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Church Sundays at 10:30 a.m.
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Our Mission
Experience the love of Jesus. Live it out everywhere.
Christmas: A Child – A Son – A Ruler
A child is born to us! A son is given to us! And he will be our ruler.
He will be called, “Wonderful Counselor,” “Mighty God,”
“Eternal Father,” “Prince of Peace.” Isaiah 9:6
In this issue:
Check out what's coming up at BSBC from Dec. 14 to 21.
COVID-19 Considerations in the Sanctuary
Pastor Greg’s Christmas Letter to the Congregation
Our Financial Goal for the 2022 Christmas Offering
Senior Christmas Dinner and Program
Children’s Sunday School Open House for Parents
Annual Candlelight Service
Service of Comfort and Hope
Christmas Eve Services
Christmas Day Service
Christmas Plant Donations
Starting Local/Going Global: Still Time to Give
Christmas Poem
Christmas Vacation
Annual Report
NextGen Ministries (Children & Youth)
Financial Stewardship Countdown Weekly Report
This Sunday’s Worship Gatherings
Your Offering Envelopes for 2023
Third Sunday Supper Cooks
Muffin Mania: Dust Off Your Muffin Tins for 2023
The Case for Faith Study: 2023
Community Announcements
This Week @ BSBC
1. COVID Considerations in the Sanctuary
Greetings, Church Family!
Although we’d like it to be otherwise, COVID-19, flus and respiratory challenges are very much with us. In consideration of the needs of some who, in this season would like to come to worship but in a safer setting, your Deacons have decided that in the sanctuary:
Masking will be required in the section behind the piano
To create additional space, we will separate the section from the rest of the sanctuary by taping the aisle directly in front of the door from the vestibule to the sanctuary from front to back.
Those who choose to use this section will enter from the outside aisle on the wall closest to the parking lot to allow them to be distanced from those in the center section (they can sit at the outside end of the pew)
The pews off the outside aisle will be taped so that every other pew is available for seating
This will be the case for all services going forward until further notice.
If we find that the available seating in this section is not sufficient, we’ll consider adding additional space. If you would find such seating a blessing but find there isn’t space for you at our services, please speak to or email Pastor Greg at so we’ll know that additional space is needed. Unfortunately (OR fortunately as the case may be!) numbers in the gym mean that we cannot offer the same consideration there.
One of my favourite chapters in the New Testament is Romans 12. As I was writing this note to you I was prompted to go back and read it again (I recommend it to you). I think that prompt was meant for me to share Romans 12:9-10:
9 Love must be sincere. Hate what is evil; cling to what is good. 10 Be devoted to one another in love. Honor one another above yourselves.
In these days that continue to be challenging on so many levels, isn’t it great to have opportunities to practically “love on” our church family?
Peace and grace,
Pastor Greg
2. Pastor Greg’s Christmas Letter
For a child has been born for us, a son given to us;
authority rests upon his shoulders; and he is named
Wonderful Counsellor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.
Greetings, Church,
I’m writing to wish you an early but sincere Merry Christmas. I say early because there are many days between now and December 25 AND I’m happy to report many opportunities for you to join your church family in this annual journey to Bethlehem. We call this lead-up to Christmas “Advent” — which is a word that speaks of expectation. What expectations do you have for yourself and those you love as you look down the calendar to December 25?
Some of us, likely, expect to be tired. Some, perhaps, stressed. Some looking forward to a few days of freedom from the norm. Some are feeling a sense of loss. I believe that one way for us to rekindle that sense of expectancy is to come together for experiences that can redirect our attention to God’s gift of Jesus.
Our theme for 2022 comes from Isaiah 9:6, a verse that invites us to wrap our heads around the implications of the gift of this child, son and ruler. Hard to believe, but this child has the wisdom of eternity — all truth is found in this Counselor. Astonishingly, this parent-dependent baby is, in fact, the Mighty God. The one who spoke creation into being and the one who continues to hold it all together. Children, sons and rulers come and go, but this infant is the beginning and the end of all things — the guarantor of our forever. And, finally, don’t let his infant cries confuse you; this ruler promises a kingdom of peace. He is the sacrificial Peacemaker between God and humanity.
Personally, I can tell you that living in 2022 I need eternal wisdom, power beyond myself, confidence that what’s happening right now is not what’s planned for eternity and peace that is not dependent on circumstance. Who can’t use more peace? This is why I’m inviting you to join us this season, as you can, for the intentional times we’re setting aside to consider Jesus.
