctuary)
Monday, Aug. 2
New Brunswick Day - Church Offices Closed
Tuesday, Aug. 3
12:00 Chinese Prayer Meeting (Boardroom over Main Kitchen)
1:30 Quilters for Missions (Quilting Room, 2nd Floor)
7:00 Youth Groups (3rd Floor Assembly)
Wednesday, Aug. 4
9:00 VBS (Gr 3-5) (Kidztown)
6:30 Youth Bible Study (3rd Floor Assembly/Zoom)