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Growing Faith, Friends & Families to Serve
In this issue:
September @ BSBC (With News for Parents)
“Bills 4 Bikes” Campaign
This Week’s “Praying for the Watters Family”
Happy Anniversary
DivorceCare Ministry
Update from Our African Partner in Ministry
Financial Giving to the End of July
This Sunday’s Service: Aug. 29
Summertime Concert
Breakfast Out
Summer Children/Youth Ministry @ BSBC
Wednesday Library Openings
September’s Birthday Calendar
This Week @ BSBC
1. A Message From Pastor Greg
September at BSBC & info for parents
Dear Church Family,
As I sit listening to The National, I’m taking in news of the return of masking orders in British Columbia and Manitoba. In New Brunswick, we’re watching Covid numbers rise, but, thankfully, our provincial hospital numbers remain very low. In a recent interview with our Minister of Health, Dorothy Shepherd, she suggested that is unlikely that we’ll move from OR have adjustments to our ‘green’ designation unless our hospitals become vulnerable.
Fall ministries
As you can imagine, your BSBC’s leadership team are finding challenge in making plans for what would normally be the full fall launch of our ministries. The decision has been made to postpone the start up of children and youth programming that is not already in motion until the week after Thanksgiving Sunday. This will allow us to monitor the provincial Covid situation and review and adjust October plans based on Public Health guidelines as they stand in late September.
Youth ministries
Youth ministries already begun (Friday Youth Groups, Wednesday Youth Bible Study and Sunday College and Career “Refresh”) will continue unless provincial health guidelines change. For these groups, masking will be welcome and sanitizing will continue.
Adult ministries
Adult ministries may begin as leaders feel led to engage. For adult ministries we’ll welcome masking, ask for sanitizing and allow individual participants to engage as they are comfortable.
Sunday mornings
Between Sunday, Sept. 12 and Thanksgiving Sunday, Oct. 10, our focus will be on Sunday morning worship gatherings. Starting on Sept. 12 at 10:30 a.m. we’ll be back to our normal format of Contemporary (gym), Traditional (sanctuary) and Mandarin (3rd floor) services. Masks will be welcome, sanitizing encouraged, in the sanctuary the socially-distanced sections will remain but reservations will no longer be requested.
KidzTown & preschool ministries
We ask parents to note that KidzTown will continue to require pre-registration, masking and sanitizing for all participants. In addition, starting on Sept. 12, members of our Education Committee will be offering Preschool Ministry during the worship hour in classrooms on the first floor of the Family Life Centre. There will be 2 rooms available: infant to new age 2's AND older age 2’s to age 4. Again, we’ll depend on the preregistration system, sanitizing and masking of leaders. As with Kidztown, we’ll also be inviting participating parents to take a turn, working with our leaders, to provide preschool care during the church hour.
The Covid Pivot
As leadership, we recognize that nothing can be written in stone. Our plans will adapt and change as Public Health advises. So, I invite you to continue to pray for the Covid situation in our city, province, nation and world. Please pray for our public health officers, that they will have wisdom from above and for a spirit of understanding and cooperation within our church family.
Every blessing,
Pastor Greg
2. Bills for Bikes Campaign
There are many ways for us to support Green Hill Lake Camp:
We can pray for the gospel-sharing ministry going on there right now
We can invest in our youth who are serving there this summer (Hannah Hatchard, Dylan Wightman, Allie Dunfield and Nathan Holmes)
We can support our campaign Bills 4 Bikes!
We need your help
Our camp is in need of two new mountain bikes for ministry next season. The cost will be $1,600. I believe that the BSBC church family can, in the coming weeks, raise the needed funds to allow camp to order these new ministry tools.
How you can donate
If you would like to give to the campaign, you can send an etransfer to Don't forget to use the message box to designate your gift “Bills 4 Bikes.” You can also mark your offering envelope on Sunday mornings.
Each Sunday in the Blended Service and Monday on Facebook and Instagram, you’ll see the visual, turning the black and white bike photo, bit by bit, into a colour version as the funds come in.
Thank you for considering this opportunity to invest in ministry at Green Hill Lake Camp.
Pastor Greg
3. Praying for the Watters Family
Sunday, Aug. 15, was a big day for both the Watters family and the Gorebridge Church family. Continuing with the Church of Scotland tradition, the Watters youngest child, Zion, was baptized as her formal welcome into the life of the church. The sermon that morning was a brilliant exposition of “Zion” and implications for believers.
The service ended with a long photo montage featuring Pastor Ross, Fi and girls though the years. A fitting reminder of life, love and grace through their 13 years of ministry partnership. What an amazing morning.
