The Banner
Our Mission
Experience the Love of Jesus. Live it Out Everywhere.
Making a submission to our weekly newsletter?
Submissions for our weekly newsletter should be sent to
The deadline for inclusion in Wednesday’s edition is noon the Monday prior.
In this issue:
Check out what's coming up at BSBC from Mar 13 - 20, 2024!
1. BSBC’s 2024 Easter Letter
2. Holy Week at BSBC
3. Children’s Easter Party: Mar 16
4. Easter Flowers
5. Easter Offering Goal
6. Notice of Special Business Meeting: Apr 3
7. Palm Sunday: Mar 24
8. 55+ Luncheon: Mar 18
9. East Coast Brass Afternoon Concert: Mar 30
10. Let’s Celebrate Our Ministries!
11. Reducing The Risk Training: Mar 17
12. Easter Books in the BSBC Library
13. Bible Studies
14. Prayer Groups
15. Supporting Our Community
16. Community Volunteer Income Tax Program: Tuesday Afternoons
17. Church Family Requests
18. Muffin Ministry: Sundays
19. Fresh Start Young Adults: Tuesdays
20. NextGen Ministry (Children/Youth)
21. This Sunday’s Worship Gatherings: Mar 17
22. Keys Please!
23. Pastoral Care
24. Celebrate With Us!
25. Bereavement
26. Community Events
27. This Week @ BSBC
1. BSBC’s 2024 Easter Letter
Happy Easter Season Church Family!
As we continue through this Lent period moving ever closer towards Easter Sunday, I am always struck by the contrast and emotional extremes in this journey leading all the way up to Easter Sunday itself. The Easter story contains so many extremes! From the palm waving celebrations of the King coming home, to the clearing of the traders at the temple, to the warnings of the parable of the wicked tenants, to the deep and meaningful meal of the last supper, to the loneliness and excruciating fear of the Garden of Gethsemane, to the crucifixion itself, all concluding in the wonderful and hope restoring resurrection. What a week!
As I think about the resurrection itself, the Good News, which is a phrase that seems to me to be greatly underwhelming considering the event and meaning of it, we find hope! Hope that no matter the trials or hardships we face in life, God is both with us in them and has overcome them! That no mess, we, as humankind can create, or have to walk through, is too much for Him who loves us. As we are promised in Romans 8:
“37 No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. 38 For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, 39 neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.”
Jesus’ love displayed on the cross and the power of God displayed in the resurrection allows the Apostle Paul to write such wonderful hope!
However, even with this hope, we still encounter many struggles along our path. In the life of our church and in the life of many of us as individuals we have faced many hardships in this last year. Also, when we look to the wider world and see what is happening between Israel and Palestine, the continuing conflict between the Ukraine and Russia and the many other causes for real concern and heartbreak around the world and locally, it can be hard at times to live within this resurrection hope. Dutch theologian, Henri Nouwen describes the impact and effect of the resurrection so beautifully when he states:
“The resurrection does not solve our problems about dying and death. It is not the happy ending to our life’s struggle, nor is it the big surprise that God has kept in store for us. No, the resurrection is the expression of God’s faithfulness… The resurrection is God’s way of revealing to us that nothing that belongs to God will ever go to waste. What belongs to God will never get lost.”
What a truly wonderful promise! In the face of all of life’s struggle, we have a faithful God. A God who will not waste either our lives or the events and moments we have to endure, but instead grow in us a maturity so that we become hope filled people, knowing that nothing of the good that God is working through our lives will either go to waste or get lost.
The life of a disciple of Jesus is a purpose and meaning driven life of progressively more consistent choices to follow His way and love His creation, instead of following our own will and choice. In maturity and humility, recognising that Jesus’ way is the right way, we continue choosing to follow his precepts and leading. As a people devoted to Him, we love and influence the world around us for His purposes through the power of the Holy Spirit at work in our transformed hearts. As Henri Nouwen also said:
“The resurrection of Jesus was a hidden event. Jesus didn’t rise from the grave to baffle his opponents, to make a victory statement, or to prove to those who crucified him that he was right after all. Jesus rose as a sign to those who had loved him and followed him that God’s divine love is stronger than death. To the women and men who had committed themselves to him, he revealed that his mission had been fulfilled. To those who shared in his ministry, he gave the sacred task to call all people into the new life with him. The world didn’t take notice. Only those whom he called by name, with whom he broke bread, and to whom he spoke words of peace were aware of what happened. Still, it was this hidden event that freed humanity from the shackles of death.”
