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Our Mission
Experience the Love of Jesus. Live it Out Everywhere.
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The deadline for inclusion in Wednesday’s edition is noon the Monday prior.
In this issue:
Check out what's coming up at BSBC from Nov 8 to 15!
1. Starting Local/Going Global Christmas Project
2. Brunswick Street Baptist Church 2023 Christmas Choir
3. Social Media Coordinator Opportunity
4. Thursday Night Women’s Bible Study
5. Sound Crew Recruiting for Sundays
6. Weekly Financial Countdown
7. Christmas Memorial Poinsettias
8. Scouting Boys Christmas Wreath & Tree Fundraiser
9. Ministry and the Nominating Committee
10. BSBC WMS Celebrating Baptist Women’s Day of Prayer: Nov. 13
11. AED Awareness Training
12. Days for Girls
13. Programming for the Fall
14. Pastoral Care
15. NextGen Ministry @ BSBC (Children/Youth)
16. Fresh Start Young Adults Group
17. This Sunday’s Worship Gatherings: Nov. 12
18. Community Opportunities
19. This Week @ BSBC
1. Starting Local/Going Global Christmas Project
Dear Church Family,
It’s coming up to that time of the year when we consider our ability to be a blessing to others as God blessed us with the precious gift of our Saviour, Jesus Christ. In its 22nd year, our Starting Local/Going Global Christmas Project has been a means of practical blessing in the lives of people living here in Fredericton and another place of need in the world at large. I encourage you to read the following articles which will explain the projects to you and ask you to consider what you can do to bless others in Jesus’ name.
How do you give?
Mark your gift “Starting Local” to support families in our New Life Ministry and our Third Sunday Supper guests. Mark your gift “Going Global” to support vulnerable children and their families in Bolivia through Canadian Baptist Ministries. Gifts marked “SLGG” will be divided equally between the two funds.
It’s only November, but it’s not too early to consider blessing others this Christmas.
Starting Local
Our “Starting Local” campaign supports our New Life Ministry families. This ministry provides a supportive, spiritually encouraging setting where the women who come experience the love of Jesus through our leaders, teaching, prayer and sharing.
Each Christmas, we ask these women to let us know how we can support them in providing gifts and groceries for their households’ Christmas celebration. This year, we will be following the same format as last year. The Starting Local campaign will be a financial one focused on raising the funds needed to purchase gift cards as requested by our New Life Ministry participants. Gift cards empower these families to be able to shop for some extras themselves allowing them to share in the joy of gift giving. We will wrap up our campaign on the first Sunday of Advent at the combined morning service in the sanctuary on December 3rd.
We make sure that each household receives sponsorship at a level equal to the approach of the Salvation Army and Greener Village. And, in addition to supporting our New Life participants, any financial gift you designate as “Starting Local” will allow us to provide a Christmas gift to our friends who attend our Third Sunday Supper ministry and some of our street level neighbours. Many are unable to connect with families and/or friends during the Christmas season. We hope this remembrance will remind them of God’s love and our love during what can be a challenging time.
Going Global
For this year’s Going Global project, we are returning to Bolivia to support vulnerable children and their families through a number of ongoing projects through Canadian Baptist Ministries (CBM).
Almost half of the population of Bolivia is comprised of children and youth, many of whom are living in vulnerable situations in the poorest country in South America.
CBM, in partnership with local churches in Bolivia, has been working to improve the livelihoods of children and families through such projects as the JIREH Street Children, Casa Prison Children, and Children with a Future. These projects provide holistic care for kids including healthy food, medical care, and psychological and spiritual support. Parents also receive support and training to ensure the whole family is being cared for.
God is at work in Bolivia in many exciting ways. Please consider making a donation to this year’s Going Global project to improve the livelihoods of many vulnerable children and their families.
Thank you,
Your Social Action Team
2. Brunswick Street Baptist Church 2023 Christmas Choir
Our purpose is to bring together young and mature singers in our church to offer glory and praise to our Saviour Jesus Christ whose birth we celebrate during the Christmas Season. We want to proclaim the Gospel Message through song so that all may come to know him as their Saviour.
All children from Grade 3 to Senior Adults who enjoy singing.
A Christmas Choir is being formed to provide a special ministry in music for our Blended Family Worship “Starting Local/Going Global” service on Sunday, December 3 at 10:30 am;
To represent BSBC at the “Fredericton Carol Festival” at St. Paul’s United Church on Wednesday, December 6 at 7:30 pm.