We might not all be on the same page as we begin this annual journey, but it’s not Christmas that binds us together — it’s Christ. As we focus on him, I truly believe we’ll experience a renewal of hope and a rekindled mission to love others. As you make your plans for this month, I hope you’ll include engagement with your family at BSBC as we look “to” Jesus and “for” Jesus in the days leading up to Christmas.
At our fall business meeting, the congregation voted to adopt a new mission statement to guide our life together. It’s simple. And we hope it’s clear. Our reason for being is for everyone to “experience the love of Jesus” and then to “live out that love everywhere.” What we’ve planned isn’t meant to clog up your calendar but to remind you that Jesus is crazy about you and his desire is to love “on you” and to love “through you.”
The fall has been one of many blessings. Pastor Ross and Pastor Nikki have been with us for just over a year and their work and their love of Jesus and people is one of the reasons we’re experiencing spiritual and numerical growth. Dr. Keith Bodner continues to be a valued member of our pastoral team, and even though his home is in Moncton, he’s an intrinsic part of our church family.
We are blessed with a team of staff members who are serving in all areas of church life, using their gifts, talents and abilities to help all ages experience the love of Jesus and encouraging them to live it out everywhere. Some of our senior members of the church family have likely experienced one of those part-time servants through the encouraging ministry of Doug McAllister, who is reaching out to you on behalf of Jesus and your church family. Finally, for some of you, your gratefulness perhaps focuses on the team of talented people who, week by week, bring our services directly to your devices. I believe we are experiencing one of the most vibrant times of people putting their gifts to work in the history of our church family. Praise God for his faithfulness and their faithfulness.
Given our new mission statement, we have great plans for 2023. Two simultaneous sermon series will be offered. Dr. Keith will be beginning a study in the book of Mark, leading us to learn from first-hand accounts of what Jesus did and said so that we might better embrace his model for living. Pastor Ross and I will be beginning a series entitled “Things Jesus Didn’t Say” with the hope of helping us consider how to live out the love of Jesus in the here and now.
This Christmas, as in all previous years, we celebrate “Immanuel” or God with us. Without Christ’s presence among us, we would be lost. Through the Spirit of God’s presence working within us, we are being healed, transformed, reconciled and made whole. I pray you have a fantastic Christmas rooted in the confidence that God is, indeed, with us. Do join us as you are able!
Greg Geldart, Lead Pastor
3. Our Financial Goal for the 2022 Christmas Offering
At our Annual Meeting in February, the congregation adopted a goal of raising $10,000 over and above regular giving as a celebration offering for Christmas. This will go a long way to helping us end the year in a strong place financially.
How to give
Gifts can be made the old-fashioned way, using the offering boxes on the welcome tables or dropping your gift at the Church office. There is also a debit machine in the Connections Center, and e-transfers are welcome to
To ensure a tax receipt for 2022, make your gift to the church office by noon on Friday, Dec. 30 or by e-transfer by 11:59 p.m. on December 31.
Thank you for considering such practical support of the ministry we do in Fredericton and beyond.
4. Senior Christmas Dinner & Program
A special Christmas dinner event is planned for the “chronologically gifted” members of the BSBC family to be held on Saturday, Dec. 17 at 1 p.m. in the gym. This is an event to which you could invite friends to join you but reservations are required. The dinner will be unique: Food Truck Christmas Dinner.
What, you ask, is a Food Truck Christmas Dinner? We’ve heard a rumour that the dish includes all the elements of a traditional dinner but with a unique presentation. Topped with a cranberry sauce or traditional gravy. Dessert will be Cheesecake.
The cost will be $12 per person payable at the door. To make your reservation, click the link below or contact the church office (458-8348). You’ll be seated at tables of 4 – so please indicate those who will sit with you.
5. Children’s Sunday School Open House for Parents
Greetings, Parents of Children in Sunday School,
This year, we planned a special Sunday for you to visit – a special time for your child(ren) and you to focus on the gift of Jesus. This Sunday, Dec. 18, 9:30 a.m. our elementary classes will welcome parents (2nd Floor, Family Life Center). We’ll be done by 10:15 a.m. Be sure to come and celebrate the season with your children.
Your Children’s Team
6. Annual Candlelight Service
My word, Christmas can be a rushed time! So, it’s important to find time and space to slow down, reflect and refocus on the ‘reason for the season’. This is exactly why, each year, we offer our Annual Candlelight Service on the Sunday evening before Christmas. We try to make it an “oasis” of beauty in sight and sound as music and Scripture come together to help us unpack the wonder that is God’s gift in Jesus. This year, participants include our Sanctuary and Handbell choirs, violinist Vivian Ni, flautist Veronique Dumais and keyboardists Gloria Tranquilla and David Steeves. Soloists include Pascale (Beaulieu) Butt, Beth Snow, Chris Graves with vocal duets by Jon and Alyse Wilton and Giselle Tranquilla and Claire Geldart.
