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Growing Faith, Friends & Families to Serve
In this issue:
“Bills 4 Bikes” Campaign
You Got Mail!
Praying for the Watters Family
Vacation Time
What Happens When You Jump to A Conclusion?
This Sunday’s Service: Aug. 15
Support Our Youth Serving at GHLC
August BODcast
Hospital Admissions
Summer Children/Youth Ministry @ BSBC
Wednesday Library Openings
This Week @ BSBC
1. Bills for Bikes Campaign
There are many ways for us to support Green Hill Lake Camp! We can pray for the gospel-sharing ministry going on there right now. We can invest in our youth who are serving there this summer (Hannah Hatchard, Dylan Wightman, Allie Dunfield and Nathan Holmes). See the next article for details about offering them financial support for their summer service to the Kingdom.
The details
But, this Sunday, we’ll be launching a new campaign for GHLC: Bills 4 Bikes! Our camp is in need of two new mountain bikes for ministry next season. The cost will be $1,600. I believe that the BSBC church family can, in the coming weeks, raise the needed funds to allow camp to order these new ministry tools.
How you can help
If you would like to give to the campaign, please designate your gift “Bills 4 Bikes.” Each Sunday in the Blended Service, you’ll see the visual, turning the black and white bike photo, bit by bit, into a colour version as the funds come in.
Thank you for considering this opportunity to invest in ministry at Green Hill Lake Camp.
Pastor Greg
2. You've Got Mail
This post card arrived at the office this past week. It “appears” that the Watters family are thinking about us – even on vacation! Isn’t that great? Enjoy their message to you.
3. Praying for the Watters Family
It appears that a box of “Canadiana” arrived in Gorebridge, Scotland! The Search Committee thought our newest pastoral family could use an infusion of national pride! I was thrilled when attending our family brunch last Saturday, I got a FaceTime call from the Watters sporting their new T-shirts. I know, like me, you can’t wait until we see them in person.
The paperwork is submitted
To that end, I’m thrilled to report that on Tuesday evening, Aug. 10, the Watters were able to electronically file the application for a Temporary Worker Permit with Immigration, Refugees and Canadian Citizenship. So, everything on behalf of the church and the Watters is submitted.
And now, let me invite you to pray for the wheels of the Department of IRCC will move expediently. We know they will be here in the Lord’s time, but, we can still pray for the process to be smooth so we can embrace in person!
The latest update from the Watters
The Watters share that their trip to ‘love on’ Fi’s godmother and her husband went well. Her godmother was home from hospital and the children enjoyed life on the farm.
They ask that we continue to pray for this special couple in their lives, for God’s grace in the challenges brought on by her godmother’s brain tumor and for the love they shared to point this dear couple to the Christ the Watters love and serve.
Pastor Greg
4. Vacation Time
Please be in prayer for Pastor Greg and Dr. Keith who will be enjoying a time away from ministry at BSBC.
Pastor Greg will be on vacation from this Thursday, Aug. 12 through to and including Wednesday, Aug. 26 — his first day back in the office will be Thursday, Aug. 27.
Dr. Keith’s vacation plans are still a bit up in the air but may include a trip to visit his parents in BC and getting Jeff settled at university. They both appreciate your continued prayers.
In Pastor Greg’s absence, we are once again grateful to Rev. Kevin Culberson who will be on call for pastoral emergencies. You can access Pastor Kevin by contacting the Church Office, at OR 458-8348, and he will be notified of your need. If you need to call after office hours, please call and the phone message will indicate how to connect your need with Kevin.
Your Board of Deacons
5. What Happens When You Jump to a Conclusion?
Well, in my case, your serve cupcakes and juice boxes!
For the Biblically literate, it would be no surprise that the New Testament book of Acts has 28 chapters. However, when the Lead Pastor doesn’t stop to think, he invites people to celebrate the end of a series TWO chapters TOO soon.
I really don’t know where my mind was, but, our intrepid Preaching Pastor will save the day by surprising you with chapters 27 and 28 this fall. So, “technically” the series of concurrent sermons finished on Aug. 8. Those of you struggling with a sense of completion, take heart, just when you least expect it, chapter 27 and 28 will be coming your way.
Surely, it must be time for vacation!
Pastor Greg
P.S. Thanks to Denise Mersereau and Erica Kelly for hosting our fellowship time!
6. This Sunday's Services: Aug. 15, 2021
This Sunday at BSBC you continue to have two choices for engagement with God’s word.
Sermon Café
In the gym, you are invited to our “Sermon Café” where you’ll be welcomed by our hosts and offered hot or cold beverages and baked goods. You and your guest(s) will enjoy background worship music, each other's company and conversation — check out the sermon prep question handout. Then, when the sermon starts in the sanctuary, you’ll be invited to watch it in the gym. Sundays in the gym are relaxed, personal and allow you to engage with God’s word and each other.