Sundays Nov 12, 19 and 26 at 11:45 am –12:10 pm
And, Sunday, Dec 3 at 9:15 am
Rehearsals will be held in the church Choir Room, 2nd Floor, Connections Center.
For more information, please contact David Steeves at or Gloria Tranquilla at
3. Social Media Coordinator Opportunity
Position Outline
The Social Media Coordinator is primarily responsible for developing and managing Brunswick Street Baptist Church’s digital presence.
Position Responsibilities
• Develop and Update the Church Website (
• Manage the Set-Up and Posting of Live-Stream and Pre-Recorded Services
• Manage and Develop Content for the Church’s Facebook and Instagram Accounts
• Edit and Post the Weekly E-Newsletter (i.e., The Banner)
• Video Editing
• Light Graphic Design (working within existing Brand Guidelines)
• Advise Pastoral Staff on Appropriate Promotional Measures for Special Events
Position Accountability
The Social Media Coordinator is responsible to the Board of Deacons.
Terms of the Position
Remuneration for the position is $17.50 per hour, payable upon monthly submission of a detailed invoice for services rendered. It is anticipated that this will be between 25 and 35 hours per month.
How To Apply
Please submit your resume and cover letter to by Tuesday, Nov. 14.
4. Thursday Night Women’s Bible Study: Corrie Ten Boom’s The Hiding Place
The Thursday Night Women’s Bible Study has started a new book study on Thursday, November 2nd. We are looking at Corrie Ten Boom’s The Hiding Place. This study is open to all women in the church. We meet in the conference room above the gym from 6:30-8pm.
For this week only, we will be meeting on Saturday, November 11 from 1:00 - 2:30 pm. For more information, please email Bo Vinh-Doyle.
5. Sound Crew for Sundays
Have you ever wanted to serve in one of our worship services but behind the scenes? Have you ever wondered how the soundboard works in service? Have you ever wanted to learn a new skill?
Both of our gym and sanctuary worship services are in need of volunteers to serve on the sound desk. If you feel that this is an area you could help and are willing to serve, please speak with David Nesbitt, Anthony Brown, or Pastor Ross. All volunteers are welcome, and training will be provided.
6. Weekly Financial Countdown
7. Christmas Memorial Poinsettias
This Christmas season we invite you to help us beautify our worship spaces with a Poinsettia placed in honour or in memory of someone you love. Poinsettias will be placed the first Sunday in December and stay throughout the season. Plants will be $20 each.
To order your plant, please look for the “Christmas Memorial Poinsettias” envelopes in the Connections Center. Be sure to fill out all information on the envelope to ensure your donation gets awarded to the proper location. We will acknowledge the plants in the loop on Sunday, Dec. 17 and in the newsletter on Wednesday, Dec. 20. For more information, please contact the church office at
8. Scouting Boys Christmas Wreath & Tree Fundraiser
The BSBC Scouting groups are selling decorated choice balsam fir Christmas wreaths ($15) this year. Christmas trees are also available ($45-$55) and can be delivered until Dec 16th. This is the Scouting groups’ only event to raise funds for camp equipment, outdoor activities, and community service. Order forms are available in the church on the gym foyer bulletin board.
Completed order forms can be left in the church mail box of Dale Wilson. Order deadline for wreaths is Nov. 29th and trees Dec. 6th. We accept payment by Cash, e-transfer ( or cheque (payable to: 1st Fredericton BPSA). Please make payment at the time of your order.
For information or to order by phone, please call Dale Wilson at 506-458-1402.
9. Ministry and the Nominating Committee
Want to know something about the ministry of the Nominating Committee at BSBC? Then read on!!
BSBC provides many ministries to the church body and to the community. The work is carried out by Boards, Committees, and Teams that are approved by the church. The overall governance of the church is based on the Brunswick Street Baptist Church Constitution (available through the Church Office).
As general background, those nominated to serve on the Board of Management, and the Committees within the church must be members of BSBC. Those nominated to serve on the Teams within the church may be a member or an adherent of BSBC, subject to the condition that the majority of those on a Team are members of the church. Those nominated to serve on the Board of Deacons are selected by a Special Nominating Committee.
The terms of those serving on the Board of Management, Committees and Teams are presented on pages 37 to 39 in the 2022 Annual Report and the details related to the responsibilities of each position are presented in the Church Constitution dated February 22, 2023.
