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Our Mission
Experience the love of Jesus. Live it out everywhere.

Church Sundays at 10:30 a.m.
Online | Contemporary | Mandarin | Traditional | KidzTown | Preschool

In this issue:

Check out what's coming up at BSBC from Dec. 28 to Jan. 4.

  1. Support For Our New Refugee Sponsorship

  2. Sunday School and KidzTown

  3. How Blessed Are We?

  4. Hogmanay New Year’s Eve Gathering

  5. New Year’s Day Worship Service

  6. Our Financial Goal for the Christmas Offering 2022

  7. Church Office Closures

  8. Vacation

  9. Annual Reports

  10. Financial Stewardship Report

  11. Pastoral Care at the Dr. Everett Chalmers Hospital

  12. GriefShare Ministry

  13. Third Sunday Supper Cooks

  14. Muffin Mania – Dust Off Your Muffin Tins

  15. The Case for Faith Study - 2023

  16. This Week @ BSBC

1. Support For Our New Refugee Sponsorship

Greetings Church,

At the Fall Business Meeting the congregation unanimously voted to become the Canadian sponsor for a gentleman already in Fredericton – Souaibou. Lori Wightman has agreed to be the Team Leader for BSBC — helping us respond to practical needs, as a sign of God’s love for him and our desire to be his Fredericton family.

Early in December, Souaibou moved into his permanent housing and Lori was able to create a list of items that will help make his apartment his home. It seems appropriate at this ‘gift-giving’ time of the year to ask you to consider gifting Souaibou with some specific things.

If you are able to provide any of the following items, please email Lori to let her know and make arrangements to get the items to Souaibou’s home. You can reach Lori at:

This is our first engagement with Souaibou. Watch the weekly newsletter for opportunities to meet him and engage with him in other ways.

Thank you for your support,

Pastor Greg

Furniture needs

  • "Smallish" Sofa and Living Room Chairs

  • TV Stand

  • Bedroom Dresser or Shelving for Clothes

Kitchen needs

  • Frying Pan

  • Colander

  • Cooking Utensils (Egg Turner, Spatula, Wooden Spoons, Ladle, etc.)

  • Cutlery

  • Cereal Bowls

  • Smallish Dutch Oven or similar pot


  • Facecloths

  • Sheets

  • Flannel or Fleece for Winter (2 sets) Queen size, Regular (Not Deep Pocket)

  • Pillowcases (2 sets)

  • Warm Duvet/Comforter for Queen Size Bed

  • Laundry Basket


  • Socks (Shoe Size is Men's Size 6/6.5)

  • Underwear (M)

  • T-shirts (S/M)

  • Warmer Sweaters (S/M)

  • Sweatshirts (S/M)

  • Winter-weight Pants (M/L)

  • Snow Pants (M/L)

2. Sunday School & KidzTown

KidzTown (elementary) and Children’s Church (preschool) will both be offered during the worship hour on Sundays, Jan. 1 and 8. However, Sunday School will begin on Sunday, January 15.

We are so grateful to our children, youth and adult ministry leaders for their faithful service!

3. How Blessed Are We?

Advent/Christmas 2022 has come and gone and with it so many opportunities for worship, fellowship, service and witness. I want to express my thanks to all the volunteers in all areas of ministry who have made this past season one of blessing.

Today, I want to focus on those who work so faithfully behind the scenes…our technical crew members who bring to “life” the services in-person and online. Thank you for your faithfulness. And let me invite those who are reading this to consider joining this team — training provided.

And I wish to commend Dr. Keith, Pastor Ross and Pastor Nikki for their extra efforts over the season. I am so grateful for the privilege of ministering in their company. What vitality they bring to the gospel and to BSBC.

I pray that Jesus was made known, in all his saving power, through the journey we’ve taken and that your life has been spiritually enriched.

With a grateful heart,

Pastor Greg

4. Hogmanay NYE Event

Those who purchased tickets are reminded of the taste of Scotland that awaits them as we gather for our first Hogmanay New Year’s Eve event. We begin in the gym at 8 p.m. with a potluck meal.

5. January 1st Worship Gathering

Both the English and Mandarin congregations gather in the gym on the first Sunday of 2023 for a service of musical worship, verse themes for 2023 and the Lord’s table.

Coffee, tea, juice and sandwiches will follow for a stand-up reception. If you would like to bring some Christmas baking to share, just drop it off at the main kitchen before the service.

6. Our Financial Goal for Christmas 2022

At our Annual Meeting in February, the congregation adopted a goal of raising $10,000 over and above regular giving as a celebration offering for Christmas. This will go a long way to helping us end the year in a strong place financially.

How to give

Gifts can be made the old-fashioned way, using the offering boxes on the welcome tables or dropping your gift at the Church office. There is also a debit machine in the Connections Center, and e-transfers are welcome ( To ensure a tax receipt for 2022, make your gift to the church office by noon on Friday, Dec. 30 or by e-transfer by 11:59 p.m. on Dec. 31.

Thank you for considering such practical support of the ministry we do in Fredericton and beyond.

7. Church Office Closures

Please note that the Church Office will close at noon on Friday, Dec. 30. The office will be closed the full day on Jan. 2.