As this ‘freed’ people, full of the hope given by the promise that God’s divine love is stronger than death, we get to live in the hope and power of the resurrection every day! That on this corner of Brunswick and York streets in our beautiful city of Fredericton, we continue to be and become even more of a beacon of hope. Of care for the lost and hurting, of family to the lonely and broken and of the most incredible and astonishing ‘Good News’ to every life that needs to hear. That we would be a community where people truly do ‘Experience the Love of Jesus’ and that we are known as a community of people who ‘Live it out Everywhere’. That as Dwight L. Moody puts it, we would be a magnificently shiny people!
“We are told to let our light shine, and if it does, we won’t need to tell anybody it does. Lighthouses don’t fire cannons to call attention to their shining—they just shine.”
Blessings of this Divine Season,
Rev. Ross Watters
2. Holy Week at BSBC
Children’s Easter Party: Saturday, March 16, 12:00 noon to 1:30 pm
Easter Celebration for children, ages Pre-K to Grade 5 and their families. All are welcome. Please register in advance, and if you are able, please bring a salad, dessert, or drinks.
Palm Sunday Blended Worship & Baptisms: Sunday, March 24, 10:30 am
We will all be together in the sanctuary as we listen to André Sibomana, our Partner in Mission. At the end of our service, we will host a baptism for members of our congregations.
Maundy Thursday Communion Service: Thursday, March 28, 6:30 pm
Jesus gathered with his disciples in the upper room and gave them a new covenant “in his blood”. Knowing that we would need to be reminded of what he did for us, he used bread and wine so that we could actually hold these symbols of grace in our own hands. The Maundy Thursday service will be held in the sanctuary, hosted by Rev. Kevin Culberson. After the service of the Lord’s Table, we’ll hear the events that unfolded in Jesus’ life between the upper room and the cross. This will leave our hearts prepared to gather at Calvary.
Good Friday Service at Grace Memorial Church: Friday, March 29, 10:00 am
A Good Friday shared community worship service with BSBC, Faith Baptist, and Grace Memorial, will be hosted by Grace Memorial Church, 536 Northumberland Street, Fredericton, NB.
East Coast Brass Celebration Concert: Saturday, March 30, 3:00 pm
East Coast Brass will present an engaging celebration concert at BSBC. Entry by donation.
Easter Morning at BSBC: Sunday, March 31
9:00 – 10:00 am Prayer Stations in the sanctuary
10:00 – 10:30 am Hot Cross Buns in the Family Room
10:30 – 11:30 am Celebration Services in the Gym and Sanctuary
11:30 am – Hot Cross Buns and Fellowship in the Gym
Come and celebrate Easter with us as we take time to reflect with our Prayer Stations, taking time to fellowship before having our Easter ‘Celebrating our Ministries’ in both the Sanctuary and the Gym services at our usual worship time of 10:30am, with hot cross buns on offer both before and after the services!
3. Children’s Easter Party: Saturday, March 16
BSBC is having an Easter Party for children, ages Pre-K to Grade 5, and their families on Saturday, March 16 from 12:00 noon to 1:30 pm. All are welcome!
Please join us for a pizza lunch, music, puppets, games, crafts, & more as we look towards Easter Sunday! If you are able, please bring a salad, dessert, or juice to share.
If you are planning to attend, please register using the link below. For more information, please reach out to Pastor Nikki at
4. Easter Flowers
We invite you to help us celebrate Jesus’ resurrection by placing spring plants in memory or honour of your loved ones. Please make arrangements through the church office OR using the link below. Please be sure, when remitting your $20/plant, to identify your gift “Easter Flowers” so that your donation will be credited to the correct account. Thank you.
The deadline for flower purchases is Wednesday, March 20. These will be acknowledged in the pre-service slide shows on Easter Sunday morning and then, in this newsletter on Wednesday, April 3.
5. Easter Offering Goal
Each year, at our Annual Business Meeting in February, the congregation sets a financial goal for special Celebration Offerings. This is a way of inviting our church family to make a unique offering as a means of celebrating, in this case, the good news of Easter. Our goal for 2024 is $10,000.
Thank you for considering such a gift. Visit our ‘giving’ page for details.