The Nominating Committee considers individuals for each position. Then the committee prayerfully considers all of the names brought forward for each position and selects the nominees after prioritizing the names for that position. The Nominating Committee reaches out to confirm interest with each nominee. With their approval, the name of the nominee for each position is presented to the Annual Church Business Meeting in February for approval.
Members of the Nominating Committee for selecting nominees for the year 2024 are: Doris Ashfield, Dale Bray, Mary Kaye, Heather McAllister, Ron McMullin, Keith Thompson, Stephen VanSlyke (Board of Deacons Representative), and Roger Kierstead (Board of Management Representative).
Your Nominating Committee
October 19, 2023
10. BSBC WMS Celebrating Baptist Women’s Day of Prayer: Nov. 13
On Monday, Nov 13, at 2:00 pm, the Brunswick Street Baptist Church Women’s Missionary Society will be celebrating the Baptist Women’s Day of Prayer. This celebration is open to all, whether male or female. We will also be having our regular meeting as well. We look forward to seeing you there.
Respectfully submitted,
Harriett McNeill
11. AED Awareness Training
You are invited to attend a demonstration of how to use our AED & a short review of the basics of CPR.
Dates: Sunday, November 12th – OR – Sunday, November 19th
Time: Right after church for about 45 minutes
Place: Meet in the Connection Centre (then we will proceed to Kidz Town)
Thank you,
Roz Thompson & Cheryl Gibson
Parish Nurses
12. Days for Girls
Twice a month on a Thursday morning, volunteers from the “New Brunswick Days For Girls” team gather at Brunswick Street Baptist Church. We make lovely, high-quality, washable, reusable, feminine hygiene kits.
Days For Girls (DfG) is an award winning, international nonprofit organization that helps girls stay in school and retain dignity, giving back important days of their lives. Many girls in developing countries miss school during their periods because they do not have what they need to manage their periods; many eventually drop out. With Days For Girls kits, girls and women are provided with access to sustainable feminine hygiene products, designed to last for 3-5 years, as well as valuable menstrual health education. Days For Girls International was founded in 2010, and to date over one million kits have been created and distributed to girls and women around the world.
Our New Brunswick team was established in 2021, and in 2022 we were welcomed by Brunswick Street Baptist Church where we were provided with a beautiful, bright space to gather and have our workdays. We typically have 10 to 12 volunteers arrive for each workday. We spend the day cutting fabric, pinning, sewing, serging, and eventually assembling kits. This month we will have completed 500 kits since we formed our group 16 months ago. We are so appreciative of the welcoming space at BSBC which allows us to do this important work. We welcome visitors to drop in and see what we do, see a sample kit, and of course we always welcome new volunteers to our team.
It is estimated that each kit involves 5 hours of volunteer time to sew and construct. We are so fortunate to have such a dedicated group of volunteers on our New Brunswick team! Most of us meet biweekly at BSBC for workdays, and we also have several volunteers who complete tasks at home. We offer a BIG thank you to Shirley Dunfield for matching the ribbon to the bags and doing such a great job!
Kit assembly days are special, as everything comes together for the final product. When the kits are ready, we contact the DfG distribution coordinator for Canada to determine where they will be sent and arrange for shipping. In the past we have sent kits with World Vision to Somalia, and also sent kits to schoolgirls in South Sudan.
In order to purchase the materials and supplies to make the kits, we raise our own funds. Would you like to sponsor a NB team DfG kit in the name of someone on your Christmas gift list? The cost to sponsor one kit is $15. Each $15 donation provides a kit to a girl or woman in need, and you receive a special “Their Gift is Your Gift” postcard which you can give to the person on your list. The person on your list receives a postcard telling them that a girl has received a complete menstrual kit which will change her life for three years. These special cards can be used any time of the year.
If you or someone you know would like to sponsor a beautiful DfG kit, please contact Liz or Julie by email at You can email or drop in to see us on Thursday, Nov 9, for more information.
13. Programming for the Fall
If you would like more information on our Fall Programming, please visit our website at or click the button below.
14. Pastoral Care
Your Deacons want to affirm that BSBC is equipped to provide Pastoral Care. We are grateful for the engagement of Pastor Ross and Pastor Nikki, and we are blessed to have additional support from Rev. Kevin Culberson, the Baptist Chaplin at the Dr. Everett Chalmers Hospital.
