The Banner
Growing Faith, Friends & Families to Serve
In this issue:
Christmas Wreaths and Tree Orders
Upcoming Missions Sale (THIS Sunday Morning)
Daily Devotionals for Advent
The Hanging of the Greens Service (THIS Sunday Evening)
Children’s Christmas Party
Annual Candlelight Service
Mark You Calendar: Our Advent Events
Starting Local/Going Global Christmas Project
Financial Report Weekly Countdown
This Week’s Worship Services
Bishop Hockin Online Advent Series
This Week @ BSBC
1. Christmas Tree Orders
Once again this year, the scouting groups of BSBC are selling Christmas trees ($30-$40) that can be delivered until Dec 14.
This is the groups’ only event to raise funds for camp equipment, outdoor activities, and community service.
How to order
Order forms are available on the church gym foyer bulletin board. Completed order forms can be left in Dale Wilson's church mailbox.
Make cheques payable to 1st Fredericton BPSA and please make payment at the time of your order.
Deadline: Order deadline is Dec. 5.
For information or to order by phone call:
Dale Wilson 458-1402.
2. Missions Sale:
THIS Sunday Morning
Are you hoping to find a unique gift for family and friends? Are you looking for that gift for a favourite Aunt? The Missions Committee will have items for sale Sunday, Dec. 5. These gift items will be from several of our mission fields including Peru and India.
Funds raised will be donated to the Going Global Campaign. So please come out to the missions sale to find that perfect gift. The sale will take place in the Connections Center before and after the Sunday morning services.
3. Daily Advent Devotionals
You may have noticed our daily Advent devotionals in your inbox each morning. These will continue right up to Christmas day. We hope you enjoy this offering as we prepare our hearts for Christmas.
If you'd like to get a printed copy, they're available from the Church Office during the week or in the worship space foyers on Sunday mornings. If you would like one delivered to your home, please click the button below.
4. The Hanging of the Greens (THIS Sunday Evening)
This Sunday, Dec. 5, at 6:30 p.m., we're gathering in the sanctuary for our annual service of carols, readings, decorating and to celebrate the season of Christmas.
This is a service for the whole family — all ages. A relaxed evening where we'll reflect on the Christian symbolism of the traditional decorations of Christmas. A highlight of this service is when everyone in attendance comes to the Christmas tree to place a decoration (provided) on the tree.
If you need an infusion of Christmas joy — be sure to come out on Sunday evening!
Please note: For this special service, if you have already been screened for double-vaccination, please enter through the Connections Center to allow space for guests who join us for the first time. Thank You!
5. Children's Christmas Party (Don't forget to register!)
When: Saturday, Dec. 11 at 2 p.m.
Where: BSBC Sanctuary or Facebook Live
What: Songs, stories, puppets, crafts & treats!
Come in-person: That’s right, come to the church and enjoy our time together in the main church auditorium and then enjoy cookies/juice and craft time in small groups spread over the buildings.
Join us online: You can also attend our Facebook Live event at the same time – or view it later. We’ll drop a party bag off at your door so you, too, can enjoy the craft and treat!
Invite your friends: We’d be happy to have you invite your friends to join us at the church or online. You do the inviting; we’ll do the planning! But make sure they pre-register.
Don't forget to register
In order to have enough supplies for everyone and to organize our home deliveries, we need you to register in advance — by Wednesday, Dec. 8!
6. Annual Candlelight Service
If you are looking for an oasis of beauty and peace during the rush of Christmas, plan on attending this BSBC Christmas tradition — the Annual Candlelight Service.
Join us Sunday, Dec. 19 at 6:30 p.m. to read the Scriptures and experience musical reflections chosen to help us understand the marvelous mystery of God’s love, expressed in sending Jesus to redeem humankind. The service will feature choral, solo vocal and instrumental music and is an excellent service to share with family and friends.
You can join us in-person or watch the live stream at A retiring offering will be taken in support of the Fredericton Community Shelters.
Please note: If you have already been screened for double vaccination, please enter through the Connections Center so that guests who need to be screened can be greeted at the main church doors on York Street.
7. Save the Date: Other upcoming Advent events
If you like to plan ahead…here’s a list of our other special advent events coming up this season!
Saturday, Dec. 18, 2 p.m. (In-person only)
The Atlantic Brass Christmas Concert for All Ages
Friday, Dec. 24, 6 p.m. (In-person and on Facebook Live)
Family Friendly Christmas Eve Service
Friday, Dec. 24, 8 p.m. (In-person and on Youtube)
Reflective Friends Christmas Eve Service
8. 19th Annual Starting Local, Going Global Campaign
While the first Sunday of Advent isn’t until the last Sunday in November, it’s time for the BSBC church family to prepare to engage in our 19th annual “Starting Local/Going Global” Christmas campaign— providing practical help here in Fredericton and, this year, in Rwanda.
Click the button below to learn more about both campaigns and watch a video about Going Global.
9. Weekly End-of-Year Financial Report
As we move closer to the end of 2021, we’ll be providing you with a weekly financial COUNTDOWN. Thank you for doing what you can to help us meet our target for this year’s budget.
Financial Countdown (Final 4 Sundays in 2021)
General Fund
Budget Target for 2021 $920,000
Giving to Nov. 28 -734,861
Required by Dec. 31 to Meet Target $185,139
Building Fund
Budget Target for 2021 $135,000
Giving to Nov. 28 -118,022
Required by Dec. 31 to Meet Target $16,978
10. This Week's Worship Services
Join us in-person or online as we gather around the Lord’s table on this coming Sunday which is also the second stop on our Advent Journey. This week we will focus on Preparation for the coming of Christ.