6. Notice of Special Business Meeting: April 3
At the request of the Board of Deacons, the moderator is calling for a Special Business Meeting to be held on Wednesday, April 3, at 6:30 pm in the sanctuary.
The Board of Deacons will be requesting congregational input and offering a draft proposal for BSBC’s future staffing structure. In advance of the meeting, on Sunday, March 31, there will be an information sheet available in the Connections Center, so that members will come to the Special Business Meeting prepared to offer thoughtful input as we discern how to move forward in expanding our pastoral team.
Respectfully submitted,
Calvin Smith, Moderator
Sheila Ross, Chair, Board of Deacons
7. Palm Sunday Blended Service with Believers’ Baptisms: Mar 24
On Sunday, March 24, we will have all of our congregations together and be blessed by a message from André Sibomana, one of our missions partners, during our combined service.
During our service, we will host a baptism for several members of our congregations. For more information or if you would like to be baptised, please contact a member of the pastoral staff.
8. 55+ Luncheon: March 18
On Monday, March 18, 2024, the 55+ Luncheon will be celebrating Easter! Meet in the BSBC gym from 12:00 noon to 1:30 p.m. and enjoy a delicious meal, good company, and fun!
On the menu is traditional Easter Ham, Potato Scallop and Vegetables with buttered homemade rolls on the side. If you still have room, top it all off with Lemon Fluff for dessert, served with tea and coffee.
After lunch you’ll be treated to a demonstration and instruction in Geocaching! What’s Geocaching you ask? Come to the 55+ Luncheon on March 18 at noon and find out!
9. East Coast Brass Concert: Mar 30
There’s a lot to ponder during Holy Week. At BSBC, Easter Saturday is a day where we begin to move from the trauma of the cross toward the empty tomb. And so, on Easter Saturday, March 30, at 3:00 p.m. our special guests will help us do just that. We hope that you’ll be here to begin to embrace the JOY of Easter.
The East Coast Brass will present a concert of music you’ll know and music you’ll want to remember! Known for their engaging performances that include a ‘colour commentary’ on the music presented, their concerts are perfect for all ages.
Please tell your family and friends about this special occasion and these special guests, including our own Jim Tranquilla who leads the group. Plan for joy, power, majesty, humour and more!
There is no admission charge, but we will be taking a retiring offering in support of our musicians. Anything over their costs will be donated to our ministry to Fredericton’s unhoused citizens.
East Coast Brass is an exciting addition to the NB music scene with a desire to share the joy of great brass music. ECB is a collaborative ensemble that brings together professional brass musicians from across the Maritimes with a shared vision to create programming that is unique to the region while showcasing high level performance and constantly seeking for new musical partnerships. East Coast Brass has five core members but adapts personnel to fit any musical project. For larger projects we assemble colleagues from across the Maritimes to come together as a collective and further explore and expand the brass genre.
10. Let’s Celebrate Our Ministries
God is so good! There are so many Bible studies, prayer groups, and community supports on offer at BSBC. We have Bible studies on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Sunday. We have several prayer groups. We have several ministries to support our community such as DivorceCare, GriefShare, Benevolence, Counselling Center, and New Life. We have several areas for volunteer participation such as making muffins, Income Tax program, Third Sunday Supper, and Street Ministry. Thank you for making our church the thriving community that it has become.
We invite you to submit a paragraph (or two!) of the good things that are being accomplished (please include a photograph if you have one!) through each of the programs and events that happen at BSBC.
Please email the information on your group, ministry, or event to the church office, along with a couple of photos, to We will compile these good news stories for a presentation on March 31 which is Easter Sunday.
11. Reducing The Risk Training: March 17
On Sunday, March 17, Pastor Nikki will be hosting a new session of our Reducing The Risk training for those who serve with the vulnerable population in our church’s ministries. Our training will be happening after worship services at 12:00 noon in KidzTown.
If you have not completed this training and are currently serving or wish to serve with ministries offered to children, youth or adults, please join us on March 17.
12. Easter Books in the BSBC Library
Stop by the library on Sunday mornings from 9:30 to 10:30 and again from 11:30 till 12:30 pm and check out some of our Easter books!