Here are some suggested approaches:
• Your pastors will only know of hospitalizations if the church office or individual pastors are contacted directly
• We’d appreciate you notifying the office if you know of the hospitalization of a member of the BSBC family
Critical Incident
• If a pastor is needed in an emergency situation, between Monday to Friday, 8:30 am and 4 pm, please contact the church office
• Outside of office hours, please contact a pastor directly
• Pastor Ross and Rev. Kevin will be available to support families at a time of loss, to conduct funeral and committal services
• Contact the church office during office hours, Monday to Friday, 8:30 am to 4 pm
• Outside of office hours, please contact a pastor directly
• We have provided McAdams, Bishops, and York Funeral Homes with the contact information for both Pastor Ross and Rev. Kevin
• If you are not a member of a bereaved family but know of a death within the BSBC family, please contact the church office to make sure your pastors are aware of the need
Contact Details
Church Office
Pastor Ross Watters
Pastor Nikki Leftley
Rev. Kevin Culberson
Denise Mersereau, Chair of Deacons
Please pray for our pastoral care team as they seek to partner with you in caring for the BSBC family.
Your Board of Deacons
15. NextGen Ministry
Children @ BSBC
Scouting Boys Elementary, Aged 5-10 years: Wednesdays, 6:30 – 8:30 pm (Gym)
BSBC offers a scouting program for boys from kindergarten to Grade 5. Outdoor adventures, fun activities, and community service projects are used to teach boys how to live the great commission and to love God and our neighbours. Meetings will be held weekly in the church gym. For more information, please contact the church office at 458-8348 or
Sunday School: Sundays, 9:30 – 10:15 am
We welcome all of our youth and children to join us at 9:30 am! Please bring your children to their respective areas. There will be someone in the Connection Center to help direct you to the correct location. Please remember to pick up your children from their classrooms at 10:15 am. Our children will be joining us in our worship services until 10:45 am.
Hands-In Girls Ministry: Wednesday, November 15
All girls kindergarten to grade 5 are welcome to join Allie Dunfield and her leaders for an evening of games, fun, fellowship and diving into the word! Join us on Wednesday, November 15 at 6:30 pm! For more information please reach out to Allie Dunfield at
YOUTH GROUP: Sunday Evenings 6:30 – 8:30 pm
Youth group will be happening on Sunday evenings from 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm with doors open at 6:00 pm in the sanctuary. The new format will run both high school and middle school youth in simultaneous and separate events.
Middle schoolers will remain in the sanctuary for their large theme event from 6:30 – 7:30 pm. We will branch out to the gym and fellowship hall or other areas in the church as necessary. At 7:30 pm, the middle school youth will move to the assembly area, 3rd floor, FLC for a chat and devotional from 7:30 – 8:00 pm, moving into a hangout time from 8:00 – 8:30 pm. The youth group evening will end at 8:30 pm when parents pick up their youth.
High schoolers will be in the assembly area, 3rd floor, FLC from 6:30 – 7:00 pm for a hangout time and moving into a chat and devotional from 7:00 – 7:30 pm. The high school youth will move to the sanctuary, gym, or fellowship hall for their large theme event from 7:30 – 8:30 pm. The youth group evening will end at 8:30 pm when parents pick up their youth.
Youth @ BSBC
Youth Bible Study: Tonight Wednesday, 6:30 – 8 pm (Third floor)
Tonight, we will be chatting about our next series that we will be doing as a youth Bible study group. Youth grades 6 – 12 are welcome to join Alyse Wilton & Pastor Nikki for Bible study on Wednesday evenings from 6:30 – 8:00 pm. Even if you did not come last week, you are welcome to come this week, all are welcome! For more information, please reach out to Pastor Nikki at
Greenhouse Band/Youth Choir: Wednesdays, 6 pm (Barnabas Center)
If you are a middle school or high school student interested in learning to sing or play instruments at our monthly Greenhouse Services and/or special events in the Gym and Sanctuary, rehearsal times are from 6:00 – 6:30 pm. No previous experience necessary in order to join! Please contact Julianne Moore,, text (506) 261-0876.
Youth Group 90s Night: Sunday, November 12, 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm
This coming Sunday, we have a 90s themed night. Youth are invited to come dressed in their best 90s attire, join leaders and friends in playing youth group games from the 90s - some are familiar favorites and others are new! If you have any questions, please contact Pastor Nikki at All those grades 6 – 12 are welcome and please invite your friends. We look forward to seeing you Sunday at 6:30 pm!