Following the service, the church family gathered for a pot luck lunch, (HEY, that’s kinda Baptist!) and the photo below features Fi and a friend with the Canadian flag prominent in the background. On your behalf we sent a box of “Canadiana” to the Watters and so the decorations included came in handy for this celebration.
So, with this behind them, the Watters are settled in with their friends. Their belongings are in process of coming to Canada. All the required submissions are in and now, each day, Pastor Ross is checking to see if the work/travel permits have been issued.
IF, these come in by Thursday of this week, the Watters will arrive in Fredericton late on Monday, August 30. If not, then they will rebook their tickets for the middle of September. So, continue to pray for God’s perfect time for their arrival. In the past number of weeks, the Watters family have been “going out straight” and so, if there is a delay, they might get some rest before they travel.
Pastor Greg
4. Happy Anniversary
We certainly offer our heartiest congratulations to John and Gwen Childs who, 55 years ago on Aug. 27, 1966, were joined in holy matrimony in the sanctuary of Brunswick Street Baptist Church. To another special couple – our love and prayers for many great years of God’s faithfulness ahead.
5. DivorceCare Ministry
If you know someone who is going through marital separation or divorce, invite them to consider joining our 13-week DivorceCare program, a ministry which will begin on Tuesday, Sept. 14, at 6:30 p.m. in the Family Room of Brunswick Street Baptist Church.
About the program
Each evening includes the presentation of videos with expert counsellors sharing insights on how to move from hurting to healing. In addition, supportive conversation provides encouragement to participants led by Gloria Tranquilla, Pauline Harvey and Bryan McWilliam. Each session stands on its own so participants can join any week.
More information
For more information, please contact facilitator, Gloria Tranquilla or call the church office at 458-8348. You can also register online.
6. A Message From Our African Partner in Ministry
Dear friends from Brunswick Street Baptist Church. It is hard to believe that this already two Years since I fellowshipped with you. I praised God for always being ahead of us. When I entered in the sanctuary, I was amazed to find many people who visited Rwanda 12 Years before, and we had maintained regular Relationships, Brian, John Stewart, Nicki, Ron and Liz Smith, Samantha, Calvin Ralf and others. I remember that, that time, you had sent another Team in Kenya. Thanks for being a church of Mission. So being Partner in Mission with CBM work in Rwanda and in Africa, generally, is not a new thing, it has been a core value of all of you as a denomination.
Because of COVID-19, the church in Africa has been socially, economically and emotionally affected. However the church is thriving to keep her God given Mandate by keeping connections, through small cells group, local radios, social median and online services, on the same note 98% of CBM ministries are still going on to reach the most vulnerable and marginalized. Whereas 2% adapted to meet the new needs, caused by the pandemic. We are glad all these adaptations can happen as options when newer waves come. It is likely to be the way to go in the future. The governments are doing their best to provide fewer vaccines that are available; so far, less than 3% are vaccine in Africa. Please pray for more provision and awareness. Pray for other regions where insecurity is still persisting such as in South Soudan and Eastern DR Congo. Once again Thanks for being Jesus’ hands and feet. We stand together for the kingdom.
Andre Sibomana, Your Partner in Mission in Rwanda.
7. Financial Giving
Thanks to all who are faithfully giving to the Lord’s work at BSBC. I recognize that ending 2020 with a huge surplus might undermine the need to give at traditional levels as we continue in reduced ministries. BUT, if all goes well and we continue in GREEN, we’re anticipating a staggered start to programs with a focus on Sunday ministries for September and fuller ministries in October. We’re also excited to welcome the Watters family to our church family sometime in September. So, be sure, our expenses will rise as we move into the fall.
Thank you for your consideration of our corporate financial life as we move toward the last third of the year.
Pastor Greg
Total Giving to the General Fund as of the End of July $465,837
How Far We Are Behind Budgeted Giving to the End of July $64,701
How Far We Are Behind Giving to the End of July 2020 $93,660
Total Giving to the Capital Fund/Mortgage $76,212
How Far We Are Behind Budgeted Giving to the $2,538
Capital Fund/Mortgage to the End of July
8. This Sunday's Services: Aug. 29, 2021
This Sunday at BSBC you continue to have two choices for engagement with God’s word.
Sermon Café
In the gym, you are invited to our “Sermon Café” where you’ll be welcomed by our hosts and offered hot or cold beverages and baked goods. You and your guest(s) will enjoy background worship music, each other's company and conversation — check out the sermon prep question handout. Then, when the sermon starts in the sanctuary, you’ll be invited to watch it in the gym. Sundays in the gym are relaxed, personal and allow you to engage with God’s word and each other.