13. Bible Studies
7:00 pm – Mandarin Bible Study (Family Room)
10:00 am – Mandarin New Life Bible Study (Family Room)
6:30 pm – Youth Bible Study (3rd Floor)
1:30 pm – The Armor of God Ladies Bible Study (Family Room)
1:30 pm – The Book of John Adult Bible Study (3rd Floor)
6:30 pm – Elijah Faith and Fire Ladies Bible Study (2nd Floor Boardroom)
7:00 pm – Mandarin Bible Study (Family Room)
9:30 am – NEW! Curious Verses Bible Study (Counselling Room 3, 2nd Floor, Gym Building)
14. Prayer Groups
Each Weekday
12:00 noon – A Time to Pray (Sanctuary)
12:00 noon – Mandarin Prayer Meeting (2nd Floor Boardroom)
7:00 am – Men’s Prayer Breakfast (Gym)
7:00 am – Women’s Prayer Breakfast (Family Room)
7:00 am – Mandarin Prayer Meeting (2nd Floor Boardroom)
9:30 am – Together in Prayer (Counselling Center Room 3)
15. Supporting Our Community
1:00 pm – Community Volunteer Income Tax Program (Gym)
6:30 pm – DivorceCare (Family Room)
8:30 am – Benevolent Ministries (By Appointment)
9:30 am – New Life Ministry (3rd Floor)
7:00 pm – GriefShare (Family Room)
Brunswick Street Family Counselling Center (By Appointment)
Parish Nursing (By Appointment)
16. Community Volunteer Income Tax Clinic: Tuesdays, 1 – 5 pm
The tax season is upon us once again and BSBC is holding free income tax clinics under the Community Volunteer Income Tax Program (CVITP). Over 700 returns for low-income earners, students, and new immigrants were completed last year.
We really do need more volunteers! We need people who can help ANY TIME between 12:30 and 5:00 pm on Tuesday afternoons. You do not have to be available every Tuesday. We can use people who are willing to greet clients and help them fill out a simple form. NO TAX EXPERIENCE NECESSARY.
BSBC holds tax clinics on Tuesday afternoons between 1:00 and 5:00 pm during the months of March and April. This is a free service to low- and modest-income earners, including students and newcomers to Canada.
If you are interested in learning how to help people with their taxes, there is training available, and we will help get you trained. We have COVID safety protocols in place and we provide the necessary masks, etc. as needed.
If you can help, please call the church office at 506-458-8348 or contact us directly.
Finally, if you or someone you know could benefit from this free service, we will be happy to help.
Ron Smith
Tel: 506 440-2199
Shelley Pronk
Tel: 506-451-1097
17. Church Family Requests
A car seat needed for a large 3-year-old so he can go to church with his mother. If you are able to help, please leave a message at 506-455-3784. Respectfully submitted by Carol Bray.
One of our New Life ladies is looking for a twin bed or a cot. If you are able to help in this way, please contact the church office at 506-458-8348 or Sarah Phillips Millette.
18. Muffin Ministry
On behalf of our brothers and sisters who make a weekly evening trek around the city to visit those sleeping rough, and the members of your Social Action Team, thank you ‘muffin makers’ for your faithfulness serving in this way.
Our schedule is now open for 2024. We still require 3 dozen muffins per week. Please place 12 muffins, individually wrapped, in a large zipper locked bag, and label the bag “Street Ministry”. Don’t forget to include your name and the delivery date for which you signed up. You can place the labeled muffins in the upright freezer in the main kitchen.
Please click the link below to sign up to serve in this way or call the church office (506-458-8348) and our admin team will be pleased to do the online registration for you. Jesus spoke of offering cups of cold water in his name. Muffins, we believe, offer the same opportunity to bless others for him.
19. Fresh Start Young Adults: Tuesdays
Our Young Adults ministry, Fresh Start, will meet on Tuesdays, from 7:00 to 9:00 pm, on the 3rd floor of the Family Life Center. Come along for some fun, snacks and social time followed by a Bible study. We would love to see you there!
Please contact Pastor Ross for details.
20. NextGen Ministry (Children & Youth)
Children @ BSBC
Scouting Boys Elementary, Aged 5-10 years: Wednesdays, 6:30 – 8:00 pm (Gym)
BSBC offers a scouting program for boys from kindergarten to Grade 5 full of outdoor adventures, fun activities, and community service projects are used to teach boys how to live the great commission and to love God and our neighbours. Join us Wednesdays at 6:30 for Scouts, please contact the church office at 458-8348 or for more information.