Contemporary service
This week in the gym Julianne Moore will be leading the musical worship as Pastor Ross leads in the service of communion.
Traditional service
In the sanctuary, our musicians include David Steeves, organ and Gloria Tranquilla, piano with ministry from a vocal ensemble and Beth Snow will be our soloist.
Sermon notes
This week in both the sanctuary and the gym Dr. Keith will be sharing an Advent/Communion message entitled, “Arise, Shine” based on Isaiah 60 and Matthew 2. Of this sermon he writes:
The scroll of the prophet Isaiah is a vast tapestry containing so many promises that its referred to by interpreters as “the fifth gospel.” Among the longest of biblical books, various phases of Israelite history are covered in this scroll.
One particularly bleak period is reflected in chapters 58-59, where injustice is rampant, the community is fractured, unfaithfulness abounds, and wounds are deep. Yet this same community is given an incredible announcement: “Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the LORD has risen upon you. For behold, darkness shall cover the earth, and thick darkness the peoples; but the LORD will arise upon you, and his glory will be seen upon you.” Isaiah 60:1-7 has become a famous Christmas passage, and in this message we will explore three interlocking aspects.
First, the subject of light illuminates this oracle, and we will ascertain its significance in this prophetic word. Second, later in the oracle the foreign nations have an interesting role, as they stream to the land of promise. Third, there are gifts in this passage, notably gold and incense.
When we place this text from Isaiah alongside the visit of the Magi in Matthew 2, we will be amazed at the prophetic fulfillment that leads us to both the Christmas story and the Lord’s Table.
Join us online
To join our online congregation, check out Facebook Live for the Contemporary service and Youtube for the Traditional service. However, the easy-peasy way is to visit and on the homepage click the WORSHIP ONLINE button that will take you directly to the service of your choice.
11. Bishop Hockin Advent Services
The 2021 Online Advent Series with Bishop Bill Hockin and friends is just around the corner. This year’s title is, CHRISTMAS: The Day God Took Off the Mask. The series promises to lead us to “see a breathtaking love of Biblical proportions.” The series can be found online at:
The series is offered on Mondays from noon to 1 p.m. and features Canon Albert Snelgrove (Dec. 6) and Dr. Barry Craig (Dec. 13). Music will be provided by The Alice Boyd Trio (piano, saxophone and voice). All are welcome.
12. This Week at BSBC: Dec. 1 to 8
Please note: FLC stands for Family Life Center & Z stands for Zoom Gathering
Wednesday, December 1
9:30 Seniors Exercise (Gym)
6:00 Vocal Ensemble (Sanctuary/Choir Room)
6:30 Dream Big Bible Study (3rd Floor Assembly Area, FLC)
6:30 Not Your Usual Prayer Meeting (2nd Floor Counselling Centre Room)
6:30 Youth Bible Study (Family Room, FLC)
Thursday, December 2
9:30 New Life (3rd Floor, FLC)
1:30 Ladies Bible Study (Family Room, FLC) (CB)
1:30 Ladies Bible Study (3rd Floor Boardroom, FLC) MM
6:00 Vocal Ensemble (Choir Room)
7:00 GriefShare (Family Room, FLC)
7:00 Handbell Choir (Sanctuary)
7:00 Mandarin Choir Practice (Choir Room)
Friday, December 3
9:00 Benevolent Ministry (By Appointment)
9:30 Senior Exercise (Gym)
6:00 Friends Are Us (Puppet Room, KidzTown, FLC)
7:00 Mandarin Fellowship (Zoom)
7:00 Youth Group (Gym)
Saturday, December 4
1:00 Worship Team Practice (Gym)
Sunday, December 5
06:00 Mandarin Prayer Meeting (Boardroom Over Main Kitchen)
9:00 Asian Sunday School Class (Boardroom Over Main Kitchen)
Mission Sale (Before/After Sunday Morning Services) (Connections Center, FLC)
10:15 Preschool Classes (1st Floor, FLC)
10:15 KidzTown (2nd Floor, FLC)
10:30 Traditional Worship Service (Sanctuary)
10:30 Contemporary Worship Service (Gym)
10:30 Mandarin Worship Service (3rd Floor Assembly Area, FLC)
12:00 Fresh Start (Barnabas Center)
6:30 Hanging of The Greens Service (Sanctuary)
Monday, December 6
9:30 Senior Exercise (Gym)
1:30 Right to Life (3rd Floor Boardroom, FLC)
6:30 Social Action Team (Z)
Tuesday, December 7
10:30 Pastoral Staff Meeting (Family Room)
12:00 Mandarin Prayer Meeting (Boardroom Over Main Kitchen)
1:30 Quilters for Missions (Quilting Room)
6:30 DivorceCare (Family Room, FLC)
6:30 Who Needs Christmas? Study (Zoom)
Wednesday, December 8
9:30 Seniors Exercise (Gym)
10:00 Library Open
6:00 Vocal Ensemble (Sanctuary/Choir Room)
6:30 Dream Big Bible Study (3rd Floor Assembly Area, FLC)
6:30 Not Your Usual Prayer Meeting (2nd Floor Counselling Centre Room)
6:30 Youth Bible Study (Family Room, FLC)