Blended Worship
In the sanctuary, you’re invited to engage with elements from both contemporary and traditional services as we seek to offer ourselves to God through various acts of worship and engage with Dr. Keith in the study of God’s word.
Worship Leaders
Our worship leaders will be special guest, Hollie Weaver from Green Hill Lake Camp, Gloria Tranquilla, David Steeves and a vocal ensemble.
Sermon Notes
Pastor Greg is back in the pulpit with a consideration of Numbers 13. In that pericope the spies enter the “promised land,” the land God had promised to give them, and return with divergent interpretations about how to proceed. We might be feeling that there are some ‘giants’ in our ‘land’ these days and this passage might help us readjust our focus on an appropriate response.
Parents, remember that KidzTown is running for children K-Gr 5. And, there’s a preschool room on the gym hallway if you should need to use it.
Worship Online
Please note that for July and August the online service will be on YouTube only. You do not need a YouTube account to watch the service. The Contemporary Facebook Live Service Returns the second Sunday in September.
We look forward to seeing you Sunday! If you're attending in-person, please be sure to make your reservation by clicking the link below.
9. Summertime Concert
“Summertime Sounds,” an evening of music featuring Youth and Young Adults, will be held on Sunday evening, Aug. 29 at 7 p.m. at Saint Andrew’s Presbyterian Church (512 Charlotte St.). Parking is available on Charlotte St. on the church side, also on Carleton St. and George St.
Piano, flute and vocal solos will be performed by gifted musicians ranging in age from twelve to university students. The program of classical music and show tunes is sure to delight the audience. Performers include Benjamin Gary, piano; Lily Van Beek, vocalist; Minh Nguyen and Kristyn Le, piano; Yunjia Dai and Maria Gusarova, flute/piano duets.
Admission to the concert is by free will offering at the door. Please join us for an outstanding evening of musical entertainment!
10. Breakfast Out
Gibson Memorial United Church, 183 Gibson St. is hosting a “Welcome Back Breakfast” on Saturday, Sept. 11 from 8 to 10:30 a.m.
Menu: Bacon, eggs, pancakes, toast, coffee/tea, juice, muffins or donuts.
Cost: $8/person
“All are welcome in this place.”
11. Summer Children & Youth Programs
Children and Youth programs are still running strong this summer! Please note that all Covid procedures that have been in place will be continued through to Labour Day Sunday.
We have two programs for our kids K to Grade 5: Vacation Bible School and Sunday morning KidzTown. Learn more by clicking the link below.
Our youth are invited to join us Tuesdays & Wednesdays for Bible Study and Youth Group.
Young adults are invited to join Dr. Keith & Pastor Greg after the service every other Sunday.
12. Wednesday Library Openings
Your librarians invite you to visit the library the second and fourth Wednesdays of each month from 10 am until noon. Come and engage with our huge collection of books — there’s something for everyone!
13. September Birthdays
Click the link below to celebrate with those with birthdays in September.
14. This Week at BSBC: Aug. 25 to Sept.1
Wednesday, August 25
9:00 Dance Fredericton (Gym)
10:00 Library Open
2:00 Chinese Youth Group (3rd Floor Assembly)
6:30 Youth Bible Study (3rd Floor Assembly/Zoom)
7:00 Counselling Committee Meeting (Counselling Centre)
Thursday, August 26
9:00 Dance Fredericton (Gym)
7:00 Chinese Hymn Practice (Choir Room)
Friday, August 27
9:00 Dance Fredericton (Gym)
Office Closed at 3 p.m.
Saturday, August 28
No Events Scheduled
Sunday, August 29
06:00 Chinese Prayer Meeting (Boardroom Over the Main Kitchen)
10:15 KidzTown (2nd Floor, Family Life Centre)
10:30 Blended Service (Sanctuary)
10:30 Sermon Café (Gym)
12:00 Fresh Start Lunch (3rd Floor Assembly)
2:00 Chinese Worship Service (Sanctuary)
Monday, August 30
7:00 Chinese Bible Study (3rd Floor Assembly)
Tuesday, August 31
12:00 Chinese Prayer Meeting (Boardroom over Main Kitchen)
1:30 Quilters for Missions (Quilting Room, 2nd Floor)
7:00 Youth Groups (Wilmot Park)
Wednesday, September 1
6:00 Vocal Ensemble Rehearsal (Sanctuary/Choir Room)