Children’s Easter Party: Saturday, March 16, 12:00 noon
BSBC is having a party for children, ages Pre-K to Grade 5, and their families on Saturday, March 16th, 12:00 noon to 1:30 pm. All are welcome! Please join us for a pizza lunch, music, puppets, games, crafts, & more as we look towards Easter Sunday! For more information reach out to Pastor Nikki at:
Hands In Girls Ministry: Wednesday, March 20
Kindergarten to Grade 5 girls – join us for Hands In! This is a time just for you to meet other girls and have fun learning about God with games, crafts, songs, activities and more! We meet one Wednesday each month. Come join us in KidzTown on Wednesday, March 20, from 6:30 – 8:00 pm to get your hands in the fun. Contact Allie Dunfield or the church office for more details.
Sunday School Classes Resume: Sunday, March 17
All of our Sunday School classes will resume on March 17 at 9:30 am. We look forward to seeing all of our children and youth during classes. We look forward to seeing everyone at church services this Sunday, March 10. Please note that there will still be preschool & Kidztown during the Sunday Service at 10:45am.
Youth @ BSBC
Read the New Testament in a Year Bible Plan:
Youth are invited to join the NT in a Year Bible reading plan. We read a chapter a day for 5 days a week - typically Monday to Friday. This week, we are working on Hebrews chapters 7 to 11. Get your friends involved in reading the Bible with you! If you have any questions about the readings, reach out to Pastor Nikki or any of our youth leaders, we would love to chat about the Bible with you.
Sports Friends Ages 11 - 13: Tuesday, 6:30 – 8:00 pm
Youth ages 11-13 are invited to join and play basketball on Tuesday evenings from 6:30 – 8:00 pm. All are welcome, and inviting friends is encouraged! All you need is indoor shoes and a water bottle. Come out and join us this Tuesday.
Greenhouse Band Practice: Wednesdays, 6:00 – 6:30 pm
Greenhouse Band practice starts up again this week to prepare for the Youth Greenhouse Service. For more information on how to get involved, please contact Julianne at or text (506) 261-0876.
Next Youth Bible Study: Wednesday, March 13
All youth grade 6 – 12 are welcome to join Pastor Nikki and Alyse Wilton for Bible study tonight at 6:30 pm. We are focusing on leading up to Easter and following Jesus to the cross. All youth are welcome to join! For more information, reach out to Pastor Nikki at
Friends Are Us Puppets: Fridays, 6:00 – 7:00 pm
Have you ever wondered how a puppet show gets made? All middle and high school youth are invited to join Chris Graves for an hour of fun and fellowship while using our puppets on Friday. For more information, please contact Chris Graves.
Saint Patrick’s Day Youth Group: March 17
On Sunday, March 17, the youth will be having a Saint Patrick’s day themed youth group from 6:30 to 8:30 pm. All youth grades 6 to 12 are welcome to join for this gathering. For more information please reach out to Pastor Nikki at
Youth Group Easter Party: Sunday, March 24
All youth are welcome and encouraged to join us at 6:30 pm on Sunday, March 24 for our youth group Easter party. We will play games, have snacks, fellowship together and chat about Jesus. For more information, reach out to Pastor Nikki at
One Conference in Moncton: May 31 to June 1
The One Conference is back in Moncton this year from 6:00 pm on Friday, May 31 to 8:00 pm on Saturday, June 1. Youth will not want to miss out on this awesome opportunity to come together with so many other churches! The early bird pricing for this event is $80.00. Afterward March 26, the cost is 85.00. If you have any questions or if cost is an issue, please contact Pastor Nikki at To register, please click the link below and email the completed document to Pastor Nikki.
21. This Sunday’s Worship Gatherings: March 17
The gym worship service will be under the musical leadership of Illyana Vermeersch and friends. In the sanctuary, the worship service will under the musical leadership of Gloria Tranquilla, pianist, and David Steeves, organist with special music from Damion Kelly.
This Sunday, we will be joined by the Village of Hope in both the sanctuary and the gym. They will offer a testimony and an update on their program. They will have a table set up in the gym. For more information on Village of Hope, please click the following link:
Pastor Ross will be in the gym, preaching the seventh sermon in his Growing Young series.