Scouting Boys Grades 6 – 12: Thursday, November 16, 7 – 9 pm (Gym)
BSBC offers a bi-weekly scouting program for middle and high school boys, aged 11 – 18 years. The middle and high school group will meet bi-weekly on Thursday evenings, next evening is November 16. For more information, please contact the church office at 458-8348 or It is not too late to register your boys for this program!
Youth Group And Third Sunday Supper: November 19, New Time:
On Sunday, November 19, the Youth Group will be making dinner, serving and cleaning up for the Third Sunday Supper ministry. This will be a different time than normal as the serving of dinner is 5:00 pm – 6:00 pm. Youth are invited to join prior to help make dinner, or help with serving, and help with clean up afterwards. If you youth would like to serve in this way, please email Pastor Nikki at
Friends Are Us Puppets: Friday Evening Practice Will Resume in January
Have you ever wondered how a puppet show gets made? All middle and high school youth are invited to join Chris Graves for an hour of fun and fellowship while using our puppets.
16. Fresh Start Young Adults Group
Our Young Adults ministry, Fresh Start, continues to meet on Tuesday nights from 7:00 - 9:00 pm on the 3rd floor of the Family Life Center. Come along for snacks and social time followed by a Bible study. We would love to see you there!
Please contact Pastor Ross for details.
17. This Sunday’s Worship Gatherings: Nov. 12
This Sunday, the gym worship service will be under the musical leadership of Allie D and team. Dr. Keith will be speaking on the Parable of the Sower found in Mark 4:1 – 20.
In the sanctuary, the worship service will under the musical leadership of Gloria Tranquilla, pianist, and David Steeves, organist, and featuring Maureen & Peter Steeves and the Sanctuary Choir. Reverend Ross will be continuing his preach in the Growing Young series.
Whether in-person or online, be sure to join us this Sunday morning at 10:30 a.m.
18. Community Events
Dance Fredericton Danse Inc.
Dance Fredericton Danse Inc, a nonprofit organization, is accepting donations of outerwear which can pass for Victorian Era garments for use in their Nutcracker ballet.
What: Adult and youth sizes, male and female. Wool peacoats, fur coats, velvet/velour or corduroy. No down coats or modern look materials please.
Where: Items can be dropped off at the Dance Fredericton studio at 20 York Street (door off of the back parking lot of the Justice building, near the blue storage container)
When: Saturday, Nov. 11 from 3:00 - 4:30 pm
St. Paul’s United Church
St. Paul’s UCW is hosting a Christmas Bazaar on November 18th from 9am -12pm. Come do some Christmas shopping and pick up some tasty baking, crafts, books, puzzles and have a coffee and muffin. Donations of gently used items and baking are welcome and can be dropped of at the church Monday-Thursday between 8am-3pm and Friday between 8am-1pm.
Nashwaaksis United Church
LAUGHING ALL THE WAY COMEDY AND CAROLS SHOW - A Christmas Comedy and Carols experience for the whole family!
Nashwaaksis United Church, 46 Main Street, , will be hosting Laughing All The Way comedy show. Comedian Leland Klassen and Nashville recording artist Dan Macauly, bring an evening of standup comedy, Christmas carols, musical silliness and improv. This one of a kind Christmas event is designed to be friendly to all- young and old, church attenders or not. It is only one of 3 to be held in our province.
Tickets are $20.00 for adults and $10.00 for children 12 and under. Please contact the church office at 506-458-9452 for more information or to purchase tickets.