Blended Worship
In the sanctuary, you’re invited to engage with elements from both contemporary and traditional services as we seek to offer ourselves to God through various acts of worship and engage with Dr. Keith in the study of God’s word.
Worship Leaders
Once again, we’re grateful to Deacon Jon and Alyse Wilton and Gloria Tranquilla for their ministry leadership in music and to Deacon Sally Crawford for leading in-person and online worshippers to offer ourselves to God.
Guest Preacher
For the next two Sunday we welcome Dr. Robert Knowles back to our pulpit. Dr. “Bob” is a great friend of BSBC and we’re grateful for his ministry while Pastor Greg and Dr. Keith are on vacation. A biography of Dr. Bob can be found on the Crandall University website.
This Sunday, Dr. Bob will be leading us to consider Philippians 1: 1-11 in a sermon he is calling, “Celebrating God’s Goodness”.In it we’ll consider the great blessing of God’s faithfulness and the fellowship we share in the Body of Christ with a view to the future and the advancement of the Kingdom.
Parents, remember that KidzTown is running for children K-Gr 5. And, there’s a preschool room on the gym hallway if you should need to use it.
Worship Online
Please note that for July and August the online service will be on YouTube only. You do not need a YouTube account to watch the service. The Contemporary Facebook Live Service Returns the second Sunday in September.
We look forward to seeing you Sunday! If you're attending in-person, please be sure to make your reservation by clicking the link below.
7. Supporting GHLC Summer Staff
Green Hill Lake Camp is welcoming children and youth and offering them a potentially eternity changing experience of Christian camping. And, once again, some our brightest and best youth are taking up the challenge to minister to those who come to experience God’s love in so many ways.
As a church, we have the opportunity to financially support these students who take up this work which precludes them from finding other, more lucrative summer jobs. I invite you to encourage them with a tax-deductible donation.
How to give
Provide your gift marked “GHLC Summer Staff” to BSBC and your gift will be forwarded to the camp and divided equally between our four students. Otherwise, go directly to the GHLC website and make your donation.
In addition, let’s covenant to pray for these four ambassadors for the gospel as they prepare to offer themselves in ministry.
Pastor Greg
8. August BODcast
Dr. Keith offers you his BODcast for August, based on Psalm 3.
He writes: Sometimes in Christian circles we get the impression that everything is supposed to be happy and rosy in our spiritual journey. While the gift of joy is certainly part of the Christian life, so are times of sorrow and lament.To that end, Psalm 3 provides us with some timely wisdom, and reminds us that believers are not immune to attack or seasons of discouragement.
Be sure to listen, as this Bodcast features some special music by Tim Milner (my former neighbor!) and his hit song "Every Nation."
9. Hospital Admissions
The congregation is asked to note that the only way pastoral staff will be aware of hospital admissions is by a family member notifying the church office. Kevin Culberson will be happy to visit in Pastor Greg’s absence, so please don’t hesitate to let the church office know of any admissions in your family. Thank you.
10. Summer Children & Youth Programs
Children and Youth programs are still running strong this summer! Please note that all Covid procedures that have been in place will be continued through to Labour Day Sunday.
We have two programs for our kids K to Grade 5: Vacation Bible School and Sunday morning KidzTown. Learn more by clicking the link below.
Our youth are invited to join us Tuesdays & Wednesdays for Bible Study and Youth Group. Young adults are invited to join Dr. Keith & Pastor Greg after the service every other Sunday.
11. Wednesday Library Openings
Your librarians invite you to visit the library the second and fourth Wednesdays of each month from 10 am until noon. Come and engage with our huge collection of books — there’s something for everyone!
NEXT OPENING: Wednesday, Aug. 25
12. This Week at BSBC: Aug. 11 to 18
Wednesday, August 11
10:00 Library Opens
2:00 Chinese Youth Group (3rd Floor Assembly)
6:00 Vocal Ensemble (Sanctuary)
6:30 Youth Bible Study (3rd Floor Assembly/Zoom)
Thursday, August 12
7:00 Chinese Hymn Practice (Choir Room)
Friday, August 13
Office closed at 3 p.m.
No Scheduled Events
Saturday, August 14
No Scheduled Events
Sunday, August 15
06:00 Chinese Prayer Meeting (Boardroom Over the Main Kitchen)
10:15 KidzTown (2nd Floor, Family Life Centre)
10:30 Blended Service (Sanctuary)
10:30 Sermon Café (Gym)
2:00 Chinese Worship Service (Sanctuary)
Monday, August 16
?:?0 Board of Management
7:00 Chinese Bible Study (3rd Floor Assembly)
Tuesday, August 17
12:00 Chinese Prayer Meeting (Boardroom over Main Kitchen)
1:30 Quilters for Missions (Quilting Room, 2nd Floor)
7:00 Youth Group (3rd Floor Assembly)
Wednesday, August 18
9:00 VBS (Gr K-2) (Kidztown)
6:00 Vocal Ensemble (Sanctuary)
6:30 Youth Bible Study (3rd Floor Assembly/Zoom)