Each year, one of the downtown services with which we partner to serve our community is designated as the recipient all of the evening offering (which will be collected as you enter or leave the service). This year, the recipient will be Fredericton’s Community Kitchen. And it just so happens that 2022 marks the 40th anniversary of this organization faithfully, daily providing hot meals to those who need their service. If you are planning to watch the service online, between now and the end of December, you can still give in support of the Kitchen by marking your offering “Community Kitchen”.
Please join us on the 18th at 6:30 pm for what I like to think of as our “Christmas Card” to Fredericton. Come early to enjoy the pre-service music. And be sure to bring family and friends.
Yours in Christmas Sharing,
Pastor Greg
7. Service of Comfort & Hope
The Christmas season can be so disorienting for those who are journeying through grief. It is quite possible to feel like you are living in a foreign land. It can seem that there is no place for grief in the midst of celebration.
This is the reason that each year we offer our Service of Comfort and Hope. A gentle service of carols, Scripture and readings where you are encouraged to remember your loved one, to give thanks for their life and to hear God’s words of comfort. Each service ends with the reading of our Roll of Honour and the lighting of a candle for each name – reminding us that their light still shines in our lives and that Christ’s light offers comfort and hope for tomorrow.
Add your loved one’s name to the Roll of Honour
To have the name of your loved one added to the Roll of Honour, please contact the church office (458-8348) or use the link below. This service to be held on Thursday, Dec. 22, 6:30 p.m. in the sanctuary will be followed by a reception. Those not of our church family are welcome to participate.
8. Christmas Eve Services
On Christmas Eve we offer two distinctly different services. Both will be livestreamed on YouTube or can be watched on
Join us in the sanctuary at 6 p.m. for a 50 minute service that’s perfect for children. Pastor Ross will lead us in creating a visual representation of the meaning of Christ’s coming to earth which can be taken home. We’ll have an enriching time of worship with our contemporary musicians and thoughtfully consider Jesus’ coming as God’s “indescribable” gift. Pastor Ross will be joined by Pastors Nikki and Greg.
Then, at 8 pm, we offer our Traditional Christmas Eve Service. A more reflective time with the carols we love that teach us truth about who Jesus is and why he came.
The Christmas Eve Chorale will be offering choral selections. Pastor Greg will lead you to consider the power of a loving God to bring “peace on earth” and “goodwill among humanity.”
9. Christmas Day Worship
On Christmas morning you are invited to come early and enjoy coffee, tea, juice and Christmas treats in the Connections Center before our 10:30 a.m. service in the sanctuary. This 50-minute gathering will be especially welcoming to young worshippers.
In fact, Pastor Ross encourages our children to come with their favourite Christmas toy which he will lead them in using to act out the Christmas story. A unique time on an incredible morning. Please note there will be no Sunday School or Children’s Church (Preschool) or KidzTown.
Everyone will gather in the sanctuary.
10. Christmas Memorial Plants
This season we invite you to help us beautify our worship spaces with Poinsettia plants placed in honour or in memory of someone. Poinsettias will be placed in the worship spaces for the first Sunday in December and stay throughout the season. Plants, this year, will be $20 each.
Deadline for donations is tomorrow, Thursday, December 15. Click below to order your plant and be sure to mark your offering for the plant – “Christmas Plants”. We will acknowledge the plants on Sunday, December 18 and in the newsletter on Wednesday, Dec. 21.
11. Starting Local/Going Global: Not Too Late to Give
It’s not too late to make a financial gift to our annual Christmas project. We will continue to accept your gifts between now and the end of December.
How to give
Designate your gift “Starting Local” if you wish to support those in New Life and Third Sunday Supper. Or, Going Global, to support Baptist churches welcoming Ukrainian refugees. If you mark your gift “SLGG” whatever you give will be divided equally between both arms of the project.
Be sure, what you give will be a means of blessing in Jesus’ name.
Pastor Greg
Giving to Starting Local (as of Monday, Dec. 12): $9,152.50
Giving to Going Local (as of Monday, Dec. 12): $13,294.41
12. Christmas Poem
I was given a poem that I want to share with you. Kathie Wilms and her husband Bob have recently moved from Ontario to Fredericton and are neighbours across the hall in our condo building. Kathie likes to write, and I thought parents, especially, would benefit from this wisdom.
Pastor Greg
Looking through
The eyes of a child –
Everything’s different,
Everything’s new.
What’s happening how,
This time of year –
To make everything change –
Nothing’s the same.
