We need your input
In late October, Pastor Greg preached a sermon based on 1 Corinthians 12 where Paul teaches about the importance of each individual member of the Body of Christ.
This passage flies in the face of any sense that an individual brother or sister lacks importance in the effective operation of the Church. Our church family has been put together by God to fulfill His purposes, from the corner of Brunswick and York Streets and beyond.
In the month of November, we’re looking to each of you to give us a snapshot of what you see as Brunswick Street Baptist Church’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOT).
Why a SWOT analysis?
A SWOT analysis allows us to take a step back and learn what we’re doing well, where we can improve, what opportunities are available to us and what threats we should be aware of.
As we embark on the next chapter of Brunswick Street Baptist Church, the perspective we gain from this process will help shape our future under God.
How can you take part?
Step 1: The brainstorm
Get together with your family, friends, small groups, teams, committees or boards and spend an hour in discussion.
Here are a few questions to help you get you started:
What do we do well?
What qualities differentiate us?
What resources are part of our strengths (e.g. knowledgeable staff, volunteers, facilities, etc.)
What isn’t working well?
What could be improved?
What resources are we lacking?
What opportunities can we take advantage of?
What can we leverage given the strengths of our church family?
What does our community need from the church?
Where can we implement new technologies, programs or innovations to help us achieve our mission?
What could stand in the way of achieving our mission?
What threats to our ministry should we pay attention to?
Step 2: Share your takeaways
Send your takeaways to receptionist@bsbc.nb.ca or drop off a hard copy at the church office by the end of November.
Your feedback will be compiled and reviewed by our pastors and deacons. At our February annual meeting, they will share a detailed ministry presentation based on these findings.
Thank you
Please pray that many will be inspired to engage in this process and that this will be an engagement that will prepare us for deeper reflection and sharing in 2021 — as we look further down the road.