The Banner
In this issue:
1. Another Way to Serve Our Homeless Population
2. Do You Know the Muffin Man?
3. It’s (Almost) Party Time
4. Worship: Sunday, Feb. 7
5. A New BODcast Episode
6. Sermon Recordings Available
7. DivorceCare & GriefShare
8. Annual Report Booklets for 2020
9. Annual Meeting/Changes to the Constitution
10. When We Return to Yellow
11. This Week at BSBC
1. Another Way to Serve Our Homeless Population
Dear Church,
The Social Action Team (SAT) are pleased to let you know that we as a church will be partnering with Smythe Street Church and Grace Memorial Baptist Church in the Sun-Lite program, where together we will serve to transition three homeless people from living on the street into safe and stable housing. The churches will be working with community partners such as the Downtown Community Health Clinic, John Howard, Capital Region Mental Health and Addictions and the Sun committee.
How does it work?
This project was piloted in 2019 by Smythe Street Church and saw wonderful results as two of the three individuals have maintained a job and all have continued to see improvement in their lives. Each church will contribute six volunteers who will work as inter-church teams to come alongside each client during a one-year commitment period.
The responsibility of each client will be shared by the six team members and will require approximately 6 to 8 total hours per week, which translates to 1 to 2 hours per week, per team member. Some examples of the kind of support needed include relationship-building, grocery shopping, banking, and keeping track of bills, etc. Life skills.
The SAT has received support and affirmation from our Board of Deacons and financial support through our Benevolent Committee to seek and find six people from our congregation willing to surround these individuals with caring hands and loving hearts, which will help guide them successfully to stable, sustainable living.
Interested in learning more?
We will provide more detailed information for those who express a willingness or interest in finding out more. The 2021 Sun-Lite initiative is expected to begin in late March or early April, so this is a call to any who might prayerfully consider this endeavour.
Please reach out to Pastor Steve at if this is an area you see yourself serving in. Our own Doug McAllister and Heather Topple-McAllister were a part of the pilot project in 2020 and had a great experience!
In His Grace,
Pastor Steve
2. Do You Know The Muffin Man or Woman?
This 'ancient' children's song invites you to consider those who enjoy making muffins. Why? Because BSBC has entered into a partnership with the Phoenix Learning Center to provide "breakfast muffins" for Saturday and Sunday mornings.
Let us explain:
Recently, the Phoenix Learning Center (PLC) on Woodstock Road, the downtown Out of the Cold Shelter for our city's homeless population, was given additional funding from the City of Fredericton to extend its hours. This is great news for their clients, as it means those without a home do not need to look for a warm spot between the time the shelters close in the morning and the Center opened a few hours the evening when the PLC closed, hours before the shelters opened. Now, there is a seamless provision for our friends to be out of the cold and we celebrate this.
The Community Kitchen provides daily meal service delivery to the PLC seven days a week, but doesn't provide breakfast on Saturday and Sunday — that's where we/you come in! We were so pleased to be contacted and invited to provide the breakfast foods for each Saturday and Sunday for February and March and happily accepted the invitation, counting on you to join us in meeting this need.
Each Friday we will drop off the following at the PLC:
9 dozen muffins (of any kind)
5 dozen bananas
16 L of orange juice
4 bags of applies
Would you consider making muffins?
For all you muffin men or women, could you sign up to provide a dozen or so muffins for one week or a number of weeks? They can be any kind that you like, no restrictions.
We ask that you bring them, in large zip-lock-bags (which will facilitate easy packing in our delivery boxes), to the church by noon on Friday so they can be prepped for delivery. You can bring them in any time during the week and leave them in the kitchen freezer, but please make sure they sit flat in the freezer so they don't all freeze together in a ball!).
Please use the link below to let us know when you will provide muffins and how many you will bring. The office will contact you to confirm receipt of your email and, if we are over subscribed for that week, invite you to consider another week. Thank you, muffin men and women for your support in this way.
Financial support
It will take about $75 per week to purchase the perishable supplies for this project for a total of $600.