Pastor Keith will be preaching in the sanctuary. Of his sermon “What’s the Cost?”, he writes, “as we recall from our most recent journey in Mark’s Gospel, there was an extremely important question at the midway point of the book: Jesus takes his disciples to Caesarea Phillipi, and with an idolatrous landscape looming in the background he asks his disciples who people think he is, and then asks them pointedly, “Who do you say that I am?” The questions continue this week as we turn to a conversation in Mark 10:17-27, where an unnamed character kneels before Jesus and asks: “what must I do to inherit eternal life?” How important is this question to each of us at TheStreet this morning, and are we willing to receive the answer of Jesus and follow him in bold and adventurous ways?”
Whether in-person or online, be sure to join us this Sunday morning. Both services start at 10:30 am.
22. Keys Please!
It’s time to check your pockets and purses as we are missing some church keys! We have loaned out a number of keys from the key boxes in the Administration office that have not made their way back home. If you happen to come across an extra key to the church, whether it is for the Sound Cupboard or any other door in the church, please let us know that you have them or place them in the mail slot on the Office Administrator’s door. Thank you.
23. Pastoral Care
Your Deacons want to affirm that BSBC is equipped to provide Pastoral Care. We are grateful for the engagement of Rev. Ross and Pastor Nikki, and we are blessed to have additional support from Rev. Kevin Culberson, the Baptist Chaplin at the Dr. Everett Chalmers Hospital.
Here are some suggested approaches:
• Your pastors will only know of hospitalizations if the church office or individual pastors are contacted directly
• We’d appreciate you notifying the office if you know of the hospitalization of a member of the BSBC family
Critical Incident
• If a pastor is needed in an emergency situation, between Monday to Friday, 8:30 am and 4 pm, please contact the church office
• Outside of office hours, please contact a pastor directly
• Rev. Ross and Rev. Kevin will be available to support families at a time of loss, to conduct funeral and committal services
• Contact the church office during office hours, Monday to Friday, 8:30 am to 4 pm
• Outside of office hours, please contact a pastor directly
• We have provided McAdams, Bishops, and York Funeral Homes with the contact information for both Rev. Ross and Rev. Kevin
• If you are not a member of a bereaved family but know of a death within the BSBC family, please contact the church office to make sure your pastors are aware of the need
Contact Details
Church Office
Rev. Ross Watters
Pastor Nikki Leftley
Rev. Kevin Culberson
Please pray for our pastoral care team as they seek to partner with you in caring for the BSBC family.
Your Board of Deacons
24. Congratulations
Congratulations go out to Damion and Erica Kelly, and their children Dominic and Danielle, who became Canadian citizens on Monday, February 26, 2024.
Your BSBC family is so happy for you and celebrates your success on the journey of placing roots.
Welcome home!
25. Bereavement
Danica Childs
Our hearts go out to John & Gwen Childs and family on the passing of their granddaughter, Danica. Danica Anne Childs, 18 years old, passed away peacefully at home on Saturday, March 8, 2024. A Celebration of Life service will be held at McAdams Funeral Home on Monday, March 18, 2024, from 2:00 to 6:00 pm with a Memorial Tribute at 2:30 pm.
Margaret Tucker
The family of Pastor Ross wish to pass on thanks for all of the prayers and support received. We also wish to inform the congregation that Ross’s gran, Margaret Moir Mackie Tucker, passed away on the 5th of March just before midnight. A small funeral will be held in Scotland for immediate family on March 19th. Thanks again for all the prayers and support.
Jerry McFarland
The family of Charles Jerome "Jerry" McFarland are saddened to announce his peaceful passing on January 28, 2024. Born in Fredericton on April 17, 1934, to William Ephraim and Zella (Pickard) McFarland, Jerry lived a life marked by love, laughter, music, art, and devotion to his community.
Jerry is survived by his beloved wife of 65 years, Marjorie (Hetherington) McFarland, and their children: Julie (Tom) Maston, Chris (Shelly), Tim (Anne), and Mark (Erika). His grandchildren, Caitlin Maston, Aidan, Bryan, and Cameron McFarland, brought immense joy to his life. Jerry is also fondly remembered by his brother-in-law, Tim Bliss, and numerous nieces and nephews. He was predeceased by his parents, brothers Ronald and Douglas, and sister, Connie Bliss.
Jerry’s faith was a guiding force in his life. He was a lifelong member of Brunswick Street Baptist Church, where he found spiritual enrichment and a sense of community.