8. Christmas Vacation

Please be in prayer for Pastor Greg and Margaret as they take vacation time from Monday, January 2 returning to ministry on Sunday, January 15. Over that time Pastor Ross and Pastor Nikki will be available should you have a need – simply contact the church office.

Please pray for Dr. Keith and family as they return from their southern US travels. Dr. Keith will be with us again on Sunday, Jan. 8.

9. Annual Reports

Don’t forget that all submissions for the ANNUAL REPORT FOR 2022 ARE DUE BEFORE MONDAY, JANUARY 2, 2023! Please be considerate of this deadline. Report information can be emailed directly to the church office at or dropped off at the office in typewritten form, if possible.

10. Financial Stewardship Report

(up to December 25, 2022)

General Fund

Budget Target for 2022 $920,000
Giving to Dec 25 -869,185 94%
Required by Dec. 31 to Meet Target $50,815

Building Fund

Budget Target for 2022 $135,000
Giving to Dec 25 -121,202 90%
Required by Dec. 31 to Meet Target $13,798

11. Pastoral Care at the Dr. Everett Chalmers Hospital

Did you know that our own Rev. Kevin Culberson serves as the Baptist Chaplin at the DECH, in a position funded by our local Baptist Association and the churches, like us, who support Association ministries. Kevin is available to visit with any patient, regardless of denominational affiliation or none, but the current situation at the DECH requires that he be contacted directly by the patient or a members of the patient’s immediate family. Kevin can be reached by email ( or you may call or text him (506-260-2640).

We’d also like you to know that your pastors are happy to make hospital visits but must be notified of the hospitalization. In the past, we were able to view the Baptist records at the hospital but admitting seldom asks for this information proving the online resource unhelpful. Thank you for providing us with news of hospitalizations by contacting your pastors directly or by contacting the church office.

12. GriefShare Ministry

If you are suffering the loss of a loved one, GriefShare, a Christian-based video-discussion support group, is being offered in the Family Room in the Family Life Center at Brunswick Street Baptist Church starting Thursday, Jan. 19, 2023 from 7-9 p.m. for 13 weeks. Please call 458-8348 for information and to register.

13. Third Sunday Supper Cooks

As meal coordinator for Third Sunday Supper, I want to thank all the folks who prepared a meal for our TSS friends this past year. Each and every one was delicious and very much enjoyed by each guest who attended. So now my sights are set on 2023!

How you can help

I would ask that you would prayerfully consider preparing a meal for Third Sunday Supper next year. All months are available, although the January meal is a priority at this stage. Please contact me at 238-9903 or if you could book a month or you require additional information.

Thank you,

Judy Thompson

14. Muffin Mania: Thank You & On to 2023

On behalf of our brothers and sisters who make a weekly evening trek around the city to visit those sleeping rough and the members of your Social Action Team, thank you ‘muffin makers’ for your faithfulness serving in this way. The members of our Street Ministry Team can tell you how welcome it is to those they meet to receive a homemade muffin to go along with the hot chocolate that is always served.

Your Social Action Team give thanks for all who have signed up to fill out our Baker Roster from now to the end of 2022. BUT there’s lots of room in the schedule for 2023. You can sign up for weeks between the first of January and the first of March. We still require 3 dozen muffins per week.

How you can sign up

Please click the link below to sign up to serve in this way. OR call the church office (458-8348) and our Admin Team will be pleased to do the online registration for you. Jesus spoke of offering cups of cold water in his name. Muffins, we believe, offer the same opportunity to bless others for him.

15. The Case for Faith Study 2023

This six-week study is back in 2023 for all people who have questions regarding their faith. Learn more and register by clicking the link below.

16. This Week at BSBC

Please note: FLC stands for Family Life Centre

Wednesday, December 28

(Church Offices Closing at 3:45 p.m.)

12:00 Men’s Basketball (Gym)

Thursday, December 29

(Church Offices Closing at 3:45 p.m.)

9:00 Benevolent Ministry (By Appointment)
10:00 Preparations for Burtt/Holloway Wedding (Gym, Sanctuary)
12:00 G. Tranquilla (Barnabas)
4:30 Burtt/Holloway Rehearsal (Sanctuary)

Friday, December 30

(Church Offices Closing At Noon)

10:00 Burtt/Holloway Wedding & Reception (Sanctuary, Gym, Main Kitchen)

Saturday, December 31

11:00 Gym Setup for Hogmanay NYE Event (Gym, Main Kitchen)
8:00 Hogmanay NYE Event (Gym, Main Kitchen)

Sunday, January 1

(New Years Day – Church Offices Closed)

10:15 KidzTown & Preschool (Second Floor & First Floor, FLC)
10:30 Combined Worship Service (Gym)
11:30 Worship Reception (Gym, Main Kitchen)

Monday, January 2

(Church Offices Closed)

Tuesday, January 3

12:00 Men’s Basketball (Gym)
1:30 Quilters for Missions (Quilting Room)
6:00 Sports Friends (Gym)

Wednesday, January 4

10:00 Senior’s Exercise (Gym)
12:00 Men’s Basketball (Gym)
6:45 Sanctuary Choir Practice (Choir Room)


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