If you can't make muffins, perhaps you'd be willing to consider making a financial gift toward this project. Just mark your donation "Breakfast" and it will get to the right place. We'll let you know how we're doing over the next few weeks.
Again, thank you to all who are able to give. Anything given over the cost of the perishable items will be used for other partnership projects with the PLC.
Let's make a practical difference in the lives of these sons and daughters, moms and dads, brothers and sisters, uncles and aunts, nieces and nephews....children of God.
Your Social Action Team
3. It's (Almost) Party Time
We believe it’s time for our children to party together, a party to celebrate God’s love!
On Saturday, Feb. 13 at 2 pm we’ll have a celebration of all things Valentine. If we’re in “red” or “orange”, this party will take place on ZOOM, so everyone can join.
Each child who is registered for the party will have a valentine treat bag delivered to their home complete with a craft, party favours and treats. Even if we can’t be physically together, we can be together virtually and party under the “umbrella” of God’s love.
Click on the link below to register your child(ren). We hope that we might be in “yellow” so that, like the Christmas Party, those who wish, can gather in-person. Either way, get your registration in so we can plan for a great time together.
4. Worship this Sunday, Feb. 7
Join us for our live ONLINE services (not in-person) from both the gym and sanctuary this Sunday, Feb. 7. Tune in by 10:25 a.m. and you’ll be set for all we have to share. Thanks to our innovative tech team, both services are live each Sunday morning (or you can watch the recording of either service for the rest of the week).
Worship leaders
In the sanctuary, David Steeves and Gloria Tranquilla are joined in musical worship leadership by soloist, Laura McGuire. This week’s children’s time will be offered by Alyse Wilton, a third installment in our kid’s series on “courage.”
Sermon notes: Why Are You Angry?
Dr. Bodner is taking us back to the beginning, to the fourth chapter of the book of Genesis. The sermon, entitled “Why Are You Angry?” focuses on the first major episode to take place outside the Garden, a potent reminder about the persistence of evil and anger, but also provides longings for a remedy.
After the exile of Adam and Eve from Eden, Genesis 4 begins on a happy enough note with the birth of sons, who grow up and bring offerings of thanks to God. But the story takes a dark turn when Cain’s offering is not received with favor, and his anger threatens to spiral dangerously out of control.
For believers at BSBC today, there are at least two powerful lessons in this story. First, Genesis 4 contains mention of “sin” in the book, and here sin is described as a dangerous beast that is waiting in ambush outside the door to consume its victim (who really needs to remain within the safe “house”). Second, there is a sober reminder that while there are external sources of evil and malice (i.e., the snake), there are also internal sources of evil that lurk within, and this message will include some practical discussion about guarding our hearts.
5. New BODcast
Dr. Keith’s 12th BODcast goes live today.
Tune in as he offers new insights and implications on Exodus 2 to 3 seeking to answer the question, “Who is our healer?”
What does it mean when Scripture says, “God remembered?”
6. Sermon Recordings (BSBC Sermon Podcast)
Did you know that you can listen to an audio recording of the sermon? Missed last week's service or just want the opportunity to listen again? We've got you covered.
How to listen
Go to to listen on your device of choice or subscribe on Spotify to never miss an episode.
Please, feel free to share this as an additional way of engaging in God’s word with your family and friends!
7. DivorceCare & GriefShare
For nearly two decades, our DivorceCare and GriefShare ministries have been providing support, help and hope to those going through separation/divorce or those grieving the loss of a loved one through death.
This month, both groups are beginning a new term and, at this time, will be meeting in person. DivorceCare meets on Tuesdays at 6:30 p.m., led by Gloria Tranquilla, Pauline Harvey and Bryan McWilliam, while GriefShare meets on Thursdays at 7 p.m., led by our Parish Nurses, Cheryl Gibson and Roz Thompson.
If you know of someone who would benefit from a group that provides emotional and spiritual support, please contact the church office at 458-8348 or and we’ll have a leader contact you.
8. Annual Report Booklets for 2020
As many of you know, each year we produce a collection of reports covering a reflection of what has gone on in all aspects of our ministry life as a church family.