What’s this I see?
A Christmas tree –
Oh parents dear
Tell me anew
The story of Jesus
And of His birth –
For it’s all new
And I want to know it, too.
You may have heard it,
Hundreds of times –
But make it special
For this is my first time.
Please keep the wonder
And mystery for me –
So when I look at the tree
It’s Christ I see.
13. Christmas Vacation
Thank you for praying for Dr. Keith and family as they travel for Christmas vacation. Dr. Keith will be away Sundays, Dec. 18, 25 and Jan. 1. In the sanctuary on Jan. 8 he will be launching his 2023 series on the book of Mark. In the gym that Sunday, Pastor Ross will be launching a new series entitled “Things Jesus Never Said”.
Please pray for our pastoral team and staff over this busy season as they prepare for ministry in 2023.
14. Annual Reports
Don’t forget that all submissions for the ANNUAL REPORT FOR 2022 ARE DUE BEFORE MONDAY, JANUARY 2, 2023! Please be considerate of this deadline. Report information can be emailed directly to the church office at or dropped off at the office in typewritten form, if possible.
15. NextGen Ministries (Children & Youth)
This week we are wrapping up our youth events before the Christmas season! Our High school youth wrap up on Sunday went well, it was a blessing to have our highschoolers join us at Faith's house. A special thanks to Faith for hosting and providing such great treats and hospitality!
So coming up this week we have a few things as part of our wrap up, and the dates of our ministry return in the New Year!
Youth Bible Study: Wednesday, 6:30 – 8 p.m.
Final Youth Bible Study before the New Year
Youth are welcome and encouraged to come to join Pastor Nikki and Kari Dunfield for our Bible Study wrap-up for 2022. All youth are welcome.
Youth Group Christmas Party: Friday, 7 – 9 p.m.
All youth grades 6 – 12 are welcome and encouraged to come out Friday for a Christmas Party! Don’t forget to come dressed festively. Christmas sweaters, Christmas PJs, and Christmas outfits are encouraged! Also, youth are asked to bring a $5 Yankee swap gift so that we can do one as a youth group. We can’t wait to see you Friday! There will be snacks, games, Yankee swap, Christmas music, friends, and lots of fun! If you have any questions please email me at, I’d love to chit chat with you.
Serving at Third Sunday Supper: Sunday
Youth are invited to come out and serve at Third Sunday Supper. Last Friday the youth baked more than 1,000 cookies and they’ve been making Christmas cards in Sunday School. This is their opportunity to give them out, serve and chat with all those who attend. Email me at to RSVP.
2023 Startup Dates
Youth Bible Study: Jan. 11
Friday Youth Group: Jan. 13
High School Youth Group: Jan. 15
Greenhouse Service: End of January
If you have any questions, comments, or concerns please reach out to me! Also, let me know if there is any way that myself and/or the youth team can be praying specifically for your family this holiday season.
We look forward to seeing our youth out this week for our Christmas Celebrations!
Pastor Nikki
16. Financial Stewardship Weekly Countdown Report
17. This Sunday’s Worship Gatherings
Can you believe that December 18 marks the FINAL Sunday of Advent? This Sunday, we’ll welcome adults to light the Advent Candles as we focus on Jesus as our “Prince of Peace” (Isaiah 9:6). Lighting the candles in the gym will be Dan & Cynthia Lutes and Josh & Katherine (Lutes) Saunders. In the sanctuary, a trio of siblings will lead us: Annalee Bartlett, Richard Tingley and Bob Tingley.
In the gym, musical worship will be led by Julianne Moore and team. In the sanctuary musical leadership will be provided by our Scott and Tara Kennedy (violin/piano), the Sanctuary and Adult Handbell Choirs, and soloist David Steeves, accompanied by his wife, Leah. Pastor Ross will be preaching in both services this week.
Online or in-person, we hope you’ll join us in worshipping Jesus, God’s “indescribable” gift.
18. Your Offering Envelopes for 2023
The Financial Secretary, Deborah VanSlyke, will have 2023 offering envelopes available Dec. 18 at tables in the Connections Centre. Please stop by before or after the service to pick up your envelopes. To request a new box for the first time, you may also stop by here.
19. Third Sunday Supper Cooks
As meal coordinator for Third Sunday Supper, I want to thank all the folks who prepared a meal for our TSS friends this past year. Each and every one was delicious and very much enjoyed by each guest who attended. So now my sights are set on 2023!
How you can help
I would ask that you would prayerfully consider preparing a meal for Third Sunday Supper next year. All months are available, although the January meal is a priority at this stage. Please contact me at 238-9903 or if you could book a month or you require additional information.