Arrangements are entrusted to McAdam's Funeral Home. A celebration of Jerry's life will be held at Brunswick Street Baptist Church on Saturday, March 23, 2024 at 2:00 pm officiated by Rev. Kevin Culberson. In lieu of flowers, the family kindly requests memorial donations to be made to The War Amps Child Amputee (CHAMPS) program, the Fredericton Music Festival, or a charity of the donor's choice, reflecting Jerry's spirit of generosity and compassion.
For the full obituary, please click here:
26. Community Events
Men’s Encouragement Network (M.E.N.) Breakfast
The M.E.N. breakfast is a nondenominational city-wide breakfast, drawing Christian men together to be encouraged in faith. The breakfast is being hosted by Brunswick Street Baptist Church, 161 York Street, on Saturday, March 23, 2024, in the gym, and runs from 8:00 to 10:30 am. It includes breakfast, some social time, some worship time, and a testimony by Reverend Ross Watters. The breakfast is free and donations towards the cost are appreciated.
Atlantic Baptist Women (ABW) 2024 Summer Employment Opportunity
Applications are now being received for Atlantic Baptist Women’s 2024 Vacation Bible School summer ministry. Employment is available for leaders from May through August 2024. Deadline to apply: March 31, 2024. Atlantic Baptist Women also offers VBS leadership along with curriculum for churches which do not have the leadership to offer a summer VBS program. Deadline to apply: March 31, 2024. For details click on the link:
or contact Joann Sweet via email or by telephone 902-678-4451.
Nashwaaksis United Church
Nashwaaksis United Church, 46 Main Street will be hosting a Stew Takeout on Friday, March 22 from 4:00 – 5:30pm. The menu includes delicious homemade Beef Stew, Rolls and Carrot Cake for dessert. The cost is $15.00. Cut off for reservations is Monday, March 18th. Please call the church office 506-458-9452 or email *please use the front door for pickups*
Holy Cross Chapel
Celebrate the resurrection of our Lord. The university students, together with UNB and STU Campus Ministry, are inviting the public to sing together at 7:00 pm on Easter Monday at Holy Cross Chapel, 845 Montgomery St. United Church
Nashwaaksis United Church, 46 Main Street will be hosting a Stew Takeout on Friday, March 22 from 4:00 – 5:30pm. The menu includes delicious homemade Beef Stew, Rolls and Carrot Cake for dessert. The cost is $15.00. Cut off for reservations is Monday, March 18th. Please call the church office 506-458-9452 or email
*please use the front door for pickups*
Wilmot United Church
Part-time Office Administrator Assistant Position Available at Wilmot United Church: Wilmot United Church in downtown Fredericton is accepting applications for a 10-14 hours per week Church Office Administrator beginning April 1, 2024 (flexibility re: start date & hours). This position is key to creating a welcoming environment as well as the smooth, efficient, and effective functioning of the church. Its focus will be on reception, communication (i.e. social media, website management, newsletter) and general office responsibilities. Skills required include: good interpersonal communication; advance computer proficiency and knowledge of Microsoft Office products; graphics and database software; ability to work independently in an environment subject to frequent interruptions.