This “annual report” booklet also includes the proposed budget for 2021 and the 2021 nominations to Teams, Committees and Boards, and the names and addresses of resident and non-resident members and adherents.
We anticipate that these will be available at the church office by Feb. 15.
Click the link below to let the church office know if you would like:
a copy of the report mailed to you, OR
a copy left in your church mailbox, OR
a digital copy of the report and save the printing, please click on the link below and let us know.
We are pleased to mail your copy but early reservation will give us an idea of how many to print. It goes without saying that you are welcome to stop into the office, during business hours, to pick up a copy!
Thank you to all who submitted reports and a very special thanks to Janet Mitchell, Naomi Phillips, Dale Bray and Shirley Graves, for their collaborative work to make this report a reality.
9. Annual Business Meeting
The Annual Business Meeting will be held Feb. 24, 2021 in the sanctuary beginning at 6:30 p.m. with 75 attending members required for a quorum. The agenda will be available in the 2020 Annual Report which will be available prior to the meeting (see item above). Two agenda items, proposed changes to the Constitution, require prior notice.
Article is to be changed by dropping the phrase “by cheque only” regarding payment of bills. E-transfers are a new, safe, and more efficient process which can also be used.
Articles 2.1, 4.1, 5.2.1, 5.3.1, and are to be changed to update the “Convention of Atlantic Baptist Churches" to its proper "Canadian Baptists of Atlantic Canada" name.
A note from our Moderator, Dennis Taylor
What about the changing colours of Covid? We are “hopelessly optimistic” that we’ll be back in the “yellow” phase by the end of February. This would allow for a return to in-person worship and in-person business meetings. Yet, because of the time in which we live, both worship and the meeting will be offered online as well. If, at the scheduled time, we are not in “yellow”, the meeting will be rescheduled for a time when in-person attendance is possible.
Pastor Greg
10. When We Return to Yellow
As we prepare for an eventual move back to yellow and the reinstatement of in-person worship, we would like parents to know that the “Meeting Room,” between Pastor Greg and Pastor Steve’s offices on the gym hallway, is being turned into a ‘family room’ of sorts.
New "family" room
We’ll be emptying out that room and fitting it out with rocking chairs, a change table and toddler friendly items to make it an option for parents with young children returning to worship. There will also be the means of watching the Facebook Live service from that room.
In addition, we are working toward a ‘soft’ opening (limited enrollment) of KidzTown for K-Gr. 5. More details will be available in the weeks ahead.
Please make ministry to young families a matter of prayer as we seek to be safe and yet minister in these challenging times.
11. This Week at BSBC: Feb. 3 to 10
Wednesday, February 3
12:00 Prayer Time with Pastor Charles (Facebook Live)
6:30 Micah 6:8 Bible Study with Pastor Greg (Zoom)
6:30 Youth Bible Study with Pastor Charles (Zoom)
Thursday, February 4
1:30 Ladies Bible Study with Carol Bray (Family Room)
1:30 Small Group Bible Study with Mary McMulkin (3rd Floor)
7:00 GriefShare (Family Room)
Friday, February 5
7:00 Youth Groups (Zoom)
Saturday, February 6
1:00 Worship Team Practice (Sanctuary)
7:00 Just Church (Zoom)
Sunday, February 7
10:00 Chinese Worship Service (Zoom)
10:30 Traditional Worship Service (Online)
10:30 Contemporary Worship Service (Online)
1:00 Youth Worship Service (Zoom)
2:30 Young Adult Lunch (Zoom)
Monday, February 8
6:30 Education Committee (Zoom)
7:00 BSBC WMS (3rd Floor)
Tuesday, February 9
1:30 Pastoral Staff Meeting (Family Room)
2:45 Full Staff Meeting (Family Room)
6:30 Bible Study with Pastor Steve (Zoom)
6:30 DivorceCare (3rd Floor)
Wednesday, February 10
12:00 Prayer Time with Pastor Charles (Facebook Live)
6:30 Micah 6:8 Bible Study with Pastor Greg (Zoom)
6:30 Youth Bible Study with Pastor Charles (Zoom)