A Thank You From Our Friends at 12 Neighbours

Marcel Lebrun, Founder

Hi Greg, and friends. 

This is exciting. I can picture the meeting when you mention the applause after the vote. What is exciting is that my vision for this work is to build community and connection between the church, businesses, government and our marginalized neighbours and so it is a much bigger vision than just providing housing. The fact that you can feel a part of this is the exact thing we want to accomplish. We all “get” to do this. As we allow the light of Christ to dispel darkness, our own darkness turns to noon day (Isaiah 58:10). 

Thank you for your generous contribution. 


Steve Patterson, Director of Community

Dear BSBC,

We at 12 Neighbours have been blessed by support from so many sources, and it warms my heart to know that BSBC has stepped up to make this significant and generous offering that will not only contribute to my work as Director of Community, but will also help to transform lives as people transition from living homeless to being stably housed.

Part of my personal approach in my new role will be to attempt to see our vulnerable neighbours through the lens of Christ. Our identity in Christ is something we understand but sometimes have a hard time employing in our everyday lives. For people who have lived on the margins for years, their identity has become so marred with poverty, trauma and brokenness that these things become their identity and they wear them wherever they go.  

At 12 Neighbours we are offering opportunities where the focus is strengths-based encouragement as we "do with" rather than "do for" our residents building skills and setting goals while working toward positive change. I hope to practice as an "archaeologist of the Imago Dei." Striving and encouraging each person to come to the understanding they are valued and appreciated and have something to offer in the community and beyond, and to literally help uncover the Image of God that we all bear as God's unique creations.

Thank you all so much for your support in this important endeavour!  

With Love and Respect, 

Pastor Steve

Learn more 

To learn more about 12 Neighbours visit www.12neighbours.com.


Cooking With Anna Marie: March 10


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