27. This Week at BSBC
Please note: FLC stands for Family Life Centre
Wednesday, March 13
10:00 Ladies Exercise (Gym)
10:00 Mandarin New Life Bible Study (Family Room/Kitchenette, 1st Floor, FLC)
12:00 Men’s Basketball (Gym)
5:30 Church Family Potluck (Gym/Main Kitchen)
6:00 Greenhouse Band Practice (Practice Room, 3rd Floor, FLC)
6:30 Youth Bible Study (Assembly Area, 3rd Floor, FLC)
6:30 Scouting Boys K to Grade 5 (Gym/Fellowship Hall)
6:30 Sanctuary Choir/Ensemble Rehearsal (Choir Room, 2nd Floor, Connections Center
7:00 Mandarin Choir Rehearsal (Barnabas Center)
8:00 Youth Handbell Choir (Sanctuary)
Thursday, March 14
7:00 Women’s Prayer Breakfast (Gym/Main Kitchen)
7:00 Men’s Prayer Breakfast (Family Room/Kitchenette, 1st Floor, FLC)
9:00 Benevolent Ministries (By Appointment)
9:00 Days for Girls (KidzTown, 2nd Floor, FLC)
9:30 New Life Ministry (Assembly Area, 3rd Floor, FLC)
12:30 Private Group (Gym)
1:30 Ladies Bible Study “Armor of God” (CB) (Family Room, 1st Floor, FLC)
1:30 Adult Bible Study “Book of John” (MM) (Boardroom, 3rd Floor, FLC)
6:30 Ladies Bible Study “Elijah Faith and Fire” (BV) (Assembly Area, 3rd Floor, FLC)
7:00 GriefShare (Family Room, 1st Floor, FLC)
7:00 Mandarin Choir Rehearsal (Choir Room, 2nd Floor, Connections Center)
Friday, March 15
10:00 Ladies Exercise (Gym)
12:00 Men’s Basketball (Gym)
6:00 Friends Are Us Puppets (Puppet Room, KidzTown, 2nd Floor, FLC)
7:00 Parent Supervised Youth Hang-Out (Gym, Assembly Area, 3rd Floor, FLC)
7:00 Chinese Bible Study and Fellowship (Family Room and KidzTown, FLC)
Saturday, March 16
12:00 Children’s Easter Party (Gym, Sanctuary)
3:00 Gym Setup (Gym)
5:00 Worship Team Practice (Gym)
Sunday, March 17
7:00 Mandarin Prayer Meeting (Boardroom, 2nd Floor, Gym Building)
9:00 Asian Sunday School Class (Boardroom, 2nd Floor, Gym Building)
9:30 Child and Youth Sunday School (Preschool, KidzTown, Assembly Area, FLC)
9:30 Together in Prayer (Family Room, FLC)
9:30 Adult Coffee Time (Family Room, 1st Floor, FLC)
9:30 Library Open Before Services (Connections Center)
10:30 Gym Worship Service (Gym)
10:30 Mandarin Worship Service (Assembly Area, 3rd Floor, FLC)
10:30 Sanctuary Worship Service (Sanctuary)
10:50 Preschool & KidzTown Classes (1st & 2nd Floor, FLC)
11:30 Library Open After Services (Library, Connections Center)
12:00 Reducing the Risk Training (KidzTown, 2nd Floor, FLC)
12:00 Mandarin Choir Practice (Assembly Area, 3rd Floor, FLC)
5:00 Third Sunday Supper (Gym/Main Kitchen)
6:30 Youth Groups (Gym/Assembly Area, 3rd Floor, FLC)
Monday, March 18
10:00 Ladies Exercise (Gym)
12:00 55+ Luncheon (Main Kitchen/Gym)
7:00 Board of Management (Boardroom, 2nd Floor, Gym Bldg.)
Tuesday, March 19
10:00 Pastoral/Planning Meeting (Admin Office)
11:15 Staff Meeting (Boardroom, 3rd Floor, FLC)
12:00 Mandarin Prayer Meeting (Boardroom, 2nd Floor, Gym Building)
1:00 Community Volunteer Income Tax Program (Gym)
1:30 Quilters for Missions (Quilting Room, 2nd Floor, Connections Center)
5:30 Sports Friends Ages 8 to 10 (Gym)
6:30 DivorceCare (Family Room, 1st Floor, FLC)
6:45 Sports Friends Ages 11 to 13 (Gym)
7:00 Fresh Start Young Adults (Assembly Area, 3rd Floor, FLC)
7:00 Mandarin Bible Study (Boardroom, 3rd Floor, FLC)
Wednesday, March 20
10:00 Ladies Exercise (Gym)
10:00 Mandarin New Life Bible Study (Family Room/Kitchenette, 1st Floor, FLC)
12:00 Men’s Basketball (Gym)
5:30 Church Family Potluck (Gym/Main Kitchen)
6:00 Greenhouse Band Practice (Practice Room, 3rd Floor, FLC)
6:30 Hands-In Girls Ministry (KidzTown, 2nd Floor, FLC)
6:30 Youth Bible Study (Assembly Area, 3rd Floor, FLC)
6:30 Scouting Boys K to Grade 5 (Gym/Fellowship Hall)
6:30 Sanctuary Choir/Ensemble Rehearsal (Choir Room, 2nd Floor, Connections Center)
7:00 Mandarin Choir Rehearsal (Barnabas Center)
8:00 Youth Handbell Choir (Sanctuary)