A Message from Jon
Hello church!
I want to lead off with a thank you... for you! Thank you for supporting and encouraging me, the other Pastoral Staff, and our Board of Deacons at this time. I have appreciated hearing from students and parents with words of support and suggestions for how to improve our ministries in this season. This is an unprecedented time of creative solutions and these words of support and encouragement (plus a few critiques) have been so helpful.
One such creative solution has been our online services. Even though the format presents some challenges, It has been wonderful to see so many students and families involved in our weekly services online. From scripture readings, to leading worship, and even painting Easter Eggs, I have loved being able to see our students involved in the larger BSBC community. All of the credit must go to Pastor Greg, Anthony, and everyone else who has made these services a possibility - it would not happen without them!
Online communication has enabled us to carry on, not as we used to, but with a surprising sense of normality. Until we can triumphantly come together again, we have found some good solutions to remedy our inability to meet as the Youth Bible Study and the Youth Group in online video calls and a weekly blog entry.
On Friday nights our middle and high school students meet for a Youth Group hangout. This is a time to connect with one another, share some stories, do an activity/game, and hear some encouragement in a devotional. It may not sound like much to read about but there’s nothing quite like the chaos of 20 people on a video chat who just want to share about their day and hear the same from others. It’s a blessing that I never expected to receive.
Furthermore, on Wednesday nights Alyse and I (plus some all star leaders) meet for an online Bible Study with our middle and high school students. We are reading through Colossians and discussing it together. It’s a plain and simple Bible study, no videos or study guide, just Scripture, the Holy Spirit, and each other. As we go through each chapter of Colossians, nearly verse by verse, I am struck by how the Holy Spirit is moving and instructing our students. If you were unaware, we have some exceptionally insightful students. (I mean it guys!)
We are reading Colossians chapter 3 this week if anyone wishes to follow along.
One of the bigger frustrations that I have heard recently is that there’s nothing to do and some are feeling like they can not serve as they used to - which is undeniably true. However, I believe that one of the things that God has been teaching me through COVID-19 is that His CHURCH - all Christians - must be connected to the community. Right now we are extremely limited in how we can interact with our neighbours (please continue to follow the government's “best practices”) but one thing that we can always do is pray.
We need to be praying for our communities to come to God and for our own relationships with God to grow in this season. We all want to be part of something and I believe that something is the work of the gospel in our communities. We have been placed exactly where we need to be in this time of self isolation. I want to invite you to join with our BSBC Youth and families and go for a prayer walk in your neighbourhood every Friday afternoon. Keep things simple, follow the best practices for social distance, and feel free to take a photo of yourself or your neighbourhood and share them with us!
I hope that this (not so) short update has encouraged you as you’ve read about all that is happening with our youth. Our BSBC Youth Leaders and myself are continuing to navigate what ministry looks like in this time of social isolation. If you would like to hear more of my personal thoughts on what this time of self-isolation means for the CHURCH and how we can respond as individuals in this time of self-isolation you can read my weekly BSBC Youth Blog posts.
There are still ways for us to stay connected to each other. Please be affirmed that COVID-19 was not a surprise to God. We are exactly where we need to be, whether we like it or not. Keep praying, reading scripture, and praising God for all He has done and will continue to do. We are the CHURCH and we are not alone in our self-isolation, Jesus and the Holy Spirit are by our side.
Now, more than ever, in this time of self-isolation we must draw near to Jesus for hope and strength. Please be encouraged that as we keep our physical distance from each other, we are saving lives.
Every time we meet with the student’s online I offer these encouragements that I think we could all stand to hear: “Stay connected, give someone a phone call if you can, drink a glass of water, and I’ll see you next time!”
God bless,
Jon Wilton
Interim Youth & Young Adult Coordinator