Green Hill Lake Camp
We are excited to announce our family dinner Christmas at the Lake. Dinner will take place Saturday, November 25th, storm date Dec 2nd, from 4:00 – 6:00 pm, at the campsite, 40 Greenhill Lake Road, Greenhill Lake, NB. For more information, please email
19. This Week at BSBC
Please note: FLC stands for Family Life Centre
Wednesday, Nov 8
10:00 Ladies Exercise (Gym)
10:00 Mandarin New Life Bible Study (Family Room, 1st Floor, FLC)
12:00 Men’s Basketball (Gym)
12:30 Invitation to Pray (Sanctuary)
5:30 Church Family Potluck (Gym/Main Kitchen)
6:00 Greenhouse Band/Youth Choir (Barnabas Center)
6:30 Youth Bible Study (Assembly Area, 3rd Floor, FLC)
6:30 Scouting Boys K-Grade 5 (Gym/Fellowship Hall)
6:30 Choir/Ensemble Rehearsal (Choir Room, 2nd Floor, Connections Center)
Thursday, Nov 9
7:00 Women’s Prayer Breakfast (Family Room, 1st Floor, FLC)
7:00 Men’s Prayer Breakfast (Gym/Main Kitchen)
9:00 Benevolent Ministry (By Appointment)
9:00 Days for Girls (KidzTown, 2nd Floor, FLC)
9:30 New Life Ministry (Assembly Area, 3rd Floor, FLC)
1:30 Cancelled This Week - Book of John Bible Study with M. McMulkin (Assembly Area, 3rd Floor, FLC)
1:30 Ladies Bible Study with C. Bray (Family Room, 1st Floor, FLC)
4:30 Nominating Committee (Boardroom, 3rd Floor, FLC)
6:30 Changed to Saturday This Week - Ladies Bible Study on C. Ten Boom’s The Hiding Place with B. Vinh-Doyle (Assembly Area, 3rd Floor, FLC)
6:30 Handbell Choir (Sanctuary)
6:30 GriefShare (Family Room, 1st Floor, FLC)
7:00 Mandarin Choir (Choir Room, 2nd Floor, Connections Center)
Friday, Nov 10
10:00 Ladies Exercise (Gym)
12:00 Men’s Basketball (Gym)
7:00 Mandarin Fellowship (Family Room/KidzTown, FLC)
7:00 Parent Supervised Youth Hang-Out (Gym/Main Kitchen and Assembly Area, 3rd Floor, FLC)
Saturday, Nov 11
Remembrance Day
10:00 Gym Setup (Gym)
1:00 Worship Team Practice (Gym)
1:00 Ladies Bible Study on C. Ten Boom’s The Hiding Place with B. Vinh-Doyle (Assembly Area, 3rd Floor, FLC)
Sunday, Nov 12
7:00 Mandarin Prayer Meeting (Boardroom, 2nd Floor, Gym Building)
9:00 Asian Sunday School Class (Boardroom, 2nd Floor, Gym Building)
9:30 Adult Coffee Time (Family Room/Connections Center, 1st Floor, FLC)
9:30 Together in Prayer (Counselling Room, 2nd Floor, Gym Building)
9:30 Child & Youth Sunday School (Preschool/KidzTown/Assembly Area, FLC)
10:30 Contemporary Worship Service (Gym)
10:30 Mandarin Worship Service (Assembly Area, 3rd Floor, FLC)
10:30 Sanctuary Worship Service (Sanctuary)
10:50 KidzTown and Preschool Classes (1st & 2nd Floors, FLC)
11:30 Library Open (Connections Center)
12:00 AED Training (KidzTown, 2nd Floor, FLC)
1:00 Mandarin Gathering (Assembly Area, 3rd Floor, FLC)
6:30 Middle & High School Youth Groups (Gym/Assembly Area, 3rd Floor, FLC)
Monday, Nov 13
Church Offices Closed in Observance of Remembrance Day
2:00 WMS (Assembly Area, 3rd Floor, FLC)
6:30 Education Committee (Assembly Area, 3rd Floor, FLC)
Tuesday, Nov 14
10:00 Pastoral/Planning Meeting (Admin Office)
11:15 Staff Meeting (Boardroom, 3rd Floor, FLC)
12:00 Mandarin Prayer Meeting (Boardroom, 2nd Floor, Gym Building)
1:30 Quilters for Missions (Quilting Room, 2nd Floor, Connections Center)
5:30 Sports Friends 8-10 Years (Gym)
6:00 L’Arche Board Meeting (Boardroom, 2nd Floor, Gym Building)
6:30 Sports Friends 11-13 Years (Gym)
6:30 DivorceCare (Family Room, 1st Floor, FLC)
7:00 Fresh Start Young Adult Ministry (Family Room, 1st Floor, FLC)
Wednesday, Nov 15
10:00 Ladies Exercise (Gym)
10:00 Mandarin New Life Bible Study (Family Room, 1st Floor, FLC)
12:00 Men’s Basketball (Gym)
5:30 Church Family Potluck (Gym/Main Kitchen)
6:00 Greenhouse Band/Youth Choir (Barnabas Center)
6:30 Hands-In Girls Ministry (KidzTown, 2nd Floor, FLC)
6:30 Youth Bible Study (Assembly Area, 3rd Floor, FLC)
6:30 Scouting Boys K-Grade 5 (Gym/Fellowship Hall)
6:30 Choir/Ensemble Rehearsal (Choir Room, 2nd Floor, Connections Center)