Thank you,
Judy Thompson
20. Muffin Mania: Thank You & On to 2023
On behalf of our brothers and sisters who make a weekly evening trek around the city to visit those sleeping rough and the members of your Social Action Team, thank you ‘muffin makers’ for your faithfulness serving in this way. The members of our Street Ministry Team can tell you how welcome it is to those they meet to receive a homemade muffin to go along with the hot chocolate that is always served.
Your Social Action Team give thanks for all who have signed up to fill out our Baker Roster from now to the end of 2022. BUT there’s lots of room in the schedule for 2023. You can sign up for weeks between the first of January and the first of March. We still require 3 dozen muffins per week.
How you can sign up
Please click the link below to sign up to serve in this way. OR call the church office (458-8348) and our Admin Team will be pleased to do the online registration for you. Jesus spoke of offering cups of cold water in his name. Muffins, we believe, offer the same opportunity to bless others for him.
21. The Case for Faith Study 2023
This six-week study is back in 2023 for all people who have questions regarding their faith. Learn more and register by clicking the link below.
22. Community Announcements
Christmas Concert: Sunday, Dec. 18 at 3 p.m.
Grace Memorial Baptist Church presents the Harding Smith Memorial Handbell Choir and the Grace Memorial String Ensemble in concert of Christmas music, “Ring Christmas Bells”.
Well-loved string melodies and carols from around the world. Christmas sweets and refreshments to follow. Freewill offering in support of the Organ Restoration Fund. Sunday, Dec. 18, 3 p.m.
23. This Week at BSBC
Wednesday, December 14
10:00 Seniors Exercise (Gym)
12:00 Men’s Basketball (Gym)
5:30 Final Community Potluck for This Year (Gym)
6:30 Final Youth Bible Study for This Year (Assembly Area, 3rd Floor, FLC)
Thursday, December 15
9:00 Benevolent Ministry (By Appointment)
12:00 Men’s Basketball (Gym)
1:30 Final Gospel of John Bible Study With Mary McMulkin for This Year (102 Huntingdon Circle)
6:00 GHLC Board Meeting (Assembly Area, 3rd Floor, FLC)
6:00 Scouting Boys Gr 6-12 (Gym)
7:00 Final GriefShare
7:00 Handbell Choir Practice (Sanctuary)
7:00 Mandarin Choir Practice (Barnabas Center, Choir Room)
Friday, December 16
10:00 Seniors Exercise (Gym)
12:00 Men’s Basketball (Gym)
4:30 McNeill/Simpson Wedding Rehearsal (Sanctuary)
7:00 Mandarin Fellowship (Barnabas Center/KidzTown, 2nd Floor, FLC)
7:00 Final Youth Group Christmas Party (Assembly Area, 3rd Floor, FLC)
Saturday, December 17
8:00 Preparations for Seniors Christmas Luncheon (Main Kitchen/Gym)
1:00 Seniors Christmas Luncheon (Gym)
3:30 McNeill/Simpson Wedding (Sanctuary)
5:00 Gym Set-Up (Gym)
7:00 Worship Team Practice (Gym)
Sunday, December 18
7:00 Mandarin Prayer Meeting (Boardroom Over Main Kitchen, 2nd Floor, Gym Building)
9:00 Asian Sunday School (Boardroom Over Main Kitchen, 2nd Floor, Gym Building)
9:30 Sunday School For All Ages (Various Classrooms In The Family Life Center)
9:30 Elementary Sunday School Open House (KidzTown, 2nd Floor, FLC)
10:15 Preschool & KidzTown (1st and 2nd Floors, FLC)
10:30 Contemporary Worship Service (Gym)
10:30 Mandarin Worship Service (Assembly Area, 3rd Floor, FLC)
10:30 Traditional Worship Service (Sanctuary)
1:00 Mandarin Christmas Choir Rehearsal (Family Room, 1st Floor, FLC)
3:00 Third Sunday Supper (Main Kitchen/Gym)
6:30 Candlelight Service (Sanctuary)
Monday, December 19
12:00 Men’s Basketball (Gym)
7:00 Mandarin Sister Choir Practice (Barnabas Center)
Tuesday, December 20
12:00 Mandarin Prayer Meeting (Boardroom Over Main Kitchen, 2nd Floor, Gym Building)
12:00 Men’s Basketball (Gym)
12:00 Staff Christmas Lunch (Home of The Geldart’s)
1:30 Quilters for Missions (Quilting Room)
6:00 Sports Friends (Gym)
7:00 Christmas Eve Chorale Rehearsal (Sanctuary)
Wednesday, December 21
12:00 Men’s Basketball (Gym)